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Called for Multiplication (Pt2)

Called for Multiplication (Pt2)

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



Called for Multiplication (Pt2) Matthew 25:14-30

PodcastAMIAMI BelgiumPastor PerezCalled for multiplicationBlessed

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The speaker is calling on the Spirit of God to empower them and surrender themselves to Jesus. They then proceed to speak about a parable of Jesus in Matthew 25, where a man gives his servants talents and expects them to multiply them. The speaker emphasizes that God wants us to be managers and rulers on earth, and encourages listeners to embrace their authority and not run from the challenges of life. They also emphasize that whatever God has started, he will finish, and listeners should not give up but trust in God's faithfulness. Spirit of God, Spirit of Power, Spirit of Revelation, You will open our eyes so we may see beyond our sight. You will open our ears so we may hear beyond our listening abilities. We call on You right now to empower us. God, do what only You can do. I surrender myself now, O Lord Jesus, so that You may increase in me. Increase, God. Use me as a singer can use a mic. I'm just an instrument, just an instrument. May my intelligence, may my words cease and may Yours start. God, I surrender all to You right now. Speak to us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Put your hands together for Jesus. Look at your neighbor and say, Today, you will receive a word. Say, Today, you will be equipped. You are receiving bullets in the name of Jesus. Now, if you are prophetic, give them a prophetic high five before you sit. Prophetic high five. Hallelujah. Amen. Glory to Jesus. Amen. May you have your seat in the presence of God and if you may allow me to present to you this short word that I have for you. And I believe that God through this word will empower you. I believe that God will speak to you. He will open your eyes and will equip you with what he wants you to do. You will come out of this moment, this season, this gathering, not like you went to a social club but you come out of here encountering the God that we serve in this house. And I pray that God may only lead you to this. Amen. This is a very short word so I want you to keep a speed with me. We're going back to what we started last week. Matthew 25 from verse 14 to 30. Well, it's going to be on the screen. You and I will read it and we'll go digest it a little bit and we'll see what God will give us. Hallelujah. Amen. It's on the screen. Matthew 25 from verse 14. We'll read to 30. Hallelujah. For the kingdom of heaven is like a train traveling from a far country who calls his own servants and delivers his goods to heaven. And to one give five talents to another two and another one to each according to his own ability and immediately he went and showed. Then he who had received the five talents went and stayed with them and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two and two more also. But he who had received one went and in the ground and he money. Continue. After a long time the Lord of the servants came and certainly come with them. Yes. So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents saying look you deliver to me five talents. Look I have given five more talents but besides them it's Lord said to him well done good and faithful. Good and faithful. You're going to read and titillate. You were faithfully over a few things. I will make you ruler of many things and sit in the joy of your Lord. Hallelujah. Continue. Also who had received two talents came and said Lord deliver to me two talents. Look I have two more talents besides them. It's Lord said to me well done good and faithful servants. You have been faithful of a few things. I will make you ruler of many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord. Amen. The last one. Continue. Then who had received the one talent came and said Lord I knew you are a hard man reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid and I went and hide your talent in the ground. Look there you have what is yours. But his Lord answered and said to him you wicked and lazy servant. You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you are to have deposited my money with the bankers and as my company I will help receive bank money. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has ten talents. For to everyone who has more will be given and we have abundance but from him who does not have even what he has will be taken away. Hallelujah. Amen. Well a family this is a parable of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ in this parable is speaking about the kingdom. He said the kingdom of God is like a man that was traveling afar and as he was traveling he took his resources. He took his money. He called his servant and says I'm going but I'm not leaving you empty-handed because I'll come back but here before I go is my money I'm giving you. And the Bible says that he gave according to the ability of each servant he gave them money. It says here he didn't tell them what to do with the money. He didn't tell them that this money you take it you go and give it to your grandpa or to your grandmother. No he didn't tell them that this money take it and go buy yourself a car but he says here is my money I give it unto you. You see I told you last Sunday that the Lord that we serve God is not looking for only children of God. God is looking for managers. Amen. God wants us not only to be simple children. He wants us to be managers because the desire of God was from the beginning. When you look at the book of Genesis the desire of God has always been that earth reflect heaven. Amen. God