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ministry-episode 23 season3

ministry-episode 23 season3


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The podcast hosts discuss the topic of ministry and its definition. They express their disagreement with the traditional definition that limits ministry to Christians or religious contexts. They believe that ministry can happen anywhere and that everyone has a ministry, regardless of their faith. They share personal experiences of ministering in various settings and express frustration with societal limitations on expressing one's faith in certain environments, such as schools and workplaces. They emphasize the importance of being a vessel for the Holy Spirit and spreading the message of Jesus in all aspects of life. God, don't give up on me yet I know I'm not your best, best But I'm trying, don't give up on me yet But every single one of us as believers can probably sing that song God, don't give up on me yet Hey, welcome to Word of Mouth Podcast Hi, how are you Nate? It's with Nate and Shelby, man, we are back in the building And we are excited and we got to play I think I was like going there and then you cut it off I'm sorry Oh my God But you said just the beginning I know, but it I know, it's really good It's really good, it's really good y'all I would say if you get an opportunity or a chance Go to your phones, laptops, tablets, iPads Tap in Maverick City Music and listen To Yet To Yet Beautiful song, oh my God, beautiful song Hey, good morning People call this day Halloween I've been saying all day, hallelujah Hallelujah, amen Hallelujah I'm excited, man, it's a beautiful day You know what, it actually kind of leads into what we want to talk about today Because Shelby mentioned to me, of course Hey, let's talk about ministry, Nate And I was like, yeah, I'm ready to press record But also, today is a perfect day to talk about it Because you know a lot of people in different types of perspectives Cultures Cultures, good, good, good word, thank you They don't like to celebrate certain days and holidays and stuff like that And what better day to talk about this than today Well, you know, the Holy Spirit led it, so whatever We just go with it So, hey, we want to talk about ministry And what ministry truly is, like, what is it to you? When you hear the word ministry, do you immediately think of a guy in a robe or a suit in a pulpit preaching? Is that the first thing you think about when you hear the word ministry? Or do you think about a choir singing? Like, what do you think about when you hear the word ministry? Shelby, I've got to ask you the question, of course I think you got it pulled up What's the definition of it? Ministry is the work or vocation of a minister of religion I don't like that at all The spiritual work or service of any Christian or a group of Christians Why is it only Christians? The second one is a government department headed by the minister of state And then, like, you go down the list and one is the action of ministering to someone I don't like any of those answers The action of ministering to someone? That's the one I would go with That's the truth, though The act But I don't know why It only talked about Christians Or I heard religion in there Right, yes I'm anti-religion Right, right, right, yeah Everybody gets looking at Shelby crazy because I think she's anti-religious No, I'm anti-organized religious spirit That part Can I say that I'm anti-religion? That's what I thought I said I'm with you Okay, good I thought we were on the same team, but whatever Yes, we're definitely on the same team I feel like it's much more than that Oh, yeah I think we need to build more relationships instead of... Religion Yeah, all that good stuff So let's talk about it Ministry Shel, what is ministry to you? Have you ever ministered? You know, you've got to come up with a different way You ask me I always put you right out there Every time Yes, I have ministered You go back three seasons, it's... It's going to be the same thing, yeah Yes, I have ministered before And I do agree with the fourth definition of ministry, which is just ministering to someone Okay Was it behind a pulpit, the sacred desk? No, because I am not a qualified educational person in that manner, so... Qualified educational person? I can't really do that with any kind of... So do you need qualifications to stand behind a sacred desk? Some people think so My God I don't tend to be one of those people because that leads to the religion aspect of it, but some people think that Did Jesus get qualified and certified? Maybe he was born qualified, what are you talking about? Born? Born qualified Facts, he was, so he didn't get... The most qualified of anybody Facts, 100% So he didn't get the credentials, like he didn't have his license... Didn't go to school You know, his theology degree Didn't go to seminary Oh, he didn't go to seminary I wonder... What about the disciples, did they go to seminary? They went to the seminary of Jesus Amen But no, they did not Got it, got it So ministry can be done basically anywhere Absolutely So you're telling me that I can be on aisle 7 in Walmart ministering to someone Absolutely You better know it I bet you've done it You better know it Hey Nate, have you ever ministered to anybody? 