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Praise the Lord You all are welcome in Jesus name I'm pressing on Upward way New as I'm getting In every day Stay praying out Come on go fast Go fast my feet On I Am Hallelujah Holy fear Hallelujah My feet on earth Go fast my feet Upward way New as I'm getting Upward way On I Am Hallelujah Holy fear Hallelujah My feet on earth Heavens they will rise Higher place That I have found Go fast my feet On I Now My heart has to Desire to stay Where doubts arise I'm getting free To some big world Where needs are found My heart has to Desire to stay Where doubts arise I'm getting free To some big world Where needs are found I'm getting free That I have found That I have found Go fast my feet On I Am Hallelujah Holy fear Hallelujah My feet on earth Heavens they will rise Higher place That I have found Go fast my feet On I Now Amen Amen I want to appreciate God for tonight And I want to thank all of us that are here Praise God Listen to the book of Psalm number one Psalm number one Book of Psalm number one Are you there? I was reading from my own translation that says How happy is the man Who does not follow the advice of the wicked Or takes the path of sinners Or joins a group of mockers Instead his delight is in the Lord's instruction And he meditates on it day and night He is like a tree planted beside streams of water That bears its fruit in season and whose leaves does not wither May the Lord bless the reading of his word in Jesus name And the last phrase of that scripture says Whatsoever he does prosper Amen I want to talk on the topic tonight How we should not end the year How we should not end the year A lot of us are making preparation to end the year And by the grace of God the Lord will enable us to end the year joyfully In the mighty name of Jesus In the month of November we started talking that There are ways to unlock the blessings of God And this scripture also we have read From the Old King James Version states Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly Blessed is the man I will always remind us here that it is the will of God for us to prosper It is the mind of God that his children should progress It is the mind of God that his children should move forward in life But the question you must ask yourself And I must ask myself Am I really progressing? Are you really progressing? What and what has happened in your life in 2022? What and what have you done? Have you not done? I said it some time ago and I want to say it again tonight God is much more interested in our private life than the show we do in the church Did you hear me? God not man is much more interested in our life Private life than the show we do in the church A lot of people curse A lot of people fight A lot of people do all kinds of things Because no brother or sister or pastor or whatever is here And they just believe they can go on and on and do whatever thing they want to do And I have watched in this church many of us A little word of advice of cancer Somebody will be provoked And I want us to look at the scripture tonight very carefully Because I will always remind you You can shout from Genesis to Revelation There are many people today who are living under threat Under what? Threat Because they have never taken to the word of God for once And if you do not take to the counsel of the word of God You can shout Happy New Year 25 times Nothing will be new around you It's not a curse Because the God that we serve is a God of principle And he cannot change his principle because of one person or because of me The scripture says here Happy is that man who does not follow the advice of the wicked The Old King James says Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly From Genesis or January to now Where have you walked? What counsel have you taken? What type of advices have you taken? A lot of things are happening around us now And the one that is very common now is divorce And it's trending And many people are celebrating it And I say that they are celebrating it in their foolishness Because they lack the knowledge of the word of God That is what is trending now And people are receiving short counsel I think somebody posted it about three days ago That almost about seven or eight celebrities Have engaged or had issue of what? Divorce this year And find out what is the reason for this divorce It may be because one or two individuals have an unteachable spirit Marriage is adjustment And if you are not ready to adjust, you should not get ready for what? For marriage The Lord will help us in Jesus name What counsel are you taking? I'm just teaching marriage There are other people who are taking counsel To do what? To do evil in their businesses You are a child of God You have told the whole world that you are a child of God And the business you are doing, you are not making profit from it And as a result, you have heard from other persons That if you do this, if you do that And add it to your business, you will have a business world explosion And to that effect I don't know whether some of you have You have come across all these talisman people That they will just send something to your WhatsApp Or send something to your Facebook line And telling you that if you need anything Talisman