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cover of TCA Tue18Jun24 - @myaltar 2 - Apst J Sitrhole
TCA Tue18Jun24 - @myaltar 2 - Apst J Sitrhole

TCA Tue18Jun24 - @myaltar 2 - Apst J Sitrhole

Bethsaida Word Centre



Church Business Transactions and Supporting Black-Owned Businesses He urged the congregation to refrain from conducting business transactions with the church, as it disturbs the sacredness of the place. He also encouraged supporting Christian and black-owned businesses as a principle. The emphasis was on the church being a place for receiving blessings, not a place for making profit or doing business.


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The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker emphasizes the importance of the altar and its significance in receiving blessings from God. - The story of Jacob is used as an example to illustrate the power of the altar. - The speaker warns against doing business with the church, as it goes against the purpose of the altar. - The speaker encourages individuals to be aware of the sacredness of the church and to approach it with reverence. - The speaker shares personal principles of supporting black-owned and Christian-owned businesses. - The speaker discusses their own experiences at the mall and how some pastors show reverence and seek blessings when encountering them. The main idea is that the altar is a sacred place where offerings and pledges are made, and that it should be approached with reverence and respect. The speaker also warns against using the church for personal gain and emphasizes the importance of supporting black-owned and Christian-owned businesses. Oh speak from your heavens and the earth will hear Oh speak from your heavens and the earth will hear Cause my faith is calling you, oh God My faith is calling you, oh God Oh speak from your heavens and I'll hear from the earth Oh speak from your heavens and I'll hear from the earth My altar is calling you, oh God My altar is calling you, oh God Take my praise, take my praise Take my praise from my grateful heart Oh take my praise from my grateful heart Yeah Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah Yeah, yeah Oh God, my praise is calling you Oh God Um, we are at day two at my altar, hashtag at my altar Um, we have established that um, where our altar is um, heaven meet earth We also announced that where your altar is that's where you make pledges and offerings We also announced that where your altar is um, you draw power um, all round success Number four, we said where your altar is um, that's where um, you you are, you create a lifestyle of your desires, according to your desires And number five, we also said where your altar is your destiny is revealed and fulfilled Now we are at day two where we are talking about uh, the where your altar is It's a place of pledges and offerings Um, we always have a difficulty We will use the scripture of um, Jacob again in the book of Genesis where Jacob is running away from the blood of Esau He's on his way to his uncle's place, Laban and he sleeps at one place, he's tired, he just finds a rock and he uses it as a pillow but little did he know that that place was an altar because Abraham, uh, earlier in the years had built an altar there So, God respects such physical places He saw God, he saw angels moving up and down and he woke up, he said, I just didn't know that God is in this place and he made a pledge to God and he said, God if you give me success where I'm going I will come back here and give you the tenth of everything I've got and when he went to his uncle he stayed there for something like twenty years and God gave him success in a sense that he there was wealth transfer, all the wealth of Laban came up to him, God gave him success and he came and fulfilled his pledge of giving God the tenth of all that he had received and when God appeared to him right there at his uncle he reminded him that I'm the God of Bethel I'm the God of my house and God gave him business ideas there He gave him a business formula that cost all the wealth of Laban to come over him and also to to be wealthy to the point that the sons of Laban envied him because they realized that he has just taken all the wealth because he served the God Bethel in other words where your altar is is your place of of blessings that's where you make offerings that's where you make pledges and you make offerings the Bible says Jesus also talked about the power of the altar they would say before you get to the altar and before you make an offering at the altar go and reconcile with your brother he recognized the altar as a place of offerings now ladies and gentlemen when you enter the things of God in church also when you meet the very facilitator or the dispensing agent which is the priest when we talk about the priest in the New Testament we are talking about the five-fold ministry that's now inefficient when we talk about the five-fold ministry we're talking about apostle, teacher, prophet evangelist and so on that is the five-fold ministry these are dispensing agents of blessings and so on and just for a reminder an altar is not just the physical place which is now your church your place of prayer and so on also we must consider that human beings are altars that are born again because the Bible says you are the temple of God Amen so you are the temple of the Holy Ghost now as a human being you can become an altar because you are a mobile temple of God because according to the Bible in the Old Testament a place where there's an altar that was the temple where they would make sacrifices and offerings ladies and gentlemen let me warn you this morning I'm teaching you this thing that always when you do things for the church refrain