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cover of 15th April Full Show - Code Brown On The Train
15th April Full Show - Code Brown On The Train

15th April Full Show - Code Brown On The Train




On the show this morning: - Polish priest jailed after wild night out that left someone incapacitated - Trains in India going viral for all the wrong reasons - SPORT: Kalyn Ponga's hilarious slip-up on live TV - Local Dubbo Uber driver records hilarious Maccas exchange - GUEST: Mat Smith - Lazy River Estate - GIVEAWAY: Stock Route Music Fest Tickets - GUEST: Mayor Mathew Dickerson - Random pedestrians asked strangest 'would you rather' question - GIVEAWAY: All Fired Up Tickets


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You're waking up with the Central West best breaking on 92.7 ZOO. Good morning, another week we start again. Another five days of absolute madness, talking about topics that we had no idea would even happen in the human race. Coming up later this morning, we're going to be chatting with Matt Smith, who's one of the owners of Lazy River Estate, ahead of the Stock Root Music Festival this weekend. We've got double passes to give away for many things other than just the Stock Root. The Stock Root is just one of them. There's a lot of chances to win coming up on the show this week. But coming up in just a couple of minutes, however, public transport. Maybe you've caught the XBT to Sydney, or you've caught it down to Melbourne. Maybe you've caught buses, maybe you've caught public transport within Sydney, and you've had complaints about it, which wouldn't surprise me. However, in India, the public transport's made the spotlight internationally, for reasons that we don't really want to talk about. But I'll tell you why, just a couple of minutes away, Vance Joy first with Riptide. No, not Riptide, Rocket. What is Rocket? Let's find out. It's ZOOFM Breakfast for your Monday morning. Keegan with you. 25 past 6, ZOOFM Breakfast, top of 27 degrees today in Gilgandra, currently 11 degrees. It's going to be sunny today, possible rain tomorrow and Wednesday, however, as well as storms for some reason. The reason a Polish priest was jailed over the weekend will put your idea of a wild night out to shame forever. I mean, you'll never consider the phrase again. The priest, who's only referred to as Zed, was jailed over the weekend for hosting what could only be described as an all-night adult party, with five people involved in adult activities all at once. All at once, all night, five people, while ingesting illicit substances. The party, which was hosted by the priest, only came to the attention of authorities after it was reported that a male adult entertainment worker collapsed after ingesting a large quantity of what I'm guessing is Viagra. I genuinely don't believe there is anything that can top this story. There is just nothing. It is so bizarre that there is nothing you could ever say that would beat it. It's brought back to light, however, in other news, the recent story of an Italian priest being sentenced to prison after he too hosted a wild night out. It involved $120,000 of stolen money being used to purchase illicit substances and male adult entertainment workers. $120,000. That's a lot of male adult entertainment workers. I genuinely don't have any short one-liners to end this on. I'm just straight-up astonished. Tate Macrae, Greedy. It's 2FM Breakfast, Monday morning. Paul Russell, 10 to 7, 2FM Breakfast. Trains in India, they're going viral on the internet recently for a reason that it'll put all your complaints about our public transport to rest immediately. Commuters in Delhi, they're taking to the internet to share their horror at the scenes on the local metro network after discovering that someone or a collection of people have been pooping all over the trains and smearing it into the walls and doors. It's gotten so bad that carriages have had to be shut during service from contamination that it's so bad in regards to the scale of it that it breaches biosecurity and health regulations. Biosecurity. I mean, considering the smearing must be pretty intense for it to break biosecurity regulations. It really puts it to local transport complaints about, you know, people vaping in the back seats of a bus. It really puts it all into contrast. Someone here is quoted as saying, find the person and ban him from using any Indian metro again. They've suggested. I mean, yes, we're obviously not going to go and encourage them to continue their impromptu poo parties. You'd want to ban them from the system. Red Hot Chili Peppers, California occasions. That's how you start off a week, is with a public transport booster. Zoo FM Breakfast. Quarter past seven. Zoo FM