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Episode 9




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Two friends are having a conversation about their podcast. They discuss the name of the show and their special guests. They talk about their passion for cheering and dancing, and also mention their fitness routines. They discuss the cancel culture in the gym and share an experience with a guy who overstepped boundaries. They also mention their experience with stage fright in their cheerleading competitions. the whole thing yeah it was not recording all right we cool god damn man we still got the no it's no problem i ain't gonna lie though but this this been recording the whole time this been recording the whole time though so like we just got to send it through damn man we was just having a great time bro crazy bro we need to organize how we're gonna talk we keep cutting each other all right welcome back to episode nine we back with what's the name of this goddamn show talk to kata talk with kata it's a cool name right we need to change it a little bit no i think it's a good one all right it's cool yeah so um this episode nine like that's wild and like we got some special guests like special you know we got monica and mira oh i'm monica okay what was i want to call y'all stuff too like just the twins just the twins eminem okay okay cool but i mean we we probably gonna see her more than we see you but i feel like i'll be seeing you a lot because you'll be coming down i come down here probably over the weekend okay yeah i see y'all um do that little basketball when they did the little chair thing yeah when um you have to pop the balloon no hey one hey one thing i will say about them they care on a like she don't even go here though we have a lot of cool spirit yeah as you should right right as you should as you said though as you see right i always meant to ask though like so um what was like like where do y'all get y'all passion from then like do y'all just do it for fun or like passion for like school like like cheering because like y'all like it's fun y'all probably watching this right but like this is no exaggeration they literally like the loudest people up in the stadium with the most energy like i'm not lying i'm not even exaggerating yeah we're also like we're very competitive people i don't like to see anything anything involved with me i don't want to be yeah i want to win okay cool we're up so like this i'll play any sports up there up in high school anything we both dance yeah we dance our whole lives we still do it yeah well i teach now i teach dance here yeah i do i teach at um all right i teach in the square yeah not not in the right no i teach like at a studio oh in a studio you ever thought about being a ball um what's the name of they stuff like they performed during halftime i was on that yeah the pink panther yeah okay well i ain't gonna lie y'all i'm just keeping the book i forgot to press record but like we already had a good ass conversation and like i don't think that we need to go back and stuff we're just gonna try to trash from us okay that's my that's really my segment okay cool okay cool so i think we were talking about like all right so you said your favorite thing to do is to lie to you yeah i prefer the series i've heard that all right okay that's your favorite i'm doing right now just because i feel like you could really get that work in you know that's true i just feel like it made the reason why i used to do the stir master every day too like i was on that thing but it made like this side muscle like way too big i didn't like it okay yeah so you said that like you don't even do squat is that yeah but we get asked that all the time they're like what's your pr and we don't we don't even do that that's what people always ask for yeah but we're not up in the gym for a pr like we're in there to get fit healthy and and make it sustainable like i feel like squatting isn't sustainable yeah because our coach had us squatting like almost every week every every week my max is like 500 i could never imagine doing something well at 300 because i had skinny i was skinny skinny yeah so my legs couldn't do all that type of that's why i got leg pains i'll be having random leg pains for no reason i'll see what y'all need though for sure yeah okay so um we got some stuff to get into about this fitness right okay so um it low-key got something to do with like the cancel culture stuff you know and like i've been thinking about this since i came to y'all about the podcast though because i've seen that y'all you know up in the gym a lot how do y'all feel so tell me if i know what i'm talking about where like somebody will record somebody up in the gym like looking at them and stuff and like they try to cancel them for it yeah um like the whole thing like like yeah or if they like see the catch them like in the back like yeah yeah exactly yeah and they post it and then they go viral now so i'm about to ask like how do y'all feel about that like does that annoy y'all like getting a little bit yeah um it doesn't annoy me but there are some days where i'm like oh and some days i'm mad i'm like if somebody comes up to me right now i'm so mad but it's like they have you know what i mean like you can approach whoever you want to approach yeah there's a time and place for sure right but for the most part sorry for the most part um it doesn't really get on my nerves um yeah i'm a bad mood especially if they're respectful about it yeah they're respectful about it then like i have no reason not to be respectful okay you know what you know what it's just not the way to do it it's like go up to someone and they ask you like oh can i get your whatever and then you say like oh i'm talking to someone i have a boyfriend or whatever just so you know if you don't if you're not interested in them and then they're like i just want to be friends i just don't know what to say next i'm like hey with that like y'all don't be looking okay never mind right you watch it because i already i know i know i know what they're wait so i said when i'm gonna say it then you go with baby belated yeah i told you i got a lot of hair i'm just saying okay cool it's not even your fault though but yeah i can't hear you though i don't want my sounds to be masked out the whole time now it's cool okay okay okay cool we did both move them down is that better okay yeah so about that topic though like um so y'all ain't never did nothing like that though like where i like that to get them up and like record people oh my god oh they see oh no wait no no it's not the way you think it is like me and you are just recording there's this there's one guy at our home gym and his name oh let me not drop that he's like he doesn't know when to stop and he always comes up he always comes up to us and he's like he's sweet it's okay like sometimes like i mean he oversteps his boundaries yeah that's for sure like don't overstep your boundary but like he doesn't really know what the boundaries are because he's a little bit like he lacks a little bit of that like self-awareness