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The podcast hosts discuss the concept of bearing fruit in one's life. They refer to scriptures that compare people to trees and emphasize the importance of producing good fruit. They also acknowledge that there are seasons in life where one may not produce fruit and emphasize the need for rest and regeneration during those times. They encourage listeners not to dwell on past mistakes or bad fruit, but to focus on the opportunity to produce good fruit in the future. It worked without the crickets, I don't want to say that. Hey, what it do? Hey, welcome to Word of Mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby. The reboot. We are back in the building. What up, Shelby? What up, Nate? What it do? It be doing. Yes. Kind of icky outside, but it's warm. That's good. I know. It's crazy. It's like 70 degrees last night at like seven. Yeah, that's a little weird. Plus, I wanted to get my car washed and then it started raining. I was like, well, I guess not. And then I was going to go because I thought it stopped and then it started again. I was like, all right, forget it. I'll just guarantee that it rains. And it is supposed to rain tomorrow. Oh. It's supposed to rain like all this week off and on. Really? Yeah. I didn't know that. Okay. Learn something every day. Yes, I did. What up? Okay, so listen, we're going to talk about something a little bit different today. We're going to flip the script. But we're going to bring it back to an understanding that how this entire world system pertains to everything that we do in life. How we can look at certain things and it's given in the Bible where we are like these things or what we are supposed to produce and how we're supposed to act, characteristics. And these are things that are of the world, that are born or that are grown in the world. Born. That are grown in the world. So we're talking about the fruit. Cultivated. Come on. She got it today, y'all. Well, because I know what we're going to talk about, so I'm going along with that. We're going to talk about the fruits. The theme. But also just fruits in itself and how these fruits are to pertain to our life, how we ought to act, how we ought to live, how we ought to carry ourselves, and et cetera. So I'm going to ask Shelby to read quite a few scriptures today, and then we're going to unpack it, and then we're going to pack it. Ready? All right. So the first scripture. Like TSA. Yes. Oh, yeah. That's good. I like it. Unpacked. Pack it back up. All right. So the first scripture we're going to start is Old Testament. We're going to start in the book of Psalms, chapter 1, verse 3. What does that say, Shel? It says, That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers. Wow. And that person it's talking about is whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on it day and night. Day and night. Wow. Wow. So you said that person is like a tree planted by the… Which yields its fruit in season. Who yields its fruit. When? In season. We're going to kind of hang right there. We're going to hang right there. That yields its fruit in season. So if you look at this scripture in its entirety, the writer is talking about how we are those trees. God has said we are like trees. We're planted by the river waters, and we are to yield fruit in seasons. We do know, we won't go to it right now, but in the book of Ecclesiastics they talk about there's a time, there's a season, and there's a purpose for everything under the sun. So we know that there are seasons for certain things. So we got that now. Now if you would, go to the book of Matthew. Yes. Chapter 7. Chapter 7. I think it was around the 15th verse, wasn't it, that we read? We were reading earlier, of course. Let's see. And talking about false prophets, it says, by their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Okay. So now we are, if you're coming off the book of Psalms and you've just read that we are trees, so people are trees. Now we have to understand that there are fruit that is produced from each tree. You have good fruit, which you just read, and you have bad fruit. So we have to be able to either discern or judge a person, not from a judgmental state. Not looking at them, Psalms. It's the fruit. That they bear. That they bear. Got it. Can I finish that? Because it talks a little further and more about that. I need you to, please. Okay. So it says a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Ouch. