Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Alright, so we just heard about Aniela and Magnan explaining the assisted suicide theory. Do you guys believe that's actually what happened to MH370? Yeah, I do believe some of it, but I think it's bigger arguments that are stronger. Yeah, I quite agree with you there. I don't agree with it at all. I don't want to believe that there were any human involvement in that case. But I think humans should believe that because according to the video we watched, it was showing that before he left and went to the airport, he had some different problems at home with his wife and his other girlfriend that he had before. So that could be one of the motives that made me believe that the pilot may have assisted suicide. So it could be like Magnan. Yeah, me too. I think... Assisted suicide. Yeah, but that's the point where I'm kind of... Is this really rumours or is this facts? You guys remember when we watched the documentary online. It talked about these rumours that he was having personal problems with his girlfriend or wife. And that he was kind of depressed, etc. But his brother-in-law confirmed that he was indeed normal. And they later on said that his wife also said that he was normal. They didn't have any problems, etc. So yeah, I'm just wondering about if it's facts or if it's rumours he's gone according to. I actually believe that the pirates may have assisted suicide. Because, you know, this guy that I watched from this video, I don't know if he was his uncle or whatever he was. They had a little thing where they were together or whatever. But actually, he also said that the guy had... Oh, this is... It's okay. Just go on. Should we continue? Yeah. I don't know his name. Actually, the pirates, he had an uncle and his uncle talked in a video that he had two girlfriends. Not two girlfriends, but a wife and a girlfriend. So that would be one of the motives that I believe. Because the uncle didn't... I'm sorry. No, no, no. It's okay. We're just going on. Wives, you know. Yeah. This is for real. Yeah. No, no, no. We can't talk. We can't talk about it. Mm-hmm. So, you don't know what I'm talking about? No, we can just have a little discussion. Yeah. Then we can stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I heard that about the girlfriend part, too. I mean, if I consider it, it could be a point. It could be a point in, like, their relations having breaking points. Yeah, but... So, Radia, if you completely don't believe that there was, like, any human contact involved in this incident, then why do you believe that the transponder was turned off? Could it have been by the fire? That it was just turned off by the fire? That's what I think. Or maybe it was made by the pilot, but wasn't for the reasons that you knew. So, it wasn't because he wanted to commit suicide or something. No, but why would the pilot just turn off the transponder? The transponder is just to link his location to other, like, airplane watching areas, you know, military bases, etc. So, it's just a safety precaution. So, why would the pilot turn it off if it wasn't for any bad... Purpose. Yeah, bad choices or bad deeds. Maybe it's one's right to do it. That's what I think. I don't think it's real. Listen, wasn't he an expert? He was, like, a very talented pilot, right? Yeah. So, he really thought I could do that and just go to my destination. So, you're thinking that the pilot might just be a little bit insane. You're setting me up. I'm not setting you up. I'm just questioning your theory. But actually, why would they turn off the transmission? Yeah, yeah, that's what I think, too. You know, I read this one other article that he, like, he... What? He changed his direction, right? Yeah, I love the way you say it. His hometown really wanted to turn it off so no one would know that he did that. Changed direction. He wanted to change his hometown. His hometown. That would be... What? No, but... No, she's saying that he wanted to go. Yeah, he wanted to go. He wanted to switch it. Yeah, he wanted to see his house. He wanted to see his wife. And then he just turned it off. Oh, no. Oh, yeah, yeah. No. What is that? I mean, a pilot like that shouldn't even have a license, to be honest. What the hell? You shouldn't be talking about that, especially regarding the seriousness of this case. So you're just talking like this pilot taking a swift turn of direction just to see his house and... Maybe he just wanted to identify, like, how far he just talked. No, that's not... So then this whole accident would be based on a pilot's dumb decision to visit his home while... It was a pilot's decision. He didn't think it was a stupid decision. He really thought he could actually pull it off. Oh, okay. So like... What do you mean that a copilot thought it was a dumb decision? No, no, no. This theory isn't ridiculous. As a taxi driver going back to his home to drink a little bit of water... Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, the word comes first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I agree with you. Can we listen to this one first? Me? Yeah.