and me and mirror were just recording a stretch like we were like stretching so we were recording a post on our instagram and he like comes up and he just starts saying this like crazy stuff like he's calling me our sex he's telling us that we look like black widow or something like he's just saying like it's fine like i can understand the compliments okay we just troll the whole time so it's like entertainment yeah we were just trolling the whole time and we were like we were like yeah yeah and then we said that we were like 14 or something like we were just lying to him and we like posted it and we like added the subtitles to it and then like do you guys know who joey swole is yeah yeah people were like that's why i got these topics in our comments i'm like i'm not having joey we love joey swole so we were like oh we were like plus it's like i understand like don't get me wrong like if someone is like coming up to you in the gym you have no right really to be mean to them out of nowhere but it's like we have history we have history with him and like right points like every day he was coming up and talking to you for like 20 minutes and we're we're in and out like that like i'm not trying to be there for 30 minutes talking to a random person that's justifying it though like that's actually a reason to you know like that's kind of i'm not gonna lie that's that's kind of weird you know but like it's a lot of videos out there like the dude's not even doing nothing like he just looked like for 10 seconds yeah you probably don't know who he is bro but like dude it's a it's hilarious he's like he like big as fuck yeah i don't know but he's like the moral high ground of gym content yeah basically the gym patrol officer right i don't think he would have ended up making a video on us anyway because what in the video he was saying like borderline disrespectful things like questionable things but like out of context no the history didn't look that bad and so it was like and we were responding like we were trolling with him and we were being like mean we were being mean yeah so we were like leave us alone like whatever he said at least they admitted this yeah yeah and it was funny to us but we deleted it real quick oh yeah i mean he's always told us like he was added up in those comments i wasn't about to have that i was real close yeah we were actually yeah so yeah um okay cool so like that's interesting like like what's the fitness thing though you know but now i love you unless you had something else to add you good i want to go i'm i'm waiting yeah the next thing i got so many questions i'm just curious okay okay cool but it ain't nothing bad so i don't want y'all okay cool so with the deer the thing right i've seen you do um children yeah do you still get nervous like well first of all how many plays have you been like oh my whole i've been doing i don't even know i've been doing it my whole life we've been doing our whole life yeah for high school um yeah i don't do it anymore i used to compete a lot like vocally and everything that was like my thing it still is but so do you still get nervous oh yeah oh yeah i actually went through a phase like in my sophomore year like i had a really bad stage fright which i didn't even go on for like i had it was like it was it was chill it's like a little recital but i didn't go on i was really scared but i got i got over it and obviously like now i push okay cool what about you did you have stage fright um yeah to a level never like hers got really bad but never to like that high of a level but um yeah i mean you always get nervous you know like i'm sure like before a game you guys get nervous it's like interesting yeah i love people like people do better when they i'm someone who cracks under nerves you do i used to be i'm not anymore yeah i always say i crack under pressure but no i have a tactic now well okay so i just had to do a bunch of interviewing for like some professional things i wanted to join yeah and interviews are like kind of stressful for me and i would like go in there and i would get really nervous and like i get out of breath like you like can't keep a sentence yeah um but now i just imagine myself like in this scenario and like being really successful yeah you have to just be like i'm gonna be good yeah you have to go in there like prepared yeah yeah i have to be prepared some people are not like that some people i can go in just on a whim but i can't like i need to have written down things that i'm going to say i i used to do like kind of like the same thing like before the game i used to be nervous as hell until like my senior year and like what i used to tell myself to like calm me down i think i'm sure y'all know time brady is right so i seen time brady before the press conference and he was just explaining the reason why his team always win and he was just like just do your fucking job yeah literally and i did as like on the rise to the to the away games up on the bus i just used to tell myself looking out the window just do your fucking job yeah and for some reason i just used to calm the fuck down no that makes sense you know you know what helped me like jay-z has this quote or not a quote it's a lyric and it's like anytime i open my heart my soul or my mouth a touch of god rains out and i would always think about that because i'm like this is what you're putting on this earth to do like this is your thing go out and do your thing so you're god-given talent yeah okay so i would think about that okay cool so like um y'all both saying yeah i don't do it as much anymore i just lost my passion for it but i'll still do it here and there yeah okay so what about you so so how how long have you been singing because i i like heard your voice and tears in the evening it was pretty you know so how long have you been singing um again like our whole life my mom is a professional singer so i just grew up so is my brother generations of musicians in our family yeah okay generations oh yeah like like at least three i think i'm the third or fourth yeah you can sing she's really good hmm so you want to low-key show it to me it's a safe space it's a safe space that's great i would love that it's a safe space i'm not wait you play football no don't actually i'm not doing it if they do it they don't have to do it yeah how many um players have you been here two three three three so what was your favorite one children of eden yeah yeah it was just like a really beautiful like experience it was i thought that was cool wait what night did you know uh i don't even remember yeah i don't know why you would know that what character did you play uh her name was yona yona yeah i really like that one yeah it was pretty cool okay cool and when was the last play that you did um my senior year of high school okay cool so it was fun okay so so speaking of right and then we gonna move on to the next segment i'm not gonna lie right i'm gonna just admit it bro i'm in love with the disney original movies like like the disney family my my favorite my favorite is high school musical three oh i've never seen the third one