from doing business with church can I repeat this? Amen refrain from doing business with church because immediately you start doing that you are not recognizing the altar church is the place where you must receive blessings when you offer Amen it's not a place where you are going to do business you come and do business in church that's not a place to do business church is a place it's an altar it's a place where you need to get the blessings of God Amen it always disturbs me when I look at people who want to do business with church and by so doing I don't say let me put it this way I'm not saying that we need as a church we must take advantage of people and they come to church whenever they offer a service and then the church does not pay them because it is a place of an offerings we don't work like that I always look at the mindset of an individual when he comes and does a service for God whether he's serving through skills or he's bringing something or he's doing deco or he's doing catering and so on I always check the mindset if the mindset of a person is that of charging putting invoices and making profit out of your own altar the only way you can make profit out of your own altar is through offerings Amen it's so quiet Amen I'm teaching you I'm teaching you as a father teaching his own children that at the altar that's where we get blessings and that's where we get blessings and now we must teach our children that hey guys whenever you know they you know I think the world has because the devil is a copycat of the things of God he copies the things of God you look at the cults you look at the cults I always look at the cults like Bobo's HCC the people that work in the garage of the church there most of them are not paid the people that go into into the fields there and they do the fields of the church and so on most of them are not paid and then we know for a fact that they will go in groups women will go in groups to the fields that belong to the church there to go and work and so on you know, sinners who don't know God but you find that these ones who speak in tongues who should be conscious that always when they are in the ground of God when you look at those cults and so on in Passover you will find that a person will drive his brand new car into the area ya ya ya ya ya ya that cult and then dust this guy will drive the whole week with the dust on his car because he believes that that dust from a cult is bringing blessings on him and the car I'm just using wild examples Amen but a Christian when he walks into the yard of the church he doesn't even understand that here stands the altar of God I'm on the ground, I'm on holy ground so now, ladies and gentlemen let us be conscious of the fact that when you are in church you are in a place a holy place and that's where your altar is and you've got to understand that this place is a place where I make offerings Amen Am I talking to somebody? I've been a pastor of the church for all these years I've never taken advantage of anyone OK I don't do that I will always operate by how you think If you think you've got to give a church an invoice thank you the church will do so you have missed a blessing because we give you a physical thing you are in the altar you just missed an opportunity to be blessed Amen Amen Even when I get to your businesses I'm a moving altar even when I get to a business I don't really take advantage of people because I'm a pastor and so on they must give me a free service well, it's a matter of a principle here in our family first, we support black business number two, we support Christian business when we get into town we are in need of something if we know that there's a black business that is offering a good service on that one we go and support because this is our conviction our conviction as a family and secondly when we know that there's a Christian service there's a Christian that is offering this kind of service we go to those people and also Jose has just started another one and she will tell you that you know what, I'm buying from that one or I'm doing this thing from this because that one I know she's a widow that one she's a widow, a Christian widow I'm just supporting a widow that's how we do it but overall we don't impose I don't walk into people's restaurant and say you know, I'm a walking temple I'm a dispenser of blessings I'm a pastor you must give me a discount and all those things, I don't do that in fact, I don't want even to be noticed by owners when I get into their restaurants and so on, who are Christians I don't even want to be noticed I'm not going there, sit and have a meal and pay like any other person if that owner is conscious of who is in another concept this person is a dispenser of blessings at the altar of God and then I'll be conscious here, at the altar, whatever you know, I don't always I don't have time to be at the malls to be honest with you I just don't have time to be at the malls walking around and most of you, I think you might not have met me in the mall for years why? because I don't have time to be there I just have a lot to do that I don't have time to be at the mall and so on but those several times when I'm at the mall there's a pastor who is pastoring a church and so on this guy he would have this thing if he can spot me right at the mall he will make sure that if he spots me entering he makes sure that he will go to the car sometimes he realizes that he can lose track of me as a turkey he'll just come and say hey, sir, please stand here, I'm rushing to the car I'm glad I saw you he goes, brings an offering and we'll have a mini service right there blessing and so on and so on but I will meet other pastors who just take it like that ok, we have met a fellow pastor