Breakfast. Your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. For your Monday morning. Top of 27 in Wellington today. Currently 11 degrees. Going to be sunny, thankfully, right across the day. Now, post-match sport interviews. They're in the league of their own. Excusing the terrible fun. And they're always a great moment for slip-ups. Calum Ponga, he delivered an absolute corker during the round just past of NRL. The Newcastle Knights, the captain, Calum Ponga, was speaking to Channel Nine post-match about his injury during the match and whether it was considered by anyone for him to sit out of the match entirely afterwards. Because I think he disappeared about a quarter of the way through and then people were surprised as he returned. But what was actually discussed on said interview was probably nothing close to what was the expected answer. I'm pretty sure the correction there sounded even worse than the mistake. Unless, of course, we're talking about the toilet cubicle incident. Then it all makes sense. Zoo Brekkie. Rehabbing Amy Shark, 25 past 7. Monday morning, Zoo FM Breakfast. It's Keegan with you. Top of 27 degrees in Narramine today. Currently 11. Gonna be sunny. We've all had one of those nights in the back of a cab or an Uber where you're desperate for some sort of sustenance and McDonald's is the easiest choice available. It's just your go-to. Well, a local Uber driver and professional chauffeur in Dubbo, Nathan Exelby, he's published on his YouTube one of the funniest exchanges in a McDonald's drive-thru I've ever seen from within an Uber. His passengers, they attempted to order a couple of meals and then this golden conversation emerged. Have a listen. We had two separate orders. We had a large Big Mac meal with a Coke with no pickles. Coke with no pickles. Large Big Mac with a Coke with no pickles. A large triple cheeseburger. Extra cheese on a Fanta with no pickles. A chicken with no sauce. No pickles. Look, if McDonald's were ever thinking of adding a new menu item, I'd really recommend the medium Coke with no pickles if I'm gonna be completely honest. Pink, stinking marshmallow, dreaming. See, that's just what you get in the back of an Uber here in Dubbo. Golden conversations. Zou FM Breakfast. Kiddler Roy. Chunk hook. 20 minutes to 8. Zou FM Breakfast. Top of 27 degrees today in Gilgandra. Currently 12. Gonna be sunny. We're brought to you by McDonald's in Dubbo and Wellington. You can win free McCafe coffee for an entire year on the My Maccas app. You can see the website for the full T&Cs. Matt Smith, one of the owners of Lazy River Estate here in Dubbo, joins us this morning, head of the estate hosting the 2024 Stock Group Music Festival. Cheers for coming on. I appreciate it. Thank you very much, Keegan. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I hear that the Lazy River Estate actually organises the Stock Group rather than leases the estate land for it. Yeah, that's correct. So, yeah, it's a private event, so it's something that we started three years ago and we love it. Take me back to that moment where you decided to host an event like this. I'd imagine what actually crossed your mind? Well, there seemed to be a, I shouldn't say a lack of events in Dubbo, but we just wanted to create something that would draw people into town, into Dubbo itself, and, you know, we have a love of... We're from the country and we have a love of country music, so originally it started as a country music festival and then it sort of morphed into something that's... It's a broader genre now. There's a really, really diverse line-up of artists on this year, so, you know, it's just something that we just decided that we wanted to do and away we went. I'd imagine there's actually a lot of amazing parts involved in the organising of it. What goes into the organisation of an event of this calibre? I'm really fortunate in that we've got a really, really good team out there at Lazy River and it's a very small team, so they work incredibly hard on it and you're correct, there's a lot of moving parts within it. Obviously, there's artists and there's stage and there's sound and there's, you know, security and fencing and you name it. There's so much to think about. But we all sort of take our own little areas that we concentrate on and away we go. Just trying to imagine it in my head, what's sort of the layout of some of the areas and maybe the bar compared to, say, the stage for this weekend? Well, we've got the stage directly in front of the Function Centre and last year we built a massive big deck out off the Function Centre as well, so the VIPs get to stand out on this beautiful big deck that overlooks the stage as well, which is amazing. And then, you know, all your general public, obviously they can get right up