i'm not a big sequel girl okay you gotta go like i say april it always hit different like towards the end of the school year i don't know why but it just always hit different towards the end of the school year you just gotta watch it like that's the one when they graduate no that's the first one yeah the final one is when they all jump and then it broke they were like some together that's like yeah that's my first that was the first one which one the third then the third the third was the one when they was dancing and it was raining with the song though um what's the story like looking in a pond and then no i think that's the third one like made some real good money over the box i was like they released that up in the actual theater so it's probably the most relevant one i'm surprised y'all never seen y'all y'all gotta promise me that y'all gonna go back and watch the third one yeah because the third one that's like my favorite because like the whole graduating thing like realistic for you yeah real you know goodbye but yeah that's the one when they was um him uh zach and gabriella was dancing and it was raining and shit forget about me though what's your favorite detour like give me 10 original um oh my god i have one starstruck oh that one with selena gomez and she's cinderella yeah i know what you're talking about that's the one with debbie ryan and selena gomez i'm talking about when she's literally is like she was dancing with bro up in the mirror it's called like cinderella story and i've never been able to watch it again because i can't find it look at bro why is he with a hidden move bro he's feeling the love all right my favorite um my favorite i want to say my favorite guy to be there's too many though i say two right that's okay sorry yeah camera camp rocks oh right like they they all under the disney brand but it's a different like it's not like disney channel right it ain't right original one fuck you they say um what's it called who what which one that movie called again um uh lemonade mouth and rap battle okay cool so that was a cool um you know i one more so if y'all could be in any disney original movie musical right which one would y'all want to be in that's a great question lemonade mouth probably yeah why explain that one's like sad though are you a sad person no you you cried to a movie oh of course yeah um really she's so annoying i wouldn't be annoying y'all got to replace it i guess we can move on to the next segment yeah we'll be getting to the um real talk you know we're about to ask y'all shit like society nowadays i bet all right so we back you know what i was saying we back with the real talk let me fuck it let's just start bro all right you ready so what you got to say first what's the first question bro so okay good everybody think yeah you're good so um obviously y'all are twins i could be uh well growing up how could y'all parents tell who are different oh that's not that's just that's a simple though but actually like our parents well i feel like this is kind of i don't know if you guys have siblings but like parents kind of like will mess up your names all the time yeah monica and i act pretty different like we're very different people if you get to know us as answers very different but also like to set us apart when we were growing up we went to different high schools yeah we went to two different high schools and but i will say in junior high it's a struggle yeah it's hard to differentiate differentiate yourself from someone that looks exactly like you that's crazy like y'all look exact like y'all know it's twins out here that look alike but you can tell the difference how dare that cannot tell like you want you just look right quick what if you look at her face her her jaw is kind of like not saying look at her like you see hers is like more you know you know what i'm trying to say when you like get to know us we look completely different like that's what everyone says once you like get to know us it's like you can tell us from the back from our from the hair colors yeah what are y'all mixing are y'all mixing anything just like we're greek greek yeah but damn they look mixed today oh bro i mean actually some guy found out that we weren't mixing he was like i'm not interested anymore you guys are boring one time i told some guy i wasn't mixing he went around to every single one of his homies in the bar and asked him what they thought i was mixed with a little bit like we're gonna be like just say just say hello i just want to know i don't even know i know like merry christmas oh it's like not accurate like i mean it's not like accurate diction so it's nothing interesting i don't want to know send the greek something it's a it is a good like it's interesting okay okay so growing up who was the bad team we have our phases yeah we both had our phases oh yeah no like our parents are like strict like we had like a strict upbringing like but nothing that was crazy um but we have the other phases like i know in high school like i was closer with my dad and monica was closer with our mom so it's like she had her own animosity between the first sure yeah like i had my like my like struggles with dad and you had your struggles with mom sort of at different times yeah but now it's like we're grown yeah we all get along some tv show out there bro like like that'd be a good tv show storyline a new disney show about but yeah oh i get it now because both of their names right right yeah it is different people always assume that i'm like mad at them like i don't know like i just what she just said no i don't know but like she clearly was like i know her actually wasn't making sure no yeah it's just her facial expressions though oh maybe i feel like her facial expressions was telling more than yours really that's why i'm like that's because when i came from about the time she was going she was the one i was trying to i don't really know like or if you touch her when she doesn't want to talk to anyone i was at the moment you didn't want to talk to nobody but i mean you was scary as crap i was just like you was cheering though yeah i was happy for my team oh but you wasn't happy to talk to nobody i wanted to be happy in the moment to talk about my team i just like she just handled it like that i just let her handle it i didn't want to be yeah i didn't want to be like sometimes we can be a lot like it can almost be bombarding for both of us to like talk at the same time because you're always so speaking of talking right how can uh so i'm pretty sure that y'all get approached by a lot of dudes right probably yeah okay good how like like how can somebody be different like what's different to y'all because i'm pretty sure y'all always hear right you know like because i'm pretty sure y'all always hear that oh you look good and stuff like that like anything period though what's different how can the dude be different wait wait wait do y'all like doing this okay okay i just want to make sure because i don't yeah we know we're both straight yeah well i mean i'm straight okay um i don't know if it's necessarily about being different