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Final Christmas music..... Looking forward into New Year... Christian music and news Quiz time Please send us your quizzes, and music requests!

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Welcome to Believe Together. The church is together in Kinkcham Saltford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. Hey Jenny, what are we doing with a Harvest song at the beginning of this show? Isn't it the wrong time of year? Well, no, it's never the wrong time of year. But anyway, you'll find out soon. Something's coming up. Okay, right, well anyway, let's start off this show today with an amazing song. Yes, on Songs of Praise last week they said this was the most famous New Year's song ever written. Here it is, beautifully sung by Pentatonix. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me And I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see T'was grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my sins to heal How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed My chains are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me And I come alive, His mercy made me free Unending love will make me free The Lord has promised good to me He's worth my hope secured He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures My chains are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me And I come alive, His mercy made me free Unending love, amazing grace The earth shall soon dissolve by snow The sun forbear to shine But God who calls me here below Will be forever mine My chains are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me And I come alive, His mercy made Unending love, amazing grace I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see Was blind, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see I once was lost, but now I see Count your blessings, see what God has done Count your blessings, name them one by one And it will describe you what the Lord has done Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy? You are called to bear Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly And you will be singing as days go by Count your blessings, name them one by one Count your blessings, see what God has done Count your blessings, name them one by one And it will describe you what the Lord has done When you look at others with bare hands and so Think that Christ has taught you His will untold Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in heaven or your home on high Count your blessings, name them one by one Count your blessings, see what God has done Count your blessings, name them one by one And it will describe you what the Lord has done Count your blessings, name them one by one Count your blessings, see what God has done I've bought presents galore, made a wreath for the door And I've worked out the Christmas meal seating I've broken a chair, well I'll sit hubby there But I haven't bought the food we'll be eating I've put up the decks, I've sent Christmas texts And I've posted the cards overseas We've still got family to see and places to be Lord, I'm really down on my knees Then a voice said to me, you've been too busy to see Where Christmas all began You've been caught up with things Lost with joy Christmas brings Because a baby came down to save man Of course it's now 2024, that's how I say it anyway So I have a new diary, fresh, clean, well fairly clean diary Now my verse for this week says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever That comes from Hebrews Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same Only changed by Jesus Jesus never Glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name Only changed by Jesus Never Glory to his name That was the Bible verse being sung for us by Voice of Spiritual Praises Now it's quiz time Now we thought since Celia has retired We're producing some other quiz questions But maybe just for this week We'll go back and pick up a few seasonal questions that she produced last year Here's the first one for this week Question 1 Where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus after the visit of the wise men? I wonder if any of you can remember the answer From when we had it last time The same question, the answer will be the same as well One of our good friends David Brissington produces a very different show on this radio station Let's hear him tell you all about it Hi, I'm David Brissington And it's my pleasure to present the Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM You will hear classic country hits, old and new Plus news on local clubs and gigs I'm looking forward to spending this hour with you Until then, keep it country Keep it country You're listening to Believe Together A purchase together in KTCR and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online Now, you noticed at the beginning, didn't you That we played, we plough the fields and scatter And no it's not autumn, harvest time So, let's find out now what that's all about And now, for the thought for the week For the Kingdom Talking Newspaper Hi, I'm Trevor Stubbs And I've been asked to cheer us up in January I don't know about you, but January is my least favourite month of the year December can be pretty bleak But we have all the fuss and business of Christmas When everyone from community, church and schools Compete for the best dates to present their concerts and celebrations And there is all that preparation to do for the family get-togethers But then January arrives And after a few days to gather breath After staying up until midnight to see in the New Year We run into a spell of long, cold nights And ridiculously short days When the sun might not appear at all And even if it does, it has no power in it to warm our bones But the Christian