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Two friends talk about their podcast and how they came up with the name "503 Podcast." They also discuss their height and hobbies. They then go on to talk about baseball and T-ball, sharing their opinions on the sport. Finally, they talk about their favorite big cities they have visited. Welcome to the 503 Podcast. I'm Alex. I'm Levi. And we're back together again. Yeah. A.K.A. Small Daddy. I've been trying to self-call myself Big Daddy for a while now. Three years. Two years. And everybody hated it. Right before I had a kid, everybody suddenly loved it. Everyone gets called... I got called Big Daddy for like about two weeks after I had my kid. Yeah, but I've wanted you. Why are we called the 503 Podcast? 503 because this was just right before you had your kid. We were in Coleman. We were with the ladies at your family cabin. Yeah, there's a family cabin involved. It's a pretty big flex. And we were taking the dog on a walk. And they were like, you guys better not be late because we're planning to leave at 503. Did we say... No, no, no. We're planning to leave at 5. I think we said we'll be back at 5. You said 502. And we made it back. The girls were both in the garage, in the car, waiting. And they looked at their watch, and it was 503. And to be fair, typically when I'm ready to go, Kaylee's not. I'm pretty... she's not on the ball most of the time. But this time, they were there for the press. One minute late. One minute late. And we just got shredded into on our way to go eat some really good pizza. But in our minds, it's 503. You're like, hey, 503, you're not late yet. No. You're supposed to be there at 5. Yeah. You're not late. No. You're definitely not on time. Yeah, you're not on time, which is the definition, we believe, of dad time. Yeah, never late, but definitely not on time. Yeah. Somewhere in that state of flux. And at that hour, hopefully you're home from work, if you are a dad. And it's like, 503? Kay. That's when you stop being whatever you were at work. And you're now, like, daddy. Or like, you are now dad. You are now dad. You are now father. Right? Yeah. We're not dads right now. I mean, we kind of are, but we kind of aren't. Yeah. As much as possible. Introduction? Do you want me to cover, like, the motor, like, the important stuff, or do you want me to just, like... Yeah, I think my time is up already. So then, yeah, it's Alex's turn. Yeah. I'm 6'4". Dutch. Can't dunk. Can't dunk, because I can't pop a basketball. That's the only reason. I farmed for my entire life. And so now, I want to be a teacher. How about you? A little bit. Especially the height part, because I'm 5'8". 5'8". I tell everybody that I'm 5'8", so that when they measure me and find out that I'm 5'10", everyone's just like, you're not 5'8". Yeah. Really 5'8". I think it says, honestly, I think on my driver's license, I think it, I don't have it with me, convenient. But I think on my driver's license, it says I'm 6 feet. And also, that I weigh 180 pounds, which is not true. I'm, like, 5'10", and 205. So... I'm just 5'8", whatever you say. No. No. No. Yeah, I'm 5'8". I'm sticking with that, just in case people come up and measure me. I'm 5'8". Father of one. And... I know all the words to Gangster's Paradise by Coolio. That pretty much sums it up. Yeah? Yeah. I mean... Yeah, no, I am going to be a teacher, hopefully. Yeah. But, you know, right now, it's just other things. It's the off-season for school, so I'm... I thought this was skee-ball. I was telling him he was hit. And he was like... He didn't try to hurt you. I was like, hey, we're supposed to be a podcast. We're teaching you how to run. Yeah. Absolutely not. Right. Yeah, neither did I. Yeah. Yeah. They booked the field at the same time, and they decided not to play a game? Freaking t-ball. It's the ones where you legitimately take away most of the sports for kids. Right. Right. Yeah. But granted, here's the thing. Most kids at that age, and I'll just say most kids at that age, don't have more than one pitch in their repertoire, which, to be fair, would be an absolute nightmare to be a 10-year-old pitcher going up against everyone that's swinging the bat like an ax. If you're a 10-year-old, you probably... Unless you're on some ESPN, your first word was Babe Ruth. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not quite, you dummy. If you're 10 years old and you're not playing, like if you're pitching, you probably are just throwing a fastball, but like a four-seam straight down the pipe. And to be fair, you're either going to get hit by every single kid, like every single kid is going to tee off of you, or you're just going to zoom it by a bunch of 10-year-olds with runny noses. I don't know. I know one project that's like perky, and it's really impossible for somebody at 100 miles an hour to swing up. Yeah. And they're all cool with it, too. They're just like, Mads, this is just a sport. Don't take me, let me take my base. I just, as a baseball fan, I don't get it. Oh, I get it, but I completely, like... I don't get it, but I enjoy it. I enjoy it, but I understand why people don't get it. It's the same