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WRRAP - After the England game

WRRAP - After the England game


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The WRAP podcast is a show about regional and national rugby in Wales. The hosts discuss various topics, including their drink of the week and recent rugby news. In this episode, they talk about the Ospreys signing three players from the Cheetahs on short-term loans and the Scarlets losing a friendly match against Exeter. The hosts provide their thoughts and opinions on these topics. Welcome to the WRAP podcast, the place to catch up on all the regional and national rugby in Wales. You can find us on all the usual social media platforms and message us through there if you want, or you can email us on welshregionalrugbypod at gmail.com. So all the boring stuff out of the way, let's talk rugby. Hello and welcome to the WRAP podcast. I'm not Lee G, I'm Jamie. Lee can't be with us tonight because apparently he has an assignment to finish. I think personally he's tired and emotional after watching the 49ers lose the Super Bowl final. That's why I don't think he's with us tonight and who can blame him. But yeah, it's not me tonight, it's me hosting, but we do have Harley and James with us tonight. Good evening, gents. How are we? Good evening. Good evening. I'm good, thank you. Excellent. Okay, so you can find us on platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and the Sports Social Network. And if you like what we do, please rate us and leave us a good review because it all helps us to grow the pod. So let's get into it then, boys. Let's start as we always do, with Drink of the Week. Harley, what have you got for us this week? So I'll be honest, I've bought it purely because the brewery makes me laugh every time I see it. So I've got Butcombe, Adam Henson's rear brewery. I beg your pardon? It's called Butcombe. So the blurb on the back, so it's a 3.8, so it's a nice sort of session beer when you really count me asked. It's not every day you meet a farmer as passionate about sustainability as Adam Henson. His Cotswold-grown Maris Otter Barley helps produce a seriously characterful pale ale, all within a stone's throw of Bristol. Brewed with Mendit spring water and fruity cascade and Amarillo hops, it's refreshing, citrusy and smooth with an amber hue. A rare breed, we wouldn't call it anything less. That is the wankiest bollocks I've ever read on a bottle. Yes, that is wanky bollocks, isn't it? That's a new feature of your pod now. Talk about the wanky bollocks. James, have you got an alcoholic beverage for us tonight? No, no alcoholic beverage. We had probably a few too many on Saturday night. There's a lovely little pub in Southwest London we found for the rugby. No, so a few too many IPAs there, so I'm on the cup of tea tonight. Ooh. Yeah, yeah. To be honest, I've gone back and I haven't actually been to the shop to go get any beer. I realise I haven't actually got any in the house, but because it's only me at the minute, who can drink? I refrain from sort of buying cans and that thing. Can I ask what brand of tea are you drinking? PG Tips. I can't afford PG Tips, but it was given to me at Christmas time, so yeah, absolutely PG Tips. Normally I'm a Tetley man, or Yorkshire tea, but I'm going to choose PG Tips currently. Yeah, that's a good choice of tea, fair play. Okay, so my drink of the week. Harley's going to like this one. Guys, I don't want you giving me a hard time about this. This is the beer that I had in Beer Club a couple of weeks ago. I've got Cardiff rugby beer. I have got 1876 Cardiff Arms Ale from Glamorgan Brewery. So, I'll read up the wanky bollocks on that bit. Are you ready for this, Harley? Yeah, damn right. Brewed exclusively for our friends at Cardiff Arms Park, 1876 celebrates the history of Cardiff's oldest sports ground and apparently it causes scrums at bars up and down the country. I'm calling BS on that last statement, but yes, it's a very nice ale. It's only 4.3%. They haven't had it before. I think I've only seen Cardiff, but I've had it a bit, and I saw it on draft. I think I probably would have it. It's really nice. Have you had this one before, Harley? Yeah, I've had it in the clubhouse a couple of times. Yeah, it's a fantastic pint. I mean, considering what it replaced, because it was, I think, for ages, it was SA. I was like, well, there's no comparison. That stuff's amazing. It is just a really nice pint. If you didn't realise it was Cardiff's own beer, most people, I think, would love it. I imagine most people wouldn't drink it on