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Believe_Together_8.5.24 taste

Believe_Together_8.5.24 taste

Believe TogetherBelieve Together



Taste and see! This theme is in the just for fun quiz, various music and occasional comments... With some birthday dedications And Easter celebration! Plus a song from Jerusalem. The international news headlines include a few surprises! How can we do better? Please tell us.

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The transcription starts with a song about a land that is fairer than day and the blessings of God's love. Then, the speaker talks about preparing a quiz and the Cainsham Talking Newspaper Epilogue. They mention a tasty quiz, a God Incident, and segments from London and Jerusalem. They also mention a birthday dedication and a discussion about different tastes, including the writer's love for baklava. The speaker discusses the sense of taste and smell, a new type of drinks bottle, and the importance of tasting while cooking. They encourage readers to explore new foods and delve deeper into the Bible. They mention a Bible reading program and a recent sermon about tasting God's goodness. The speaker also shares a quiz question about the number of taste buds in the mouth. They mention a video of an evangelist in Trafalgar Square and end with a song called "Light of the World." There's a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar. For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. To our bountiful Father above, We will offer our tribute of praise. For the glorious gift of His love, And the blessings that hallow our days. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. Hi! Well, as I was preparing a quiz this week, and actually I'm responsible for this week's Cainsham Talking Newspaper Epilogue, that word sweet came to me. It's nothing to do with the epilogue or the quiz really, but you'll find out in a minute whatever am I talking about. So what else have we got coming up? Well, we do have a tasty quiz, we do have a God Incident, but we're not just coming locally from Cainsham and Salford this week, we have something from London and even from Jerusalem. So sit back or whatever else you're doing and enjoy this hour with us. Thank you. Let's get straight into our first musical birthday dedication for this week. It's happy birthday to Matt and you've asked us to play Father God I Wonder, one of your favourites. We've found a version here sung forth by Ishmael. Let's sit back in deep and enjoy it. Father God I wonder how I managed to exist without the knowledge of your parenthood and your loving care. But now I am your son, I am adopted in your family and I can never be alone. Cause Father God you're there beside me, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Father God I wonder how I managed to exist without the knowledge of your parenthood and your loving care. But now I am your son, I am adopted in your family and I can never be alone. Cause Father God you're there beside me, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Yes and I will sing your praises, I will sing your praises forevermore. Then in my most recent puzzle magazine I happened to have a look at the forward which I never usually do. And what did the writer say? She wrote about her great love of a certain food called baklava that apparently has an amazing sweet taste. It has a very mixed cultural history but in Greece they make it with 33 layers of dough. Each layer representing one year of the life of Jesus Christ. Maybe I should find and try some of this lovely sweet tasting doughy delight. Many people have a very sweet tooth which is not necessarily good for us if we indulge it, is it? I wonder if you've ever lost your sense of taste, perhaps with a cold or something more serious. It's not nice, is it? Taste can be heavily associated with our sense of smell and it's horrid when you can't smell things too, isn't it? Someone has recently come up with a new type of drinks bottle called Air Up which goes down well especially with school children who are only allowed to drink water at school. Inside the bottle there's a section where you put a flavour pod and what happens is that when you go to drink the water in the bottle the scent from the flavour pod is so strong that it actually seems as if the water is a flavoured drink and not just good old water. I expect that's just a fad that will die out in due course with the expense of buying the pod. Now, when cooking up a yummy meal it's the usual practice, isn't it? to keep tasting what's in the pan to ensure the required taste is achieved and more seasoning may need to be added. I wonder if you have a go-to recipe that doesn't need tasting mid-cooking as you're so used to making it. Maybe we should be more adventurous and try some different foods with different tastes even something more exotic. I've asked a few people what their favourite taste is. Some answers have been chilli peppers but not too hot lemon curd strawberries chocolate peanut butter anything sweet and others that I've forgotten. I wonder what your favourite taste is. Can you imagine it now? Or maybe you're smelling it. So, what about that verse I remembered in the Bible Test