with, like, soccer, because like a lot of people in my inner and even outer circle, honestly, you know, I got like 50-plus in my outer circle. There are a bunch of people that live like soccer haters, and so they'll talk to me about, oh, they just dive, and a bunch of fakers, all this. I'm like, yeah, no, I get it, but at this point, it's so entrenched in the game that you can't really take that out of the game. And, I mean, I hate Neymar as much as the next thespian, but he's a really good actor, really good at diving. Yeah, to be fair. But I understand why people don't like it, because it's like, oh, a real man would just take the hit and go, but a smart soccer player is going to, you know, roll for 50 feet. I wasn't finished, but... Good for him. Yeah. That's not going to be a comfortable grass stain to get out in the shower. Have you ever gotten grass stains on your skin? Where you're like rubbing the grass stain off and like... Well, maybe I just spent more time on the ground than I did on my feet when I played soccer. Yeah, I was so close to the ground that I just, yeah. Yeah, it was easy to get down. Yikes, that sounds very European. Yeah, it was a mouthy ball, rubber, whatever. And you just have to hit fingers with this thing. You just play baseball. And they have a whole bunch of... And you have to wear gloves, so if the kids didn't see you pouring in their gloves, it's fine. No, no, that's fine. That was the last time I ever played baseball. Because I was cleaning up. And she would finish with all this on her hand. Just left hanging right over the plate. Oh, my gosh. It's so much fun. And then it became like, you got to actually have permission to play baseball. Name. Well, we started talking about Neymar and how people... Yeah, T-ball and baseball. You said that you don't understand the enjoyability of it. And I was like, I understand why it's enjoyable, but I also understand why people hate it. So, like with baseball, I completely understand why people hate it, because it's like... Until it's playoff baseball, in my opinion, it's pretty mid to watch. And they play so many games that it's like, okay, why does this one matter over... Like a team can literally go... I don't know how many games you play in a season, but a team... I'm pretty sure... They do. I'm pretty sure they have like almost... Like, I think 80 plus. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I was like, you're almost pushing 100. I can figure it out. Yeah, because you play MLB... My brother plays MLB, the show. And I'm pretty sure his team went like five and 103 or whatever. Oh. I don't know. Yeah, it was... He's also not very good at video games. 162. Yeah. You're playing 162 games. Tell me why 101... Well, actually 101 would matter a little bit more than... But like... Tell me why game 53 matters so much. Yeah. But factor in that the hot dogs are worth $10. And then the beers are also worth $15. And now tell me that you don't want to go and just like get sunburned watching someone get paid $10 million to swing a bat and miss... And miss a quarter... Yeah, only... Yeah, if you miss seven... 25% of the time people are like, oh, you had a good game. If you go one for four at the plate, people are just losing their mind. Like, did you see Judge just hit that massive dinger? He struck out three times. Who do you hit that massive home run? No, not even basketball? I love watching basketball. Oh, like going to the... Tigers. Who... Just kidding. Don't start beef with Detroit, man. They got nothing to lose. Yeah. You'd hate Rome then. Carry on. Carry on. Carry on. London's not your jam. You have been to Paris? Yeah. Did you also shrivel up like a raisin there or... Paris, okay. Real quick. Real quick. Real quick. Just give me like a top five big cities that you've been to. Big cities? Yeah. Number one. They're going to be smaller the more I live there. Yeah. I was in Queenstown. Queenstown, New Zealand? Yeah. Okay, been there. Yeah, I've been there. Yeah. That's all right. I like it. When you're in Holland, like Amsterdam is cool, but then there's a smaller city next door. It's called Utrecht. Utrecht. Okay, yeah. It's the smallest. It's a better one. Okay, yeah. You feel more cozy. A little bit. Dakar, Bangladesh. Okay. Kathmandu, Nepal. That's five. I really did like Kathmandu. Dhaka sucked. Dhaka sucked. Okay, so you got Queenstown. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Utrecht. That one. Barcelona was nice. You want Barcelona as number four? Yeah. Okay. Kathmandu. Kathmandu. Mine are not as exotic. I really hope some of those. Those are deep. Those are deep cuts for sure. I don't know. When I was a kid, my parents would take that, but my parents don't take it. I was like, holy shit, I can't afford this. Yeah. No, it's definitely. Okay, so mine, not that you asked, but I'll give you mine. Yeah, I thought we'd cheat each other up. Edinburgh, Scotland. Yeah, that was a beautiful city. We met a, like a, I lost my phone for like an hour in that city, and I was losing my absolute mind. And we came out of this like, we came out of this like touristy thing or whatever, and I'd left my phone on the bench. And some like local guys had left it