powers, they need anything Even me will be a person and they send them But it is now Left for me to do what? To contact the person or what? Or not The Lord has given me the willpower to make a choice But because I want my ministry to blossom Because I want Body Gallery and everywhere to build up I will now engage myself in such type of things And the Bible says, that is what? Ungodly what? Cancer And many people will take that ungodly cancer The Lord will help us in Jesus name If you want to be blessed As we move into the new year One of the things you must work on between now And say that the best night is that you will resolve In your mind that you will never take cancer From who? From ungodly men and women You will never take cancer from ungodly young man From ungodly young lady It is no, who do not take cancer From ungodly people that can be what? Can be blessed So if a man has taken cancer Or a woman has taken cancer From ungodly men or women Such a man can never be what? Can never be blessed And I pray That the Lord will help us in Jesus name If you look at that word You must use work The next thing after work is stand And the next thing after that is sit Now I rewind it If a child wants to start life The first thing he should do is to sit Mummy are you here? After sitting the next thing to do is to stand After that the next thing to do is to work But the scripture says Must not work in the cancer of the ungodly Throughout generality now What are the cancer that you have taken about your life? And what are the cancer you are preparing your mind for? Because we need what? Cancer Lord And the Bible says it was There is safety out of what? Cancer There is safety But the question now is who are your cancer Lord And what are they cancelling you about? We will always have issues We will always have challenges I don't know For about 30 or 40 years I came across Job 14 verse 1 It did just stand into my mind Man born of a woman Is of few days and many troubles So whatever you are going through You are not the only one Someone else has gone through it Because many people will still go through that And that is why you must not kill yourself You must not kill yourself Work not in the cancer of the ungodly There are men today who are working in the cancer of the ungodly Now any little thing they have worked out for them They will beat the woman as they go and report me in the church I will deal with you more Whether the church marry you for me You will not come and tell me And there are many of us even women Who are taking ungodly words Cancer If not me not like this I could do If not me not like this I could do And you continue to do it And yet you carry Bible The scripture cannot be broken And it cannot work in your life Because you are not living as a child of God As we are moving to 2023 Let's put the sick Let's put what? The sick Let's throw it away And come as a re-birth sick Into the presence of who? Into the presence of God In the year 2023 I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name The scripture says We must not stand in the ways of sinners I think some of us will agree with me That even today We don't know the difference between who is a believer Who is a believer and who is a sinner A sinner Anyone That lives in sin Is who? Is a sinner But are you aware that Fighting is a sin Are you aware that it is not only Fornication and adultery that is a sin Deceit Telling of lies Some people you can never get Any truth from their words From their mouth Whether morning Or afternoon I don't know whether I have said it here before There are people that greet you good morning I will ask you to open the window Of your house to be sure it is worth It is money Because they may be greeting you like a real ranger A real ranger can greet you monster Any day any time even in the night The scripture says We must not stand in the way of sinners We must not behave like one believer We must not behave like one Non-believer We must not stand in their way Identifying with them Some of you are old members of A.G You know our practice And what are those practices When a brother Is not living well And another brother knows it You report the brother or you go to the brother And counsel him or her And teach him the way And if any person refuses you report him or her To the authority of the church For correct discipline So that there will be purity In the church But today make it not be said that I am talking Make it not be said that I am talking Make it not be said that I am talking We are living in sin And the church is perpetually Under the bondage Of satan Because people that are supposed to lift up Their holy hand Those holy hands have been Sawed with iniquity The Lord will help us In Jesus name As we are moving into the new year I am saying here Tonight That we must understand That the mind of God Is that we must not stand In the way of what? Sinners And we must not Sit in the seat Of who? Scornful Who are scornful? People that have no fear Of God And fear for his word People that look With disdain Other persons People that are Haughty in their spirit mind People that look With contempt They look down on who? On others I ask you this question Do we have such men in our church? Who look down on others? Who look with disdain And