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Making The Unprofitable Profitable

Making The Unprofitable Profitable


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The speaker begins by thanking and blessing the audience. He then mentions that November is coming and encourages everyone to meet at Bethel Camp. He shares that it is his birthday month and asks for a birthday song. He talks about the importance of remembering the day they were born into the family of God. The speaker thanks the church and praises their minister. He talks about the importance of investing in the house of God and assures that blessings will come. He encourages the audience to imitate him and mentions the scripture reading from Philemon. He talks about Onesimus and the transformation that happened to him, and uses it as an example of making the unprofitable profitable. The speaker emphasizes that only God has the power to change lives and mentions ecological and natural disasters as examples of things that can make profitable things unprofitable. He ends with a prayer and a declaration of blessings. God bless you. Thank you very much. God bless you. God bless you. Regain your seats in the presence of the Most High God. You are welcome. Mommy will be greeting us. Thank you. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. May the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. May the Lord strengthen you. You will never miss your rewards in Jesus' name. After serving Him here, you will meet Him in glory. In Jesus' name. And then, my women, praise the Lord. You know that November is just around the corner. So first, all of us want to meet at Bethel Camp. I hope nobody will be missing. Please, all of you should be at the camp, even though you have not been there before. This year, make it a time to meet with the Lord. And the Lord will bless you. God bless you all. She says, God bless you. That's a good prayer. A good prayer for you. Hallelujah. I'm appreciative to God and also this great assembly. And then, first and foremost before I start ministration, I want to remind you that this is the month I was born into the family of God. I think I've mentioned it sometime ago. The month of October. I was born into the family of God. Not the one I was born into the family of Okafo. So I have two birthday celebrations. The one born into the family of Okafo. And the one born into the family of God. In 1976, I was born into the family of God. So please, I request you stand to your feet and sing the birthday song for me. One, two, go. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. May the Lord God bless you. May the Lord God bless you. May the Lord God bless you. May the Lord God bless you. May the Lord God bless you. Hip, hip, hooray. Hip, hip, hooray. Hip, hip, hooray. God bless you real good. Say better amen. Please, I want you also to emulate me. Imitate me. Remember the year you were born into the household of faith. Very, very important. Your name was transferred from the book of death into the book of life. It's an important time. You must have to remember. We give God the praise and glory for giving us today. This is the day that the Lord has made. We shall rejoice and be what? Glad in it. And anything that will not allow us to rejoice and be glad in this day shall never be our portion in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. I want to thank the church of God located at Sejibo 1. In fact, God has helped me that this church is really standing out. Very much out. And the process and also my ministerial privileges. In the first instance, I was privileged to dedicate this house. Besides, I've been called several times to minister here. And today again, privileged to dedicate triple blessing. I pray for you that multiple blessings will come your way. The investment you are making in the house of God, may the Lord God invest into your life. May He invest into your children. Into your husband. Into your wife. Into your extended family. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ. You will never regret your involvement into the business of the Lord. Contrary wise, you will rejoice investing much into the business of the Lord. For the Lord God will not abandon you. He will never forget your good work. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ. For he that watereth, himself also will be watered. Having invested into God's business, may the Lord invest into your life. Invest into your life. Invest into your life. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Say to the righteous, it is well with you. And I declare unto you, your righteousness is not of you, but of the Lord. Having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is upon the righteousness of Christ that you stand. Therefore, may the Lord God Almighty, Lord God of Heaven, remember you for good. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Thank you most high God. Father, I pray at this particular time, that you take over from me. Minister unto your people. Glorify your name more and more. We pray in Jesus name. A better amen. Shall we turn to the scripture. The book of Philemon. And I want to thank God for the minister that the Lord has sent to us here. Dr. Wallaby has always been a blessing anywhere. Even in the presbytery. And I know, God who has sent him to this, your church has the reason. And I want to pray, that as long as he stays here with you, for the time that the Lord God will want him to stay here. Please, pass to the blessings. Don't allow him here to be taken away from you without tapping into his blessings. God has brought him here to bless you real good. And good things have been coming your way. And certainly so, Lord God Almighty will continue to keep you. And to wherever God also is leading him to, you will continue to be a blessing. God bless you, sir. And also to your wife. God bless you, man. Because if you are not supporting him, he wouldn't have been a good person. So I raise my tongue. When I was watching the choristers, I was just peeping to see how many men. My wife said that there are men. I said, no, I have not seen. She said, about three out of them. I said, let me look better. Women have been doing fantastically very well. I pray. God bless you all. But don't forget that you came from me. Whatever you are today, you came from me. God asked the man to sleep and quietly brought you out of the man. Thank you for coming out of us and doing great things. That means that the man is a great man. Producing great things. She said, what do you think about that? Praise the Lord. Fill him on. Verses 10 and 11. And someone is asking, you didn't mention chapter. Yes, because the Bible did not give him a chapter. It didn't give it a chapter. Verses 10 and 11. I would like this scripture read in at least three different translations. Fill him on is after Titus. After the book of Titus. Between Titus and Hebrew. So, are you there? So, I want it read in three translations. Our normal translation, which is a King James Version. Then if you have good news, it could be read there. If you have mistakes, it could be read there or any other translation. So, can I see two persons standing to read from another translation. I will be reading from the Authorized Version, that is the King James Version. Two persons are standing. Can the mic reach them, please? Okay. So that it will not just be masculine affairs. I will take to this. Which one is your own? Huh? Good news. Good news. Good news and message. Now, come with her. The Authorized Version here. King James Version. Okay, read. Message. While here in jail, our father, the child, so to speak, and here he is, hand carrying this letter, Onesimus, he was useless to you before. What that word? He was useless to you before. Now, he is useful to both of us. Thank you. Verse 11. Are you there? Okay. Thank you. Good news. So, I make a request to you. On behalf of Onesimus. Who is my own son? In Christ. Go on. Verse 11. At one time, he was of no use to you. But now, he is useful. Both to you and to me. Something must have happened to Onesimus. The useless Onesimus. Both to man and to God. Something must have happened to him. So, let's pay heed and see how far we go about this. I am speaking on the topic that says, Making the unprofitable profitable. Making the unprofitable profitable. Let me read the King James Version. I beseech thee, for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bond, chain, when I was in prison, which in time past was to you unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me. Father Lord, take over from me at this moment. Bless this congregation. That at the end, O God, those of us who have been useless unto you, unprofitable unto you, shall become useful and shall become profitable. Thank you precious Father. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. It takes only God to alter the faith of man. It takes only God to change that which is evil to become a good product. When it comes to the spiritual life of man. When it comes to the life that he has given to man. To those who do not know him. His blessings will come up again to become a kind of judgment to them. So the power to alter any situation belongs to God Almighty. The authority to change any life for better belongs to God. Both those who know him and those who do not know him. To those who do not know him, his blessings on them will serve as a great judgment if they die without knowing him or without surrendering their life unto God. God is the creator. He created the good. He created everything good. He created everything profitable. But sin came into the world as a result of Satan who was cast down and it came into affair to intermingle with man. And from that man that was created in the image of God. Good and righteous, holy for God's use. Along the time that he interacted with Satan. Interacted with that great serpent. Interacted with the devil. He now changed the glory of God upon his life to become that which is now unprofitable to the man himself. And to God who has created him to be profitable unto him, he also become unprofitable to him. Let us look some of the things that can make profitable things to become unprofitable. Certain things that can make things in general from becoming profitable into becoming unprofitable. One, ecological disaster. When we talk about ecological disaster, we are talking about such as volcanic eruption. Volcanic eruption. Consume profitable, arable land to become unprofitable. Especially when the lava flows. In fact as lava flows and it gets cold, that place has become a stony ground. And if there