at the municipal like building, which was like right beside this touristy thing. And I went in there and asked like, if anybody dropped off a phone and they said no. And it's because the guy still had it. And so I went out and like, talked to this like, because there was this like, like this palm reader outside of the building. And I talked to her. I was like, have you seen anybody like walking? I was just a shot in the dark. And she was like, no, no, no, but you should go. She like told me, she's like, I have this feeling. And I was like, oh, no, because she like touched my hand. And I was like, hold on a minute. And she's like, I have this feeling you should go. You should go into the municipal building. I was like, I've already been there, but I'll go again. Thanks. So I walked back in. And they're like, oh, do you mean this phone? And like, because I just had a picture of me and my wife on there. And they're like, yeah, this is you, right? I'm like, uh-huh. And they're going to like make me unlock it or whatever. But they're like, no, this is your face. So I was like, oh, cool. I'm glad I shaved this morning. That would have been really creepy. Yeah. Right. Yep. Right. Right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Number two. Yeah. Number one is Edinburgh. Number two would be Rome. It is really big, but you honestly don't feel that. Like, you don't feel that it's a big city because once you get in there, there's just like so much bullshit to look at that everyone's like, ah, you're a tourist. It's OK. Come eat our gelato. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody sees right through it. The moment that they look at you and they're just like, you haven't seen this sun ever in your life. Yeah. Yeah, you do. Absolutely. Edinburgh, Rome. Basic. Basic. I don't remember it that much. I was going to say Miami, but you know what? No, Victoria. Victoria, Canada. Best breakfast spot in the world and best fish and chips. Don't at me, London. Your city was trash. I'm just kidding. Just kidding. Who? Oh, good for him. I honestly, we didn't, I don't think I spent enough time in London to be like, it's one of my favorite cities because we literally just showed up for like a day and a half and we got to see, we were at Wimbledon for like 90% of the time. So it was like, yeah, that was really cool. But other than that, London was a lot of walking and a really expensive coffee. That's true, but that's true of any city. It's not like, hey, it's past six o'clock. Either we already went to dinner, so we can get drinks or if we can't afford them, we can walk around or sit in a hotel. And Europe was honestly like the whole time it was like, you're either selling out pretty big or, and like people don't really start getting down and funky and loose until like after 11 and they just go crazy. No, I, we were like our first night in Rome. There are people that were seriously up to like 3 a.m. It was ridiculous. Yeah, I like, I like 11. I'll push it to 11 every now and then if I've had a coffee at like three, then it'll have to be 11. But I, yeah, shut up. Well, I think I'm the one who's hurting the most probably. So yeah, that's only four or three. There's only three. Well, I can't even think of five. Edinburgh, Rome, Victoria. Number four, for how much the driving sucks, I'd say Calgary just because it has like my favorite, like one of my favorite restaurants. What's that? It's called Moon Barbecue. It's a Korean barbecue place. It's so delicious. And then number five. Number five. I had it queued up. I'm going to forget it, but just finish your shit. Yeah. We went to the Tells World of Science last year. Yeah. Frickin' loved Tells World of Science. Vancouver, Calgary, everything. I could do that every day. And we met Kaylee and said, oh, they have a cool space to do it. So it was my birthday. And we were like, great. So fun. The best space. And she'd be like, wait, let me go. Be a space cadet. And the space was over and it was a Barbie exhibit. No. And we did a little craft tomorrow night. And we drew all the way there. We had a big day. Oh. I'd also say Calgary for the zoo, because that's, like, the only zoo that I've ever been to. It's a solid zoo. I've heard rave reviews about it from. Like people who work in zoos. I've heard it's actually, like, a high-quality zoo. Oh. The less, like, trapped animals with more, like, dangerous species being. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I definitely. The Flamingo exhibit gives me caution or, like, pause every time I show up, because it's just. You can step into that thing. It's literally just like. Yeah, it's like the Flamingo exhibit is just like this big, wide pond looking thing. And then it has, like, just nylon rope around the whole thing. And there's, like, nothing stopping a baby from just crawling into it and eating some Flamingo Duke. Have you ever seen a wet sloth before? What? Have you ever seen a picture of a wet sloth? A wet sloth? Yeah. I've seen a wet owl, but I've never seen a wet sloth. What the? Yuck. Why a wet sloth? That's so disgusting. I mean, a sloth. A sloth. Sloth that isn't. I like it. I like my sloths dry. No, that's koalas. No. And