calendar doesn't leave us totally without excitement There is Plough Sunday With its attention to the countryside The Feast of Epiphany Which our European friends made more of The baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan And the story of the marriage at Cana When Jesus turned water into wine I'll talk about Epiphany, Jesus' baptism and wedding In my next three epilogues For now, let me tell you about Plough Sunday This service on the calendar Has become in danger of extinction in recent years Maybe because it clashes with Epiphany or a covenant service And maybe because so many of us now live in towns and cities But our countryside and our farms still exist If it weren't for them, we would have empty food shops But in the past, there were many more people living in the countryside than do now Farm workers have been replaced by machines And even computers It can be a pretty lonely place for those who remain Especially the young And these days, we do not just expect them to produce our food But also to look to them to preserve our biodiversity and natural environment So, the Church should not forget them And it doesn't There is a Plough Sunday service in Salford on the 7th of January And I shall be at a special Plough Sunday service in Stowey Church It's surrounded by fields, woods, ditches and hedgerows A farmer will bring a large tractor with a plough which we will bless Of course, not all farming involves a plough These days, many fields are no-dig to preserve the soil structure And animals are as important as crops But the plough is symbolic It is the farmers that are blessed as they go out into the cold To plant and tend and work with nature To produce a harvest later in the year For me, Plough Sunday is no less important than Harvest Festival And the symbolism doesn't stop with the countryside Plough Sunday is the story of how God seeks to work in us We are his creation too And God ploughs, plants, tends and rears us if we let him So that we can produce a wonderful harvest in our own lives Now, I think this is an exciting way to combat a dull January Of course, anyone can join in this service You don't have to be a farmer or even live in the countryside You don't even have to have a garden Just an appreciation of what God can do for our lives and our world And a willingness to pray for his blessing May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year May God bless you in this new year Question 2 What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? What is Aladdin's surname? 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All for Jesus All I ever had And ever will be Thank you to Robin Mark for that song Jesus All for Jesus What great words that we could be using at the start of this new year To commit ourselves to Jesus And now if you'd like to contact us in the team Through phone, text message or WhatsApp Please use Peter's number which is 07879402114 That's 07879402114 If you want to message us through Facebook Please search up Believe Together Radio Now if you want to listen to the shows live They are on Wednesdays from 4 to 5pm And repeated on Sundays 8 to 9am On KTCR FM Radio 105.8 FM Or DAB Plus Or www.ktcrfm.com Then you can listen again anytime for the next two weeks At www.ktcrfm.com Slash listen dash again You can search up on your favourite podcast site For Believe Together For the playlist, this week's news and useful contact info Please go to our Facebook which is Believe Together Radio And now time for the final question for the Just Fun Quiz Question 3 Which characters etch the gingerbread house? Wow, I wonder if you have ever made a gingerbread house Well, I don't think I ever have actually And I don't know the answer to this one We'll find out soon On my new calendar for January it says Come to me all you who labour And are heavily burdened And I will give you rest That comes from Matthew And I'm sure many are burdened Not just joyful this year But many are burdened with all sorts of cares So take heart with that verse Come unto me all who are weary And find rest for your soul Come to me men who are burdened You shall learn from me Take my yoke upon your shoulders Do not be afraid For I will gently teach you Of the ways of the Lord Come unto me all who are weary And find rest for your soul Come to me men who are burdened You shall learn from me I have come not for the strong But for sinners' praise The powerless shall be favoured In the eyes of the Lord Come unto me all who are weary And find rest for your soul Come to me men who are burdened You shall learn from me You shall come to know secretly Hidden from the blind When children shall be made blind In the eyes of the Lord Come unto me all who are weary And find rest for your soul Come to me men who are burdened You shall learn from me That beautiful relaxing music was Come to Me All Who Are Weary and that was brought to us by Dan Shute of the St Louis Jesuits Now I think it's time for us to see what's going on in the neighbourhood and around here over the next few weeks Let's have some what's ons OK, now most of these are things we've mentioned before and reminders But hey, it's easy to forget things I wonder what you're interested in Well, Sunday 7th January is the second Faith in Action service at St Francis Church starting at 9.45am with breakfast from 9.15am if you'd like it Four local councillors will discuss the issues of political life as a Christian So that should be very interesting All are welcome to attend Now another reminder about the Kick Academy Volunteers are needed to help run the football sessions on Saturday mornings and volunteers needed to make drinks and to chat with families or mentor the youngsters, boys and girls So this is a Christian event going to be regularly run every Saturday but initially