100% Yes ma'am I don't care where I am, man I feel like if I have an opportunity to give the good news to anyone, I'll do it I don't care where I'm at, I'm not ashamed of the gospel No I am not ashamed And I think that we find ourselves in situations, especially talking about ministry We find ourselves in situations where we have to be in a church No That's where we got it lost at We feel like we can't tell anyone about Jesus at the grocery store At the nail salon While you're getting your feet done, you can't tell What do Crito do? Oh my God So, ministry you can do everywhere I promise you, you can do it everywhere The nail salon The hair salon The school Work Podcasting Yes Maybe Yes You can do it anywhere Excuse me So, I feel like Tap out for a minute So, ministry, I believe personally, we tend to hinder ourselves because we think that the only place it can happen is in the church And that's not accurate I feel like you can go anywhere in the world and talk about Jesus Yeah, absolutely There's no There's no limitations in that There's no There's no boundaries I think we get caught up in the legalistic And that's the religious spirit, yeah That's the religion part of it That's what I buck up against Who told us that? Somebody had to tell us I feel like when I was younger, I felt like the only time I could talk about Jesus was in the church You couldn't talk about him at school or nothing? Uh-uh And if I did, it was just kind of praying over my food Well, at least you did that Yeah I couldn't talk about it a lot in school because it was like, hey, you know, you got to learn algebra I would say in the state that I previously lived in, it's become not a good thing to talk about him anywhere Anywhere? Yeah Just about So the workplace is not allowed? No School can't do that Now, if you went to a private school, you could get away with it if it was spiritually affiliated Maybe it's just me So I used to work for a university And I saw this, and someone needs to help me with it I saw this done a couple of times where the respect factor was given to different religions due to the fact of how, who, and what, and when they prayed or when they did certain things or rituals or whatever may have you So what was different with me saying, hey, I represent Christ? I felt like it was frowned upon of me representing Christ But a Muslim, they had the time to do whatever they wanted to do in any capacity And they were allowed that But I couldn't go around and, hey, you know, I want to pray with a couple of you all, man before we go into this game Because this game, we've got a hundred and some odd thousand people coming So, hey, let's get together, fellas, and let's pray so that nothing will happen Yeah, bring God into the situation I mean, he's there anyways Ask him to be there I don't understand. What was the difference? Like, why was that okay and that was appreciated and that was allowed? But I couldn't pray with my fellow officers before we went into a game Because that's what the world wants That's what we're being pushed into right now It's just like the definition of ministry It only said Christian It didn't say Muslim It didn't say Jewish They all minister I promise you they do So why did it just say Christian? It says a lot Yeah It says a whole lot right there When you hear the word ministry, is that only set aside for Christian? It shouldn't be To me, you can minister to people over all kinds of things I mean, and I think what my perspective is that I want to point out is everyone has a ministry And it doesn't mean that you have to even be a believer really We all have a ministry You can minister to someone with their feelings, emotions, serving them somehow, anything It's not just the Christian philosophy or the Christian idea of religion necessarily And I think that for us as believers, those who are believers We minister in all different aspects of life But we minister hoping that the Holy Spirit and hoping that Jesus is present in us And whoever we're ministering to is going to see that So we're his vessel to be used Okay, so let me give an example You know personally, a lot of you all know, I may have spoke about it before So I was a psychology major And in that class, we couldn't speak a lot about religion Especially in the aspect of if we're speaking to a person, counseling a person Or just interacting with a person, period We couldn't promote religion And I'm using the words that were taught We couldn't promote any religion in any capacity We had to talk to them on the level in which they were at That's wrong That was taught Because of what it was, it was taught that way However, I never quite identified with not being able to help them in a fulfilling way And not applying the principles of how they can get this fulfillment By way of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit It was hard, so hard for me Because you're telling me basically set this part of my whole entire being down Yeah, and that's the thing It's such an intrinsic part of a person No matter what your faith is That is an intrinsic part of who you are So how can you not use that? Yes Yeah, that's wrong It was so hard But have you ever been to counseling? Yeah Well, I don't know if it's Christian, but they do have Christian Yeah, it's based on counseling Okay Because to me that was important