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cover of TCA Tue11Jun24 - Discover the Purpose - Apstle Joseph Sithole
TCA Tue11Jun24 - Discover the Purpose - Apstle Joseph Sithole

TCA Tue11Jun24 - Discover the Purpose - Apstle Joseph Sithole

Bethsaida Word Centre



The Apostle emphasized the importance of discovering and serving God's purpose in one's own generation. There was a discussion about the significance of each generation, the alarming mortality rate among the millennial population, and the mental health challenges facing this demographic. The conversation ended with a passionate message about the need for self-discovery, purpose determination, and salvation within the current generation.


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The speaker expresses gratitude to Jesus and emphasizes the importance of serving the purpose of God in one's own generation. They encourage people to discover their unique purpose and serve it, rather than just living for survival. They discuss the fear of seeking God's will and highlight the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have fellowship with Him. They mention different generations and how they shape society. Specifically, they focus on the millennials and discuss their skills in technology, their large population, and the challenges they face such as alcohol and drug abuse, high mortality rate, mental health issues, and unemployment. They stress the importance of understanding and effectively serving this generation. For all that you've done, I will thank you For all that you're going to do For all that you've promised, and all that you are And all that has carried me through Jesus, I thank you And I thank you, thank you, Lord And I thank you, thank you, Lord In the name of Jesus Christ, I commit this session into your hands. Let us read Acts 13 verse 36 in the Amplified Version. Acts 13 verse 36. Acts 13 verse 36. The Bible says David, after he has served the purpose of God in his own generation, he fell asleep. In other words, I used to think that people serve God or serve a generation. But when I look at the Scripture, the Scripture says David served the purpose of God in his generation and fell asleep. In other words, when we serve, we need to serve the purpose of God, the will of God, and in our own generation. In other words, we need to consider that when you are alive, you go to discover your purpose. And after discovering your purpose, then you serve your purpose. Not serving people or serving God, serve that purpose. In other words, be a person who knows the purpose of God in your own generation. One cannot know the purpose of God automatically. But what is the purpose of God? The purpose of God is simply knowing what we call the big why. Why was I born? Why am I here on earth? And after discovering that, you begin to serve that purpose. Knowing the purpose of God. I've discovered that very few people know the purpose of God about their lives. And they live in that kind of world where they are very comfortable with the life they are living. Living like a human being who just lives for a livelihood and does doing things to exist, to survive in life and never follow the will of God. I want to encourage you that it's never too late to gravitate back to the will of God. The late Dr. Miles Moon who said the richest place in the world is the graveyard. Because it is full of people who had unwritten books, unwritten songs, and a lot of potential that is buried there. Therefore, I want you to understand that. Discover the purpose. And when you have discovered the purpose, serve that purpose. Because you will stand before God one day and God will say to you, I have sent you to earth to do A, B, C, D. And you did not do that. Human beings have two types of purpose. We have what we call the general purpose of a human being. And we also have the unique purpose of a human being. The unique purpose, that's what we are talking about here. It is the purpose that is almost equal to your fingerprint. Unique. You have this unique thing about you. And it's difficult for most of us to really live life within that unique purpose of life. May God grant you the grace of knowing and understanding your purpose. One might say, how do I know the will or the purpose of God? First, be filled with the Holy Ghost. Number two, have fellowship with the Holy Ghost. As you inquire from God, God will reveal things about you when you do that. Most people are afraid to seek the will of God to be revealed through the Holy Ghost because they think that when I seek the will of God in my life, I might receive a call to be a pastor. And of which God did not fill this earth with pastors. God may reveal things about your secular assignment. God might show you that you are assigned to the political space. God might show you that you are assigned to the academic space to address a particular thing. God might show you that you are assigned to certain things in life that no one else can do but yourself. So, let us not fear to fellowship with God through the Holy Ghost. A single mother who will be led to be a pastor as well. If God says you are going to be a pastor of an evangelist, you are a pastor of an evangelist and everything. And it is fine. I remember in one conference, I was ministering. And a widow was sitting on the front row. And God said, tell this woman that she is an apostle in the marketplace. And by then, she did not understand what it is. Today, she is fulfilling that role. She is a powerhouse in the area of business because of the apostolic mantle upon her. So, you can be an apostle in the marketplace. You can be an evangelist in the marketplace. You can be... Now, the word apostle just simply means pioneer. So, you can be a pioneer, a person who starts things in the marketplace because you have served the will of God. And finally, without further ado, dear Evangelical men. The Bible says he served the will of God in his own generation. Now, in a secular sense, we have over six generations. Six generations in the secular sense. And also, in a biblical sense, we have what we call the dispensations in the Bible. But I'd like to discuss the secular before we get to the dispensations. And we will look at those generations as we continue. And also, even in the evening, we