principle, especially James. It's very typically Cardiff. It is very strong, so it won't push you away. It has really tarty undertones to it. It's a bit of a tarty back note to it, yeah. It's only 4.3%, but I've got to be honest, it is a nice ale. It's pleasant enough, but I do feel a bit dirty having a Cardiff beer. I've got to be honest. That's what came into the club, and I accept it. Speaking of feeling dirty, listen to Dragon's Lair from last night, and he was trying to get rid of us. And Mergers. He talked about Mergers. I haven't listened to that yet. He said one's too many clubs out west, so you should get rid of them. Hey, we're not as west as the other lot. I said to him, I'm not going to talk now, Vavido. I quickly moved the conversation on, and I made a joke about getting rid of Cardiff, which, of course, isn't going to happen, unfortunately. Bring back all the realers. Yes, absolutely. OK, then, that's the drinks done. Shall we move on to Newsdesk? So, let's start with the Ospreys, then. So, Ospreys have signed three players from the Cheetahs on short-term loans. James, you're going to have to pronounce your names, because I really don't want to bore sister. Tell us who the Ospreys are having there on loan. So, first off, big shout-out to DJ Russo on Twitter, who is sort of like the go-to Cheetahs guy. He's been brilliant for years when Cheetahs were in the Pro 14 as well. He messaged me very early to say that this is happening. So, the three players are coming over. They're coming over slightly longer than the last set, because there's more time in between Challenge Cup and SA Cup. OK, stuff like that. So, coming over is... I've got to start off with Ivadi Bossoff, or Boshoff, as a great name, fantastic name. So, he's an outside centre. He looks huge in his photos, but he's only 5'11", 85 kilograms, but he plays a lot, you know, carries his weight properly. So, you know, that much... South African key. Yeah, South African key. Then you've got Giandre Rudolph. Again, great name. He is a number eight, can play lock as well, but plays like a fetcher. And he's DJ's favourite player. So, you know, he seems great as well. And then probably the most surprising one is Victor Seketete, I think is how you pronounce it, who is the Chiefs' club captain. OK. Who is an out-and-out lock for an under-20s player of South Africa, you know, was the captain when they won the Curry Cup this year. So, yeah, really, really surprising. You know, we knew that we were going to get some more South African players over. In Toby Roof's statement, he did say they tried to get Daniel Kasende back, but he's currently banned after, what I assume, fighting everyone in Amsterdam when they played Pau. But that is glorious, the fact that they wanted Daniel Kasende back, but he's been banned. So, yeah, brilliant that we've managed to snag some three experienced players, especially with our injury list looking a bit shabby. And I'll come on to the injury list later, we'll do previews. But in three key positions that we need to have them come over is, yeah, it's brilliant and I can't wait. Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it? It's annoying for the rest of us. You've got such a good deal, partnership with Cheetahs, especially when you've got an injury crisis, the fact you just go, oh, we'll have three old guys who have the Curry Cup team, it's pretty good set-up, isn't it? It's good. To plug my interview with Lance Bradley, he mentioned something that was very attractive to him was this Y11 multi-club deal. And whether Y11, I think, have a stake in the Cheetahs or not, it's a really good thing to have. And, you know, it does open a shop window. It's these Curry Cup players, because the Scarlets have gone out and signed Manus van den Boeve, who are heavily rumoured to be signing Manus van den Boeve, who we had on loan, yes, but only played one game. But that was good enough to attract, you know, the Scarlets coming through. So it is a shop window for these players as well. And, you know, they're experienced players and a lot of these players may become sort of the twilight of their careers. And it's good. It's really good. And I hope that it continues and the rumours in the pipeline that we're going to get some more from a different hemisphere, a different part of the hemisphere. But, yeah. Interesting. I'm looking forward to Cardiff swooping in with their checkbook and just taking them off you once they've seen the successful trail shift. Well, no, because none of them are wingers. Yeah, we've signed a winger now. We've scratched that itch for one season. We're