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Okay. That's an unpack right there. Okay. So let's unpack that. So we know that there are good fruit and bad fruit. We have to be able to judge which fruit is the fruit that we're going to get. And also, even before I talked about the fruit, it says, hey, there are wolves and sheep. Close. False prophets. Yes. So we do understand. Which people accuse me of being all the time. But I'm not a prophet. I've never said that. Anyway. We understand now that there are people that are here in this world that just bear bad fruit. Like they're negative all the time. Fountain of crap. All the time. And should we constantly go pick from that tree? If you want to live in the land of negativity. Made a little rhyme. And you read something that was good. You said, what they do to that fruit? They burn it in fire? What was it again? It will be thrown into the fire. If you're bearing bad fruit. It was a bad tree. So all that fruit that they have produced on that tree will be thrown into a fire. So I'm hoping that you're kind of catching where we're going with this. Picking up what he's laying down. We now understand that if you are or all of us are trees. We have characteristics. We have personalities. We have seasons. We definitely have seasons. I mean other people call it mood swings. But we have seasons. Those are short seasons. Really short. You know what? Side note. What happens when that season for women after a certain age. Because I think those seasons change quick. It's called menopause. Those seasons. You want to talk about it? No, I don't want to talk about it. I'll tell you all about it. You want to know? You want to talk about it? Oh, my God. No, I don't want to talk about it. So in the seasons that we are in. We produce fruit. Some of those seasons are not holy seasons. I can't tell you that every day I wake up positive. I'm not going to lie and say that. I don't wake up every day. I don't know anybody that does. Holy of holies. Wow. I'm sorry. That would be something. Can you imagine that though? Waking up every day like. I'm here to get a new day. I love this lady. Oh, my God. I can't even imagine how or if people think that they do. You deal with human nature every day. So how can you wake up that way? Now I can lean over into that way throughout the day. Because if somebody kind of get me off track while I'm driving or. I'm going to say. Going to the store. Road rage. Yeah, neighbor, you know, whatever it is. You can kind of get sidetracked. And it'll cause you to not be super holy. And then your fruit. And then you're bearing bad fruit. Yeah. For the day. For the day. Wow. But it says that we can't do that. It does. So that a good tree only bears good fruit. That is true. So when do we first take self evaluations of our fruit and then be able to look at other people? Well, it leads me to the verse of God works all things together for the good for those who love him. Come on. Come on. Let's go. So if he knows that good tree. And it might have a bad fruit day. God's going to work it all together for the good. Wow. We are unpacking this thing. And because a lot of people would take just these fruits and say, hey, I got bad fruit. I'm going to hell. I'm burning in the fire. No. All things work together. All things work together for the good. And we thank God that even if we have a season of our fruit being withered or got some not so flavorful, a little blah, maybe got some worms in it. I've had some fruit that didn't produce good flavor. Amen. We have to understand that we don't we shouldn't give up at that moment. We can still push forward and allow that season to pass and know that tomorrow is coming. I don't have to sit there and waddle in it. We are redeemed. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. And, of course, you should have waited to the end of this. But understanding that if you do have a bad day as a tree, if you do have a bad day, tomorrow is coming. You don't have to make every day bad because you had a bad season or a bad moment or bad thought. You don't have to make every other. Joy comes in the morning. Amen. You don't have to continue to be that way because you messed up or because you fell short or anything to that sort. You can get back up. You can dust that or get rid of those thoughts, that fruit, and begin to produce more because you're still going to produce more fruit every season, every season. And seasons change. Wow. Yeah. Oh, that's good. And some seasons are made for bearing fruit and some seasons aren't. Some seasons are made for you to hibernate and be quiet and regenerate yourself just like a tree. So we don't necessarily produce every season. We might produce different things or maybe we produce smaller amounts. But, yeah, there is time for us to rest. You said there are seasons that we don't produce any fruit. No, because we're resting. We're regenerating, renewing. Wow. What you're saying is so powerful. I promise you it is. I think that, and I'll say for myself, I've always thought that I have to continue to produce every day. I feel like I'm a robot at times because I have to be this way. I have to act this way. I have to do this. I can't be human. Yeah, we get into our program. And that program will