it's more just about being confident yeah you can approach us with a lot of confidence but it's not cocky it's like honestly it's just a vibe like if you if i like vibe if you approach me with your vibe and you're like this is who i am like i own it a hundred percent then like i'm into you okay it's a difference but it's a difference for sure between you know confidence and arrogance there's a difference between like insecurity confidence and arrogance arrogance is almost comes from a place of insecurity too it's like it's so easy to talk yeah um but just be respectful with it you know what i mean like don't look like don't be be respectful like a lot of people will come up to you like start saying like just respectful things like you know why do you think you have a place to say that to me oh yeah like at the end of the day y'all both are still human and like speaking of that right and i don't mean to cut y'all off if you're gonna say anything like anything more about the topic because i don't think i got your answer i was gonna say i kind of like when they're like old school with it like they take you on a day like what yeah yeah like don't ask for my staff how grown are we you like don't ask for a number um actually one time so can i so one time someone approached mira and was like hey i'm free tuesday look like i'll pick you up at eight yeah i like that hey bro hey i'm not in a corny way okay okay okay for real not too many men gonna do that now dude that's fast and i'm like if you approach me like after my staff it's like i'm not really interested i'll probably won't even add you so you want a person to ask you on a date but like like how would that make sense if you go with a person because like you know like like you like to get to know someone yeah yeah that's definitely a good question um i would say there's only i would say like maybe open with a date and then ask for my number because like then i know where your intentions are like a lot of a lot of you know people these days like their intentions are not in the right place and it's and i kind of want to know where someone's intentions are yeah also if you're approaching me with intentions of like i mean like what a lot of people in our age group do right now which is fine i'm not like i'm that's fine yeah do whatever you need to do but it's like i don't want that to be your first encounter with me like just to make it clear like i'm only interested in you like physically yeah right okay at least like we've we're pretty interesting people yeah and i mean all people are so okay what's our song what's our birthday march 1st they both said that for the same we were just teenagers not oh wow i don't know that's crazy yeah i felt really weird to say that look grown look what's that look that's what's that little twin thing they um like you would close your eyes and i'd be like she raised up a number you put up another you put up another wait is it one hand or two okay it's fine i guess i mean i guess remember she put up four three i was gonna say three i didn't i wouldn't see this though wait should i be two okay two hands seven yeah what the fuck right do it again they called it but it's one four yeah hell nah ain't no way it ain't teased y'all see nothing y'all see nothing because we got every angle i knew it had to be true but that's it real because it was like i saw it on tiktok yeah like we grew up the same way like where we literally talk to each other every day like yeah like i saw it on tiktok like it was twins on each other's doors yeah we've done that too and then yeah like i'll be one of the best with me too though like yeah i've seen it like i like you know we did it all the same yeah okay cool that's crazy so look going back to the talking stuff right how do y'all feel i because as men right we noticed that it's more of a normal thing for a man to go shoot the shot all the time how do y'all feel about the whole um females to toughen up a little bit and stop being scared and go like have y'all ever said you can speak on that because you you'll be shooting your shot oh so you woke up to be alone i've definitely been rejected you haven't been yeah yeah that's why i can't believe that you go up to how many times how many times i've gone up like not too many and i've been rejected once okay i feel like he's gone on maybe three times three times i feel like maybe two i don't know honestly but um it always reminds me when you say it though one of my um like one of my goals for um like 2024 is like getting more comfortable with like rejection okay um because i think like a lot of times we're scared of failure and like scared of rejection but it's like you really need to be um afraid of like not experiencing and regret yeah so i'm trying to get more into that because like i am scared of rejection it's a really scary thing so okay cool so so what about you like you don't walk up to me you like to be like you like to be approached don't you what you like to be approached um yeah i guess like i would prefer to but i don't think i've just i don't know if i've ever gone up to someone it's like you you need a lot of bravery for that yeah yeah damn okay i don't think i ever have i told you she's the she's the shy scary well not an offense but like you're like the shy one and she's like the more like i'm a dude yeah okay we need more like if a guy comes up to her and is pissing her off like she'll be up in his face i told you me i will troll for sure especially if we're together if we're together first time we're trolling with you hey we need more like you know because like they make our life easier only we said that was because like men are built to approach you know so like we always not our team don't get rejected certain things we don't have you know money uh the outfit he again it's hard for men to try to you know get go and get somebody so that's why we talked about on preach episodes like if a man be getting praised for getting a female because it's hard for men to yeah so happy i'll never wonder like why let's just say a dude got a lot of bodies and he get praised for like quote-unquote mess with all the girls right well you know other men like but like girls but like if somebody find out that a girl's like like like somebody find out that girls got a lot of bodies then they get like talked down about it's only because nine times out of ten well most of the time like man they they work for the they work for the girls you think you're you're working for like we have to she just like you gotta hold on hold on hold on look now look i like that because she literally just said okay oh i like when a man asks me out in order for him to get some you gotta work to get some like he applying pressure he's putting that work in are you talking about bodies are you talking about dates they're talking about bodies in general i don't know like there's definitely double standards like men do get praised when they have a high body count which is for other men and then women will get shamed when they have a high body count but that's not to say that like women i don't think like it's not like they're