on serious players now. Yeah, OK. Brilliant. OK, good stuff. Let's talk about the Scarlets now then. So on the weekend, Scarlets played Exeter in a friendly and it was in front of 8,000 plus crowd at Sandy Park. Unfortunately, though, they lost 57-19. Bit of a hammering. Now, Harley, I know you was at this game. Was Scarlets as bad as the scoreline suggests or were there actual green shoots there for the Scarlets? I mean, I don't see the scoreline flattering them. It was that bad, was it? I'll be honest, the most fun thing about that was drinking two pints of Exeter cider because it reminded me of being 13 again. Almost every single Scarlets cliché happened in that game. Sam O'Connor goes down within the first couple of minutes and, you know, broken before the scone, which then gets wheeled backwards, then Exeter walk over for a try. Scott Williams gets injured, then comes back on to get injured again. You know, the defence was soft. Eddie James looked good when he came back. That was quite nice to see. And Tommy Lewis, I thought, actually, was pretty decent with what he had. It didn't really go his way anywhere near as much as it should have. Yeah, I mean, considering they're probably similar level teams, you know, they were both sort of more second-fifteens, a few first-teamers scattered in. But, yeah, the kicking wasn't great, even though it was Charlie Tickham, you know, I know Hugh and Lee have been praising a lot. It didn't work very well. I mean, if people want my full thoughts on the game, go back on my Twitter feed because I just decided to sarcastically live-tweet the whole thing. Yeah, I saw a video today, that Scott's put out on his socials. Tommy Lewis, try, save and tackle. Have you seen that? Well, yeah, of course he was there, but have you seen that video? It's very, very good. It's very Scarlett at the minute to post a video of them giving away a cheap interception and Tommy Lewis having to track back and make a try, save and tackle on it. I don't want to disparage them, but that is very scary. On the Exeter thing, Will Rigg for Exeter, a former Cardiff Met student, who was very, very good, very surprised he didn't get picked up by a Welsh region. He scored two tries on debut for Exeter. He's one to watch out for in the future, by the way. That's my hot tip from university rugby now into pro rugby. Okay. So, I mean, it's probably a good exercise for the Scars. It gives younger players an opportunity to get some game time, but with such a heavy defeat like that and the way the Scarlett season's panning out, you have to wonder if this does more harm than good. It doesn't do anything for confidence or momentum going into this weekend or the back of another hammering. Yeah, so, tough afternoon there for the Scarletts and staying with the Scarletts, more bad news for them. So, according to Midi Olympique, Montpellier is set to sign Rea Capista from the Scarletts. I didn't realise his elder brother actually is playing in the top 40. He's going to play for Oyonnax. So, yeah, that's going to be a big loss for the Scarletts. It will free up some budget, you know, some space in their budget, but it's a big loss for them. So, that's not confirmed yet. That's just what's been doing the rounds on rugby past the Midi Olympique. So, we'll wait and see on that. But it does look like they're going to lose him and Blaustein, doesn't it? So, two big losses. They've been good players for the Scarletts. Midi Olympique are very rarely wrong. Yeah. They're quite reliable, aren't they? They are quite reliable. So, we'll just wait and see when that gets confirmed. In other news, I've spoken to data. So, the WRU have named nine of the ten teams that will compete in the new Elite Domestic competition next season. So, this new league will sit above the Welsh Premiership and is seen by the WRU as a major development to improve the game in Wales. So, as you guys know, there's been a big debate in Wales about that gap. How do we narrow the gap from semi-pro to pro? And this new competition is designed to do just that. So, the clubs that will be joining this new league in September 2024 will be Aberavon, Bridgend Ravens, Carmarthen Queens, Ebbw Vale, Llandyfri, Newport, Pontypool, Swansea and RGC. The 10th club is yet to be announced, but we expect that to be Cardiff. That's the rumours at the moment that Cardiff are going to be that 10th club. Do any of you have any thoughts on this new competition then and the teams announced? Any thoughts? To quote Al Murray in one of his stand-up sets before, where he said, he tried to explain the conference in the Middle