this is a meeting just to talk about it and work out possibilities And this session is on Monday 15th January at 7pm at Queen's Road Methodist Church And if you want to find out any more about the Kick Academy, please go to their website I wonder if you're interested in orchestral music That can be very rejuvenating, can't it? Now the Keynsham Orchestra have something that's been rescheduled, shall we say The Keynsham Orchestra concert will now take place on Saturday 20th January in Salkford Hall They say please do come along and listen to Brook Violin Concerto No. 1 Sibelius Symphony No. 2 and Barber First Essay for Orchestra Now I confess I do not know what they are Tickets are available on the door, so why not save the date if that's what you'd like to listen to Now another date here, Saturday 27th January The Tabletop Sale in St John's Parish Hall So any Christmas gifts you would like to be repurposed or any quality items from a clear-out at home anything would be gratefully received with all proceeds going towards St John's Church funds All items can be brought into the parish office when it reopens in the new year Thank you Then we mentioned this before too, a charity abseil event at St John's Church Do you fancy abseiling down the church tower? Apparently many people have done it and they say it's quite easy to do and great fun Well, this event, the next one for abseiling is on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April So not yet There will be lots of fun activities for all the family More information to follow in due course Well maybe if you want to take part in that you need to start practising I think I'll just watch actually There we are Now a final thought here From our local One Church in Keynesham They're bringing us this psalm verse just to help us to start our new year It says this God will continually revitalise you Implanting within you the passion to do what pleases Him And this is their advice at the beginning of the year Before we begin grand plans to lose weight or develop a new skill Let's begin by renewing the core commitments we already have Like relationships, family, church Renewal starts in the heart Flows into the home And becomes something we carry with us Now looking back on 2023 I'm hoping that you'll be able to say about God Great is thy faithfulness It's a real good oldie, this hymn But the words are wonderful And whatever we go through God can be with us in it Whether it's lovely stuff or stormy stuff So let's play Great is thy faithfulness From the London Fox Choir Thy faithfulness, O God my Father There is no shadow of turning within Thou changest not, thy compassion may fail not As thou hast been, thou forever wilt be Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning, new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me Summer and winter and springtime and harvest Sun, moon and stars in their causes abound Joy with all nature in manifold witness To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning, new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me Thousands more, sweet and happy, sad and pure I now give presents to children to guide Thankful today, but rightful for tomorrow Blessings all mine, wisdom of plenty mine Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning, new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me Now for some news headlines that you won't see probably on the TV The Archbishop of Canterbury praises the armed forces and prays for a peaceful 2024 in his New Year message Death Toll continues to rise in Nigeria following Christmas attacks against Christian villages He is with his Lord and Saviour Family pays tribute to Sheffield's Chris Marriott as man is charged with his murder Archbishop of Canterbury and Nicky Gumbel among Christians celebrated in New Year Honours list Most popular Bible verse of 2023 revealed So, well, what do you think that verse is? I'll tell you in a minute It's not just up to world leaders role of faith groups was unpacked at COP28 We must forgive pandemic politicians says Christian care leader Thank you God World's most famous wrestler amazed at response to his baptism So, what was that most popular Bible verse of 2023? Well, YouVersion has announced the verse that users have engaged with the most in its Bible app this year well, that's last year now is Isaiah 41 verse 10 where it says this So do not fear, for I am with you Do not be dismayed, for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand So that's very encouraging, isn't it? You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together and Patriamant Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online Right, it's that time we've all been waiting for Let's have the answers to this week's Just For Fun quiz OK, question 1 Question 1, where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus after the visit of the wise men? Well, they went to Egypt to escape from Herod Remember, an angel told them to go there in a dream Yes Question 2, what is Aladdin's surname? Well, do you remember Widow Twankey? Well, she was Aladdin's mother So therefore, his surname must be Twankey Indeed Question 3, which characters ate the gingerbread house? Well, they were lost in the woods, weren't they? And very hungry It was Hansel and Gretel They ate the gingerbread house Well, I wonder how you did? I wonder if you knew the answers this time to those three questions I also wonder, have you been to a panto yourself recently? I certainly haven't for many, many years In fact, I only remember going to a little local one a few years ago I don't think I've ever been to a big one Right, now with all the things going on in the world things are very unsettling, aren't they? And even our own positions sometimes, our own situations can be unsettling