not putting the work in you know what i mean like no i mean like don't get me wrong like the guy it's the guy initiated it with her and i'm like yeah she's done like he put the work in i guess but yeah so do you i don't really think i understand what you're trying to do so do y'all feel like women ask questions again like it wasn't even the question though like like i was just like telling y'all if y'all ever wondered why it's like that like why it's a double standard is is like it is because of that like that's how people look at it yeah because like men approach the woman you know what i mean right yeah is the no i'm not saying i agree with this but like is the woman like just saying yes to everyone and then type stuff you know exactly i mean no i'm not saying that like i agree with that right but you get it though but i did the thought process oh like okay i understand what you're saying like so if you're saying i'm approaching 50 girls but my body count is 20 that means that like i'm doing the work for all of this so it's more just like women have how many times are the is the woman saying yes because like let's be real like if a woman wanted to sleep with a new guy every night she could that's for sure but like if a man wanted to do that he'd have to put the work in i'm not sure i really agree with that i understand i don't think it's no i'm not saying you agree either i understand what you're saying for sure yeah hit me with it okay so uh so you tell so say if you so say if you go outside right now not saying that you would do this and say i want to get fucked right what'd you say the last time it's gonna be a boy yeah everybody like come oh yeah oh you know like if it was y'all gonna blame why he why he say that where he kind of weird kind of weird i also think men put more value in having sex like whereas women don't do that like i would put value in like finding a boyfriend no i'm not speaking for all men and i'm not speaking for all women but yeah that's definitely true like yeah that's facts because i would be like i would never go out i feel like guys could go out and be like i'm just trying to catch a body tonight or i'm just trying to right for sure but do you think it's gonna be possible you'll have to put the work in exactly now you get it though but there are some people who you don't there are some people who there are some women there's a female though too the female thing got the males attracted when he said i want to do that they don't pop them up but he really didn't have to put that much work in but i guess what i'm kind of confused is if men are putting in more work than women can put in less why do men why do women have a lower body count if anything women should have a higher that's well it's because of what she just said though men value sex more like dead as if if y'all value sex as much as men like y'all could just walk outside and you know and like y'all like men value having a body yeah because it's harder for us because like other men put value well what if you just found a girl that you could just be doing that with every night you're right i mean that's right yeah that's right but you but you like the gratification from the other men trying to explain it to you she probably won't understand now will we are she get it though no no basically like the reason why i brought that up is because it wouldn't be a double standard anymore if it was just more females that just approached men you know like wanted to put working in a man you know it's bro's reverence like she's oh yeah i don't know if you're going to have sex with us i know right now well yeah so you're saying that the reason why men it's okay for men to have a higher no it's not okay but we said that's why it's a double standard it's a justification for it that's why it's a double because you guys put in work and women don't no sorry i didn't i don't mean yeah yeah that's basically why all the justification for it if y'all never got it i don't think i agree with that wait so so why do y'all think men with a high body count like i are less valuable to me no no that's not even what i read they're celebrities man god damn it don't matter what i'm saying is shoot men with a higher body count yeah have a high body count because they will literally fuck anything that's fact yeah that's true and no hate to the women out there and no hate to the men and no hate to the men you do you do what you want to do what makes you happy right it doesn't affect me but ultimately like you're not dating because you're putting in work i'm sorry the guys with high body count like that are not putting in work wait so it's actually girls out here that just let them do it like what do you mean yeah of course that's crazy i'm not saying everybody's like that right but it's like it's not like they're going out there like they're having sex with women so there are women who are you know what i'm saying oh okay now you got shit i ain't never met one of them that's another question though so like i just said that you i heard you said that having a high body count is not devalued oh man um personally for me like if when i meet a man who is like like there's also national how many like i'm not gonna get a limit a limit no it's not even necessarily a limit it's just like you can't be giving into your sexual desires like that like it there is a point of self-discipline like if you're just giving into every person who ever wanted to have sex with you then it's like who's to say that you're that you're gonna not cheat on or also just like now your like judgment your personality is slightly questionable yeah yeah you know what i'm saying you can't just and that would be like if everyone just offered me like a piece of candy like and you took it every time every time then there's no self-discipline there's no self-discipline goes to say who for your character right yeah i don't have no number like i don't have a cutoff a man was like oh yeah i got it 75 50 cut off there okay that's crazy 20 is okay okay for a man 20 is doable it's durable i'd rather not know okay exactly it depends at like because everyone can have a past but it's like at this age like i'm not that grown you know what i mean like for you to have that much sexual experience that's crazy 50 is crazy crazy i mean that's insane like you're a little bit but again i'm not trying to judge someone off their body yeah of course of course you know experience is experience experience is experience and it's like if you had a past you had a past who am i to judge you for that and if you've truly changed you do i believe that people can change okay so this was just about to get tricky though it does tell to who you are because like think about some of the okay experience like whenever i whenever i just want to receive us um it changes your perspective on someone in a little bit it's like who are you okay well who were you well y'all just said the child cut off was what 50 40 yeah i don't i don't necessarily have a number like i don't know if i could say that but it's just like who are you letting fuck you like that's insane i'm sorry