I'm pretty sure it's gonorrhea. Yeah. No, I love wet owls. I have a picture of one on my phone. It's my screensaver. It is. It's a rotating screen. Yeah. Do you have any other thoughts on this one? I think I'm going to ask for a trip to Costa Rica. Don't care. Yet none of those cities made it onto your top five. Yeah, they did. Ooh. I know what my fifth one is. Yeah. Managua, Nicaragua. Okay. Yeah. There we go. Well, no. My fifth one is Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua. Yeah, he's born in Regina. He went to a boarding school in, I believe, El Salvador? No, no, no. What's the one that's north of Nicaragua? I'm blanking. So is that a Guatemala? No. Okay. Yeah, I'm goofing. We'll look it up later. But he went to a boarding school there because my grandparents were missionaries in Nicaragua during, like, that revolution. Yeah, that, like, whole, like, Cold War stuff. It was pretty crazy. And there was, like—my dad even had some, like, pretty cool stories about, like, handing out loaves of bread as there's, like, gunshots going off, like, down the street. It was, like, intense. Super sick. But, yeah. We went back. We went back and stayed at an all-inclusive for a week. And then we went to this, like, hotel in Managua for another week. Or no, it was two weeks. Two weeks at the all-inclusive and two weeks in the hotel. And it was, like—so just, like, a month there. It was, like, so sick. Yeah. And we got to know, like, all the hotel staff because it was, like, a pretty small, like, place. And it even had, like, this little courtyard. And we got to, like, climb this, like, mango tree. And, yeah. No, we had, like, rice and beans every morning for breakfast. And, like, because we were—there was one point where we were the only people staying in the hotel. So they would just, like, make us breakfast the way that we liked. It was so sick. Yeah. And there was this little market just, like, down the street from where we were. But it was—the, like, second day that we were at the hotel, it was—it was, like, their Independence Day. And so the night before, we thought there were, like, gunshots or, like, people shooting at the hotel. But it was actually just, like, fireworks. So we stepped outside, and there were these fireworks. And fireworks in Nicaragua, they're not, like, this bright light show. They're, like, how loud can we make this? So there were just these, like, deafening—yeah, concussion grenades going off in the middle of nowhere. And we were just, like, losing our minds. But, like, everybody else was like, oh, yeah, it's, like, Independence Day tomorrow. And we're just like, what? This is what you guys do for Independence Day? And, like, we got to see so much cool stuff when we were there. But, yeah. Yeah. They're too short of shows. Yeah, they all suck. Never been to a good one. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's pretty—it's pretty all over the place. It's not, like, one set, like— Mm-hmm. That's fun. Yeah. And— Mm-hmm. Yeah. Aw. That's probably—yeah. That's probably a lot to do, isn't it? I think fireworks are about as fun as you can make them, right? Like, we used to have these—when I went to college, we used to have Roman candle fights. So we—actually, it was for my brother's—my oldest brother's bachelor party. He wanted everybody to have a Roman candle fight. So we went to—this is in Steinbeck, Manitoba. We took—you can buy, like, fondue fuel at the home hardware there. So we went and bought fondue fuel. And you can—like, it will burn for a really long time. Like, it'll burn so long and, like, way longer than, like—because gasoline will just, like— And it'll just, like, burn long and easy. And so we went to—and it won't even burn that hot. Like, it won't melt rubber, which is the key part here, because we went to the local park. And they had this big tire tower. Like, this tower made out of, like, tractor tires. And we dumped the whole thing of fondue fuel on there. No. Tire swing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm so glad. I'm so glad you can bum us out with your tires. Oh, that makes it better. Yeah, that makes it better. My favorite thing to do on those was to, like, wet myself as it was going. Because I wanted—my favorite thing to do was just pee my pants on a merry-go-round and see if I could— No. Yeah, so we dumped fondue fuel all over this tire tower. And then we light it on fire. And then my brother just starts passing out Roman candles. And is like, here, donate them for the face. And we're like, what? So everybody—like, my brother says some sort of, like, Lord of the Rings quote. And we all just dipped the—like, dipped the fuse end of our Roman candles. It's something that Sméagol said. I don't know. Something like My Precious. I don't know. And we just dipped our, like, the fuse in the fire. And then they all just started going off. The first thing that my brother is, like—like, he's about to marry into this family. So his soon-to-be brother-in-law just, like, grabs him and just aims the Roman candle at his chest. At his head? Yeah. And so my brother, like, pushes off. And they just start aiming at each other. I don't know if anybody got