we greet and everything like that but there are those who are conscious who are junior pastors who understand that they must sew up and they will stop for instance we do pay our tithe and everything to our senior pastor Dr. Steve but here is the issue when we go to Botswana and Jose is so much conscious because she's there she's there well, I'm this old fashioned guy very much old fashioned I don't carry around money if I have money, it goes to my wife she's the one that handles money in the house and so on to the point that I don't even know I don't even know where my cards are she's the one that carries everything and so on everything like that but she makes sure that every cent that comes into this house is tithed but here is the point that I'm trying to make ladies and gentlemen that be conscious be conscious when you meet seniority am I talking to somebody? be conscious when you meet seniors because that's the place where you need to be blessed amen amen be very conscious when you meet seniors she goes when we go to Botswana on a conference or anywhere she always carries an offering carries an offering because knows that I'm going to meet my senior pastor and so on over and all we are tired she's so conscious that I'm going to meet my senior pastor and I must not have seniors must never be in the house or I must not go into a place of seniors without offering something because the bible says in Hebrews 7 verse 7 God bless the lesser amen that consciousness but there are people who just walk about and do things and so on over and about there are people who are offering services of music I made this illustration and I'm still going to do it so that our children can wake up to be conscious of their altar and be blessed here is the issue there is a young boy called Rufu Meloja and so on and one day we came across and the boys you know at the place of worship they always want to be paid they are paid whatever they are paid and so on while they are selling their skills even at the wrong place so I looked at this boy because I knew I went with his father and so on and I knew that this boy has no father he's left with a mother I called him I said Rufu Meloja you must make a choice when you are here in church first how do you see me? do you want to be my son or be the servant? do you want to be a servant? it's fine but do you want do you want to be a son in this house? he went and consulted and also came and said but what does it mean to be a son and a servant when you are a servant you will be like the rest you come and play there and the church pays you but when you are a son to me I will tell the church that this one don't pay him he's my son he serves me and he did that whatever you need you come to my house but eventually the church adopted him they adopted him they paid his school fees they took care of him until he passed the school and one of the specialists in the church in his profession he coached him to succeed in this field you got to do this course and you do that course and you do that and so on and make sure that the boy succeeds the day the boy is headhunted around he calls and says I'm getting harassed by officers in a country where people young people don't have jobs this one is harassed Amen in a country you know and so on and within some before he could even finish his profession he has bought a brand new car Amen and one day he came chasing me he chased me from the war home with his car he had come home he chased me from the war home until Pulugwan and then he sat in the service in Pulugwan and when I finished he said I was chasing you and even flickering lights he didn't see I said no you know when we move into services we move very fast he said I came with an offering to give specially to you not to the church but to give to you Amen and he offered listen ladies and gentlemen by so saying I'm not looking for offerings Amen Amen I'm not asking you for offering but I'm trying to to wake your mind up and all the guys that are being paid and then demanding invoices and doing all those things those people can not be blessed like a good man we have another family here another family in Pulugwan they just decided when they came they said ok now when we are in church we offer our services people who are in demand all over and everything they said when we are in church we offer our services and today I look at the lifestyles where they are today as a family because they were conscious of the fact that this is an altar Amen Hashtag at my altar I get blessings Amen this altar will fight for you wherever you do blessings that you do business this altar will change things Amen and by so doing I don't say you are a cheater you are a decorator and so on and everything like that you are not going to charge the church well that's it charge the church but I'm saying be conscious that's your altar where you get blessings Amen you make offerings when you get to the Kumutu a place like that's a big altar it's a big altar when you get to the Kumutu don't just get there and pray and be blessed of God because those chalets those closets let me put it that way those closets are just full of the presence of God you don't get there and never be blessed of God Amen when you are there there's just this anointing that can tear any form of evil apart the presence is too much there when you get there it is best because you are there at your altar get there with an offering Amen and if you don't know where to put your offering if it's money or whatever and so on that place there are needs at the altar you know we need bricks to just finish that wall and there are many other things that needs to be done there and so on but make sure that when you are at that altar you also offer because that's where things