okay okay well look do y'all have a celebrity crush i do have a celebrity crush okay all right so let's just say jacob elordi oh wait is that doing from euphoria yeah damn that's crazy but let's just say jacob elordi had 50 bodies would y'all accept that if he came to y'all right now and he wanted to you know well they should know that i don't know if i would have an answer to that like and if he came to me he wanted to date me right exactly like he wanted to take you seriously would you accept i don't know okay i mean think how many opportunities like celebrity has that's that's way more athletes are worse yeah i don't know i don't know if there's like necessarily going to answer to that just because it's like such a big scenario like that's what happened yeah i mean right exactly i was like i would never go take a actor like that serious because it's like right we already know i already know and that leads to the next and like that that's a good way to lead to the next question okay what is cheating y'all you know i was just having this question i was just discussing this the other day literally yesterday um and actually like my friend he gave a really good answer i don't know about you he was like basically if there was anything that you would hide from your partner it's cheating so it's like if you're having a conversation that you wouldn't want to show your partner our last guest just said that yeah they said that uh the um one of the sigmas i feel like in a way where it's like okay let's say we're going to court okay let's say we need to present real evidence would it be anything physical okay cheating is anything physical yeah so you wouldn't care is let let's just say somebody takes your man it's definitely disrespectful and disrespect being disrespectful is grounds to cut is to cut someone off but would i be like he cheated on me no but would i be like he he was being disrespectful 100 and being disrespectful is like justice right it's just it means enough to cut something off for sure definitely okay so i haven't cheated i have not i mean i am being honest no i'm never yeah if i'm locked in with someone i'm locked in oh and if i want to cheat on you i'll just break up with you okay cool yeah and if i want to cheat on you then i've probably lost interest have y'all ever got to don't no when it first happened i constituted as cheating but looking back like now that i'm a little bit older what are you talking about junior year yeah that was definitely crossover for sure it was there was definitely a crossover but it was definitely disrespectful but i wasn't yeah looking back and i never thought it was okay and i never i'm not someone to like um assume i am either i'm not one to be like oh my god there's another girl there's another girl okay i can get jealous but i'm not out there like he's with another girl all right so wait wait wait okay y'all Pisces right yes so are y'all emotional i'm pretty emotional so if she cry you're gonna cry or if you see you see her sad you're gonna be kind of feeling it's not necessarily emotional in a sad way it's just emotional like i experience all my emotions to like a heightened level i experienced all my emotions to a heightened level as well yeah okay do y'all believe in zodiac signs not necessarily but there are definitely things that i think i align with they're certainly interesting yeah so out of all the zodiac signs do y'all which ones are y'all competitive with y'all i don't really know um people all over the place i don't know yeah i don't i haven't had to do it and it hasn't been consistent either it's not like i'm like one more one more one more like i didn't have like the most i don't even know i don't know i honestly don't know i don't know yeah it's been all over the place but i will say the most amount of men that have fucked me over were aries okay that fucked you over yeah blonde hair blue-eyed aries also blonde hair blue-eyed yeah i know but he wasn't an aries wait what no uh what's here you better check here you better check um what month jacob accordi was um accordi or lordy what yeah you got it the second time i don't like look at what month was he born i have no idea i honestly i don't i used to like way back when i don't pay attention anymore okay well look because you know we got to um woman here why do women keep um i think there's probably a number of different reasons one temptation obviously um two also i think if you are someone who assumes the worst you're going to try to get like your leg back or something right and also like maybe unsatisfaction okay no i feel like there's lots of that i just i feel like it's more like like revenge low-key yeah really i don't know definitely like no unsatisfaction i feel like would most definitely be a reason revenge i'm not probably a reason and um some people just can't be loyal true some people aren't ready for relationships that's true yeah i feel like i feel like it's worse when females cheat versus males only because everyone y'all have to emotionally i feel like if a woman cheated like she actually it's a false narrative and men do this all the time to spread a false i feel like listen i just feel like hold on just let me know if i'm wrong though but i just feel like for a girl to cheat she got real feelings for the person who she cheated with men and women are not that different like people love to say that biologically men and women are so different they're not right i think that i don't know the camera right i think one of those friends spreading this narrative just so they can cheat right hell no we ain't no cheaters females um i think that men like try to no i don't think there's anything wrong with it and i think that there could be definitely truth to it okay um but i think at the end of the day a lot of men spread this narrative so that they could be like i'm valid and cheating and you're not yeah i agree i'm not gonna say that they're they're cheating just to make envy or just to make i feel like it's low-key worse to cheat with somebody who you don't have feelings with you think it's worse i think it's worse to just go out and just yeah but at that point it's like yeah either getting into like the like hearsay yeah all right yeah it's how i mean is it wrong or is it not wrong you know what i'm saying if it's wrong is it black and white or is it like is there color to it you know what i'm saying it's like is it clear cut yes it's a clear cut no or is it like well i didn't actually like her i just wanted that much yeah well i think it's interesting you think that it's worth to yeah i feel like it's like with no with no feelings behind it yeah like that's that's what i'm doing i think that's also like there are there is still feelings behind it it's like you're horny and you're letting your sexual desires well those feelings but like you know i feel like with females is like deeper feelings you know it's i don't know i feel like a male well i feel like i see what they're saying i know a lot of men who say that they just cheat because it's like they need to make their sexual envy but that doesn't like you're right it doesn't