in our families or our work or whatever But it's a good job that we can know who holds the future Can't we? Because God does hold the future So let's play that fantastic song I Know Who Holds The Future Here sung by the Exmouth Chapel I do not know what lies ahead A way I cannot see Yet one stands here to be my guide He'll show the way to me I know who holds the future And if I give it a hand With God things go to hand Everything I need in hand So as I face tomorrow With problems large and small I'll trust the God of miracles Yet today I'm my own I do not know how many days Of life are mine to spend But one who knows and cares for me Will keep me to the end I know who holds the future And if I give it a hand With God things go to hand Everything I need in hand So as I face tomorrow With problems large and small I'll trust the God of miracles Yet today I'm my own I do not know the course ahead What joys and griefs are there But one is near who fully knows How trust is God in care I know who holds the future And if I give it a hand With God things go to hand Everything I need in hand So as I face tomorrow With problems large and small I'll trust the God of miracles Yet today I'm my own So we're gonna play this story now So sit back and just soak it up But it was like he made a doubly real And that it was personal to him You know, that it meant something to him as well But it really meant something to me Adrian Galvin is my name I grew up in Waterford in the south east of Ireland And over the course of a couple of years I got delivered from the drink My relationship with Jesus got more and more meaningful And to the point where I was like committing It's like I'm supposed to be somewhere else It's like your glory presence is somewhere else for me We got satellite TV at home And I discovered Christian TV, God TV And then they showed some broadcasts To do with this outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Toronto And I was really hungry for it I went over and during the worship time I started to experience a lot of joy It was like waves of joy The joy of the Holy Spirit And it's always been very hard to describe But it was like I was somehow in the Galilee On the Sea of Galilee with Jesus When he was walking on water for the first time It was very ecstatic I was feeling his joy And we were spirit to spirit And I came out of the experience And for days I was just Just this joy Just waves of joy from the experience That was in September of the year When Christmas came On the lead up to Christmas I was living at a retreat centre in Cornwall And I was making plans to go back to Ireland For Christmas to be with my family And I didn't have much money And I prayed a prayer, a simple prayer A light prayer, I said I need to go back to Ireland I don't want to go back broke And I kind of left it with him A few days later The post arrived Got this envelope, opened it up And it was a Christmas card But in it there was a message From some friends of mine from Australia Who used to be the managers in the retreat centre And they said they were in Israel last September And they said we were on the Sea of Galilee Out on one of the worship boats I was having the experience in Toronto I was in the revival meeting in September And that was the same time that they were On the Sea of Galilee And she said I was just fellowshipping with the Lord Enjoying his presence And I saw a picture of you And she said Jesus what's he doing here And she heard Jesus say to her I want you to give Adrian 400 pounds And he said Now is not the time to give it to him I'll let you know when Come Christmas time She said on the lead up to Christmas Now is the time I want you to send it to him And I thought wow it was real And I knew it was real, I didn't doubt it was real But it was like he made it doubly real And that it was Personal to him That it meant something to him as well But it really meant something to me And it was like that touched me That he cared To give me the experience But also that he cared to bless me With the gift to go home with You probably don't fully realize The impact you can have When you share your story What's special to you can be really special To somebody else And there's something conveyed In sharing our testimony Of the eternal nature of God This is why I'm sharing today I just know how other people's stories Have impacted my life And it's a real joy to be able to do the same for others Ah that's great Now as Christians we are actually encouraged Indeed we are told To encourage one another Yes Maybe that would be a good resolution If you like Something for us all to aim at more In this new year More encouragement for each other Now that brings us to the end Of our hour very nearly And it's time for us to say goodbye Again And as we approach this new year Let's share a simple blessing We bless each other We bless each other in the name of Jesus As we approach the challenges And the opportunities Of this new year For ourselves and our communities Indeed Thank you Father Now we're going to play out in a minute With the Hallelujah Chorus Here by the Vienna State Orchestra Now this Hallelujah Chorus Why is it so popular at Christmas? Because in fact It was written by Handel As part of his great big Messiah Which is for Easter But of course the words of the Hallelujah Chorus are And he shall reign forever and ever Forever and ever King of Kings and Lord of Lords King of Kings So of course when Jesus was born Came to earth Well he became the King of Kings Didn't he? So he's still the King of Kings So let's enjoy this lovely Rousing performance Of the Hallelujah Chorus So goodbye Until next week Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens Be filled By mercy Let your Heavens

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