East. And he said, every time I try to explain it, it gets more complicated. That's how I feel about the EDC. I just know that there are some teams in it, there are not some teams in it. Some people like it, some people don't. The clubs all feel that it's a really good opportunity for them. And who am I to say no? Because I am just a man on a podcast who knows nothing about the inner workings of running a semi-professional slash professional rugby club. And that's how I feel about it. Okay. Ali, any other thoughts on the new league? Other than this one, I'm going to go see it. Actually, I'm going to go see Al Murray in a couple of weeks when he's back. Nice link. But I heard the quote and I was like, yeah, it really is. I mean, I feel like they always, always from the start, they've not been clear of what they want, what the WBU wanted from these clubs. I mean, that was one of the biggest complaints from Mirtha Ponty and Cardiff. And they said, oh yeah, we're keen. No, we're not. And then we are. But maybe we're not. But we are. I just thought, guys, just pick a line. Let's just say, if you're interested, go for it. If not, fine. You know, go dominate the premiership and pretty much all the big teams have gone. It's, yeah, I mean, it'd be stupid if we didn't have some form of Cardiff representation, whether it's Cardiff, Ponty or Mirtha. Yeah. But if they don't want to do it, because they don't see the financial value, but when they say you've got to keep a budget, you've got to be able to sustain the squad of this match, plus have the staff, plus you might lose your players to be called up to the pro game. And I think with it, it's only be played during the Autumn International and Six Nations windows. Remember, that was the initial plan. So it's, you know, not that many games that you can actually get people into your games. So would they then have to run a premiership team as well, just to keep the funding going? Yeah, it's just not being very clear. Personally, I think it would have been better if we just sort of, all the four pro teams have like two clubs each. You know, they'd have like two development teams. You remember like the A league? That was there for like a season, then we had COVID and then that was it. Yeah. Yeah. I think with this competition, it's one of those, the proof is in the pudding, you know, let's see how it goes. But it's absolutely, we need a league that levels that gap, because we've said for a long time, the Welsh premiership is not quite narrowing the gap between semi-pro and URC, and we need something in place. So I'm in favour of it. I know it's caused a lot of controversy, but we needed to do something, I think. And I think this is the right way to go. But like I said, the proof's in the pudding and we just need to see how it develops. Okay. I don't have any other news. Do you guys have any other news? No? No. Okay then. James, do you guys have beef first this week? Or bants? Yeah. Beef or bants? It's beef or bants. It's beef for me. Okay. The Wales under-20s played England under-20s on Friday night at the Wreck. Or, it might as well have been the Bridgend Stadium, the brewery field, because that pitch is not up to standard. I'm sorry. No, I wasn't going to say. No, I wasn't. That whole stadium for years is not up to standard and that pitch on Friday showed. It did take all my willpower not to tweak the kind of central part, like sarcastic memes about the pitch. Because, you know. Obviously, we do maintain the Wreck. Yeah, exactly. You had plenty to say about our one. Anyway, yeah, Lucas Delarue has struggled on two pitches now. Anyway, that's not my beef. My beef is with England number seven and captain, Mr. Henry Pollock. And man of the match. And man of the match, Henry Pollock, who was fantastic. He was very good. He's a fantastic player. Right. He's a butt-cabinier. Yeah, he is a complete and utter sausage. Like, what an unbearable bloke. But, the England and Twenty lads were clearly told that it breaks in play to like, gee up the crowd and stuff like that. And it just came across as cringe and awful. And, oh, and the way he's like, Johnny Green Man handled him in the first half and he's like pointing in someone's face, you know, saying, oh, I was just, you have all the raw physical attributes to be, I think, like a future international player. Right. And you're playing a really, really good under-20s team. And you're going around doing stuff like that. And then, you also have the backing of certain popular rugby Twitter accounts, who have tweeted about you 11 times in one week. It just came across as very, very