and women are but they think it's it's just it's justified in their mind well shit speaking of black and white i have y'all uh so do y'all discriminate like with y'all like without without without without the any race five four you could be six five four is crazy be a real old five four is damn my point is do i prefer them to be taller but like ultimately the personality shout out those short kings out there five five dudes i'm on shorts all right man shut the fuck up i think yeah so but yeah at the end of the day it's your personality like i don't know if i really have a physical type that i'd preferably go for like like you could say i do but i don't like at the end of the day it's like your personality i mean if a fat person was coming come to you right now i don't discriminate wait but i will say that don't get her canceled up on but i want to put your like your personal like if you're choosing to indulge again like so if you're like it's like being overweight or being is like a testament to like who you are it's like how much are you indulging yeah are you willing to take care of yourself are you willing to value certain things right and that can present itself physically yeah like i wouldn't take a drug addict for the same reason yeah yeah yeah okay i wouldn't do the man who like wouldn't shower for that reason right so like i i would say i look for like a fit tall person but if you're like not that right and but your personality is like i would marry you then like okay that's real because i ain't gonna lie and society nowadays is almost like all hope is lost i agree it can definitely feel like wait why do you feel like that like like you look on twitter and shit like that most of the types nowadays are shit the celebs like most of the celebrities you see um tall and like kind of built yeah yeah you just gotta find yourself a wife that's hard but you know what i've seen men who get like a 10 out of 10 like wife uh-huh and then they cheat on her nah i mean hey both genders got cheaters but i feel like yeah i feel like it depends on the person though i'm sorry yeah depend on the person because just like what she said some people just not fucking loyal yeah people just genuinely can't be loyal yeah some people find joy in like the cq yeah okay cool what's your you got anything else you have a good little time okay so should we go to the trivia segment y'all ready okay we're ready if you guys are ready all right so all right so look the time y'all got to be time there's a time what is the rules real quick okay so um basically how we do it is right every guest that we brought on they did the segment and stuff we're gonna ask y'all 12 questions but we're gonna be timing y'all the only way you can move on to the next question is if you get it right or if you skip it but obviously you can't just cheat and just skip skip you know skip and come back no no okay because the goal is to have the fastest time on everybody so you want to get through it as fast as possible if you have the fastest time by the end of the school year y'all get a hundred dollars each so each yeah okay okay like do we are we answering separate or together y'all can answer together can we discuss before we answer if y'all want to but you know the goal is to have the fastest time all right do we get unlimited time it's just how fast can you finish 12 questions right yeah we're gonna be timing y'all yeah they had like a minute they had like a minute and nine i think right a minute we know what to be okay i think so because i the last because they got all 12 on tuesday no so is there like a time like i said like if y'all genuinely like don't know it uh-uh if y'all genuinely don't know it just skip it like no there's no penalty no okay but obviously though if y'all just cheating though then we got you know like uh skip okay skip skip like nah you can't do yeah yeah yeah for sure i think the time i think it's it's around a minute a minute 13 i think okay we got to the video and see though but yeah it was it was you know it was around a minute a nine a minute good to know all right bet so um we're about to get ready to start you got that music for us bro all right bet we got 12 questions for y'all that's all you do all right y'all ready okay cool all right get ready to start the time three two one what galaxy do we live in okay cool what are the five senses um touch taste smell hear sight okay cool what are what are diamonds made of carbon okay what what famous wall is visible from space great wall of china yeah oh what percentage of human body is made up of water 75 90 98 skip okay cool what which planet is called the blue planet scattering jupiter mars y'all want to skip yeah are you sure what is the capital of china beijing yep who is the lead singer of the band queen prince what is it lead singer of the band queen queen oh freddie mercury yep well how many sides does the triangle have three yep and what year did christopher columbus first discover america 19 no no 14 14 something 14 something something for america it was not 1900s guys 1400 it was or no it wasn't christopher columbus in hundreds in no waste of time 14 22 yeah that's it skip skip skip no we're getting here yeah who who painted mona lisa da vinci yep what is the largest planet in our subsistence last one yep mars jupiter yep that's it all right are you sure it's not 1472 so look it's in 1942 that's not true 1940s okay so so let's go all right so the blue planet is earth earth 1492 i'm reading this off a website so my website is horribly wrong but so what was the time columbus and my grandpa what was our time 116 oh we got them all right except for the one that's why i was like y'all want to skip the question wait it was 116 your game's a little bit skewed yeah i'm not gonna there's no time penalty it's like you guys need to work on that yeah oh no oh no oh no because everybody else that's it if y'all was skipping now what is y'all for sure would have had time then y'all did spend all that time up on the oh yeah that's why i was like 1942 was just that's why i'm like this kid feel like you know i really really yeah but then we should so do y'all want to oh because i told them no well so i should should we let them do it over and just like replace the christopher columbus one with it yeah because they they low-key would have had it give us more questions i totally want to i totally would play again first is the blue one what was the we might do a tournament oh down for a tournament if they don't get like a faster time than that then we just gonna let them keep this time we don't play different games so who so like who's top five right now i know that the basketball team the catwalk the catwalk you know well you've been in order the sigmas it won't do so it was sigma's model and okay but that's how far oh shit they were smarter all right so let me try to find 12 new new questions that's why i'm like just stay still okay because y'all don't have to waste our time on it should be like you can only get three skips or something there should be should be no we don't want that no i mean you want to do that first yeah