is anything that has been good along that line, for that lava that has flowed over that site can never be any good thing come out of it. So ecological disaster can make a profitable arable land to become what? Unprofitable. Natural disaster. We have been hearing about earthquakes, floods, desertification, and also afflustation. Where there are deserts, desert encroachments, we have been hearing it from the north and water view, any area that is encroached by desert aspects, that area will become useless. Nothing will come up there. And that is why you have also some nation calling to plant trees here and there, so that we can reduce that flood and other things that will come up there. So natural disaster, flood and other things will cause a profitable land not to become profitable. War. Where there are wars or where there is war, some part of the eastern part when there was a lot of explosions, bombs and every other thing, the arable land, good land, good soil, because of the chemical deposition upon the soil, that place become unprofitable. It took so many years for that particular position to come up again. And like what is happening at Ukraine, Russia, all those areas, wherever these wars and all these chemical weapons are being dropped one way or the other, bombs and other things, that particular portion of the land will not be productive again. It will never be profitable to man and for the indigenous who are around there. So we can see it there. When you come to human life, we have gangsters. We have peer groups. And when you have found yourself to such peer groups who are worthless entities, you know it will affect your life. The good man, the good child you have, suddenly you see him misbehaving. The good daughter you once had, suddenly you see her misbehaving. He has come in contact with unprofitable people. He has come in contact with peer groups who are not good in themselves, neither are they good to their family nor to God who has created them. Such people also will bring, when a child comes in contact with such group of people, that profitable child that you once had now become unprofitable. You begin to wonder, yes, it happens that way. It comes that way, one way or the other. That was what happened in the life of Rebel Born. The Bible tells us that Rebel Born, one of the sons of Solomon, when the father died and he was asked now to seek for counsel, the elder came to him as a child of Solomon. They came to him. They gave him good advice. Your father was so horrible because he wanted to maintain 700 concubines and 300 wives. And then he overtaxed us. He dosed us with lots of taxation. But my son, if you can listen to our advice to reduce our problem, to reduce the great tax that your father has imposed upon us. If you can listen to us to reduce them, we shall be your servants forever. And the young man said, I have heard you, please, come the next day, I will be giving you the answer. The Bible tells us that as soon as they were born, he went to his peer group. He went to his associates. He went to his gang. And then he said, look at all these old men that told me. Ask me to reduce the burden. If I reduce the burden, how will I be able to maintain myself and all that things. But now, what you suggest to me. And the people said to him, don't mind those old people. They are from the old school generation. You know we are new people. We are modernized. They can't operate the cell phone, but we can. We can manipulate the cell phone. We can do whatever we want to do. But those old guys, they can't do anything. So, we are in a new generation. Listen to us. Go back and tell them, my little finger will be thicker than my lungs. Go and tell them. Though my father chastised you with wish, I will chastise you with words. Stop you. Then your eyes will open. And now, not to dabble into whatever we have decided to do. We are the youths of our time. We shall move this nation, Israel, to a greater height. Not by mere trying to parley with other people. We have what it takes to turn this nation around. And so, the man went back and the people came. And he told them, well, I have heard what you said. But as I meditate upon that, this is the answer I have for you. I want to assure you, all these few grey-headed persons, like the preacher. I want to assure you, my little finger will be thicker than my lungs. So if you are expecting that there will be reduction of transaction, you will get more. If you thought at this particular time, that my father chastised you with horse whip, my own is even going to be scorpion to be stinging you and invest venom into your system. And the people say, we have heard you. So you attend all Israel. What can change profitable things to become unprofitable? Gangsters, gay groups. Number five, sin can change profitable things to become unprofitable. Sin. God created man in his own image. And the image of God created heathen, male and female, created heathen. And God, after the creation, he said, all things that he created, good. Good. Then, where comes the evil that invaded man? For there was, stop it! Who would not want the will of God? To be done, who tends to oppose God's will? When you ask some persons why they are behaving the way they are behaving, they will say, I don't know. Well, you might not know, but I want to