cringey and very weird. And I have it on good authority that Wales under-20s players did not enjoy it and did not take well to him. So that was my beef, or banter, depending on what you want. I suppose the best bit of banter was that Richie Reese's mic was muted for the first like eight minutes of the game. And long may it continue, to be honest. Yeah. That was a weird old game. The aim, Barrett, Perron, I'm not angry, I'm disappointed, one was weird. Yeah, that's caused a lot of reaction on social media. So some people said, you know, he was really good and she dealt with it well, but a lot of people felt that she was being patronising towards him. When do you two sit on that? It was, it just came across as a bit weird. Like, it came across as a very schoolmaster. You know, you've been told off for fighting in the, you know, off for like stealing Pokemon cards from the playground. Like, all it needed was, lads, let's not, you know, there's no need for that. Cool. Play on with whatever the decision was. Is there a Nigel Owens? That'll be an Andrew Ford compilation very soon. I didn't, I wasn't a fan. And I wasn't a fan of her referee or interpretation of a lot of things, but that, that was an isolated incident. That was weird. Holly, the breakdown was a free for all though, wasn't it? Absolute free for so many players just coming in at the sides. It was just awful. Sorry, Holly, what was your thoughts on that? I mean, the actual comments on this bit of the question, I thought actually, I just made me chuckle quite a bit. I thought it was funny, but yeah, you're right. The breakdown was a bit. Oh, it was all over the place. You can argue at least she's consistent by the fact that anything went. And then if one team's trying to play one way and then the other team, she's like, yeah, great. And you're a bit of piss. Then you go, well, there was definitely one or two situations where I think it might've been the tech, the England 10 got the turnover because he blocked the cleaner because he came in through the whale side of the gate, picked up the ball and then went over and then got the, and then forced to not hold the non penny. That's just so patently not right. The one that got me, and this is the one that broke, if you know, squidge, he doesn't complain about referees, but in the group chat for the Osprey's irony, he said, this is bullshit. Um, it was when Freddie Chapman was, uh, paying for not rolling away and affecting the clear. I, when he wasn't even in the rut, he rolled away and, and it was, I, I, that's incredibly harsh. And then he, he commented something a lot more profound. Um, but yeah, it, but the, I think she had a relatively poor game. I don't think she'll reflect that again. Yeah. Um, someone who is an incredibly good referee, I don't think it's the best she's ever done. But now that would be from back to this because maybe it was, it was, that was in the twenties. Okay. Yeah, it was a good game. I watched the game on BBC. I player, and I listened to the commentary of Nick Heath and full of a touch yet. Very, very good. Really, really good. Nicky, if I think it's one of the best in the business, he's been on the rap part by the way. Um, yeah, really good. I, I listened to it for Dave Rogers. Oh, I suppose the English is one of, if not the best in the game at the minute as, as a play by play, I think. Yeah. I love Nicky. But I think it's because I've listened to Dave Rogers since he was doing super rugby stuff. Um, so I have a bit more affinity. Affinity. Affinity. Right. That's right. Okay. Then, uh, thank you for that James, for your beef. Right then, boys, let's get into it then. England, Wales. So it finished England, 16, Wales, 14. Benil scored England's first try. Wales responded with a penalty try and fair play, an excellent try from Alex Mann. That gave us a, yeah, that gave us a 4-2-5 lead at halftime, looking really good. But then a try from Fraser Dingwall and the boot of George Ford, who controlled the game very well, I have to say, gave England another narrow win in this competition. So that means that Wales are now played two, lost two. They're fifth in the table with three points. Now let's be honest, we weren't fancy coming to this game. I don't think many people gave Wales a chance. I was pleased with the performance, but I have to say, I was also disappointed because to me, it felt like an opportunity lost. You know, the way that we let that game slip away in the second half, a complete contrast to the Scotland game. We scored all our points in the second half, you know, and on the weekend there, we scored all