yet you call yourself what? A Christian, a child of God I have told us again and again Until we go back To the scripture And live by the revelation of the scripture We may be making Noise in the church And nothing Will happen around us But God can never Mock his word The Lord will help us In Jesus name My scripture say Who does not follow the advice of the wicked? Who does not follow the advice of the wicked? How many wicked people Have advised you this year? And what among those Advices Have you taken? Wickedness Even in the church Who does not take the part of Sinner Happy is that man Happy is that woman Who does not join group of Mockers You know it's very easy to join Bad group Although You don't need to write application To join bad group It is only good groups That people find it difficult to us To join But to join bad group Very easy But the scripture is saying to you Blessed is that man Blessed is that woman Who does not walk Who does not Walk Who does not stand And who does not walk The Lord will help us One of this day we will be able to talk more On walking and standing And sitting But when you get to verse number two It says Incest My English teacher will say That is a contrasting statement Instead of you To walk With the ungodly Instead of you To sit With who? With sinner Or standing by the sinner Or with the sinner Instead of you Instead of this What do you do? Your delight must be In the Lord's instruction Somebody shout Hallelujah Hallelujah The way we should end the year Is what I am talking about And one of the way We should end this year Is delighting ourselves In the word of God The word of God The word of God This book Of the law Let's get to the book of Joshua please Joshua chapter one Are you there? Joshua chapter one Is this to Joshua in verse six? Let me take you from Joshua in verse five No one will be able to stand against you As long as you live It is a common prayer Everybody will say Amen I will be with you Just as I was with Moses Amen I will not leave you Or forsake you Amen And it says to him Be strong For you will distribute the land I swore to their father to give them As an inheritance Above all Be strong and very courageous To carefully To do what? Underline To carefully observe The whole instruction Not part of the instruction You must carefully Observe the whole instruction My servant Moses Commanded this You must You must This book of instruction Must not differ from your words You are to recite It day and night So that you may carefully observe Everything written in it For then For then You will prosper and succeed In whatever you are doing That is condition Many people Struggle Listen as a child of God You don't need to struggle to succeed Success Is your Best right as you give your life To who? To Christ You don't need to struggle But many of us Are struggling because We are not taking To observe And I think if you Must observe It requires Carefulness It requires attention Giving a serious word Attention to something Observe And it is this word Carefully Not just observe Those of you who are Science students You will understand If you are carrying out Practical Citation or whatever At each stage Of changes As you add the chemicals You Will be required To take note And write down what you have Observed If you have added an alkaline with an acid And there is A chemical reaction At each point You have to write At five minutes This was what happened There are some chemical reactions At different minutes The colour changes, am I correct? Yes, but if you are not careful Because your examiner Has carried out the Test And he has noted The time those things will change And you know, as I know Those of you who are science students If the chemical You are using If the concentration is quite different From your lecturer at home or your teacher at home It will affect the results Of my communication But if you are not careful If you cannot observe It very well It is true that There have been reactions and you are giving reports But it will be quite different Because you were not careful To observe Brethren I want to challenge us in a different way As we go I heard our daddy talking about Family devotion, talking about reading the bible We are not going to Read the bible next year As a journal We are not going to read the bible next year As literature We are going to read the bible next year As something that has The power to transform Our life The word that I speak to you They are war, they are spirit And they are war, they are life When the word of god Comes into a man It turns your life around Because there is a force There is a power that has the ability To transform somebody's life Somebody praise the lord How I wish I wish The devotion That some of our daddy And some of you Give to Phones You will give the same devotion To the study of the word of god The devotion That people give to Watching a war In those days it is newspaper Those old baba in those days They will buy Daily times or whatever And they will cross leg their leg like this And they will carry one long book Like this And be reading it They want to digest Everything from us From the newspaper The lord will help us In jesus name One of the things The scripture Also encourages us to do As we delight In his word Meditate Oh