hit, but, like, it came so close to getting hit by fireworks. Like, almost everybody got, like, just singed at one point in time. Like, we all smelt, like—we all smelt, like, burnt hair. And then I think one of us was like, yeah, Roman candles skipped. So we went out and we bought ten more. And we went to the pond at that park. And we just—we just—we all lit them up and tried skipping Roman candles across. Oh, yeah, it did. Yeah, it did. Yeah, park with a—yeah, yeah. And it also had, like, a zip line because it was on top of a hill. Like, the whole park spanned from, like, the top of the hill to the bottom. Because it's Steinbeck, Manitoba, and the slogan is worth the drive or whatever. Or, like, something—yeah, essentially, it insinuates that it's worth it. And it isn't really. No. There's a pub—the last time I was there, there was a pub that sold Guinness on tap. And that was, like—yeah, that was worth it. But other than that, I don't think I'd go back. Other than all my family lives there. I love them dearly. I've done it multiple times. You have to have a lot of it. Do you want to—do you want to—I don't even know what time we're at. But do you want to—it took us a while to get through our favorite cities. Do you want to just quickly rank your provinces? Manitoba will be down there. Manitoba will be—I can rattle them off, right? I will rattle them off right now. Watch me. There's 13. Atta boy. I will do—I'll do top to bottom. I'll do top to bottom. I'll do top to bottom. BC. Alberta. Well, it's not Manitoba. It's not Quebec. It's not Ontario. Number three, Newfoundland and Labrador. Yeah. You said Nova Scotia? I've never been to the Maritimes. I just—I just love the way they say Newfoundland and Labrador. And Nova Scotia. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, how about it? Okay. Newfoundland and Labrador, number three. Number four. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. Don't worry. I'm sorry. It's such a dick. I'd say number four, Manitoba. Number five, Saskatchewan. Number four, Manitoba. Literally only because I've been there. Saskatchewan, I've never stayed more than like a night in. Number five is—actually, I'm going to put Saskatchewan a little bit lower because I've never had like a great experience in Saskatchewan other than a Rough Riders game. Okay, so number five, I'll go Ontario because good things grow in Ontario. That's the only reason that I put it—oh my gosh, there. Everyone loves Marine Land. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, no, I put Ontario number five because it has the Toronto Raptors and that's basically it and also the Blue Jays and Marine Land, which I've never been to. Six, we'll just rattle off the rest of the Maritimes. So we'll go Nova Scotia, PEI number seven. Number eight is New Brunswick. Is that it for Maritimes? Yeah. Yeah. Number nine, Quebec. Number nine is Quebec. Yeah. Number ten is Saskatchewan. And then only because I've never been there, we'll just do the territories from left to right. So Yukon, Yellowknife, Nunavut. Yukon. Not those territories. Not those territories. I— Why did I say Yellowknife? That is so stupid. I'm a social—I'm supposed to be a social studies teacher and I just named a city. That is embarrassing. Yeah. I just remember having to color in Nunavut on all the maps and like we would always ask, do we have to color in all the little islands? And our teachers would always make us color in all the little islands. And so that's why. Yeah, they wanted to extend the lesson in air quotes. That was me. Yeah. Yeah. I like to drive up there, actually. Yeah. Yeah. I have a lot of dreams that I'm doing like driving, but like a— I butt like that. What's the worst thing you've ever said to me? Road trip. That's what I was looking for. Yeah. That's what I was looking for. Yeah. I also have a— You are a new dad. I have a dream, though. I have a dream. Somebody talked about your mail. Somebody hammered it. It's everything that we talked about. Oh, I have a bucket list item. You got stuff there. Oh, yeah. That's a bucket list item. Yeah. I was like, I don't think I have anything on my bucket list. That's the stuff I want. I think having nothing on my bucket list is a bucket list item. Oh, my. I think I want to do a motorcycle trip to Africa. Okay. And that's a long shot. It's not enough for my tape. I don't know how long. How long? Yeah. How—never mind. Keep going. Just a really— A day. Just get dropped off and picked up. Okay. Wait, wait. I don't want to— Yeah, it is. It is. But— Okay. All right. We'll see. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. I'd much rather do, like, a hunting trip, even though I've never hunted. Just—I want to—I want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. Like, because I don't want to—I don't want to—I don't want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. I want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. I want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. I want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. I want to hunt something that isn't a mouse or a squirrel or, like, a pesky bird. 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