cause you to be so critical on yourself that you think, hey, well, since I messed up, I'm going to hell. Since I messed up, I'm just, you know, I'm a nobody. Trying to tell everybody it's all about somebody. And the sad part is we stay in that place and we live in condemnation because the fruit was bad. There is no condemnation. Because there is no fruit at this time. This time is for restoration. Yes. The season that you will produce fruit. Rest. Yes. Restorate. The season that you will produce fruit. Wait for that season. Don't get bent out of shape because this is your time. Don't throw yourself into the fire. This is so good to me. Because you're not producing. Hey, so let's talk about what the fruits of the spirit are. I definitely want to go to that. I do. So the fruit of the spirit, the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Okay. Read those first three again. Love, joy, peace. Okay. I think we know what those mean. Now, what was that fourth one? Forbearance. Are you going to make me look that up? I personally think... I'm going to make myself look it up. And I'm glad you're going to look up that definition. There's another... In another... Version. Version. It says long-suffering. So I'm guessing that's what that means. So forbearance is tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation. Wow, that's a big word. Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation. I am so glad you said that. Because people think that long-suffering is that you have to suffer long. Long, yeah. No, it is restraint. Yeah, in the face of provocation. So when you're getting poked at all the time, which this world pokes constantly. So you're preaching. You're telling me that's a fruit? That's a fruit of the spirit. Of the spirit. So I have to have some restraint. That's a fruit for me to have restraint. You're talking about when people cut me off on I-40. Exodus 14, 14. That's for someone who's listening because I know he's going to hear it. Amen. Wow. You're telling me that for me to have restraint is a fruit. I have to bear that fruit from the tree that I am. You have to cultivate it. And cultivate it and make sure that it's ripe when it's time for it to be given. It has to be ready for me to give it. Right. And something just struck me. So we're talking about the fruits of the spirit. These aren't gifts of the spirit. Absolutely. Those are two different things. Very different. I don't want people to think that we're just automatically given forbearance. We're not. It's produced. I don't know. Do it say gifts? No. But because people talk, you know, I don't want people to get confused about gifts of the spirit. We're talking about fruits of the spirit. Gifts are gifts. But fruits are things that have to be cultivated. They have to be grown. They have to be produced. Grown. That's a very good word. Or a gift is just given. It's just a God-given gift or a Holy Spirit gift. But these are things that have to be cultivated. Fruits of the spirit have to be cultivated. Has to be cultivated. Going to my next question to you, Shelb. Have you ever planted any type of fruit or vegetables in a garden? Yes. Okay. What did you do to that seed first when you put it into the ground? You bury it in there and then you cover it up and then you water it. Okay. You cover it up with what? Dirt. Say that one more time. Dirt. You cover the seed. Dirt. Up with dirt. It's dirty. And then you put what on it? Water. My God. That's symbolic of the Holy Spirit. So dirt got to hit it first. The washing. And just think about it. When the sprout comes up, it's not all dirty. Whoa. Listen, I promise you she's preaching right now. I hope y'all catching it. When it comes out and when it sprouts up, it's not even the dirt that was put on it. Oh, my God. We're getting somewhere. I promise you we're getting somewhere. So as we understand, any time you plant a seed, it has to get dirty before you can see the actual fruit. It has to get dirty. Long before you see the actual fruit. Long before. And you said a word cultivate. You're constantly putting water on it. You're constantly making sure that it's in its correct place. It's nurturing. It's taking care of it. That's what cultivating is. Yes. Yes. Nurturing and taking care of it. I think one, I heard it this way, where if you do plant a certain seed and you put the dirt on it in the water, it has to be in a certain place where the sun has to hit it. S-O-N. Has to have sunlight. S-O-N. S-O-N. But the sun has to hit that dirt and that water. God. Is it just me? I'm catching all of this. It's probably just me. No. So after that, when it comes out of the ground, then what happens? Well, then it grows, but you have to keep watering it. Have to keep watering it? You do. Come on. And you have to keep the parasites and the weeds away because we all know that weeds will strangle things. So when I'm