I wanted us to be on the same baseline of belief Gotcha There are some counseling or counselors that do not apply anything that's religious based And they keep it straightforward I think they have now what you call life coaches Life coaches is to coach you through certain areas of your life But they don't implement religion either How can that be beneficial? And I don't... I guess I got to pull back from that statement Because I don't want you to just think that The Bible says, I am the way, the truth, and the light No man comes unto the Father but by me If you're trying to reach God There is one way and one way only And that's through Jesus Christ Correct So I cannot not say that Right You'd be leaving the biggest part of the puzzle out of it So hard, Shelby People are saying, well, I want to be able to tap into the higher power in which they use The higher power Yeah, there's a way There is a way, his son But that's the only way That's the only way So I'm not going to say anything different Yeah I'm not going to say, well, you can meditate and light some, you know, little burners or whatever And then he's going to come and visit you I cannot lie No, we're not supposed to do that To me, that's ministry Telling the truth Okay, let's say your ministry is teaching people how to do accounting Right That's one, I think you just shared with me In which you have worked in and worked in for so long Are you going to tell them a different way that kind of get them, you know, just to get them by Or are you going to teach them the proper way of doing accounting? I'm going to teach them the right way That's ministry Right So why are we getting it confused? Because we live in this world And we know who's in charge of this world And he's only in charge of this world and nothing beyond this world other than the pit of hell But he does get to have dominion in this world And that's why we have to be smart enough to see past what this world sees Yes, we do We have to have the discernment and spiritual knowledge and understanding Let's talk about that So that in itself is ministry because someone needs to understand and know what is discernment What is this thing that you speak about that allows you to think that you're not of this world In the words in which you just spoke What is that thing? You need to minister that to me because I don't know what that means If I'm that person talking to you Well, it's like what you and I were talking about earlier You know who you are and you know where you came from What your creator or who your creator is And at the core of everything about you Where you belong and where you came from Then that you know, I mean like there's no issue there Now getting there if you don't know that You have to seek Amen Definitely got to seek Yeah I agree And you have to be ministered to We're going to lead back to this thing So would you agree that is ministry the same thing as teaching? Yes To a degree All right, so expound upon that Well, I think that ministering to someone can be Like I said, it can take any form It doesn't just have to be talking about religion or whatever Faith I don't like the word religion You can minister to someone by sitting with them You can minister to someone by listening You can minister to someone by giving them five bucks You can minister I mean there's so many different ways you can minister Because it's whatever is hurting in that person Whatever they are lacking is what you minister to, right? Now if you're a believer and you're filled with the Holy Spirit Then the Holy Spirit guides you in that And he leads you to minister in whatever way that person needs So without that you're kind of going blind I think But we can all minister And you know I think we get like caught up in Ministry is only for the pulpit Ministry is only for church Ministry is only for whatever Church events or religious activities No, ministry can be You're a greeter at Walmart And you actually said hello to someone Who was going to do away with themselves that day But because you took the minute to say hi And have eye contact and smile at them It stopped them from giving up That is ministry That is ministry And that's as simple as it can be But it's so profound For that person that didn't harm themselves That is the profoundest ministry you can possibly have And that Walmart person might not have a clue That that's what they just did We're not aware a lot of the times when we minister to someone Come on And that's okay But I think that we get caught up in I don't have a purpose My purpose isn't what Shelby's purpose is I don't get to do this that I'm not doing what she's doing or whatever We compare which we all know Comparison kills So instead of not realizing That we may have very definitely Ministered to someone To the depths of their soul That we are not aware of Wow Because everyone has a purpose We're all designed with a purpose And it could be to minister to one person at Walmart It might not be that we're preaching To millions of people or thousands Or that we've reached all these people or 10 people It could be one person But to that person It was profound That is so good To expand it in that level I believe especially for the listeners now Ministry can be something bigger than what you think it is It's not going to require you to go to church