my god Do what What do you do Talk to me somebody What is meditation What is meditation You give a serious look At a particular Subject Now we are talking about what Prosperity Or we are talking about what Blessing Or we are talking about the second coming Of our lord Today Somebody will come And tell me that jesus Is already at the anegigo And because of that I will be what I will be fidgeting and be running up and down That shows The level of my words Ignorance I think it was in 1992 One man in America or wherever Told the whole world That jesus Will be coming back In october 1992 And I know some persons Who sold their properties And some people prepared a Panadiam that they want to eat Very well So that they will not miss anything When jesus comes Whereas the scripture say In such an hour When no man was Thinketh The son of man we was Will appear Whereas the scripture make me to understand That even jesus himself Said he doesn't know what Jesus How many of us have heard of jesus of anegigo Jesus Jesus of war Not only jesus of abuja I'm waiting to hear I will always remind us here When Guru Maharaj started his ministry In Lagos here in Agege It was a terrible situation And that is one of the things I feel the church today Need teaching To establish us In the truth of the word of god So that it is not every Here and there we will be running up and down From pillar to wall to post The lord will help us In Jesus name He said If the light is in the lord instruction And he meditate On it day and night You meditate On the word of god Day and night Some of you Even to go for your family devotions Is a problem Your mother will teach you Or your mummy have to teach you Sometimes it bothers me It worries me When I hear that a woman is the one Waking the man for family devotion Did you hear me I don't know whether you have heard There are families it is the woman That will become the pastor That will be waking the man Come let's go pray I don't tire I pray for you in 2023 You will not become tube Because tire and tube They are together I am tired It is when it comes to Spiritual things you are worse You are tired No You meditate day and worse Night And what is spiritual things in Joshua He said because this is where Your prosperity was This is where your progress This is where your progress This is where you are You are moving forward We have doctor In the house Can I ask you This question If you are sick And you go to doctor To clinic And doctor makes prescriptions For you And you collect all the drugs You come back home Look for that Your fine and beautiful fridge And keep the drugs Inside Will the drug work for you Why You have not make use Of the drug And that is the way I look at the scripture Every solution to man's problem Is where Every solution To every man's problem Is in the word of God Are you talking about sickness Are you talking about prosperity Are you talking about favor Whatever you are talking about Is here But that thing that we give you Solution to your problem You have abandoned it And some of us It is only when we are coming To church on Sunday We just go to where we kept it And us as well As patronage We just do like this With the Sunday school manual I have a wonderful treasure The gift of God With that measure I will travel together My Bible Hallelujah I have a wonderful treasure The gift of God With that measure I will travel together My Bible Raise your Bible up Even if not phone Raise them A lot of people not have a phone Phone The light In the word of God Many days On the word of God What the scripture say This book of the Lord Shall not be bad I think Psalm 119 Should be Psalm 119 It is The scripture Make me more wiser Than my worst My enemy The scripture Make me more wiser Than my worst You know there are a lot of us today Who Has created More problem for ourselves As a result of inability To close our mouth Because a brother or a sister didn't greet you He or she has become your worst Enemy But if you have the revelation Of the word of God You will not regard that brother as worst As your enemy And I pray In 2023 We will have understanding Of the word of God Now look up Have a look at These three verses Verse 3 says He is like a tree Now That blessed man Who is not walking in the cancer Of the ungodly Who is not standing With sinners Nor sitting with Discomfort Instead of that His delight is in the word of God His meditation is in the word of God The scripture now says in verse 3 He is like a tree Planted by the river Thy That does work That bears its fruit in season And whose leaves Does not walk With us Praise God Praise God Some people Will tell you This is January By the time we enter January When you talk about giving Talk about offering Talk about maybe payment of school fees Some people say this January is hard My Bible says The scripture says The scripture says that a particular time A child of God will not have money I'm asking questions How will you have money in January When in December you go borrow money To do parties Eh? Instead of you to buy two combos of rice And cook with your children You go buy one bag So that your village people will come And have sold off three weeks ago It's foolishness You know you will pay house rent You know you will pay school fees in January You know