wanted for the earth to be just like heaven. Amen. That's why when God created the earth he created everything first before creating a man. He created everything then he created a man. He placed a man in the garden and he said to the garden to cultivate the garden. Are you with me? The desire of God was for or still is for the earth to reflect heaven. Amen. Do you know that the earth will not be destroyed? Well the earth will not be destroyed. Let me tell you this the earth as we know it will not be destroyed. The Bible speaks of the new Jerusalem coming down and being here. Are you with me? Amen. God says he says to Noah that I will never destroy the earth again. That's why we have the rainbow. Yes. The earth will not be destroyed. There is if there is a theory that tells you that Noah must run from the earth go we are still here. We we are still here. We have to do things in this earth. Amen. Because the earth has been given unto us. Thank you. Oh I'm telling you I don't know what I'm speaking to. Hear me. God says the heaven he has prepared for himself. Behold the earth he has given to man. Amen. Oh I say this again that you have authority here. Amen. I say your authority is for here. Amen. Your authority is not of heaven. Amen. In heaven you do not have authority. All authority in heaven belongs to God. But your authority is here. Amen. You see there is a say in France that they say have you heard that? They say you know a farm they cannot be two roasters. They cannot. They will fight. God created us according to his image and his resemblance. Are you with me? Amen. We cannot rule together. We are not equal. He says okay I've created you like on my image and my resemblance but we are not equal. Therefore because I've created you to be this way I will send you and I will give you a territory for you to reign upon. Amen. And he says the earth is yours to reign upon. So stop running from the challenges of this earth. Stop running of saying no me I'm not here I'm going somewhere else. No this is your place to be. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. This is your place to be. God wants you to be here. God wants you to manage what he has entrusted you with. Amen. Look at your neighbor if they are sleeping you know what we have in this house. In this house is if somebody sleep they are allowed because it is in our constitution the constitution of Amman Belgium. If you sleep you are allowed the next person next to you to bless you. They will bless you and when you wake up you will ask them what happened they will say the angel passed by to bless you. And the blessing that they will give you it's not money it's a holy slap. They give you a holy slap. Hallelujah. Amen. Because they are making you wake up because the enemy is against you. If you cannot receive this the enemy is after you. You sleep for eight hours on your bed and the only place that you see of sleeping is here. The devil is a liar. The devil is a liar. Out of every place is here. Devil is after you. Well allow me respectfully or very with your permission to continue with the word of God. God is so amazing that everything that God has to do he already done. Amen. God is the only one who starts something that is already finished. It finishes what it starts. If you see God starting it means it's already finished. Amen. Let me let me try again this way. I say if you see God starting it means you're already finished. Amen. The reason that you have that business is because God has already started that business. Amen. I say the reason that you are in that house that marriage is because God has already finished that marriage. Amen. I say to somebody the reason that you have that pregnancy in the it is because God has already given you that time. Amen. Oh you will not miss what is yours. You will not miss your blessing because the Lord who has done it who has started it will finish it for you. Who am I speaking to? I receive it. It is yours in the name of Jesus. Don't be afraid. Don't be second. Don't look at time because the Lord is faithful enough to finish what he started. Amen. He's faithful. The world will give you all kind of reason for you to abandon. The world will throw at you all kind of time for you to give up but I'm here to tell you oh you are a soldier in the kingdom of God. You are a person empowered by the Holy Spirit. Amen. Oh nothing will bring you down because the one that is in you is greater than the one that is in this world. I do not know who am I speaking to but I'm here to deliver a word to somebody that what is ahead of you is greater than what is behind you. You are about to mount wings like an eagle. Amen. You are about to mount wings like an eagle. I receive. Or you will fly above that situation. You will fly above that later. You will fly above that date. In the name of Jesus. So shall it be. It cannot be otherwise. Amen. God has done it. He has spoken about it. He says the earth I have given to you. Please have your seat. He said the earth I have given unto you. But you see by saying this he says very something very good. Something very important. Something that I need. I like. He said to Adam I say I gave you this but I say multiply. He says multiply. Amen. Multiply. You are bound to multiply. I receive. That is why stagnation is not your portion. In Jesus name. Wherever you see yourself stagnate, stuck or stuck or or or stuck you have to stand and refuse it. In Jesus name. Stagnation is not your portion. Oh my God. From the beginning God called you for multiplication. Amen. He said multiply. You see he said be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1 26. Listen to me. When God says be fruitful I told you already that God can only ask where there is. Amen. If there is nothing God cannot ask. Are you with me? He asked where he placed it. He says multiply. Be fruitful. You can only be fruitful when there is a seed. Amen. Because fruit comes from a seed. Fruit come from a tree. But a tree comes from a seed. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. So if God ask you to be fruitful he's saying that the seed that I've given you I want you to plant it to become a tree so that it can bear fruit. Oh I said to somebody you are about to bear fruit. Jesus. I say you are about to bear fruit. Amen. Because what is necessary for you to bear fruit is already in your hands. God has already given it to you. Don't go look anywhere. Don't go anywhere else. Because God has already placed it in your hands. He said be fruitful and multiply. Be fruitful and multiply. Now I'm here to tell you how do you be how can you become fruitful? How? Now that you you have the ingredients of you being fruitful how can you become fruitful? How? I want you to take your notes quickly. The first thing that you need to understand for you to be fruitful is that the seed need to be at the right soil. You need to put the seed on the right soil. Amen. You have the seed. Are you with me? Amen. God has given you a seed. I believe and I know that God has given each and every one of us a seed according to our capacity. Amen. According to our capacity. It is not God who determine what you receive. It is you who determine what you receive. We pray we say God our no God says I have it all. Show me that you can and I will drop it on your head. Hallelujah. Show me that you can manage this and I'll put it in your hands. I have it all. I said to you you will have dominion over everything. You will have dominion over everything. I have it all. Amen. Show me that you can manage and I will give it on to you. God is looking for somebody that can show him that he can manage what he has so that he can give him more. I don't know who am I speaking to. So God that you can do with what you have the little that you have in your hands. You can do something that will bring glory to him. I guarantee you God will give you more. I receive this fruit. Amen. But what you have already you don't manage. You have a little you have excuses. Oh no I don't have much. I cannot give my type. Oh I don't have this. I cannot I cannot provide for the poor. I cannot feed the orphan. I cannot bring in the house of God. You have excuses. Good excuses. Just like the one who received one talent. He says to himself no I don't have a lot. I don't have much and I know that God will come and ask me this. Let me go and hide it. Let me just go and hide it. So when he comes I give it back to him because it's not a lot. The devil is a liar. Whatsoever the Lord has placed in you I declare and I decree today as you are leaving this place may God give you the ability and the possibility to multiply. I say may God give you the ability and the possibilities to multiply. I receive it. You have it in you. You have it in you. But are you capable? Show God that you are capable and he will give you more. The Bible says that he gave to each according to their abilities. According to their abilities. So your abilities determine what you receive from God. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. You are praying. You are crying. You my business. Where is your ability? What are you doing with what you have? What are you already doing with what you have? Can you show us what you're doing with? What do you want more? Jesus. Why do you want more? To go show your neighbor that you made it. To go show your family that you have succeeded. Let me tell you God is not in it. God is in everything that brings glory to him. You do it. You bring glory to him. God step in for you. I declare and I decree today may God step in your business. I say may God step in your marriage. I say may God step in what is yours. In the name of Jesus. This is also to say it's not only about money but it's also about relationship. Amen. It's also about relationship. You want to get married. You making plans. All kinds of plans. If I look at your heart and your mind there is already a dress. There is already a cake. You have it all well planned. Well planned. But each and every time that boyfriend of yours comes and visits even water you don't give him. Lack of maintenance. You cannot take care of your relationship. You are a woman to become but you are friend with those who are not married and good for nothing. All you do all the day is talk about other people. And you want God to give his dear son to you. You have a problem. God will protect what is his. Amen. He will protect what it is. This also happened to men. You are there. You see that sister. You come to pass apart of me. God spoke to me about fire on you. God spoke to you about this one. In which way? Show me. Show me. How will you take care of her? I speak about this. Please have your seat. I speak about this story. A young man came to a pastor and said to a pastor. Pastor I think I've been single for for many years. It's time for me to to get married. Pastor look at the young man. He says okay son you want to get married? He says father I think I'm ready for you. He said do you already identify somebody? He said I have identified that uh that sister there. She's good. You see people that are good for nothing. They have thirst for good things. They have thirst for good things. See he chose already a beautiful intelligent young lady in the house. He said no this one. Pastor looked at him and said okay this one. Yes this one. He said okay. Pastor looked at him and says son do you have a job? The son looked at pastor says no pastor. Pastor look at this. Okay. Okay do you have a business? Maybe something that you're doing? He said no. He