will look at this generation and touch base around this generation. Because David served the purpose of God in his generation. We have what we call the silent generation. And we have what we call the baby boomers generation. We also have the generation X. We also have the generation Z, or the Gen Z, as they put it. And we also have the millennials. And the last generation that we have is what we call the alpha. But let me just take one and two of them, which are the most extreme. The baby boomers, that's now people who are born around 1948 to the mid-60s. And who are almost retiring, who are about to retire now, those are the baby boomers. Then you have the millennials. The millennials, how do we know the millennials? The millennials were first called the generation Y. And then now, but when we had the millennium, the year 2000, that was the millennium. And so the name from generation Y changed to what we call now the generation, the millennials. Now, because it's after 2000, so the millennials are those, that generation from 1981 right through to the 2000, which is now the millennials. So the British, as I said, he said in his own generation, these generations that I've just mentioned, they shape society. And shape how we think. And we must be able to serve them according to the generations. We serve the will of God within these generations. It's a very difficult subject, but for us to crack it effectively, we will look at it even tonight in the next generation. As I conclude, because I don't have that lot of time this morning, as I conclude. If you look at the millennials, the millennials are these people who were born in technology, within technology. These are people who are, how can I put it? They have the skills of technology because they were born around technology. And they continue to live progressively within technology. And these are the millennials. Our service and our existence must try to be relevant to all this generation and especially the millennials. The millennials are these pieces that they form the larger part of the population. In the United States of America, they are reported to be over 27 million. In India, they are around 400 million as a population because they are the largest. And I remember one Sunday, we had a come together in Pulu Gwane and we had this thing. I don't know, that was Mr. Mukumbo. Mr. Mukumbo made a call that all the young people come to the front. Only to discover that now these people are the majority in every community. These are the millennials. The millennials are a big number. There are good things about the millennials, 10 good things about the millennials. But we will discuss that. But here is the most disturbing thing about the millennials. Though they are in a majority, they have a high mortality rate. They die in big numbers. And it is a very disturbing factor. And what causes them to die in big numbers is the following. One, they have a drinking problem. Today when you drive in the streets of South Africa, you cannot drive 5 kilometers without seeing a tavern. The millennials have a problem of alcohol abuse. And alcohol is destroying them. The second thing about the millennials is that they have a drug addiction, problem of drug abuse. It is so prevalent among the millennials. The third thing that really kills them is suicide. They die, they kill themselves because they have a high rate of suicide. And the fourth thing is that they are mentally challenged. The issue of mental challenges is a pandemic. We have requested to see a member of Pira Matuwa one day, going to discuss some things. She confirms it. She said, Pastor, it is official that the mental wellness issues have become a pandemic. It is a pandemic. It is exploding. People are mentally challenged. And this is prevalent among the millennials. If we have to understand, this is June 16. June 16, we are dealing with this group called the millennials. The most advanced of them, I think they are in their 30s right now. And the least of them is the alphas. They are somewhere 15, 16, 17 years old. These are pervert species, mentally challenged. And most of them, some of them are the middle class, the ones who are professional and so on. But they are depressed, mentally challenged, emotional problems. And ladies and gentlemen, if we are to effectively serve our generation, we must consider all these factors. And most of them are not employed, unemployed. The unemployment rate is too high in the country and leaving nobody. But at the same time, we have the employment, the employed ones. Sometimes I think that unemployment has a lesser impact on the minds and the emotions of people than employment. If you are employed by the government, you might not understand what I am talking about. But those who are employed in the private sector, private sector employment is a burden that causes depression and even suicide. When we check among millennials, we find that they are job hoppers. They move from one job to another because they are persecuted by the whites who own the economy. It's more stressful lately to be employed in the private sector. It's a big stress. We find that now the baby boomers, the folks in the 6th floor or the 7th floor, sometimes have to support employed people. Not only support them financially but support them emotionally because they are being harassed. Such slavers are killing people. And if we have to be relevant, we have to think of this thing. Discover your purpose. Serve your purpose in your own generation. This is the generation that needs rescue. They need rescue from all these things. May God bless you and keep you. We will continue with this message of serving God's purpose. Be blessed and have a good day. Thank you for loving and letting me pray. Thank you for giving your life just for me. How I thank you. Jesus, I thank you. Thank you for what you have done for me. Thank you for everything. Thank you. Thank you for loving and letting me pray. Thank you for giving your life just for me. How I thank you. Jesus, I thank you. Yes, I do. Thank you for everything. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, thank you. Come on, thank you. Thank you for loving and letting me pray. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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