tell you, you are behaving the way you are behaving, because the Satan, the devil, would not want you to be profitable to yourself, to your family, to God and to the entire globe. That's just the whole thing. In you, you want to do good. Paul said, I want to do good, but after I have taught to do good, evil will prevail. And there is a battle going in me. When I want to do that which is right, I find myself doing that which is wrong. I'm finally realizing, he said, oh, unprofitable person I am. Who shall deliver me from these grips of sin? At last, he said, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ. Who has come to deliver me from the grips of sin? I want to do good. I want to be profitable to God, to myself, to the citizenry, but I can't find myself doing that. It was the satanic oppression that was working in me. Sin took hold of me, Paul confessed. Sin took hold of me and did all manner of evil upon my life. But at last, there was a saving grace. The Bible tells us here about the prodigal son. The prodigal son was good in his father's house, working together in harmony, relating with his father, relating with other people. All of a sudden, having come in contact with their groups, having come in contact with people outside that household. And the people said, how long will you continue answering, sir? You have your life to lead. Don't mind this old man, whatever he's telling you. I want to address my fellow young people here and my children. Please be willing to listen to the counsel of the men of God, of your father, your godly father, your godly mother. You know, also God has touched blessings. It's when you honor them, when you respect them, when you hear their counsel, which they will not counsel you good or bad, but good, because they want to retain good name. As the Bible says, the good name is better than what? Silver or gold. As they give you counsel. Listen, listen. Go here, come there. How far will you be under this old father and he to be controlling you? It is time you take over your lives. You are not a child again. You can live without them. If they have died before, you can stay. You can do this. But now that they are living, why don't you obey them? No, nobody will give that counsel. Just have your way. Can your father give you your own portion? He said, yes. I know how to persuade him. He will do it. And so he persuaded his father and became arrogant. Whatever he wants to do, he went ahead doing it. And the father said, I can't control this again. Come, take your portion and move. And all those peer groups said, have you not concluded it? You have done it. If you have been making simmer, simmer there, it will be troubling on you. It will call you, go and bring that chair. It is now time for you to stand on your own. I do not know those who may be counseling you to now become obstinate and behave anyhow. But listen, listen. It does not pay. To obey is better to do what? And sacrifice. He went his way. He went his way. Those, his peer group helped him to squander all. And the Bible said that he went a far country. I wouldn't be here to begin to stress more. But when any person leaves God, he will go to a far country. It will go to a far country of drunkenness, far country of immorality. He goes to a far country of not recognizing righteousness any longer. He will go to a far country. He stands away from God. He went into a far country where he thought God wasn't there. Where he thought that God was limited to the circumference where the father and mother were located. He went into a far country so that they will not take control over his life. I pray for my listeners today. Whatever that will take you away from God into a far country of sin, may the Lord recover you today. May you be recovered in the name of Jesus Christ. He went when he had lavished all, squandered all. This was the time to not think again. This was the time. All those friends abandoned him. He had to test how this wine food looks like. What he was giving to the swine is now rushing to eat alongside with the swine. Sin turned him from being a son to becoming a slave. Sin. When he realized himself, he said, let me go back to my father. I will appeal to him. Don't see me as a son again. See me as what? A slave. Sin can turn you from being a son to becoming a slave. Sin can make you turn from being frugality to prodigality. Sin can turn you from reasonability to unreasonability. Sin can useless you, can make you to become what you ought not to be. You see some of the people who have allowed sin of drugs to penetrate them. See them how they look. They were born one day and celebration was made in the naming ceremony, in the dedication ceremony. But when they allowed their lives to be bought over by sin, the profitable child now becomes unprofitable child. I pray it shall not be your portion. The profitable mother now become unprofitable. Both to God and to the society. The profitable father turn and become unprofitable to God who made him. He no longer listens. Even to the counsel of God, he no longer listens. Anything he wants to do, what appeals to him? I do not know. Fathers like me, if you are here, do you listen to the counsel of God? Do you throw the line of God? Mothers, do you listen to God's counsel? Do you go according to God's directives? How do