to the stage. So, you know, it will be bass right smack bang in the middle of the estate and, you know, it's a fantastic setting. You've got the river and the gums all behind and it will be amazing. The weather has blessed us. I mean, you could not pick better weather for a music festival. We've had the rain a couple of weeks ago, so the estate looks a picture. It's just we could not have ordered it any better than it is. Absolutely brilliant. I've read some of the Stock Root Emerging Talent Competition. What's this all about? Well, we'd love to promote, and anyone can enter into it, but we would just love to give back to the music community because they come and obviously perform for us. So our idea, and I mean it's done at other events as well, we are trying to encourage, and hopefully the goal is that someone that is an emerging talent at the Stock Root gets signed by somebody else because obviously you've got really big artists there, as in the Internationals and the Travis Collins and Ashley Dallas. You know, so all their managers are there on the day as well. So if we can bring an emerging talent along, who knows? Maybe they'll get signed by Sony or someone else like that on the day. So if we can help someone kickstart their career, that's what we'd love to do. Before I wrap it all up, before I let you go, what's actually the history behind Lazy River Estate for anyone unaware? So Lazy River Estate is primarily a wedding and corporate function centre. We do do private events as well, but most of our business is in weddings, I guess, and just in a private vineyard that you can hire to come out and have a wedding or a birthday party or whatever event you can dream up, we can make it happen. 100%. Well, cheers for coming on for chat this morning, Matt. It sounds like an absolutely brilliant weekend ahead as well. Oh, it's going to be fantastic. I mean, this year, three years in, who would have imagined that we'd have an international artist playing here in Dubbo? Exactly. Yeah, we cannot wait. 100%. Cheers, mate. Much appreciated. No, I appreciate it. Thank you. You're on Zoo's Brekkie. If you'd like to head to the Stock Group Music Festival on the 20th of April, which is this Saturday, you can give me a buzz right now, 6884 8499. That's the phone number, 6884 8499. You're going to tell me what act of the day you're most excited to see, and you can grab yourself a double pass to this weekend's Stock Group Festival. Otherwise, if you miss out, you can always grab tickets via stockgroup.com.au. We'll be giving away double passes all week. You're on Zoo's Brekkie. Phil, what are you up to this morning? Getting ready for work. What do you do for work? I clean pools. Oh, right. Okay. Does business get a bit quieter during winter? Are people deciding to start to heat their pools? Yeah, it gets a bit quieter. Well, I can imagine you probably want a weekend off and a weekend with an incredible event to attend. Are you looking to go to the Stock Group? Yes, I am, actually. Who are you keen to see? Definitely Travis Collins. Travis Collins. Have you been a fan of them for a while? Yeah, yeah, a fair while. A few years. I won't question how much of a fan you are then. But I'm going to ask you one question. Who would you prefer, Dua Lipa or Travis Collins? Travis Collins. All right, good. Okay. Oh, sorry, I was just testing you there for a second. The double pass is yours, mate. You'll be heading to the Stock Group Festival this Saturday. Awesome. We'll be giving away these tickets all week, however, and if you'd like to jump online and grab yourself tickets right now for the Stock Group Music Festival this Saturday, you can head to www.thestockgroup.com.au. There's acts such as Dan Davidson, Travis Collins, Ashley Dallas, the Bushwackers, just a long list of brilliant artists playing this weekend here in Dubai. It's all on now, ZOOFM Breakfast. Ed Sheeran, ZOOFM Breakfast, 10 past 8 for your Monday morning. Top of 27 degrees today in Wellington, about 14 at the moment. Going to be sunny today. Mayor Matt Dickerson joins us. Good morning, mate. Can you believe that? 27 degrees, the weather's all over the place. It seems a bit weird. And I'm sure tomorrow will be absolutely freezing to death. Yeah, that's right. Well, freezing to death might be a bit of an overstatement. Slightly. I've heard somewhere that the Old Dubbo Bowling Club is in the news. Is that the one that has the bowling greens that have a bit of plants coming out of it that I haven't noticed? The one that if you were going to do bowling on it, you'd need to do bowling with a bit of extra force to get over some of those. You'd have to follow it with a lawnmower. That's right. So Council's actually keen to own that. There's been an EOI process from the