can't look at the pastor. I said to pastor no pastor. Pastor already is boiling inside because that pastor believed he was like me. He's already boiling. He cannot wait. He's already boiling. He says okay you don't have a job. You don't have finances. You don't have a business. He says okay maybe you inherited money from your parents. Did your parents give you some cash that you have somewhere? He says no. But you want to get married? He says yes pastor. He says I say I'm ready. That sister is good for me. I'm ready for this. Pastor looked at him and says okay my son. Okay let's talk. Do you have maybe in five years where do you want to be? What do you want to become? Do you have a vision? Have you worked? Are you working already in a vision and something? The son looked at him now biting his fingers. He's like pastor I haven't thought about it. Pastor looked at him and says okay you want to get married to my daughter? He says yes. Okay let's pray. The guy was already saying oh yeah here we go. Pastor is blessing my wedding. The guy who is there is praying. Close his eyes. Lift up his hands like an angel was already next to him. He's waking. He's already seeing oh Gabrielle you are bringing my word like you did with Mary. Pastor looked at him. Close his eyes. When the guy is closing his eyes, the pastor his eyes is open. He said the Lord God I pray in the name of Jesus save your daughter from a useless person like this one. Save my daughter from a useless person like this. Good for nothing. Who's lost may never marry unless he change his way. The guy opened his eyes. You look at him. The pastor says go out of my office. The guy left. Yeah. Are you with me? Amen. God is looking for people already. Amen. Why? You want more. For what? What do you, why do you want more? Are you ready? They say this success is when opportunity meets preparation. Yeah. When opportunity meets preparation it's called success. You are not prepared. There is no preparation that you have made but you want to succeed. Life does not work like that. I want to disappoint you my dear. You can be uh be born again in 2019. I don't know 2009 or 2003 or 1997 or 1977. You were baptized in the waters. You came out in 1997. If you are not prepared I'm telling you opportunity will go like this. Yeah. And you will curse the pastor. You come to me fire. You come to me fire. You will curse the pastor. Pastor has done this. Pastor has done this. No. Pastor is not the one who has done it. Your capacity will determine what you will receive. Look at your neighbor. Say your capacity will determine it. Your capacity will determine it. Say it again. Your capacity will determine it. Your capacity will determine it. Family we are not of the the the generation of those who wait for things to go quickly. You want things to go fast. You want things to be like a a microwave because those of today especially young one of today they want everything to be quicker because they've seen it on Instagram. You see somebody Instagram going on the boat on a yacht. They are going wearing nice Gucci's and uh riveting. You too you want a riveting and a Gucci bag. A Gucci bag and a riveting from where? From what you are doing. What what are you doing? What do you do for you to have a riveting and a Gucci bag? It's not everything that you see on social media that is true. Amen. Have you seen you know social media somebody posting a picture there. They are dating and crying. Have you seen it? Have you seen somebody taking a picture on social media? They are dating. They just wake up. They are they didn't bath. They didn't do anything. You can see it and they take a picture and they breathe. Situation right now. That don't happen. Does not happen. A person will look at you and say filter. No. Another one. They get ready. They even check the background. Yeah. There are people who travel places for a picture. I will disappoint you. It's not all you see on social media that is true. Amen. People travel. You pay. You take a tram. Sometimes it's a tram to go to Atonium. Look for a nice place. Situation right now. It did not eat in the morning. It did not. No breakfast. His tummy is crying but picture is taken on social media. You look at it. You're like oh oh my friend going there. Oh my. You you cry. You you are dying for something that is not true. What are you doing with what you have in hands? What are you doing? God what are you doing? What are you doing? God wants you to show preparation. He wants you to show what you have so you can head more. Now I want quickly to run with you in a few points that I've noted for myself that I will share with you that things that you need to understand for you to multiply. Things that need to happen for you to multiply or what needs to happen to you for you to see multiplication in your life. The first thing that you need to understand that is that what you have meaning the seed that is already in your hand need to be in the right soil. It has to be on the right soil. What do I mean by that? What do I mean the seed that you have need to be on the right soil? The first thing you need to understand that I speak here about Elijah with the widow. The widow did not have enough left in her house. She had a little bit of flour and a little bit of oil and she said to herself I will cook this one. I will eat and will die my son and I. The prophet came and says hold on the lord has spoken to me. I'm coming to you. He said that you will provide for me so you go cook make me first me I must eat first and then you will have in abundance. Prophet hold on just a little bit of flour and a bit of oil for me and my son we eat this we die and you want me to do bread for you? He says yes cook bread for me first before you can do for yourself. Ouch. If