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In this episode of God's Podcast, Ana talks about encouragement and how it can help us succeed in our everyday lives. She emphasizes the importance of having the right mindset, celebrating small improvements, being present in the moment, embracing our identity in Christ, challenging the story we tell ourselves, embracing a new way of thinking, and using the word "yet" to acknowledge that we may not have reached our goals yet, but we can still work towards them. Anna reminds us that God is there to give us strength and help us succeed. Lord, I come before you today. I lift up each and every person listening. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord. I want to thank you. I want to praise you and I want to give you all the glory because without you, none of this would be possible. And I pray all of this in Jesus' name. Amen. Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast. In today's episode, I'm going to talk about encouragement. Encouragement to succeed in your everyday life. I want to take you through the journey that I have done for myself lately and have seen progress, growth. So I thought, why not share it with all of you? So in the process of this plan, just like any business plan that you would have, you have to set goals. Weekly goals, monthly goals, and a year goal to get the outcome you are looking for and reach that goal. So we're going to break it down into seven steps. Encouragement number one is your mindset. You need to replace the need for motivation to momentum, meaning that you need to move. Momentum allows you to keep going. Just like it states in Isaiah 40, 31, it says, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. Change your mindset. I am not saying that you don't need to be motivated or have the thought of being motivated. I am saying change your need for the motivation and start doing. Trust upon the Lord. Allow him to give you strength. Allow him to renew you. That if you grow weary, God will give you the momentum you need, just like it states in Isaiah 40, 31. So replace the need for motivation with momentum and move. Encouragement number two is celebration. Who doesn't like to celebrate? So I'm telling you to celebrate your continuous improvement each and every day. This will allow your brain to adapt to a new belief that even the small improvements you make each and every day are wins. So celebrate them. Allow yourself to be happy and joyful for the things that you are succeeding at each and every day. God wants us to be happy. It states this in the Bible. And in chapter after chapter, it talks about celebration. God is a God of celebration. So allow yourself to celebrate even the small improvements you make each and every day. Here are a few of my examples of celebration. Take yourself to get your favorite meal. Go get your favorite coffee. Maybe buy yourself something special. Or, for example, make yourself a wind board. Just like I explained in a previous episode about the prayer board, this is kind of similar. Make a wind board. So for every win, write it on a piece of paper and attach it to the board. By the end of the month, you will see all the wins, all the improvements you have made. I mean, who doesn't like to see how much they've improved in one month? I mean, I sure do. So this is just something that I have thought to do for myself and allow myself to see my improvements. I hope this encourages you to do the same. Encouragement number three, start being present. By allowing yourself to be present, you don't miss what's going on around you. Too many of us are distracted by all the things that are around us that we are not present in the moment. By being present, this will allow you to focus. It'll allow you to make less mistakes. It'll allow you to enjoy each and every moment of your day, therefore, allowing you to succeed. Be present and open your eyes. You will be surprised at what is all around you. God wants us to be present. He wants us to see all the things that he blesses us with each and every day. God made this world a beautiful place. But if we're not present, we're going to miss the things that are right in front of us. So I encourage you to be present, put the devices away, put social media away, maybe take a break from those things, and you will see that it will allow you to look at things differently. By being present, you will enjoy more of your day, more of your moments, more of your successes, because you are present in the moment. Encouragement number four, embrace your identity in Christ. Meaning, don't be ashamed of who you are in Christ, who God made you to be. God created you in his image. He also gave you gifts. It's up to you to use those gifts to succeed in life. He has given you special gifts that he has not given anybody else. So let those gifts shine through. Allow yourself to embrace your identity. God made you perfectly in his image. Use it for your success. Encouragement number five, what story are you telling? I encourage you to challenge that story. What is it that you want others to learn from you? What are you trying to teach others? What are you trying to show others? What story are you telling? Is your story of encouragement? Is your story to help others succeed? Is your story to allow yourself to be the best version of yourself? What story is it? Challenge the story that you're trying to tell, because it'll make a difference in your success, in what you are trying to achieve daily, weekly, and your yearly goal. Encouragement number six, your mindset. I've talked about mindset and the shift of your mindset and how to pivot your mindset. I encourage you to embrace a new way of thinking. Stop with thinking that you know everything or that everything is black and white. Allow yourself to have some shades of gray. Having an open mind will also contribute for your success, for your achievements. Being open to new ideas and others around you helps you become a better person. Sometimes it allows you to see things in a new light. Our way of thinking is not always correct. Just like it talks about in the Bible, lean not on your own understanding, but lean on God and his wisdom and his understanding, because he ultimately will give you the strength, the wisdom, and the understanding. Encouragement number seven, the word yet. Yet meaning maybe you haven't reached your goal yet. Maybe you're not where you want to be yet. This allows you to realize that maybe it's going to take a little bit more time. Maybe you have to work just a little bit harder to get to that momentum, to get to that success, to get to that new mindset, to allow yourself to be present. Maybe the yet is exactly what you need. You haven't reached it yet, but you will. It gives you the opportunity to become or do the yet. Yet allows you to grow. Yet allows you to succeed at your own pace. Having the word yet in your vocabulary not only allows your mind to reiterate that you can do it, it also lets you look at the situation and maybe change it just a little bit. Yet is not a bad word. Start using it in your vocabulary. It will help you become more successful. You have not reached that yet, but you can. You have not reached that wait, but you will. You have not reached your success, the finances, yet, but you can. Get my drift. Yet is a great word because not only are you allowing yourself some wiggle room, it allows your brain to make you think, I still have time. I can do it. I may not reach it today, but I can reach it by the end of the week, by the end of the month, by the end of the year. So start using the word yet. I encourage you to use all seven encouragements. I hope they help you succeed. I hope you enjoy today's episode. I know none of us are perfect. We will fall. We will fail, but we will succeed in many things that we do. If we are allowing ourselves the grace, the mercy, and the ability through God to get all things done. He gave us a second chance. Allow yourself to embrace that second chance. Allow yourself through God, through his word, to become the best version of yourself, to succeed, to have the momentum, to celebrate the continuous improvements, to be present, to embrace your identity, to tell your story, to have a new mindset, and allow yourself the yet. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and encourage your success. I encourage you to become the best version of yourself. I want to thank each and every one of you who comes and listens each and every week to God's word and what he has to say by using me as his vessel. I appreciate it. I appreciate all the support. And I want to thank you. I ask that you share this with someone in need, someone who needs to hear from God because we all need God. Lord, I come before you today and lift up each and every person. I ask that you encourage them. You give them the insight, the wisdom, the understanding, so that they can be successful in you. Lord, I want to thank you. I praise you. And I glorify you. And I pray all of this in Jesus name. Amen. Oh, these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days again that it comes. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. To see heaven and heaven I pray that this is what we came for. Oh, oh, oh. Singing a song of paradise. Oh, oh, oh. Believing that God is who we belong. Oh, oh, oh. This is a great jubilation. Oh, oh, oh. This is what we came for. Oh, oh, oh. What he came for. Oh, oh, oh. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. Singing a song of paradise. Oh, oh, oh. Believing that God is who we belong. Oh, oh, oh. This is a great jubilation. Oh, oh, oh. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days we've been dreaming of. So long to wait. But these are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the days. These are the

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