RSL Club where we've actually submitted an EOI for that. So we're pretty keen to own that parcel of land. The RSL Club have had a process where they were talking about a parcel of land of ours up in Keswick to build a club on, presumably, something like that. And so that process has been going along. The slight concern I've got at the moment, we went through committees last week, and I'm going to be very technical and pedantic here. Brilliant. I am the spokesperson for Council decisions. Section C of Part 226 of the Local Government Act says that Mayor is the spokesperson for Council decisions. So if it's a Council resolution, then I've got to talk about that Council resolution regardless of my individual opinion and regardless of how I might have voted on that. This is a little bit different because we've actually had a committee meeting where the majority of Councillors voted one way, myself and some other Councillors voted it the other way, and I was in the negative. So the recommendation from that committee is to go through to Council, but it's not a Council resolution yet. So I can't speak against it yet. If it goes through a Council resolution, then I can't speak against it. When we hear your opinion suddenly change, that's when we know it's reached that stage. That's right. Exactly right. I'm not talking about the next Thursday week when the next Council meeting is, but at this stage, what the Council recommendation is is to sell that parcel of land, and it doesn't matter, selling it to the RSL Club, it doesn't matter who they're selling it to, but they're selling it without going through an EOI process. And personally, with public land, I would always prefer we did some sort of public process, whether it be by auction, whether it be via EOI process. And I'm talking about a significant parcel of land. I'm not talking about individual blocks, house blocks, where we might have 20 of those and here's the market price and we put them for sale. But again, they're open to the public, Keegan. Anyone can come along and buy one of those. My concern with this is that the recommendation from Councillors is that we take that parcel of land and just sell it to one entity and not go through an EOI process. There's been an evaluation done on that, so the price seems fair and reasonable. I can't talk about the price that was discussed in Confidential Council, but that's my concern. We've got some other parcels of land, some other processes we've gone through. Opposite the swimming pool on Talbagh Street, we've got some land there. We've gone out to an EOI process for that. Opposite the council building at Church Street, we've got a small building there. We've gone out to an EOI process for that. In fact, when we had control of the greens, we went out to an EOI process for that. So we've been consistent in being open and transparent. I want to keep the status quo when it comes to the process. The process, that's exactly right. So the outcome is not so much my concern. The outcome is probably a reasonable outcome, but I just like the process to be that fair, open and transparent process. And I'm not convinced that it is a fair, open and transparent process at this stage because we've only given one entity the potential to purchase that parcel of land. So there'll be a bit more discussion amongst councils over the next week and a half over that. And then Thursday week is when our next council meeting is and the final decision will be made. Brilliant. Well, something less technical is the Wellington Caves. I've heard they've been in the news as well. And I haven't actually visited them yet, but they look amazing. They do look amazing. And you do need to get down and have a look at those. There's been a couple of things. There's been a paleo dig. Flinders University were here on Friday and they're doing a paleo dig. And I would have loved to have gotten down to that, but we did a shared pathway opening here on Friday morning. So I couldn't make it to both, unfortunately. But that was fascinating because there still is a lot of interest in the research community with the Wellington Caves. And so there's still some interest there in what's happening. And so that paleo dig would have been fascinating to be there. But we've also got the Gaydon Cave, which has just been reopened. So there was a bit of concern with some of the flooding that we had, some of the extensive water that went through there. So there was a bit of concern about the safety of some of the caves there. So some of the caves were closed down. So it was a great tourist attraction, but it was limited in what we could do. But the Gaydon Cave is one that is now back up and open again. So I think we'll start to see the numbers build back up there, including the numbers of you. Yes, I'll be one of them, hopefully. That's right. Including me. Well, it's always good to have a chat. Thanks for coming in this morning, Mr. Mayor. Much appreciated. My pleasure, Kagan. Thank you. You're on Zooters Breakfast. Classic from Bon Jovi. 20 to 9, Zoo FM Breakfast, your home of Davos. Best music from the 80s to now. Mostly sunny today. Top of 27 degrees in Gilgandra. 