you live? God's intention is that when you must have passed on in this world, you will dwell with Him in eternity. That's it. That's God's intention. So we will not allow the desire of God, the will of God for our life to be useless. No. So that when God talks to us, whether from the pulpit or as you meditate the word of God by yourself and God is talking to you, practice what God has told you from every angle. Practice. Don't begin to question God. Don't begin to query God unless it's not what God has said. Don't begin to ask God, Why do I need to do this? Who are you? He says, Woe to him that questions and interrogates his Creator. Woe. Let's be careful. Let's go according to God's directives. This man from usefulness, he became useless. Uselessness came out of him. From usefulness, he turned into uselessness in his life. From obedience to disobedience. And that has been playing a role in the Christian form, in the Christian diagram. As a child of God, do we need to disobey God? Peter said to them, Should we disobey God and obey men? George, which one is the best thing for us to do? Ask yourself a question. Sometimes, when there are other things coming around you, am I in the will of God? Once you are not there, please come back to the will of God. I've been telling people, this is the question paper, and this is also answer sheet here. If you look at your life, it's not going along with this world. Don't begin to say, Nobody knows who will go to heaven until we get there. Of course you can't get there. You can't get there if you are reading contrary to the word that is written here. You can't get there. You cannot. I pray, that as we listen to the word of God, we should do what God wants us to do, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. It tells him, this prodigal son, now became useless. From godliness to ungodliness. The list could go on. But today, there is God in heaven, who can turn unprofitable things, to profitable things. There is God, who can turn useless things, to useful things. Even today, there is God in heaven, who can revive events, on one's life. And so on. There are some examples, I want to express from the Bible, even in our lifetime. Examples. There is this man called Jephthah. Jephthah, Georges chapter 11, you can have that account there. And read for yourself. Jephthah was born, into a family. The Bible told us, that Jephthah was born by a harlot. And so, nobody knew, whether she later died. But the father, married another woman. Jephthah's father, married another woman, who also gave birth, to so many sons. The Bible said that, when these sons, these children grew, they came to realization, that the mother of Jephthah, was a harlot. And so they told Jephthah, you cannot share, our father's property, alongside with us. Because your mother, was a harlot. Was it, the problem of Jephthah, was it his fault, that he was born, by a harlot? Did he know, that the mother was a harlot? But he find himself, in this ridiculous situation. So they drove him away. Said, get out! You cannot have goods, with us here. Your mother, was a harlot. Making the unprofitable, profitable. And, Jephthah had to leave home. And started wandering, from street to street. And, people also, who are wanderers like him, grouped up. And they started living together. And Jephthah, trained them up. Where there is war anywhere, Jephthah's team, will be hired, to go and fight war. He will be hired, to go and, fight the battle, anywhere. So that was, where he was living on. And so, maybe everyday we pray, God, may there be war somewhere, so that they will come to rent me. May there be war somewhere, let them come and rent me, so that we can have food, to feed on. Don't forget about David Zuu. When also he went out, for war, together with his group, that he has also trained. And by the time he came, his place, was vandalized. And his family, taking captive. So, those of them, they have been living in that, where there is no way, to learn their head, they have to, go to law, train themselves, to do what can give them, and them, living. No, they didn't train themselves, to become armed robbers. They did not go to, join the forward knights. No. They took a course, that will earn them living, in a genuine way. That's what you want to look at there. Course, in a genuine way. Live, as a military man. So, we join army, we join police, we join, I want to be there. That was what he was doing. And so, one day, God will always create, Oh, I pray for someone today. May the Lord God, remember you, in your situation. Amen. So, the amulet I gave, upon the Israelites, for war. And so, among the elders, they remember that, Jephthah was somewhere. I've always believed one thing, that sometimes, God will allow, certain problem, to come, which only you, will solve. No other person. No other person. It brought us, in the situation, of, Daniel, and his people. A dream, no other person can solve. It gave, the dream, of, Joseph, interpretation of, Pharaoh's dream. No other person, can solve, because, there is, a man. There is, his man. There is, that woman, who is, going to solve, that problem. I pray, may God, create a situation, where, only you, as a child of God, will bring solution, to that situation. God, will remember you. May the Lord God, remember you, for good, and not