Try to get the position behind the sacred desk In the pulpit and you're preaching Right What you just said made so much Okay, let's go back to the greeter at Walmart The greeter at Walmart Didn't know that she changed or he changed her life Right In that, we have so many other avenues That we can do that I know that People call these social media apps You know, the devil and all that stuff I feel like that's ministry It can be, for sure Because you can use this platform Right To reach people If it's nothing but an encouraging word every day If you have a platform of the social media app Facebook or TikTok And you're recording yourself Talking about certain things I don't know if you all follow Shelby But please, if you can Go to her page and I want you to look at the ministry And she's not in a pulpit But the ministry that she provides To so many people On so many levels And just talking about certain things that She wants to talk about that day It's mainly experience And it's profound And it I don't know if you've seen comments But it's helping someone I hope so Honey, was you reading my mail? You do the same thing, though You do the same thing on social media You do the same thing on TikTok But I get what you're saying as far as It don't take for us to just look at it From one perspective Like we can do it on all levels Right, and we don't even know we're doing it And we don't even know we're doing it And that's when, you know You're letting God use it, right? And that, well I've gotten into the thing of praying Lord, use me, like whatever Whatever I do I'm praying that way Yeah, however you need to use me Wow, that's ministry, Sal But like, okay, so it's Halloween today, right? We're going to have kids Coming to our houses You know, looking for candy You may have an experience With a child today That is going to set their world on fire Come on With a Kit-Kat Yes, yeah I mean, just, you know We don't know what people are walking through Every day on the daily We have no clue But it could be that you're ministering To one of those children tonight Yeah My God, that's so good We want to down everything That we think is so demonic And so satanic You know, there was a time That I would get off work I was working at UT And I would get off work And there would be so much food left over And I would go to the clubs It was an old city And I would go to the clubs that was like downtown area And I would just give people food Because I don't know if you know But when you come out of a club And there ain't got no food in there You look for something to eat So I'm like, man, why not have an opportunity To give someone some food Fresh, I mean, this is like little hot dogs Pizza, all kind of stuff And they're coming out and they're looking at me like God loves you And it's free I just want to tell you that God loves you It set up conversations for me To talk about Not only just Different things from a Religious or a Legalistic standpoint But them to know that love is real I don't have an agenda I just want to tell you how much you're loved And how refreshing is that That you don't have an agenda Woo! She said it That's fact That's total fact My whole thing is I'm not going to You're much better at doing that than me What I try to do Is I want you to see Jesus through me I'm not going to talk about him necessarily I'm not going to probably even mention his name But I'm hoping that whatever I'm doing Is going to Stir something within you That's going to Allow him in If he's not there already Or stir him up again And that's what we all need to Understand and know that our gifts are different Absolutely I can be talking to that person You can be doing something else And we all serve the main purpose Of knowing that man God is all knowing All loving And he just wants you to know how much he loves you Our gifts are not to be compared Because they're all equal And they're all just as important Because we speak to our individual people Like we Our ministry is only going to be for Maybe that one person It doesn't have to be for Hundreds or thousands or millions It doesn't Some people do have those ministries But that's their ministry That's not mine I want to be like Miss Betty And offer a smile That's so amazing She may be reaching thousands and millions But in her mind She's just saying hello How are you doing Have a great day With a smile I love Miss Betty Thank you Miss Betty But that's so amazing How we can understand that all of our gifts Can tie in together And we serve them And it's still ministry We're not getting any accolades We're not saying okay You need to be on this platform to do this Or you need to be here to do this Ministry is ministry Or you don't need to have your name on a marquee Or on a desk Or any of that Or on a card Or on a cross I don't know But each one of us has a ministry The same thing as having a purpose We all have a ministry Absolutely And let that ministry consume you to a place Where it's done out of love And not trying to Gain any Attention You know She'll just be real with it I was trying to find another He was searching for the nice little PC word There you go Attention period Take the attention off you Yeah The joy that I got from Taking food Or when I pay for people meals Or anything to that sort The joy that I get is they don't know who I