15 currently. Going to be sunny right across the day, but changing tomorrow. Rain expected around midday. Some popular TikToker that I've never heard of has decided to conduct the strangest poll of the general public that you've probably ever heard of. It's actually, it's brought back some surprising results. But because of the way that it shows how the newer generations may be perceiving things, random people on the street, they were asked, would you rather be stuck in a forest with a bear, a wild bear, or a man? Just any man, random man, or a bear. Bear witness to some of these interesting responses. Man is scary, um, with a bear. Well, I've heard about bears. They don't always attack you, right, unless you like them. So maybe a bear. Depends what man, but probably a bear. 100% a bear, which is like terrifying to say, but definitely a bear. Some men are very scary out there. A bear. I would say, I would say a man. I'm pretty sure some people need to be reminded how tasty they look in the eyes of a bear. Unless, of course, it's Winnie the Pooh, then I think it's a different story. Although, if these results, if they were recorded in Newtown, in Sydney, I think the word bear may have something, a meaning entirely different. Not sure, though. Kenny Grace, Strangers, 20 to 9, Zoo FM Breakfast. You're having Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you. It's going to be a lovely sunny day ahead. Cheers for your company. Oh, my God. Kenny Grace, Strangers, quarter to nine, Zoo FM Breakfast. It's Keegan with you for your Monday morning topic. Twenty-seven degrees today in Dunedin. Currently 11 degrees. It's going to be sunny. Change expected throughout the middle of the week. Showers and thunderstorms possible. We're brought to you by McDonald's and Dubbo and Wellington. You know when you're craving that classic Big Mac flavour, but you're not sure how hungry you are? Well, now there's one for every kind of hungry with the Mac Jr. and Grand Big Mac, but returning only for a limited time. You're on Zoo FX. You would have heard recently us have a chat to Roz Pappalardo from All Fired Up, one of the stars of the show. It's a brilliant 80s show of hits and memories coming to the Dubbo Regional Theatre. Well, it's safe to say we've got another double pass to attend on us. This Friday, thanks to Dubbo Regional Theatre, the phone number 68848499. That's 68848499. But the thing is, all you've got to do is tell me the artist name and song name of this recognisable 80s hit. Once more. Artist name and song name. 688484... Someone's already ringing. I haven't even finished speaking. You can ring and grab yourself a double pass to this brilliant 80s walk down the park. Dubbo's best music. Michael Jackson. 2FM. Breakfast. Couple minutes to 9. You're 80s are at work on the way, but it's time to do this. You're on Zoo FX. Jodie, what's going on this morning? I'm heading to work, actually. Oh, you sound absolutely thrilled with it. I want to ask you, before I ask you the question about the song, what were you up to during the 80s? Oh, look, I was born in 81, so, you know, pretty much grew up. Yeah, you were pretty much being fed baby food. Right, OK. Well, you need to tell me the artist name and song title of this 80s hit. Do you know what it is? I actually think it's Phil Collins' Run to Paradise. Phil Collins' Run to Paradise? Yeah. I'm sorry, Jodie. Cheers for trying. Thank you. Susan, what's going on this morning? Oh, just enjoying the first day of the school holidays. Brilliant. Do you know what this amazing 80s hit that tops the charts, the artist name and song title? Rick Astley, Never Gonna Give You Up. 100%. For double points. When I say double points, there's nothing in it for you. But what year was it released? About 85-ish? Oh, you know what? If we're going to round up, I'll give it to you. It was 87. I want to ask, however, it became like this sort of culture trend to prank people with this song. Have you ever been Rick Rolled before? No. Never. Wow, OK. You've managed to escape it. Well, congratulations. You've got a double pass to head to All Fired Up this Friday. Thank you. If you missed out and you'd like to head to All Fired Up, you can grab tickets via the Dubbo Regional Theatre website at www.drtcc.com.au. Your 80s artwork is next. You're on Zoo's Brekkie.

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