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Wait on God

Wait on God

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The speaker discusses the challenges of waiting on God's timing and the importance of patience. They emphasize that God knows what is best for us and that waiting allows us to grow and learn. The speaker shares personal experiences and encourages listeners to trust in God's plan. They remind us that God's timing is perfect and that waiting leads to greater appreciation and blessings. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to trust in God, be patient, and spread His word. I've been waiting for brand new, I've been praying for change I know you work it out for good, but how long will it take? I've been asking for healing, and I'm not gonna buy I'm ready for the miracle, God said it'd be this time But if I never see the promise on this side of the grave My heart might be shaking, but my faith will never break Hey there, I just wanted to take a quick second and let you know that in each episode's description I put Bible verses that I used for that episode So that you can go back to the Bible and get the wisdom and understanding from God I hope this helps you, and I hope you enjoy today's episode Let's start today's episode with prayer Lord, I lift each and every person up to you I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord And that you give them the wisdom and understanding of your word I thank you, I praise you, and I give you all the glory, Lord In Jesus' name, amen Hey there, come Bible with me today In today's episode, I want to talk about God's timing Waiting on God can be so hard It can be so discouraging, stressful And sometimes we just don't understand why he doesn't work right now And I get that, it's hard to be patient I've been so impatient at times But learning to let go and give it over to God Will be the greatest lesson you'll learn in this waiting process We can't fix anything We can't make our plans possible without God God's timing is perfect Even though we may not see it God knows what he's doing God is so much greater than anyone, or anything, or any plan And in this process of waiting on God You are going to learn so much You have to stop looking at life the way that you think it's supposed to happen Because as you wait for God He's going to remind you that he is leading you And he is guiding you He is working on everything for you God says, I am here for you I am working on everything for you Trust my timing, my children Because he knows exactly the time, the place, the plan What's before you, what's behind you Because he is with you all along I was reading 1 Timothy 6.15 And this talks about God's timing And when Jesus is going to come back For we do not know the day, the time, the hour But we need to be prepared and wait on God And his timing We have to be patient And in doing so You are going to receive the biggest gift God's promise In God's timing I know it is so hard to be patient But you have to remember By waiting on God It is the most crucial part of your journey It is a time that God is making you a warrior for him It is a time he is preparing you for what you have been asking for So that you can be ready for what you ask for Because sometimes you are not ready for it And God prepares you for exactly what his plan is for you Think about it If you ask God And he granted you what you asked for Right away Would you really look at the situation And say it was God Or that God gave it to you Or God did it for you Would you even appreciate it If it was given to you right now Right this second Or would you appreciate it so much more If you had to wait for it And you earned it And God gave it to you And it was so much better than what you asked for Sometimes we wouldn't even second guess it If it was given to us right now Honestly God doesn't make you wait Because he is being cruel Or mean to you God knows everything He is the God Almighty He knows what is in front of you What lies ahead of you What lies behind you What is not good for you What is good for you Because he goes before you To protect you And he is always behind you If we were granted all the prayers That we asked for Because we thought we knew what we wanted And what we needed What our earthly desires want Doesn't mean it is right for you Or it would make your life better Honestly Think about the things that you thought of When you were a teenager Or a young adult All the things that you wanted And you look back And you realize Why God didn't give it to you Because in that journey Of this waiting At least I know for myself That I have learned That God knows exactly what he is doing for me And in my life And he is doing the same for you If God would answer all the prayers That we asked for I'd be blonde hair Blue eyes And look like everybody else I grew up with I'd be in a whole different life Probably without any morals Defending people Just for the money So that I could be rich So that I could be the best I could be At being a lawyer God knew what he was doing He knew my heart He knew I did not have it in me To defend people I knew who were guilty Because I have morals And I believe in him And I would never be able to justify myself To him If he answered that prayer And I am thankful he didn't answer that prayer Because it's not who I am My heart is too big And I want to help people Not hurt people And God knew what he was doing And waiting on his timing Led me in a whole different direction And I am so thankful for it God does not make us wait for nothing He makes us wait So we turn to him And believe in him And trust in him Because God knows so much more than we do And it's worth the wait Because he gives you so much more Than you ask for God is never going to harm you Only to prosper you Just like it states in Jeremiah 29 11 For he knows the plans for you And they are to prosper you He knows your heart And his plan is so much greater than your plan Could ever be Wait on God Trust in his timing You appreciate him so much more When you wait and you learn You grow And he gives you the wisdom you need And when you receive your prayer And your blessing You are so much more thankful to him Remember When he closes one door A bigger door opens God loves you Trust in him Let him into your heart Be patient So that you can grow And you can learn And you can get his wisdom And understanding By doing so Your life will be so much better You will be so thankful You will be so happy You will be filled with joy It will not be an emptiness in you any longer If you allow God to come into your heart Trust God Trust his timing Be patient For he knows the plans for you And they are never to harm you But to prosper you I hope you enjoyed today's episode I ask that you share this with someone else Someone who needs to hear God's word I thank you for listening So until next episode Keep bibling Keep spreading God's word And trust in God's timing Lord I thank you I thank you for each and every person listening I ask that whatever they may be going through Lord Whatever they may be praying for Lord That you hear them And that you answer their prayers In your timing I thank you I praise you And I give you all the glory Because without you None of this would be possible In Jesus name Amen If my faith could stay strong God you taught me to trust you You showed me how to believe You're the author and the finisher Of what you started me So I'm not gonna doubt it I'm gonna hold on to peace Cause if I have you and nothing else I still have everything Cause if I never see the promise On this side of the grave My hope might be shaken My faith will never break Because I know the day is coming When you right all of the wrongs So I'll praise you in the waiting And my faith will stay strong I'll count it joy when I am satisfied Cause you bring beauty from my pain And it's never wasted But if I never see the promise On this side of the grave My hope might be shaken My faith will never break Because I know the day is coming When you right all of the wrongs So I'll praise you in the waiting

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