for evil, in the name of, Jesus Christ. The Bible said, there was war. The elders, when, Jephthah was being, driven away, by his, siblings, where, were the elders? None of the elders, interfered, by saying, no, Jephthah must stay here. Why driving him away? His father, you are having, the same father, he is your sibling. The elders, kept quiet, and he was driven away. Now, God created the room. The Bible said, that the elders of Israel, gathered, and said, ha, we remember one of our sons, Jephthah by name. He is a great warrior. He is a conqueror. Let's look for him, so that he can help us, in this war. And Bible said, that they went, to look for him. They all marched out, to look for Jephthah. And when they got him, they said, our son, look at. Oh, may God deliver us, from being hypocrites. Agapekebe. May God deliver us, from being hypocrites. Even in the church of Jesus Christ. Making the unprofitable, profitable. And they came to Jephthah, our son. Come, and help us, and fight this battle. And Jephthah looked at them, and looked at them, and said, Shebe, you have driven me away, from my father's house. Why are you looking for me? I don't know those people, who are suffering, this type of thing. That nobody recognizes you. They have seen you, as never do well. From today, you will turn, from never do well, to ever do well, in the name of Jesus Christ. The forgotten, will be remembered. They said, please, we are sorry, for all we have done. We are sorry. It's okay. So, earth is human, to forgive, divine. But now, if I go out, for this war, and win this battle, what are you going to do, for me? Ah, anything you desire, any of the requests, you will make, we will do it. He said, is it well, because you don't know, what the request, I want to make. He said, you want anything, including, being our leader. And Jephthah said, okay, if that is the case, promise you, make an agreement, with me, that after this battle, and when I must have, brought victory, to Israel, I will be your judge. They said, yeah, we agree, and they endorsed it. They forgot him, with the remembered. The Bible says, Jephthah went to war, and God, granted him, victory. So, so, God, who turns evil, for good, the Lord God, turned his situation, from rejection, to reception. He was rejected, but now, what happened? Come, come, even, if case not taken, I do not know, the Bible in silence, whether when he came back, all those he said, siblings, who drove him away, whether he sent them, to an adult, say you, you, no more in this city, because he has not become, a judge, he is now a judge, from, rejection, to reception, from homeless, to home base, a wanderer, now, God, turned, his, night, into day. I pray for my hearers today, whatever have been working against your life, through the grace of God, and as you submit yourself, unto the hand of the Almighty, may those things working against you, turn to work for you. I can hear you say better, Amen. May such, turn to work for your goods, the areas you went before, and failed, as you go back, you will succeed, from homeless, to home base, from ordinary citizen, to recognized citizen, when he is walking in, they will stand up, shepherd has gone, he rejected, and until he sits down, nobody sits, that is what God can do, making the unprofitable, what? Profitable. What can you talk, about the man of, the man, that was possessed, with the evil spirit, the demoniac of Gadara, as of Mark, the book of Mark, you can read there, chapter 5, he was unprofitable to himself, he was living among the tombs, that is where, he separated himself, from the living, unto living with the dead, satanic bombardment, came upon his life, he was unreasonable, he was attacked, I do not know, the kind of thing, you are going through, in this life, but God knows, and the day of deliverance, is at hand, the saving grace of God, will do something upon your life, the Bible says, that the day Jesus came around, the evil spirit came again, to challenge Jesus, Jesus said, keep quiet, the end of this man's trouble has come, and so I pronounce to somebody here, the end of your trouble has come, through the word of God, that liveth and abideth forever, that trouble shall cease, in the name of Jesus Christ, hold your peace, so the demoniac stood before him, and the evil spirit is speaking there, have you come to judge us, the time has never reached you, remember you are faithful God, remember you are faithful God, there is a day, set aside, that the demons will be punished, the time has not come, you are faithful God, and the demons begged Jesus, please, do not take us away completely, from this vicinity, send us, they were pleading, where he should go, I pray your situation, will burn, under the authority of God, your situation will burn, they will respond, to God's voice, in the name of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ said, go, just issue a decree, go, authority is given to me, from heaven and earth, there used to be that song, authority, amen, authority, give it unto me, hallelujah, they went, entered into swine, dumped themselves into the ocean, and the mankind, sat under the Lord Jesus Christ, hearing the word of God, the man was unprofitable to himself, unprofitable to the society, unprofitable to his maker, as a mad person, he is no longer useful, to his