the only problem with that is like because i mean because some people like really need more than three skips or like i think there should be a one second penalty for if they if they go past if they go past the game is over with them okay i really everybody haven't passed everybody at least hit five skips you good yeah right i'm saying that out of all the times we did it the highest we have is only five that's what i'm saying someone had five are they in the top five no no hell no because i know boss t barely skipped the basketball team had like four four that was it we got to go back and watch like what five questions we got to go back and watch we have one now and we were pretty close we were that's what y'all took all the time on the own we just like to be right i don't know i'm already not and i just knew that that answer was so wrong yeah that's crazy after the prohibition then columbus discovered america after credit was yeah that don't even make sense though because no there was credit credit was um established in the 20s but a credit card that's electronic that's like wiring money that didn't come from all right so i'll find the new new questions right now i don't know these might be let me see she knew that diamond question if you know about down okay cool you knew that diamond like what oh diamond carbon how do you do that what that was made on right y'all right i was like did she a carbon i don't know diamonds made out of carbon they paid attention in school i bet well yeah mirror's really smart y'all want to start again y'all ready yeah let's do it let's do it i'm putting on you let's go 34 what what is the largest desert in the world uh-huh yeah i don't know how many colors are in the rainbow yep uh what is the square root of 25 sorry yep uh what is the chemical symbol for gold for gold yeah yeah a um uh what is the largest ocean on earth pacific yep uh what is the capital city of france paris yep which direction does the sun rise east name the largest ocean memory i'm sorry the largest oh well yep what is the currency of the united states usb us dollars um how many meters are in a kilometer a thousand oh wisconsin is the is uh morocco in i'm sorry wisconsin is morocco in south america europe okay what is the world's highest mountain peak not ever okay it's false yep all right that felt like it was fast i feel like it was fast bro did they get under bro did they get under a minute bro you fucking lying bro how much was it hell yeah oh my god what is the largest desert in the world is antarctica i don't know why the fuck oh that's a tundra is antarctica that's so interesting i think it is a tensor though how many colors are in the rainbow is seven what is the square root of 25 five what is the chemical symbol for gold au the largest ocean pacific capital city of france paris how the fuck did you know that the sun rising sun rises in the east and starts in the west you didn't know that yeah i had to teach this shit largest ocean member blue whale okay he killed that the currency united states u.s dollars kilometers a thousand i was surprised morocco is a part of africa i was like oh brazil or something that's what i was thinking i said europe uh and then you know mount everest is the world you know so i mean damn you got it are you smarter than a sixth grader boom hey that tournament gonna be crazy though they got a first place though yeah that's crazy but but like i never know the people before them was smart as fuck too like crazy but at the same time we gotta do think about it though we could do it again i'm so down to do it again when we do uh the finals there should be no skips okay cool or or there should be gotta be fair gotta be fair three second penalty if you skip no no because if you don't get it then you run out of time no skip maybe there should be a time yeah right but then it's like whatever give me like 20 minutes if i never get it shit hey y'all made the final hey i mean well we're gonna be seeing y'all in the final though for sure because i don't think nobody touched that's crazy no i don't think nobody that's yeah that's i don't think nobody hey maybe like that hey one day we need to do a trivia but we can like you guys know everything now no i told you we're competitive though but we complete each other you see i didn't know something she knew it that's gonna be the same with me and him so y'all want to drop y'all socials yeah for sure yeah um my instagram and we also do you want to talk about yeah so we actually just um launched like a little subscription platform um where we post like just more content about who we are and everything and yeah it's like brand safe monetized yeah we wanted to find a new guideline like a brand safe kind of website so that's it's called fanfics and mine's monica.lf and it's the same with all my socials yeah okay that's pretty cool all right well we just want to appreciate y'all for hopping up on yeah thanks for having us oh bro and um y'all had made me nervous a little bit when i walked up to y'all and asked because then they looked like i was gonna do it but y'all didn't that's my bad y'all y'all got a real good personality thank you yeah i was expecting that though because i thought y'all people always say that i thought y'all look a little bougie bougie you like nice things you know but we're still cool we're humble we're done okay yeah that's why they look they look they uninterested they were all like they just say yes like hopefully we can have y'all on again where y'all from like we're from south side of chicago that's crazy i mean like we wouldn't be like like i we were from chicago ridge so yeah oh wait where are you guys from you know but i have moved to calumet city though that's south of it oh we go to calumet oh yeah yeah spent a lot of time in south holland for real yeah damn we went to school in south holland where'd you guys go oh really yeah okay yeah i actually had a tour of my fellow on an ensemble competition where they go all the time damn yeah that's cool we'll see hopefully we can have y'all back on one day yeah for sure i went to macaulay i heard it up brother rice brother right okay cool well you know yeah that's that's what's up so like hopefully we can have y'all alone again maybe it's gonna be definitely shouldn't be a tournament all right exactly and nobody's touching that's crazy bro that's wild somebody might get closed but they're not touching hey we gonna see because i guess before we said the same shit we was like ain't no way somebody it's like everybody that we have is overdoing each other though yeah like everybody getting better and better it's crazy like i don't know what to expect no more yeah so well hey um appreciate y'all we gonna get up out here make sure y'all like coming in um subscribe look i'm starting on my words man just like comment subscribe fucking help us all right support god damn and make sure y'all following up my boy instagram tiktok shit like that you know y'all started youtube too but yeah thank y'all appreciate y'all we about to get the fuck up out there let's do it

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