you will do every other thing Instead of you to manage what you have You want the whole people to know That you have money And after you have squandered the money Somebody was sharing with me A particular brother in this church Who did dedication at a particular time He was going house rent And he came to church To do dedication He cannot buy goods for God But he went to his house And invited all the village people And they rented chairs And they did parties As those people were leaving The landlord just woke up to him In the evening And gave him quick notice You know by my own way You can't bring that up Of quick notice What am I praying about Instead of me to pray for you I will be sleeping Instead of me to pray for you I will be sleeping Because you have not made use of your word Thank you Are you saying with me Any man that will meditate On the word of God Any man that will delight In the instruction of the word of God And live a life that pleases God There is not going to be This time Nothing there Not today The Bible says Whatsoever he does Just works And that is why you must do something Tell your neighbor do something So that something no go do you Do something It is what we do That God will do us Are you saying with me Whatever he does Whatever is whatever Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does Whatever he does I believe God My God can never fail me I believe God I say believe yourself in 2023 Don't believe God alone Believe God and believe us Yourself Believe in the ability That God has given to you That you have the potential The capacity to do something God is your God Am I communicating And God is your Father And yourself you can make something out of God Are you still with me The Lord will help us in Jesus name How we should end the world this year Is that we should prepare for tomorrow We should do what We should prepare for tomorrow Listen when you meditate on the word of God You have a stable life You have what Stable life A stable life Stable Your life becomes stable A lot of Christians today that their life is not what Is not stable They are always up and down This is the time of what you call it December And people will make a lot of negative resolutions I've told us in this church What you need is decision Decision I have decided To follow Jesus I have decided To follow Jesus I have decided To follow Jesus No turning back No turning back When you meditate upon the word of God It brings fruitfulness And productivity Fruitfulness And productivity It is not the will of God for you To be stagnant No No It is not the will of God For us to be stagnant God wants us to be fruitful God wants us to be Productive And that is why he says Whatsoever you lay your hands on to do It will do what? It will prosper it The Lord will help us In Jesus name When you meditate upon The word of God You have what we call Inward nourishment Oh Right inside of you You have received it You have read the scripture As a woman Waiting for the fruit of the womb And you have received an assurance from God That you are pregnant already Even when other people are saying nothing He says I am pregnant And in the next nine months I shall deliver my Baby boy Amen People who never have faith or believe They can never accept it But right inside of you Oh my God You have concluded By what God I think we used to sing that song I am not moved by what I hear Hallelujah I am not moved by what they say Hallelujah I am only moved by the word of God Hallelujah I am only moved by the word of God Hallelujah Are you actually moved by the word of God Or you are just singing it It is beyond singing It is having the revelation When you have the revelation of the word of God You live by this revelation And that is why Baba Yedeko said it Several years ago he said I can never be worse I can never be poor Even when he never had anything And I have told us in this church I am not permitted to fail It is not just a mere statement It is my covenant Revelation with God So if you are saying it Say it as if you mean it I saw a lot of my sons and daughters in the Lord Congratulating me For my PHD program And I saw 2, 3, 4 Who says Shebi you are the one who used to tell us You are not permitted to profit Praise God Somebody praise the Lord So if you must move into the year 2023 You move as a righteous person As who? As who? And as a righteous person You must be separated from the world From this world of evil You must be separated As a righteous person You must be satisfied With the word of God You must be what? And finally You must be sustained by God You must be separated From the world You must be satisfied with the word of God And you must be sustained By the word of God With these 3 things You can now cross into the new year Let's rise to our feet Let's rise to our feet Let's rise to our feet Father thank you for tonight Open your mouth and appreciate God for tonight Thank God for tonight Let's open our mouth and appreciate God for tonight Let's open our mouth and thank God for tonight Yes thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus You must be separated From the world And all the world practices In your talk, in your walk, in your action In your attitude You must be separated From the world That is what Father Juan is telling us