maker, is anybody in that situation, where Christ came into his life, those of us, who have no Christ, as their personal Lord and Savior, I pray that this month, of enlargement campaign, you will come in contact, with Jesus Christ, it does not mean, how many years, you may stay in this church, there could have been, 30 years, 20 years, and what have you, and you have not taken Jesus, as your personal Lord and Savior, ah, there is a problem, for that problem, we have solution, and that solution, is Christ Jesus, opening yourself, accepting him, as your Lord and Savior, when this man, was delivered, he sat under Jesus, hearing the word of Jesus, and what have you, the useless man to himself, the useless man to the society, the useless man to his maker, became useful, both to himself, to the society, and to his maker, I pray, that such people today, will experience, God's deliverance, and they will become useful, to themselves, useful to the society, useful to the family, useful to the church, useful to Nigerian nation, useful globally, in the name of Jesus Christ, I do not know, what we are going through, but there is a God in heaven, who turns evil, for good, and Joseph said, you thought evil for me, but God has done what, reversed it, reversed it, the evil you thought for me, has turned to become good, that your lives also, might be saved, may the Lord receive the glory, in the name of Jesus Christ, but when he met Jesus, he was turned from unprofitable person, to profitable citizen, he became a testimony, I pray for my listener, this morning, you will become a testimony, you will become a testimony, that people who thought, no good could come from you, by the time the Lord Jesus, touches your situation, touches your body, touches whatever, has gone wrong in your life, you will become useful, so you will become useful, to yourself, to the society, to God your maker, to the church, where you have received, the word of God, and to the generative of human race, may it be so, in the name of Jesus Christ, Onesimus, was a servant, of Philemon, and Bible says, that this man was rascal, he was a rascal, he was stealing his, his orders, property, he was stealing them, selling them, was very stubborn, and you know, in those days, there is a right of ownership, over a slave, you can buy a slave, you buy a slave with your money, and use them, so Onesimus was one of the slaves, and his master, Philemon, was located at Koros, one of the cities, and Paul usually, will always come there, at his missionary journey, he will get to that place, stay for a while, and move out, now Paul was in prison, in Rome, the false imprisonment of Paul, the Bible tells us now, because of the rascality, of this young man, he fled, after he has stolen a lot of things, he fled from his father, and ran to Rome, from Koros to Rome, was about 1000 miles, whether he went on it, because in those days, no other means of movement, than maybe horse, for the big people, or what have you, but from that place, and it was there, that he met with Paul, and Paul, saw him, what has brought you here, you know, it cannot be said, it is the same problem, stealing, there may be some crafty, description of situation, what has made you to trek all the way, 1000 miles, coming to Rome, what has led that, and so, Paul took him, and started ministering to him, the word of God, making the unprofitable profitable, the Bible says that, when Paul must have ministered to him, Paul watched his life, and he seen that he has accepted Jesus Christ, as his own personal Lord and Savior, it was unsatisfiable to Paul, and when Paul looked at that, he now wrote a letter, to his master Philemon, he said, now, my son Onesimus, look at what he called him now, my son Onesimus, who was useless to you, who was a thief, an immoral person, a liar, who was leading anyhow, a 419, a yahoo yahoo, is now my son, my son Onesimus, has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, who has brought us under one canopy, I pray you, accept him back, that he who was once useless, to you, has now become useful, to me, and to you, please take him back, not as a slave, but one also, who is born into the family of God, I am seeing, God pleading, Jesus pleading on your behalf, as you keep in your life, to say that my daughter, who was not useful, that my son, who was not useful, over these years, having had this message, I have seen in him, that usefulness had come, to take dominance over him, accept him back, accept him into the worship of the Most High God, so the letter was delivered, and Onesimus was one of those people, who carried this letter to his master, and Paul was reminding him, say you know, charge all his debts, if you think, if you think, after I have given the testimony of this boy, if you think that he is still owing you, after I have told you, that he is now my son, if you think that he is still owing you, now charge those things, into my account, oh I pray, that the Almighty God, will intercede on the behalf of somebody today, I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is standing at the right hand of God, will be interceding on behalf of someone, in this particular auditorium today, that your name will be transferred, from the book of death, into the book of life, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, I