and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 119 verse 103 says It's very helpful if you want to taste God to read the Bible. All of it. Though you may like to start by finding one where the words of Jesus stand out as they're printed in red ink. Someone gave me one of those Bibles a few years ago. You may like to look on the internet or ask a Christian how you can get help with reading the Bible as it's such a big book made up of many other books. You can also hear the Bible being read to you. We'll put some links that you may find helpful on the Believe Together Radio Facebook page. We are blessed with very many helps out there. With just one being the Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel which takes you through the whole Bible in a year read by David Suchet and with very helpful comments added by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Then maybe you've been reading the Bible for many years and it's become predictable. You know what each book, chapter and verse says. Why not ask the Lord for a fresh taste that you might indeed taste Him in a new way and see new things in the words as you read them again. Or maybe there are parts of the Bible you've not really tasted yet. The Bible hints that once we've tasted the goodness of God we need to get on to meatier stuff. As it says in 1 Peter 2, 2-3 Like newborn infants long for the pure spiritual milk that by it you may grow up into salvation if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. So, will we be exploring new foods and see how our taste buds react? And will we be learning more from the Bible, the Word of God so that we can agree with that verse in Psalm 34, 8 O taste and see that the Lord is good. Thank you for listening and may you enjoy some old favourite tastes this week and maybe some new ones. Goodbye for now and happy tasting. Just taste and see that the Lord is good. Just taste and see that the Lord is good. He's good for you and He is for me so whatever you do just taste and see Just call the Lord He'll change your life Just call the Lord He'll change your life Amazing things He will afford It's in every faith You call the Lord He will love Coming into your heart You'll feel real love Coming into your heart And you'll sense the truth From God above And you will know You found real love Praise the Lord For His life and you Yes praise the Lord For His life and you Something is true He has afforded Into your life So praise the Lord So praise the Lord For His life and you Yes praise the Lord For His life and you Something is true He has afforded Into your life So praise the Lord That was just taste and see that the Lord is good Brought to us by Heavenly Song Now for my God incident You've heard my Cainsham Talking newspaper message a few minutes ago about taste and how that leads on to tasting and seeing that the Lord is good in the Bible Well, imagine my surprise when on Sunday morning when I was in the morning service at Cainsham's Ealing Church and we had a visiting speaker Steve Ball, the current Regional Superintendent for Ealing Churches in this area and he began his message getting us to really imagine tasting something that we love to eat Could we smell it? Could we taste it? I immediately thought Wow, that's what I've been saying and then he went on to give a fantastic message about how to practically taste God by reading our Bibles more with lots of practical points So I think that was a God incident don't you? and it really encouraged me I think you'd find it well worth your while tuning in to hear what Steve was saying You can find our Sunday morning service now on YouTube on the Cainsham Ealing website or why not just go to our Believe Together Radio Facebook page where there's a link that we've called Taste and See where you can find that service and Steve's message can be found 48 minutes into the service Happy listening! And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question one Thank you, Blaise Our quiz questions, which are just for fun this week are about taste Yes, maybe you guessed that was coming Anyway, here's question one About how many taste buds do people have in their mouth? 1,000,000 200,000 10,000 or 1,000? OK, so again about how many taste buds do people have in their mouth? 1,000,000 200,000 10,000 or 1,000? And we'll find out the answers by the end of the show Something else for you Now, the other day it was Saturday the 4th of May There I was scrolling through Facebook as I do every day finding interesting things and what did I find this time? I found somebody put up a video of something really lovely going on in London in Trafalgar Square It was the evangelist Daniel Chand whom I must say I've not heard of before There was a great gospel outreach in Trafalgar Square Now, I had no idea it was happening on Saturday We come from London and we've been to similar things over the years in Trafalgar Square but anyway I listened to some of it then It was wonderful listening to great worship there and also messages So, as you listen to this next song Light of the World Here I Am to Worship written by Chris Tomlin sung here by Robin Mark Just imagine This is what they were singing there in Trafalgar Square So, just imagine all those people singing