our points in the first half. So I found that a little bit frustrated. But let's start with you then, James. Was that an opportunity missed on the weekend? Yes, in the context of, they were down to 13 men at one point, and we came out of that seven points down. Because Ben Hill scored during that time. They had Sam Endell at second row and brought in, I think, Fraser Dingwall on the flank, and they got the shove on Ben Hill. It was soft tackling all round, but we shouldn't have been in that position anyway. It depends on the Australia you look at, right? I had no expectation coming into this game. I didn't think we'd get near England on the scoreboard. And that's not to say England are a good team. I just didn't think we'd get anywhere near. I thought that we essentially used up all our good karma against Scotland in the second half. But then coming to the end of it, you probably thought, yeah, we probably could have sneaked that. And I think that comes down to not having a game controller at play-offs. That's ultimately where we lost the game. That game changed for me. That game was lost when George Ford hit that 50-22. That was a game that was lost for me. It was a bloody game for me. And that's where the trident came from, didn't it? The trident came from that high belief. And when you don't have a game controller at ten, unfortunately, you're not going to get over the line in these games. And I think Ewan Lloyd, probably, he was the worst of the 23, or at least to start in 15. He had his moments. But for me, I'm not saying that that's the reason we lost. But I think you could put, if you had anyone else in there, even a Costolo, a Patchell, a Priestley, and Jeremy, we'd win that. But that's the trade-off you have, unfortunately. And he kicked it away in the last minute. I know Thomas did the same as well. Got charged down off a box kick. But when these things happen, it is growing pains. It's really good to see, apparently, Trey get the call-up from the Ospreys. He's been a solid player for us over the years. I think he's got the top-trade score, I know. It's a shame because we've got so many good back-rowers there. And the whole Jack Morgan's got to come back into this team, and where does he go? Because Tommy Raphel's playing so well. Then you add in Alex Mann, Tame Plumtree, Aaron Wainwright, and the whole team. So, it's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame. Aaron Wainwright, Tame Basham, there's so many, they're still international standard players. From an Ospreys point of view, George North and Gareth Thomas, instant impact. I thought Gareth Thomas was the unsung hero of the Welsh pack on the weekend. Solid in the scrum, carries well, just all-round great. And then George North's back to us, probably his best game for Wales in a good, good while. I'll mention him for you, Jamie. Elliot Deane was fantastic. I was going to come on to Elliot later, but finally, yeah. Nine from nine in the line-out, hit him. And that's in junction with the call as well, from Beard, Jenkins. Wales went to the, they went to front a lot for Jenkins. They played it bankable, very safe. It worked out. It paid off. I've got to give a shout out to the Adam Beard missed pass. Floating a 15 metre, missed two off, off turnover ball. Like I said on Twitter, if Finn Russell did that, there'd be a dissertation written on it. It was, it was glorious. But no, I just think it was, it was the 10 and the bench that probably lost us the momentum to go on and potentially win that. I wouldn't say we would have won that game, but it definitely stapled the momentum. Okay. Harley, do you agree with that? Yeah, a lot of it. I just wanted to go back to typically the game management. I think the game was lost actually in that period. We were, we were, you know, up at least one if not two players. I just, I just want to go because this, I actually went and had a look in time a bit. So, because obviously when we were down to 12 players in the summer, we had this issue where things were able to control the momentum of the game. So, right. So 11-41, Chessing gets his yellow. We then take the line out at 11-59 and then ball gets kicked away, goes into touch. Now, England knock it on, ball in, we win the scrum penalty. And that line out goes to touch. And that's then at 15-51. So that's already four minutes of the yellow card gone. Yeah. Right. And then, so penalty tried. Some people are arguing, well, you know, there are England players on the ball. They're part of why it was collapsing. So, so Rootes get sent off 16-45. That's just, that's about five minutes. And so, so now we're looking at only five minutes in. Then they take, it takes 30 seconds for the restart. Then another 30 seconds of Wales dicking about in their own 22, which causes Yeo and Lloyd to get absolutely melted under the posts. And, England get the scrum because they're going forward at the rack. We could have booted that ball out. And we'd have been to that before this scrum. Yeah. This ball doesn't go in then. So at 17-43, the scrum's awarded. 