pray for you, that God will no longer, remember your evil way, as you will stand up, and plead before Him, anywhere I have gone wrong before you Lord, take me not as a son, as a daughter, take me as one of the slaves, have mercy upon me, deliver me from the sins, that have taken me captive, that sin that has never allowed you, to have peace with God, today you can be rescued, today there could be a change, today there could be a reversal, the Lord God will not forget you, the Lord God will remember you, the Lord God will forgive you, the Lord God will transfer your name, from the book of death, into the book of life, and so, onesimus, unprofitable servants, useless servants, having met with Paul, and the message of God, imputed into him, the salvation came in, the uselessness, of onesimus, become usefulness, onesimus who was useless, to both God, to both his master, to both Paul, became a useful person, I pray for my hearers today, you will have a reverse, every negative thing, that has been associated into your life, God shall turn them, into your achievement, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, can we stand to our feet, and plead with God today, this is the enlargement period, I do not know, those of you who today, although when something was called, nobody was coming out, that today is your first time, I told you how this, enlargement campaign brought me, into the family of God, if you are in this congregation, today is your first time, into the family of God, and for this period, 45 years, was at the time as I passed out, I have stayed even in this church, for close to 50 years now, and so that God who kept me, who rescued me, who made me, that every October, I will sing this song, of having a new birth, into the family of God, if today is your first time, I will pray for you, and you will see things, turn around for your good, why all of us who are here, those of us who can stand, you can stand, you know you can not stand for long, you can sit down, any position, please all you owe to this time, is to connect yourself with God, any negative thing, that has been happening in my life, even in the church, am I stubborn to your word, which has been preached to me, am I the one causing problem, in my local church, in the main ministry, in the youth, in the women, what is my life like, there must be a change, without being a change, the kingdom of God will be farther than ever, I want us that we will not come here, after we have stayed in this church, for 50 years, and at the end, get out of my sight, I also agree, because faith and reason, must go together, everything we have by faith, reason must be attached to it too, so that we don't just say, somebody will tell you there, jump down, Jesus Christ was saying, jump from that pinnacle, and God has promised, that as you jump down, you will not break your ankle, Jesus Christ had that power, but reason came there, you must reason too, you can't see a place, written poison, if you take it you will die, Jesus said, if we drink any poison, it shall not harm us, where is the reason, where is your reason, are you a fool, are you a stupid person, I pray for people today, may there be a change, that this enlightenment period, will bring about great grace, I pray for people today, I pray for you, and other people, raise up your hand, every uselessness, that you have been encountering, unprofitability in your life, begin to tell God, I shall change the life of Onesimo, change my life, thank you my dear, those of you, today is the first time, come to the altar, I pray with you, you overcome, whatever have been overcoming you before, and if you are, today is not your first time, I have seen one person kneeling down there, and you need to say, I want to have the contact with the altar, that my life will change, my business from negative aspects, to change to positive, my worship to God, will change from negligence, to now, doing the right thing I am supposed to do, as the Lord leads you, I pray with you, just begin to pray, begin to tell God, tell God something there, tell God to begin to minister to you, to grant you, the wherewithal, to also becoming what God supposed to be with you, come along, tell God, Onesimo, a useless man, a useless boy, a useless woman, a useless man, by having them in this congregation, don't be ashamed to identify yourself, tell God, I am Onesimo, in, HMO Church 1, turn me, turn me O God, turn me from uselessness, to usefulness, turn me O God, turn me, bring a change for my life, bring a change for my life, bring a change for my life, turn me, turn me anew, turn me anew, turn me anew, turn me anew, turn me anew, turn me anew, thank you Father, blessed be your holy name. Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, may our children become profitable to you, to us, to our nation, to the world over, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you Father, be glorified, we have prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, and those who believe that God has heard our prayers, and we shall be among those, to testify of the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living, let the amen come three times, to the Father, to the soul, to the Holy Spirit, one through God, Amen, Amen,

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