am That is so amazing And I'm not even saying that for Any accolades right now It feels good just to make someone's day And you don't know Like you're talking about hypothetical Miss Betty She didn't know I had a bad day I had to go to work 24 hours And I got to go to Walmart to pick up Something for the dog And you smile at me And you say good morning We are all fighting battles that no one knows about Everyone is fighting some kind of battle We're human and that's what we do So Everybody needs ministry of some kind Yes I don't care what your title is You can minister to others even though you need ministry You better know it And can I say Sometimes when you're in the lowest of your lows The best thing to do is minister to other people The best thing to do is Get out of yourself and go help someone I agree That gets me out of the sucky place all the time I 100% agree with that There's a scripture in the Bible In the book of Luke 6 It says give and it shall be given Now if you look at that in its entirety There's a scripture around money It's not just money When you give of your time If you give a smile If you give something that requires you Anything that requires you To sacrifice that thing Then it says it will be given unto you If you give love If you give ministry You give that thing It will be given back to you in good measure And don't do it just because you're getting something back That's why a put away Ambition is not good I wanted to pull away money from that Because people think that God is like this Loan shark I'm going to let that marinate right there God if I give this person Such and such amount he's going to give me I don't work like that Prosperity gospel It don't work like that people But look at the It can but yes Take away money Give love And stop waiting to Christmas to give love Can I say that on the mic Hello Isn't it funny how that's like December is like the one month That we can kind of get it right And you know it's the one month That we can donate It's the one month that we can give food And it's the one month that we can do whatever And then that month is over We're done we did our thing You are on it Stop waiting to December People to give love It wasn't even really Christ's birthday That's a whole nother story This is another one Thanksgiving So we Give thanks We're supposed to give thanks But we've surrounded it around Something else And it's not a give thanks Now there's a scripture behind that In Psalms 100 Enter into his gates The end of Psalms 100 Verse 5 and 6 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving And to his courts with praise Be thankful unto him and bless his name Why have we Why do we make that only about November And you know I think it's funny and it's a good thing Because at least we're doing it But I think it's funny how like on the social media The month of November Every day lists something you're thankful for You know for the 30 days or whatever it is And it's like We're not thankful in February? Why can't we be thankful in June? Why can't we show some appreciation For everything else on every other day of the year And appreciation for other people too That's included I'm ready for it And it's our opinion It's our opinion I feel like man You don't have to just show love Appreciation Give your gifts All that stuff and surround it around one month Or one day that is It can be that In which you just have that kind of heart Every day It would sure make God happy wouldn't it There's an old hymn I think it says Give thanks for the great Grateful heart Give thanks Because he's the holy one I don't know I don't understand why it has to be subject to one entity That's not ministry for me I think that's kind of a You said it already so I can say it again It's attention grabbing So if I can get attention If I can get you to look at me Saying hey I'm giving this on this day And y'all see me and I'm going to take a selfie Slash video of me giving blah blah blah Then what Then what Then what I don't know She put some music in my ear and in my spirit Before we started So I'm trying to be PG right now I really am I'm holding back Come over to the dark side I'm never PG Come over to the dark side It's okay Just dip your toe I'm trying to be PG But ministry Stop waiting for a certain Okay Here's another one Is ministry only Given when you are A Christian No I already said that So why You did Why Do society Think that only Christians can give A encouraging word Because the definition of ministry Says Christians only There it is Period I didn't write the definition I just read it Like only Christians can give encouragement Yeah it's a bunch of bull hockey Bull honky Whatever I said it wrong At least I didn't say the real word Yeah I'm trying to be PG Look you in the dark I'm trying to get over there But I don't get it Anybody can give An encouraging word A thank you Motivation type speech I don't know Okay I got to say something Because it's on me I'm ready Y'all need to understand You don't have to have a huge knowledge Of the word If you have heart knowledge If the Holy Spirit is speaking In you and to you That to me is way more important Than you being able To recite something out of the Bible Or tell me What the books are Or whatever That is much more important to me That the Holy Spirit is working through you