17-05, the ball goes in and they score the try at 19, at 19-11. And then the conversion, by the time Georgia's finally dicked about in this conversion, Wales do a restart at 20, 20 minutes 47 seconds. England clear the ball pretty much quickly away. Again, we spend so much time dicking about and we end up going 40 metres back. But we've got a penalty. Now this would have been the perfect opportunity to kick for the points. It was in their half. Yeo and Lloyd has kicked this range. But instead he goes for the scrum. They go for the line-out, the kick's a touch. Chesham comes back on, so we're back up to 14. Yeah, so that's that. Just above. It's been just over 11 minutes now. They try and do a line-out move, which ends in Tompkins offloading the ball to Dyer but goes forward. Scrum, they clear. Great. Anyway, we go through all this and then by the end of it, Rootes comes Rootes comes back on at 28 minutes and 4 seconds. So we've had at least one player down for 17 minutes of which the score is 7-5. That is shocking in terms of game management, right? That is, this is the reason why people like myself and Hugh Griffin saying Yohan Lloyd is not a 10 yet. If he ever will be. This is where we are really missing a bigger Alaskan, Apache. Even Costello would have known. Let's just take the three points. We've lost some momentum here. We've scored by conceding that try. Let's wrestle some back. Let's just play the percentages. Let's we all you know, even after that try. We've just scored. Let's get up there as quickly as possible. I know our kicking game's not been great, so we kicked one more time in England, but England kicked for an extra there was an extra hundred odd metres more. Like, you know, we do not have people that can kick the distance. We do not have a James Lowe who can just punt it. So you need to be a lot cleverer when, you know, we're not kicking. And I know we're going to say no, we need to be throwing the ball wild. But that's how you end up stuck underneath your own fucking posts. And I'll be honest, I was in a bad mood watching this game because I'd just seen the Scarletts game. And I basically going back, we had to watch and catch up skipping through. And I just went, this is fucking a balling game in terms of the amount. And, you know, the one thing we praised last week was the bench and the impact they had. And if anything, it was a negative impact when they came on this time. Yeah, I completely agree. Yeah, England's bench made a difference, didn't they? I do. I do want to pick up the thing. So Walter, you made the point of Elliot Dee despite having probably one of his best games I've actually seen him play for in either of his years. He comes off at 53rd minute because Gatling decides to make a double substitution of taking off Kieran Azarathi who's been playing well and Elliot Dee so that he can bring on. And it's more because Gatling wanted to give Archie Griffin about half an hour more than the thing. But obviously then he's like, well, this is a new kid in the international so let's put the best scrimmaging hooker. And he wasn't actually very good at that either. No, the scrum got worse. It got considerably worse. And look, I don't want to single out Elias because he is getting a lot of slack. And there is rightly so. There's two. And Lee has... There's two things he wanted to talk about tonight. It was apparently he wasn't an overthrow and it went through a B of 10s. I'm not going to argue. I can't be asked to go watch it. I was... Not straight as well. Not straight. Not straight. But you can blame you can blame the hooker for that. And and it is it is becoming inexcusable now. And the Scarlet fans on Twitter say oh, you know, Lake doesn't get slated. Lake gets slated from even more. He does. He does. Yeah. Yeah. Not good. You know, I've watched Lake since his debut, right? You know, he's a converted back rower. Let's not forget this. And Ospreys have spent well over 10 grand getting him a specialist laying out coach, throwing coach. Really? Yeah, he worked with England in the three world cup. He's worked in Australia and his darts have been brilliant this season. He's had best darts