it Very encouraging Light of the world You step down into dark Open my eyes Let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me King of all angels So highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Only You came to the earth You created All for our sake became one Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me I'll never know I'll never know How much it costs To see my sin Upon that cross I'll never know How much it costs To see my sin Upon that cross So here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question two Yes, here's our second quiz question about taste What are the four different types of taste that our taste buds can detect? Three begin with the letter S and one begins with the letter B OK, the four different types of taste that our taste buds can detect What are they? Three begin with S and one begins with B One of our good friends, David Brisington produces a very different show on this radio station Let's hear him tell you all about it Hi, I'm Dave Brisington and it's my pleasure to present The Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM You will hear classic country hits, old and new plus news on local clubs and gigs I'm looking forward to spending this hour with you Until then, keep it country You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Ketcham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online The best book to read is the Bible The best book to read is the Bible If you read it every day It will help you on your way Oh, the best book to read is the Bible The best friend to have is Jesus The best friend to have is Jesus The best friend to have is Jesus Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus Wow, thank you to the children of Stockport Church for bringing us that one The best book to read is the Bible Now, it's time for some news headlines from around the world The actress who played Angela Martin in The Office refused to say lines as it wasn't what Jesus represented Oxford Christians leading procession to denounce anti-Semitism Putin does not speak as he attends Orthodox Easter service Pastors' illegal worship prison sentence upheld in Algeria They'll believe it because they're stupid enough Actor Brian Cox says Bible is one of the worst books ever New archaeology discovery in Jerusalem could prove Bible is true Religion is as relevant as it was 100 years ago Faith programming to continue on the BBC I'm not religious, I won't learn anything RE lessons in the UK are to experience significant revamp Their circumstances are much worse than in the past Christian homeless charity speaks out on housing emergency United Methodist Church lifts ban on LGBT clergy God stopped and jammed this gun Pastor faces close call with man who pulled out gun on him in church And now let's move our focus on to Jerusalem The Rev Don Binder has various titles He lives in Jerusalem and he is canon pastor to the English-speaking congregation at St George's Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem He is also under-secretary to the heads of the churches in Jerusalem at Council And he is also chaplain to the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem This last week was when the Orthodox Church celebrated Easter So some time after we celebrated it here in other churches that are not of the Orthodox tradition There is a spectacular video which Don Binder explains He says It was my great honour today to escort members of the International Diplomatic Corps to the ceremony of the Holy Fire at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre This 1600 year old service takes place each year on Orthodox Easter Eve with the patriarch entering the tomb of Christ where after a period of prayer at the tomb fire suddenly ignites the bundles of candles he carried inside As the throngs cheer this ancient sign of Christ's resurrection the fire spreads from candle to candle offering us all the hope of divine light emerging out of the darkness of human sin The flame is then quickly transported to all the local Christian communities as well as to about a dozen countries where Orthodoxy is prominent You can see a bit of what Don Binder was talking about there in Jerusalem that fire, it looks a bit dangerous I must say but you can see it if you look at the link on our Facebook page It's called Eastern Orthodox Worshippers Throng Holy Fire Ceremony in Jerusalem Indeed, last Sunday I received an Orthodox Easter greeting from a contact in Ukraine So all of this is very interesting and maybe we should now play an Easter hymn Now this one has been recorded by a Hebrew Christian Joshua Aaron and it's in, or rather was recorded in what is known as the Garden Tomb It was only recorded one year ago at Easter 2023 God sent His Son They called Him Yeshua He came to love He lent forgiveness He bled and died To buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Savior lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives All fear is gone Because I know He holds the future Life is worth living just Because He lives God sent His Son They called Him Yeshua He came to love He lent forgiveness He bled and died To buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Savior lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives All fear is gone Because I know He holds the future Life is worth living just Because He lives Because I know He holds the future Life is worth living just Because He lives Because I know He holds the future Life is worth living just Because He lives Here's my diary verse for the week From John 16 Jesus said I came from the Father and have come into the world Now I leave the world and go to the Father Of course that's referring to Jesus' Ascension back into Heaven after He was resurrected before the Holy Spirit came Well, after Easter things sort of hot up don't they quite quickly and this is part of the Church Christian calendar Ascension comes next Ascension Day is always on a Thursday isn't it so it's on Thursday 9th May this year so let's listen to a very old hymn about Jesus' Ascension written by Wesley and sung here by Trevor Thompson and it's called Hail the day that sees Him rise Hail the day that sees Him rise Alleluia To His throne beyond the sky Alleluia To Christ the Lamb for sinners given Alleluia Entered now the highest heaven Alleluia Hail Him triumphant with Alleluia Lift your heads to eternal day Alleluia He has conquered death and sin Alleluia He's the King of glory Alleluia Highest heaven the Lord receives Alleluia Yet He loves the earthly Alleluia Don't return to His throne Alleluia Till He calls the world His own Alleluia Alleluia We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly We will rise, lifted high On the wings of the eagle we shall fly And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz and time for question three Right, now here's our final question about taste and this is a peculiar one to start you really thinking Here it is Our taste buds are on our tongue What other things can our tongue do for us? Ooh, okay, what other things can our tongue do? You're listening to Believe Together Believe Together, a Churches Together in Keynsham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online Now, here's another song about taste This is called Taste and See brought to us by Voice and Stanley Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Come to Him, come to Him All who are hungry Come to Him, come to Him All who thirst I am your God You are my people Come to Him Come to Him, come to Him All who are hungry Come to Him, come to Him All who thirst I am your God You are my people Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Taste and See The goodness of the Lord I am the living bread I am the living bread I am the new wine Left broken for the shed for all The living bread, the living bread I am the living bread I am the new wine Left broken for the shed for all Come to Him Taste and See The goodness of the Lord Here is a list of the information on how to listen again and contact us You can do it by phone, text message or WhatsApp Repeat this phone, whose number is 0787 940 2114 That's 0787 940 2114 You can use your email at bt at ktcrfm.com Or through Facebook message at Believe Together Radio To listen live, you can listen on the radio at 105.8 FM and DATS+. Or you can go to our website at www.ktcrfm.com However, if you would like to listen again, go to audio.com slash Believe slash Together Well, a lady I've known for many years, sort of in passing really, in Kensham She's called Rachel and I've just realised she's had her next big birthday 70 years old, so congratulations Rachel And keep going there Rachel And she'd like me to play for her Lord of the Dance So we're going to play it here, sung by the Dubliners I hope you like it Rachel Happy birthday Rachel and keep dancing I danced in the morning when the world was young I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth At Bethlehem I had my birth Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the Lord of the Dance City And I need you all, wherever you may be And I need you all in the Dance City I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees They wouldn't dance, they wouldn't follow me I danced for the fishermen, James and John They came with me so the dance went on Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the Lord of the Dance City And I need you all, wherever you may be And I need you all in the Dance City I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame The holy people said it was a shame They ripped, they stripped, they hung me high Left me there on the cross to die Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the Lord of the Dance City And I need you all, wherever you may be And I need you all in the Dance City I danced on the Friday when the world turned black It's hard to dance with the devil on your back They buried my body, they thought I was gone But I am the dance and the dance goes on Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the Lord of the Dance City And I need you all, wherever you may be And I need you all in the Dance City They cut me down and they left me high I am the life that will never die I live in you if you live in me I am the Lord of the Dance City Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the Lord of the Dance City And I need you all, wherever you may be And I need you all in the Dance City Now, let's talk about some of the things coming up soon