I came to you pastor Perez came to you now and you know you have 100 euros in your account and I came to you I say God is sending me give me the 100 euro will bring it in the house. You will say the devil is a liar. You you jump you say pastor no no no I think no you are going wrong here. God knows I only have 100 euros and you want me to give you 100 euros. No no pastor not 50 say no give 100. The devil you you you if I say to you go home and Sunday you bring it you don't come to church Sunday. You call your uncle leader and say I'm feeling sick 419 419 I'm sick but you see in God God will always challenge you. God will challenge where your faith lies. God will challenge how far you can go. He will challenge how much you can trust him. He said to Abraham give me Isaac the only son that you have give it to me. Wow this is the sign that you gave me when I was old. You want it give it to me. To the window he says give. Your seed must be on the right swale. The first swale where your seed has to be is the presence of God. Your seed has to be in the presence of God. Your environment first need to be the presence of God because multiplication only happen in the hand of Jesus. Amen 5,000 people were fed with two fishes two lots of two fishes and five lots of bread given in the hands of Jesus in multiplied. Amen. Your seed has to be in the presence of God. Where do you bring your tithe? Where you bring your offering? Where do you support the ministry? You are nowhere to be found but you want more. You are nowhere to be found but you want more. Why do you want more? Because what we do here is to push the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen. It's so that many people receive him and many people come to know him and the glory goes back to him. But you are nowhere to be found you want more. 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you when i say fool is not an insult a fool is a person who does not have wisdom when you don't have wisdom the bible calls you fool no wisdom people that are around you they have no wisdom no wisdom no they tell you they say oh me me i say it as it is they say it with with proudness me i'm an open book nonsense my sister you must say it the way it is nonsense no wisdom lack of wisdom foolish the bible speaks to you and says before you say a thing turn your tongue seven times amen you cannot be just saying everything amen not every good thing is good to say not because you are right that you are forced to speak there is time where you are right but you keep quiet foolish people are always quick to respond they listen less they talk a lot they listen small their listening ability is like this their talking ability is like this when you are talking one they're already in fight sometimes you don't even have your turn they've taken the whole platform now you you must beg ah my sister let me also talk foolish people your environment you must choose where you are which environment you must be in are you with me amen your environment the soil where you want to plug yourself in the soil that challenges you to grow the second thing that you need to know that the seed need to be underground the seed to grow it has to go underground the seed that is on top here cannot grow it has to be buried but you see you cannot compare burying and planting you can be underground some people look at you like you are buried but you are planted oh i am here to speak to somebody somebody that feels the weight of the ground on them somebody who are looking before or be in front of them and say oh there is no light i am where there is no light because when you are underground there is no light it's dark underground some of you are going through situation when you look at it there is somebody that there is nobody that can help you in your situation i am here to tell you you are not buried you are planted you are bound to come out you are not buried you are planted it must look out there like you are buried it must look like out there you are forgotten but i'm here to tell you you are not forgotten you are planted the lord has planted you it's just a matter of time oh look at your wait say wait it is just a matter of time give me time give me just time it might look like i'm forgotten it might look like i'm underground i will not make it i will not come out of it i know i know that it's taken time i know that one year passed two years passed ten years passed what they say didn't happen wait wait i'm not buried i'm planted amen look at your neighbor say i'm not buried i am i'm not i'm not buried i'm not buried i am planted i am planted a seed need to be underground a seed need to be planted amen and when you are planted sometimes it looks like you are buried because when you are there you are solo you are by yourself there is no one around you know what i'm talking about yes when you feel yourself yourself you have nobody to turn to you look at your left no one you look at your right no one you ask yourself god where are you yes but the poor david said it well he said walk to the value of the shadow of death i fear no evil because i know you are there with me god is with you i say god is with you in that situation god is with you he has not forgotten about you he has not abandoned you that situation will not take you down oh i'm speaking to somebody that situation will not take you down god is with you amen you see the success is for lonely people the success is for lonely people if you want to be successful you need to understand how to be lonely you have to understand how to be lonely success is for lonely people because at the top that's why you will hear people telling you those who are telling you courses there out there they call themselves motivational speaker and they saw