in LIS and it's just unfortunately he's picked a bit of injury. Can I get that guy's number? Ask him for a card if... At what point does Warren Gatland have to turn around and say this is getting ridiculous now? Because that not straight it's a regular occurrence now. I'll give you the 50-50 on was it an overthrow, was it going through beer times, whatever. I'll give you that. I'm not going to argue that one because I can't be asked to go back and watch it. But that not straight and it wasn't even like it's slightly not straight and it's down to interpretation. It was well on the Wales side and but that's the symptom of the whole bench. Archie Griffin came on didn't do a whole lot. But was the replacement loose? Was it Donachowski? Yeah Donachowski but again he came on a bit. He's coming on against Dan Cole in a backwards scrum anyway because he's getting Archie Griffin's head pushed up to Arsene Gench. Well that's the thing he hasn't started a game for Bath Archie Griffin let's not forget that and you're asking him to come up against Ernest Gench. I mean I would have put the loose heads the other way round personally. Not because I think Gareth Thomas is a worse player but if anything it's because I think he's a better player and rather have him with a debut on tight head against Dan Cole. I don't think the plan was to have Archie Griffin in the team. I think it was going to be Leon Brown wasn't it? I think that was the original thinking was that Archie Griffin wasn't supposed to play and I get why Gareth has done it but ultimately you know Will Rolands came on I thought was fine you know he did Will Rolands I don't think he had the same impact as Teddy Williams did though because no one else had that being but I don't think Fashion did anything like that when he came on. Yeah just going back there to Elliot Deane when James returned so for me you know you can't expect them to do a full 18 minutes so that wasn't my argument I think the decision to take him off at 54 minutes along with Azzurrati for me was not the right call at that particular time it felt too early so you know for me that was a big big mistake by Gatlin I think they should have done at least another 10-15 minutes and that was my issue really you know just take them off far too early I thought Azzurrati did pretty well against Joe Marler in all fairness I think he's growing into that free jersey now and fair play to him it was just I do think it was the right call I'm not a fan of Ryan Ellis I'll be open and honest about that I understand why he's in the Wales team I get it this is scrummaging his work around the park but it's become an issue now for a long time you know he's throwing in he doesn't hit his targets and we know with the line-up there are many different components to it it's not just about the thrower we know that but this has been happening for years he has to keep that starting jersey now going forward because he has been fantastic and even Warren Gatlin said after the game that they lost accuracy when he came off you know and he praised him so he was outstanding on the weekend he was really good off the bench does Elliot Deane now deserve that number 2 jersey going forward do you feel? I think so and I it would be a hell of a debut against Ireland but do you give Evan Daniel because actually sorry Evan Lloyd sorry not the wrong Evan God I'm going to get slated by the Cardiff you've said that a couple of times haven't you I always get players wrong I know I know he's again he's very new but actually when he has played for Cardiff I think he had one wobbly throw on his debut like you know up against the Bulls pass it was a slight non-squit and then he's he's probably the closest we've got of all the fit and available hookers to Derry Lake you know again converted very physical very good over the ball do we need to yeah and I did wonder let's be honest we are not doing anything in this championship and you know I think it's going to be organs we're going to have to put pretty much everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put 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spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game to not get a wooden spoon but I think we're going to have to put everything on that Italy game Thank you for listening to the Rap Podcast We hope you enjoyed listening as much as we enjoyed recording it Please do rate us and tell your friends that it really helps us to grow and get better We'll be back next week for more of the same and until then enjoy your rugby

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