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The speaker reflects on the year 2023 and expresses gratitude for the lessons learned and the preparation for the upcoming year. They encourage others to build their foundation on God and to seek knowledge and understanding from the Bible. The speaker shares personal experiences of finding peace and letting go of fear and stress through their relationship with God. They acknowledge that not everyone may share their beliefs, but they remain steadfast in their faith and encourage others to do the same. The speaker challenges listeners to start the new year strong, to dig deep into the Bible, and to trust God's plan. They emphasize the importance of spreading God's word and love to others and express hope for a renewed life in 2024. The episode ends with a prayer and a reminder to keep spreading God's word and building a foundation in Him. This world can be cold and bitter Feels like we're in the dead of winter Waiting on something better But am I really gonna hide forever? Over and over again I hear your voice in my head Let your light shine, let your light shine For all to see Start a fire in my soul Let me slay and make it grow So there's no doubt or denying Let it burn so bright That everyone around you'll see That it's you, that it's you that we need Start a fire in me Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast. I want to reflect on 2023 and I want to say thank you, Lord. Thank you for everything that I had to go through in the year 2023 because I know that you prepared me for the year 2024. It is going to be a year of renewal. It is going to be a year of new learning, new blessings, new mercy, new graciousness from you, Lord. I know that you prepared me for this upcoming year of abundance, of blessings, of miraculous things happening in my life because of all the things that I went through, all the things that I've suffered from, all the things that I've learned from, I know that the year 2024, you have prepared me for your will and your purpose and your plan and I know it's going to be great. I know it's going to be amazing. And whatever the year 2024 brings my way, I know that no matter what, you are always going to be with me to get me through. So I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for blessing me because 2023 allowed me to get closer to you and depend on you for everything. It has built my foundation on you, Lord, and I just want to say thank you. Which brings me to 2 Corinthians 5.17. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, and the new is here. We all start our new year with New Year's resolutions, resolutions that last for maybe a week, a month, a couple months, and then we go back to our old ways. But this year in 2024, I want to challenge you and I'm challenging myself to continue my walk with God, to dig deep into his Bible, to read his words, to get knowledge from him. And I ask you, what do you build your foundation on? Because I'm building my foundation on God, and I hope that you do too. We are always in the process of learning. Why wouldn't you want to learn the truth from the most amazing book there is to date? The Bible, his word, his gospel, his truth, all the answers are there. And I ask you to dig deep into those Bibles, to read his word daily, to take the time to have relation with him, renew your heart in him. I was listening to some podcasts over the break. As we went on vacation, I listened to all types of podcasts, from business podcasts to religious podcasts to biographical podcasts, and I learned one thing from all of them. We are always searching. We are always looking for the things that we do not have, but it's right in front of us. The one thing that we are always searching for is right underneath our nose. And I ask you, are you ready to build a new foundation, to be renewed in Christ, to have a new heart, a new mind, a new life? In my life, there is a saying that I heard, and I'm sure maybe some of you have heard it too, and I'm not going to correctly say it, specifically word for word, but it goes a little something like this. What have you gained from reading the Bible or giving your heart to God? What have you got to lose from building a relationship, knowledge, and understanding of God's word? I can tell you what I've lost by doing so. Depression, anxiety, fear, letting go, anger, and so much more. By allowing God into my life, by allowing God to be part of my daily routine, by allowing God to be my friend who I talk to, who I pray to, who I tell everything to, has allowed me to lose the life that I once had, the life of uncertainty, the life of fear, the life of being so stressed, the life of not knowing what the future holds. When I had surrendered and truly surrendered my heart and soul and life to God for His will, His purpose, His plan, and not mine, my life changed. My outlook changed. My mindset changed. I still fear what the future holds at times because we don't know what's going to happen, but it has allowed me to put my trust in God because He knows what the future holds. He knows the plan for my life, and I trust Him wholeheartedly with every aspect of my life. So are you ready to renew your life? Are you ready to let go of the old? Are you ready to start a new life in Christ? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready for that change? Are you ready to let go and let God? Building your foundation in God, in Christ, will be the best, most ultimate thing ever. So I say start 2024 strong and see where it takes you in 2024 by letting God in and letting go and letting God do His will, His plan, His purpose for your life. By 2025, see where you're at. See what God has done for you. See what has changed. See how you have been renewed. Allow God to do His work in your life. You have nothing to lose. Try it for a year. Maybe, just maybe, it'll renew your life, renew your mind, allow you to let go of fear, anxiety, stress, and all that this world has brought upon us. Just maybe it will have given you a newfound peace because with God, I don't know how to explain it, but you don't have the same sensations of going through certain things in your life. When the storm hits, you're able to get through that storm with calm, ease, and not the fear that you once had. I can only tell you what I have been through. I can't tell you what you're going to go through. But for me, it is a renewed calm, a renewed peace through trauma, through different seasons of horrific things that I have been through. God has allowed me to get through these things with this calm and peace because I allowed Him to take over. I allowed Him to do His work. I let go and let God. And with doing that, it has been able to open my mind to a whole new different dimension because God has taken it over for me. I still get emotional. I still get hurt. I still may cry. I still may get upset. But it's different. I cannot even explain it to you in words. But it is so amazing to have God take over. You know, I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about or how I wanted to talk about it because I'm sure there's people out there that look at me and think, all you ever do is talk about God. All you ever do is talk about Jesus. Every situation that somebody comes to me about, I always bring up God or Jesus. And I know that it's not for some people. And I'm not trying to push my religion on you. And if you've ever noticed, I've never told you that I'm a Catholic, I'm a Christian, that I'm a Baptist, or that I go to this church or I go to that church because I don't believe that any of that is important. As I have learned as I've gone through the Bible, that it doesn't matter what you say you are or what church you go to. All that matters is that other people can see that you're living a life in Christ and that they can see the light in you that Christ shines through. And people can talk about me. People can say things to me that sometimes is hurtful, but I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm not going to let it change my output. I'm not going to let it change my thought process of how I love God and my relationship with Him is the strongest that it's ever been. I will not let anybody dim that light for me. I don't care. I am going to continue to keep talking about God. I'm going to continue to keep bringing up Jesus because that is the answer for everything. And I don't care if you think it's not, but it is. And one day, I hope that you realize that for yourself. So like I said, I'm challenging you as well as myself in 2024 because 2024 is going to be a spectacular year. I just know it. And I hope it is for you. And there may be a storm. There may be a season that you go through that you don't like. But just remember, God's going to get you through. Start 2024 strong. Dig deep in those Bibles. Set your New Year's resolution for God, for your relationship with Him, for your foundation in Him. Build upon Him because He is going to get you through no matter what. Have faith. Plant those seeds and bring others along with you even if they're kicking and screaming and they don't want to hear about it. Don't ever dim your light for anybody. Don't ever dim that light of love for God for anyone. Continue to love God. Continue to do His work. Continue to spread His word. Continue to dig deep in those Bibles. 2024 is a year of renewal, of new life, new hope, new beginnings. Why not give it to God? I hope you enjoyed today's episode. And I hope that you share it with someone else because we all need God. We all need and are searching for that love. So spread His word. Share it with someone else. And until next time, keep Bibling. Keep spreading His word and build upon that foundation in God this year of 2024. Lord, I come before You. I will lift each and every person up to You, Lord, whatever season they may be in, whatever their year may have started off with, Lord. Let them be renewed in You. Let their life be new in You, Lord. I want to thank You. I want to praise You. I want to give You glory. Lord, You have done so much for me in my life, and I just want to bring others to You. Continue to use me. Continue to fulfill Your kingdom through me. I will take any harsh words from anyone because I love You, Lord. It doesn't matter what they say to me. They're not going to dim my light upon You. I will continue to do Your work, Your purpose. I pray all of this in Jesus' name, amen. I hear Your voice in my head. They need to know I need to go. Your spirit wants to fall on my heart. Now start a fire in my soul. Light a flame and make it grow. So there's no doubt or denying that it burns so brightly that everyone around can see that it's You, that it's You that we need. Start a fire in me. Start a fire. Start a flame. You have a light on the darkest days. We have the hope. We beg Your name. We say we believe that You have come to save only You can save. Start a fire in my soul. Light a flame and make it grow. So there's no doubt or denying that it burns so brightly that everyone around can see that it's You, that it's You that we need. Start a fire in me. Start a fire. Start a flame. You have a light on the darkest days. Start a fire in me.

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