your courses will make you reach you be among the one one percent or the three percent of this world is it the number is always small why is it small because it's not everybody that makes it at the top success is lonely but you see now the difference is this lonely does not mean alone amen amen amen i say this again being lonely does not mean being alone you can be lonely but you're not alone amen are you with me god says jesus says go make all disciples baptize him in the name of the father's holy spirit and he says behold i will be with you always amen until it ends of time thank you i'm here to speak to somebody oh i don't know who i'm speaking to but i'm here to speak to somebody that situation that makes you feel like you are by yourself you are alone the lord god is with you he has help for you you can be lonely but you are not alone you can feel lonely but you are not alone with you he will walk with you he will run with you because the one who is in you is greater than the one that is in this world amen thank you jesus you have to learn how to be lonely you see sometimes success does only noise god will cause you to be lonely why because there are things that will happen in your life that many people will not understand and because many people will not understand it they will be like jobs friends are you with me they will be like jobs friend oh why why is god doing this to you maybe you have done something you see they will start telling you things that can if you're not strong in your faith you will run from church you say god has abandoned me god is no longer here he's gone surely i've done something for you to come to me like this but you see god says no no no no no i need to remove people amen i need to remove people come on god is removing some people in your life there are people that are not a blessing to you but are there to consume from you god is removing them from your way amen is removing people success is lonely you have to understand the power the power that comes with loneliness you see the power of loneliness is the power of secrecy because when you are lonely you will keep well your secret amen yes that's true yeah when you are lonely you keep more your secret when people are around you you will say your things to the wrong people sure god knows god knows he will remove them so you may keep your secret and surprise people with success hey hey i feel like somebody will surprise somebody here oh you are about to surprise your mocha i say you're about to surprise your mocha there will be surprised by your success in the name of jesus socially today it cannot be otherwise talk less do more amen talk less do more some of you i must start praying for your mouth i know your lips i announce your lips and pray for your mouth because you speak too much the reason why things are not happening because you speak everything to everyone everyone you speak too much for me i need to do this me i'm gonna do this me even the wrong people it's not everybody that is around you that like you it's not everybody that put his teeth out that they're smiling smiling the fact of putting the teeth out is not meaning smiling now you are confusing him exposing his teeth he want to eat you that's why he's showing you his teeth now you because you are also very wise you are thinking of his smiling he's saying wait i'll devour you keep talking he's pushing you again huh oh you too because you like the huh and you start opening hey me like this me like this wait wait wait until you find out the business idea that you had you look back two months ago but this was my idea oh it's moving it's moving next door your idea is moving next door because your mouth is not anointed not to talk power of secrecy talk less do more amen are you with me multiplication comes by that the third thing that you must understand is that the seed the seed must germinate the seed must germinate some of you you say it's a big word yeah it's a big word okay it's for you germinate are you with me meaning what you see when you take a seed planted on the ground it takes time and things must happen on the ground the seed loses its former form to adopt a new form oh amen amen some of you you are not yet there because you're still carrying the old form and god is saying you must germinate amen you must germinate amen you're still having the form of the seed no you have to go from the form of the seed to a form that you start bringing roots to a form that you become a little tree that will come out of the ground no i speak to somebody you are about to become a tree you are about to become a tree your former you is going up your new you is coming in the name of jesus amen you have to germinate you have to change you see the process of germinate they say there is three steps when a plant or a seed germinates three three three levels three levels three levels but you see in all the three levels of as the seeds start changing forms because it kills the former human kills what he used to be it used to be a master seed but let me tell you when it starts germinating it starts changing colors it starts breaking it comes out of itself it comes out of that that house that it was you are about to come out of that shell you are about to come out of that house that thing that has been limiting you maybe it's that job that is limiting your capacity may god open a new door for you i said may god open a new door for you that job that does not recognize your capacity does not recognize what you carry i say you are at the wrong place make god close that door and god open a new door in jesus name in the name of jesus amen oh you have to germinate oh look at say it's a season of two of germination say it's a season of germination of germination you have to