It's our What's On's But starting off with a What's Happened We've reported about the abseil event at St John's Parish Church where people were abseiling down the tall church tower Well, good news, they raised over £7,000 for charity Great! Great! Now, talking about missing events If you went along to St John's Parish Church for the usual midweek communion service on Wednesday 8th May I'm sorry, there wasn't one because it was moved to Thursday 9th May as that is Ascension Day And there will also be an evening service at St Francis Church for Ascension Day on Thursday 9th May at 7.30pm in the evening Now, something else that came from Baptist Church is the coffee shop on Saturday 11th May from 10 to 12 noon That operates while the repair shop goes on So, if you've got anything to be repaired why not take it along this Saturday 11th May Now, also on this Saturday 11th May this time at 12 noon we can announce that there is the next free community lunch at St John's Church Parish Hall This is open to anyone who would like to go along to it But you do need to register please first with the parish office Then, the next session of Kick Academy will be on Saturday 11th May too This is from 2.30pm to 3.30pm at the Queen's Road Centre Parents are requested to register their children preferably beforehand by emailing John and Martin KickItKeynsham at gmail.com Please continue to pray for the whole Kick Mission in Keynsham And here's something happening the next day Sunday 12th May This time from 2 in the afternoon to 3 It's Choir Jam This has been organised by Keynsham Town Council and is going to be held at the bandstand in Keynsham Memorial Park Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Choir Jam Thank you to the London Fox Choir for Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. Right, back to Watsons, only a few now. Kensington Baptist Church run a craft group on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. So, on Tuesday the 14th of May is their craft group. It's at 10am on Tuesday the 14th of May. Now, Tools Hope for Ukraine, the Keynesian based charity which runs humanitarian aid mission to the war-torn country, is delighted to have received donations of tools from the Keynesian Reuse Shop at the recycling centre. But there's another opportunity for people to donate tools for Ukraine coming up soon. This time at the Saltford Repair Cafe. This will be Saturday the 18th of May at Saltford Hall from 11am until 1pm. People are asked to check your sheds, toolboxes and junk drawers for unwanted hand and power tools in good condition along with items such as nuts, screws and bolts. Now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz. I wonder how many you've got right this time. Question number one. About how many taste buds do people have in their mouth? Well, this is very approximate but the answer is 10,000! Wow, imagine that many bumps on our tongues. Now, the second question. What are the four different types of taste that our taste buds can detect? Three begin with S and one begins with B. And here's the answer. Salty, sour, sweet and bitter. Mmm. Question three. Our taste buds are on our tongue. What else can our tongue do for us? Well, I wonder if you said we can poke our tongue out at people. Ooh, I hope not. But of course our tongue helps with breathing, moving food round our mouth, helping us to form words And you may have thought of other things that your tongue does. Well, apparently it's good practice to move your tongue round your mouth, including your teeth, after eating, as the tongue will then clean away debris from your mouth and teeth. And we should brush our tongue twice a day, but maybe not with an electric toothbrush. Particularly before bed to reduce the bacteria that grows during the night, producing morning bad breath. That's interesting, isn't it, Peter? Indeed it is. But will we clean our tongue as well as our teeth? Maybe we should report back next week to see how we're getting on. Right, well it's goodbye from me for this week. Have fun and enjoy different tastes of food and drink. How about brushing your tongue and also tasting God by reading the Word. Indeed, and it's goodbye from me as well. Now, before we actually sign off, we're going to hand over to Celia and Des for a blessing and then play out with a good old favourite, Let Your Living Water Flow, brought to us by Vinesong. And now it's time for the blessing. Lord Jesus, give us the wisdom to understand your will for each day and the grace to respond in order that we may receive your blessings. Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sing to the Father Father, Father, Father Holy Spirit Spirit, Spirit, Spirit Give your life to Jesus Let Him fill your soul Let Him take you in His eyes that make you whole And to give your life to Him He'll set you free You will live and reign with Him Eternally Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Let it flow to the Father Father, Father, Father Precious Spirit Spirit, Spirit, Spirit Let your living water flow over my soul Let your Holy Spirit come and take control Of every situation that has troubled my mind All my cares and burdens unto you I throw

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