That we must be separated From the world And we must be satisfied With the word of God With the revelations of the word of God Containing your life Open your mouth and pray tonight Lord help me, Jehovah help me Lord help me, Lord help me Come on somebody pray tonight Somebody pray tonight Somebody pray tonight Come on lift up your voice And talk to the Lord tonight Yes I don't want to end The year Walking with the ungodly No, no I don't want to walk with the ungodly I don't want to Stand in the ways of sinners And I don't want to sit In the seat of scumful People who have contempt, who disdain others Who never have regard for God Nor regard for men Open your mouth and talk to the Lord Tonight Oh ask God tonight Lord help me I don't want to end The year as a sinner I don't want to end the year As an unserious person I don't want to end the year Blessed is that man Blessed is that man Who Instead of walking with ungodly Instead of sitting with sinners A delight in the word of God A delight in the word of God Open your mouth and pray tonight That Jehovah God will help you Jehovah God will help me As I enter into the year 2023 Oh God of Heaven I will live to your glory and to your praise Let's open our mouth to pray I want to do the will of God I'm pressing on the upward way I want to get a new height I want to get a new height Oh new height New height New height New height New height Day by day new height Oh yes help me to get a new height I am tired of living Rising and falling In my Christian faith I am tired of rising and falling Today I am a child of God Tomorrow I am a sinner Today I am a child of God Tomorrow I am living a wayward and uncontrolled life Oh Lord help me Lord help me Blessed is a man Blessed is a lady Blessed is a young man Oh help me to meditate upon your word To live by your word Lord help me Lord help me Lord help me to live by your word Your word Your word Your word That whatever thing I will do It will prosper I will live according to the word of God Favor will follow me Mercy will follow me Prosperity will follow me The blessings of God will follow me The mighty hand of God The mighty hand of God will come upon my life Ah thank you Jesus In Jesus precious name We are praised I want us to pray tonight Lord I refuse To walk In the cancer Of the ungodly Wherever those ungodly men and women are Youth Ungodly youth are Who are there to mislead me Lord I refuse to walk in their cancer Shall we pray Shall we pray It's a conscious decision It's a conscious decision you must make Ah ha Thank you Holy Spirit It's a conscious decision you must make tonight Lord I refuse To walk In the cancer Of the ungodly men of God Ungodly women of God Ungodly men and women in the church I refuse To walk in their I refuse to walk in their cancer I refuse Every evil cancer Every cancer of Aitope Over my life Every cancer of Aitope In the year 2023 Lord tonight I scatter there Every evil cancer Every demonic cancer Every satanic cancer Every advice that is not from the word of God Every advice That is contrary to the word of God Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight I pray Tonight In Jesus precious name We are praying Say Father Help me Help me Never To stand In the ways of sinners Father help me Never To stand In the ways of sinners Open your mouth and pray Open your mouth and pray Yes Lord help me Help me Never to stand in the way of sinners No I don't want to stand In the way of sinners I don't want to stand where sinners are Where people are committing Evil immorality Or righteous way Lord I pray tonight Lord you will grant me grace As the minister of the gospel As the minister of the gospel Lord in heaven tonight I pray in your divine power Lord you will do something To your glory and honor In my life A righteous and ever living God Today I resist the power of the enemy Over my life In the mighty name of Jesus Oh Lord today I resist I resist Somebody pray Somebody pray tonight Ah In Jesus Precious name we are praying Finally let's pray the last prayer Second to the last Lord Lord Lord Help me Never to sit In the midst of scornful People that Disdain others People that doesn't have regard for God Neither regard for people Some people don't have regard for God They don't have regard for anybody Nobody is anything to them Lord tonight I don't want to be such a man I don't want to be such a woman I don't want to be such a boy or girl That doesn't have regard for anybody Just disdain people You look down on people Lord help me never to do that I don't want to sit in their midst No I will never join that group I will never be a party to such group I will never I will never I will never I dissociate myself From such group Either existing here or not Or wherever they may Oh Lord Christ with the Lord tonight Oh God of heaven and earth Oh Thank you Father In Jesus precious name We are praying God Ask for grace To delight yourself In the word of God Grace to delight yourself In the word of God Lord Grant me grace I don't want to be a lecturer But I want to be the doer Of the word of God I don't want to be the teacher But I want to be the doer And the blessing If you follow obedience Let it be my portion Shall we pray Shall we pray Come on pray Come on pray

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