happen Amen Somebody shout Hashtag Hashtag my altar at my altar Hashtag at my altar when I'm at my altar things happen and also at the altar is a place where we remember the ultimate sacrifice and offering we make sacrifices and offerings and so on at the altar we remember the great sacrifice which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died and he rose there are times when you are at the altar make sure in your home where you have an altar you must also have a Holy Communion Holy Communion is a special tool that will bring a lot of the move of God in your life Holy Communion is a place where you partake of the body of Jesus Christ you partake of the blood of Jesus Christ and miracles happen when you take the Holy Communion miracles do happen this Sunday I was ministering somewhere and I did not know that they are serving Holy Communion I read a scripture about a miracle meal a miracle meal and so on and read a scripture many people got healed many people got their their miracles as they were serving Holy Communion Holy Communion is your point of contact for miracles Holy Communion is also a point of contact for mental vitality Amen God will open your mind your understanding Jesus Christ when he rose from the dead he walked on the mouse road with his disciples they could not recognize him but when they arrived at a place where they were going and they served them a meal and he started giving thanks and when he gave thanks when he started praying over the meal then the Bible says their eyes opened their eyes opened and they could recognize Jesus Christ and ladies and gentlemen the eyes of your understanding the eyes of your own understanding will be opened when you take Holy Communion and you start understanding there will be a download a download of ideas there will be a download of desires there will be a download of revelations there will be a lot of downloads when you take Holy Communion learn even to take that Holy Communion at home learn to take it at home and the power of God will be demonstrated hashtag at my altar that's where I take Holy Communion and that will alter your life and you will find that you will receive a lot of blessings at the altar and finally ladies and gentlemen at my altar I'm conscious of his presence Amen Amen I'm conscious of the presence of God and when you are conscious of an ultimate supernatural being at the altar you begin to behave in a different way because that's where the presence of God is I ministered in several places with the former Chief Justice Muhwe Muhwe there's something that he always does that makes me feel guilty when he arrives always where he's supposed to speak instead of greeting perhaps the pastor that is next to him or the team member that in the conference he kneels kneels at the chair and he speaks to God and after speaking to God he stands up and sits and singing with everybody and all those things he kneels at the chair because he understands where the two or three are gathered in my name and God is in their midst he bows, physically bowing oh what a sight what a sight to see a child of God coming to church just kneeling at the chair announcing and talking to God that I'm in your house and speaking and engaging be conscious but lately we're not all conscious that we're in the presence of God we go in church, re-church ABC go in church, re-churry the phone, like a tiktok and whatsapp we are not conscious that we're in the presence of the Most High God can we be conscious that we're in the presence of God can we be conscious that we're in the presence of the Great One the Bible says he is Lord he is Lord he is risen from the dead that every knee should bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord you expect to bow to Jesus whom you don't bow to you expect witches to bow to a God whom you don't even bow your knee are you conscious of his presence as Lord King of Kings Lord of Lords are you aware when you find a guy who when you find a fella who you are not conscious who is better than you because who is conscious of a guy you are in the presence of the Living God move away from him Amen think of whom you are worshipping and how do you behave in your presence in his presence John Wesley the mother was Susanna Wesley she prayed three times a day and if the prophet will catch her at the washing line she says I will see mama kneeling at the washing line at the washing line at the washing line at the washing line it was 12 o'clock she will bow right there and start praying at 12 o'clock prayers if an evening prayer the time and go see him she bows right there put the apron on the face and talk to God and she said if I see mama bowing putting an apron on I knew she is in the presence she is now in the presence of God I wouldn't even go near she is talking to God the supreme being the greatest being on earth I'm not saying let us be religious but be conscious of whom we are talking to I want us to take the next 15 minutes talking to God at the altar at the closet altar do what you feel like doing in the presence of God talk to God Hallelujah let's pray let's pray father in the name of Jesus we come before you and access the throne of grace father you said we must come boldly before the throne why don't we come boldly before the throne of grace hashtag at my altar that's the place where I do pledges and offerings next point that we are talking about you draw power now tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to draw power from your altar now you must know how to draw power from the highest altar you must know how to draw power you will leave this altar power drunk be blessed and have a good day Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen

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