Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Dr. Faith, addresses feelings of stress and depression, encouraging listeners to take steps to improve their lives. She emphasizes that everyone has a purpose and destiny and urges them to take action and fulfill their potential. Dr. Faith shares her personal experience of gaining weight during lockdown and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. She recommends going to the gym, exercising, and getting a personal trainer for motivation and support. She concludes by urging listeners to get up off the couch and live a full and healthy life. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-Minute Gospel. I'm Dr. Faith, your host, and now for today's word. Are you feeling a little bit stressed? Maybe even depressed? Have you been in a place where you just don't feel like yourself lately? You don't feel like doing anything. You don't really feel like going anywhere. You think you need to go someplace because you've been on lockdown for over two years and you're just wondering, how do you get started again? Maybe you don't know who to trust anymore because the whole world, it seems like there's a whole, well, you know, let's not go there. But yet, you know that there's something that you have to do. There's some changes that you need to make, some steps that you need to take to move out of where you are to where you need to be. You see, God puts you in this earth for a reason and you still have breath in your body and that's the breath that God breathed back in Genesis. There is only one breath to breathe and that's God's breath and you are still breathing for a reason. You have purpose and destiny. I don't care regardless of your age and in spite and despite what you've gone through, God still wants to live and breathe and move through you. He has a plan for your life like he told Jeremiah, a plan to do you good, to give you a hope in a future. There is a mission on the inside of you. There is a perfect package that God has prepared to release to the earth through you. There are people who are waiting to hear your voice and they won't move until you speak up. There's books that you have to write, songs that you must sing, dances that you must dance, messages that you must teach and preach and businesses for you to build, but you can't do it by sitting on the couch. You've got to get up and you've got to move. You've got to move the body because faith without corresponding action is dead. The book of James tells us that faith without works is dead being alone. You believe God, but he said, I believe God, but I'm working. I'm doing something about it. Over the past couple of years, personally, I found myself eating whatever I wanted to eat, doing what I could do at home and trying to keep myself safe as well as family members safe and I found myself expanding in the wrong direction. Yeah, business was doing good and ministry was doing good. I was able to release the book and if you haven't gotten it by the way, it's Our Father's DNA, the number one Bible companion on Amazon. You can get it there, but I found myself also doing something that I didn't like doing and that was gaining weight, gaining weight and gaining weight slows you down because if you're not used to it and nobody really should be used to gaining unhealthy weight, but I found myself in a place that I did not like. I don't like not being able to put on my favorite clothes and they feeling too tight. I own that. I realized that I had just been eating, you know, I'm down south eating corn bread and beans and cooking for my dad and my sister and I justified it like many of you are justifying it today like, oh yeah, I was just hungry so I ate that, you know, but you know, we're in a place right now that we have to come to terms with ourselves. We have to reason with our own self and decide and it is a decision. Make a decision that we're going to live better because God lives inside of each and every one of you and because God has chosen to make you his residents, we owe it to him to live as healthy as possible in these bodies. So the number one thing I did for myself and I do suggest it for those whose doctors will agree for them to do so is to go back to the gym, go walking, do some form of exercise, but you got to get up. First of all, you got to get up. I've engaged a personal trainer, Farron Luster, over 24-7 and I believe he has clients at Motivation and some other places, but we've got Streamline in town. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, let's take advantage of these gyms. You know what I mean. Join them. You need motivation. You need encouragement. Get your personal trainer, somebody like Farron who will help you get to where you need to go. All I needed to do was to get moving and when I met Farron that day and I thought I'm signing up right now because I know I need to get moving and the more I moved, the more energetic I became and now I'm plugged in. I've been going for like six plus weeks now. I don't know how long, but I'm telling you it is part of my routine now. So just jump in. Get up off the couch. Let's get you going so you can live a full and healthy life like the one that God has ordained. I'm Dr. Faye and this is Faith Alive in 5, the 5-Minute Gospel.