germinate you have to you see when when the seeds start germinating it breaks loose it breaks loose fear is no longer you have to break loose i say somebody is breaking loose in jesus name whatsoever that has been holding you up you are breaking loose from it i say you are breaking loose from it you are a seed that is planted that is being germinating and you are about to become a tree i say you are about to become a tree i receive it god will sometimes break you it will break you it will remove the former you it will remove the former person you were yesterday maybe you had a bit of a self it was proudness that you have god will say no where i'm taking you this cannot be and it will remove this proudness from you it removes the proudness from you it says remove it this character will not make you to become a millionaire no no no no because if you keep this character you will make people run away from you i will be sending destiny helpers to you but because of your character they will run away oh i need to break this i need to remove this god is removing that arrogance from you maybe it is that that habit that you have of not planning god is saying you start planning now amen you want everything to happen just like that no i will teach you how to plan you are in the season of germination you are germinating you are breaking loose from where you used to be to what you have to be oh i'm speaking to somebody i receive it you have been called for ministry god has called you he has spoken to you you got the seed you got the seed but you see you have to germinate nobody made it just like that no one my father tells me son ask me and i will tell you a story of many scars many scars germination comes with scars germination comes with pain germination comes with you being able to let what was sometimes we're at a place that looks like well but god is saying move from there move from your father's house go to the land that i will show you go to the land that i will show you please god show me the land before i move god says no move then i will show you sometimes god wants you to move before he shows you or not sometimes all the time god will want you to move before he shows you amen are you ready to move are you ready to move i'm ready to move germination you need to germinate the last thing that i'll say and then we'll pray we'll continue time you need to understand that as a seed you need time patience you cannot force a seed to grow you cannot i remember of a story when i was young we were in school we went to school and then as we were at school they they give us a project they say we will uh we'll make a a seed grow they gave us a little seed you had to put it in a in a small tin and then you wait for it to grow i took that i brought it home and i say this seed will start to become a tree the teacher sold it so well to us that i said it's a matter of minutes every morning i'll open that thing to see if the tree is coming how often there is no tree i'm close sometimes i go two times to check that thing if the tree came out nothing you cannot force a seed to grow there is a process that the seed need to take for it to grow and every process has what we call time you need time in the process are you with me amen are you following me amen every things that need to grow out of you requires time now you see the time that you will put and the time that she will put might not be equal many of us many times what we do we compare time oh it's taken him two months for him to have it but me i've been waiting for so long nothing god says what you carry and what she carries is not the same amen amen the avocado tree and the peanut plants don't grow the same i've been called to say that it takes about four to five years for an avocado to come out and be solid but by then you can be selling nice packages of peanut but you see the money that you make from the avocado tree it's not the same from the peanut man are you with me amen when the avocado tree grows you don't need to take care of it anymore yeah it grows by itself it bare fruits by itself you don't know to go there and circle or remove things no actually the avocado tree takes space it kills any tree that is around it because it's too big for resources it does not share resources for small trees i declare and i decree what is about to come out of you is so big that you need more space amen god is enlightening your territory what is coming out of you is so big that you need more space i pray the prayer of java in your life i pray the prayer of java in your life may god enlarge your territory may god enlarge your territory may you carry more may you have more may you have more in the name of jesus christ amen oh if you are there i want you to stand stand where you are stand where you are stand where you are god is god is able amen is able and i believe that he has called you and i to bear more fruits but if only we can understand the principles that we need for us to bear more fruit we will be plugged in the source we will be plugged in the source or to the source amen are you ready amen are you ready to bear more fruits do you understand what it will take you for you to bear more fruits because you need to understand you need to be ready for it god is a god of principles and everything that he does is established by laws and his word is supreme amen the word of god is beyond anything else amen i always say this that god is not limited by anything else than his own world if he says that you should have it surely you'll have it if god says it will happen to you surely it will happen to you no matter how long it will take no matter what it will take no matter how or which height you will go god will make it happen

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