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Sound of freedom

Sound of freedom


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Summary: In this podcast episode, Anna thanks God for the opportunity to share His word and prays for those in need. She discusses the movie "Sound of Freedom" which sheds light on the issue of human trafficking. Anna urges listeners to watch and support the movie, as it exposes the reality of child trafficking happening every day. She emphasizes that God's children should not be for sale and encourages everyone to take action against human trafficking. Anna concludes with a prayer for the victims and expresses gratitude for the chance to spread God's word and fight against this crime. Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast. Lord, I thank you for allowing me to come here today, giving me the words of wisdom, the words of understanding, and being able to share your word. Lord, I lift up whoever is in need of you today. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord. I ask that you also open their hearts to what I'm going to talk about today. Lord, I give you all the praise, all the glory, all the thanks. You are an amazing God, and without you, none of this would be possible. I praise you in your mighty name, Amen. In today's episode, I'd like to talk about the movie that just came out, Sound of Freedom. This movie was done spectacularly. It is an emotional rollercoaster. You have to go see it. Even if you don't have children, it will tug at your heartstrings like nothing other. And the sad part is, this is happening every day, all around us, and we don't even see it at times. We don't think it's in our neighborhoods. We don't think it's in our cities. We don't think it's in our towns. But it is here, in the United States, and it is all around you. I work for a child advocacy center, and we would see human trafficking quite often. And let me tell you, it is no joke. It hurts to know that our children are being sacrificed for others. If you haven't even thought about watching this movie, go out and watch it and support Sound of Freedom. It needs to be recognized. It needs to be spread worldwide. We need to take these people down. We need to take these human traffickers down. This industry makes billions and billions of dollars. Are our children for sale? Absolutely not. God's children are not for sale. How can you put a price on a child? How can you put a price on another human being? How can you put a price on organs or slavery? That is exactly what human trafficking is. And this movie was done so perfectly. It showed how ugly, how such monsters, how such sick, disgusting human beings can take children and sell them and use them. I want you to know God's children are not for sale. And support Sound of Freedom. Support this movie. Spread the word. Share it with others. They're offering. Pay it forward. It took them five years to get this movie out in the movie theaters. Netflix wouldn't take them. Amazon wouldn't take them. What does that tell you about our country, about the people that are in the background, that the people of elites, the people that are involved in human trafficking? It just goes to show that it is so bigger and higher than we think, and it is happening every single day. What if it was your child? What if it was your niece, your nephew, your grandchild? What would you do then? Go support this movie, Sound of Freedom, and pay it forward. Do your part in the stop of human trafficking. God's children are not for sale. Thank you for listening to today's episode. I just want to thank you, Lord. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Lord, I pray for each and every child that has to deal with human trafficking, that is being humanly trafficked through other people. Lord, I pray for these children. I pray that Sound of Freedom hits records high and that the word gets spread, Lord, that we can fight this, that we can take back our children, because your children are not for sale. Lord, I lift each and every child up to you. Let them know that you're with them, Lord. I ask that you continue to work through each and every individual to help stop this horrific crime. Lord, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to share your word, to spread your word. I give you all the glory, all the praise, Lord. In your mighty name, amen. So until next time, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and help support the stop of human trafficking.

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