looking at Galatians, because you read Galatians 5, I'm looking at Galatians and you're telling me this fruit that I bear called love. Yes. I have to nurture it. Yes. I have to cultivate it. Yes. I have to water it. Oh. I have to water it. And there's times where, Shelby, I don't want love. I know. Right there with you. I don't want to give joy. You want a throat punch. That's right. I don't want to be peaceful. I want chaos. That's where forbearance comes in. And that's the cultivating part of it because we have to allow it to manifest. There's some time that needs to take place, blah, blah. There's some time that needs to take place while it's growing. Is that correct? Yes. It don't just happen overnight, right? No. This is so good to me. It's a season of growth. There has to be a season of growth before there can be a season of harvest. Facebook status, Shelby. That's mine tomorrow. You can't touch it. I said it first. Yes. Yes. You better hurry up and post it. Listen, there has to be a certain time. You got to give it time. You're not going to operate in love automatically, especially if you've dealt with anger issues and you've had some trauma. You've been hurt or abused. That stuff's got to cultivate. Neglected. It has to cultivate. It has to be nurtured. Can you do it by yourself? No. You know where I'm going. You need the ultimate gardener. My God. These particular fruits in which she ran, remember we're trees planted by the river waters. We are trees that look at other trees, but we understand that we cannot do this alone. We can't cultivate alone. We can't nurture alone. We need the ultimate, as you said, the ultimate gardener. We need the ultimate. The alpha and the omega. Omega. My God. He's in the beginning of the season and he's in the end. You already know. And throughout the whole thing. You already know that you can produce that kind of fruit. You spoke about, I'm going to go back to long suffering or that restraint. I struggle with that because I'm thinking, how can that be a fruit? Why is that not a vegetable? I'm just kidding. Why is that not a curse or something to that sort? Because I struggle with restraint. How is that a fruit? I don't give a lot of restraint. I think that I'm much less restrained. I think more mentally for me. Oh. Because, I mean, we deal with everything in the world today. Everything. And it's a little weird from 2009. Everything's a little weird. Why'd you pick that year? I don't know. It just came out to be. Okay. Whatever you say to, I'm ready. So when you look at this culture of this day and age, restraint is something that I probably need to ask God every day for, to cultivate, to water, to nurture at all times because everything is so touchy. Everything is snappy. Everything is triggering. I know that's not your favorite word. I hate that word. Everything is triggering. And with everything being so triggering, we have to cultivate that fruit. I don't want to stay there. To not be triggered. To not be triggered. Yeah. Because how can I have this other fruit of love if I don't. If I'm triggered all the time. Right. And I don't have any restraint. How can I have this peace and this joy if I'm triggered all the time? What were the other ones you said? Those other fruits? Forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Kindness. Kindness? Yeah. Okay. Let's tap on kindness. Do you think that you carry a fruit of kindness? I can. I have moments of it. You do. Okay. I'm speaking for her. She carry a fruit of kindness. To break down the word kindness to me, I looked it up one day, and kindness is, if you take away the suffix, it's to be kind. To be kind to a person or nice or gentle. When you are that to people, that kind of fruit can produce other people to be kind. My mom told me, if you give kindness, you can receive kindness. If you be nice, people will be nice to you. And so I learned that, and then I learned that there's nasty people just regardless. They're not kind regardless. However, her word. So I learned how to not try to put too much of my fruit on it if I know that they're not going to change. Because they're just nasty regardless. I mean, nothing against them. God bless them, but I can't operate that way. So you're not going to snatch my fruit and kill my fruit because your fruit is not bearing. You're not going to kill my positivity because you're negative. Boom. Yeah. Boom. Ooh, that's really good right there, especially for even young people. We have to understand, for you young people, you are trees. And if you allow people to infect your fruit, then you will wither away and die as well because you let that infection set in. Right. Toxicity is toxicity. It doesn't make it any better just because it's a family member or whatever. It's still toxicity, and it will poison you just as any other poison will. This lady is throwing bombs today, God Almighty. Toxicity is toxicity. No matter who it's from. Right. So, okay. I really want to look up the definition of all of these because kindness, goodness, gentleness seem to me to be the same thing. So I want to read the differences. So kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Okay. Friendly. Generous. And considerate. Considerate. Goodness. Goodness. I don't know if goodness and kindness are the same. Well, that's why I want to separate them. And thank you for doing it because I just thought all of those would just be nice. Kindness. Goodness. Gentleness. All the nis in the nis family. Goodness is the quality or state of being good. Yeah. I know. That's kind of. Well, that's self-explanatory because the opposite of good is bad. And gentleness is the quality of being kind, tendered, or mild-mannered. Softness of action or effect. Lightness. So that would be similar to kindness. Yeah, they're all kind of similar. But I just wonder because they have to have a different point to them or God wouldn't have done that. I agree. So can I venture out to say that I can be kind but not good? Yes. Because it's different, right? Yes. I'm not a good person, but I'm kind to everybody. I'm not gentle. I'm not a good person, but I'm kind to everybody. I'm not gentle, but I do good. So I feel like all three of them have their own fruit. Do you think you can be gentle and not good? Yes. Really? 100%. I've known for people to give and give and give, abundantly give in a gentle way, and they're not good people. Huh. At all. So that's a bad tree bearing good fruit? Yes, ma'am. I would say. Because that fruit you're not bearing. Huh. If you think about it. Would you want – okay, say it's your birthday. Say it's your birthday. It's my birthday too. Say it's your birthday, and your significant other gives you a gift. Gives you a gift, and he gives it to you nasty. Here, take this. Yeah, like I don't like you. Here's a gift for you. Shove it where the sun don't shine. So I'm guessing that – can you say that he's being good, but not gentle? I have a whole bunch of words for what he would be being, and none of it is good or gentle or kind. So I'm going to keep those words to myself. Amen. Because the throat punch would be involved somewhere in there, which we talked about earlier that we're not supposed to do because we have forbearance. Yes, forbearance, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, I get what you're saying. Don't throat punch him. But yes, I feel like you can bear one but not the other. So all of them do kind of have similarities. Work together. Yeah, they are synonyms, but they are different because you can be one and not the other. There's a scripture in 1 Corinthians 13 that says you can have faith, hope, and joy, but if you don't have love, none of those three exist. Like you can be happy and sad, but you can't be joyful and sad. It is. So all these roots, man, they're important. They're important. Let's talk about what we do to people's fruit because we talked about this earlier. Yes, we did. And I think that's kind of important because that's where the Holy Spirit hit me and went like a train coming down that track. Yes, indeed. So we establish now that we are trees. And we're supposed to produce. And we bear fruit. And we're supposed to judge each other by the fruit that we bear, not by our actual trees or actual selves, but by the fruit we bear. And that's very important. Don't miss that part. Separate the two. Stop judging the tree. Judge the fruit. What is produced. What is produced. By the tree. Stop judging the tree. Whether you have an oak tree or a weeping willow, they're two different trees, but they do produce. So stop judging the tree because the weeping willow don't look like the oak. Stop judging the tree. It's not going to produce the same thing. Exactly. And that's another thing. We all have our own fruit that we produce. And it's different for everybody. But we all have a place to produce fruit because that's our purpose. That's it. Don't be messing with other people's fruit, which is what we're going to talk about now. That leads into this right here. Now we understand that when you are getting ready to receive from that tree. Say I'm looking at Shelby. She's a tree. And I want to receive. I am. I'm a stump. That's really good. I've waited my whole life to have a purpose with that. Oh, my God. That is really good. I love it. Oh, my God. Which is also the remnant. Oh, ouch. She's amazing. She's amazing. She's good. She's man. She's blowing them off. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. And you go to that person, and you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. And you want to receive from that person. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. So you have this tree, and it's producing fruit. 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