So don't sit there thinking Well I can't do this Or I don't have a ministry because I don't know the word If you have the Holy Spirit Working within you That's all you need I was talking to this guy At the gym yesterday And he said I don't know the scripture He said I can't even tell you man Probably two or three books Out of the Bible He said but I do know this one thing Somewhere in that book It says to have faith Because it's a substance of things That's hopeful He said I can't tell you three books I think Genesis is number one But he said It says now faith Is a substance of things hoped for And the evidence of things that I can't see He said That's all I need to know He didn't know And that's what it boils down to But the encouragement That he gave me Was don't let your faith Waver if you don't see it He ministered to you Yes he did And you can read every address In that book Absolutely But that's exact That's the best point Because he ministered to you You don't need the knowledge You have to have the heart The spirit That's all that really matters The knowledge It may come It may not Doesn't matter God can work through you No matter what You do not need to know the Bible Now I will tell you It will benefit you In your everyday life And it's something you can stand on And I do think that it will help But don't condemn yourself Or think that you aren't good enough Because you don't know the word You don't know the book You don't know the address You don't know the title of it You don't know the scripture You don't know the verse And we get so beat up Yes I used to be one of those I used to be one that I couldn't I didn't know verses And everyone around me knew verses I didn't know addresses I still don't know addresses And I'm probably never going to And what I mean by an address No self But I And I used to be I can't Well I probably can speak in tongues But I don't know I don't have a lot of confidence in it But I would judge myself I wouldn't even try Because it was like nope I can't do it They're all way beyond me I can't do it They're all way beyond me Now later in my life I can quote scripture But it's in your heart And I haven't done Well the address is but I bet you it's in there I haven't done the tongue thing for quite some time But I know I used to pray over the kids And they'd ask me to speak And they used to call it something Do that heebie jeebie language This is a gibberish? Give me the heebie jeebie Oh my god And because you don't do tongues Or whatever That doesn't mean anything It doesn't disqualify you from anything Because you don't pray every day Doesn't disqualify you Because you don't read your word every day Doesn't disqualify you All again This is real good There is no disqualification if you know God Let him use you Ask him to use you Because that's all you need So many people have fell into condemnation Because they felt like man I don't pray every day A lot of people tell me that I don't read the bible every day I'm not like you What that got to do with a cup of tea? I'm not like me Me and Shelby are nowhere near alike When we talk about certain things But this woman I've said it I've said it already Her connection to the Holy Spirit Is so keen that it floors me When I have conversation with her And I was a student I was a student I did a lot of study And you are very well versed A lot of knowledge But as you said man Knowledge Because you looked the part Don't mean that you live it And it doesn't mean that you have the heart knowledge You can have book knowledge Until the sun goes down For the last day on earth But if you don't have heart knowledge I'm sorry you ain't got shit Come on We was pulling it out over there If you ain't got heart knowledge But that's real We portray I've seen people portray Because it's so much Of the book knowledge That you look like you are God's little brother And that's all you are In a way Is the little brother That wish you had heart knowledge Heart knowledge will get you through One of the things That I've taught A lot when it comes to people Having the book knowledge And heart knowledge I think I've shared this with you You can get the information But God has to download the revelation And once he downloads the revelation And you get application You'll never see manifestation Or sanctification You will see salvation Because that ain't ever gone Once you got it You got it But sanctification She gave me another word Look up That's real good If you don't have heart knowledge If God is not dealing with your heart And please understand He said let not your heart Be troubled Your heart is important to God He said guard your heart Guard it Because it can get infiltrated With some things that you don't want it The wickedness of this world But Book knowledge Man I can look the part all day I want to be like Miss Betty Hypothetical Miss Betty Yeah that's the most important thing Just love people What happened The greatest commandment right Above all the ten And all the others And the greatest commandment after that Was to love others It get a little heavy right there We'll talk about that next podcast Because we forget that part That's the most important thing Yeah Love others To have that kind of heart What actually happened to that Like I don't See the hypothetical Miss Betty Because we've become so bitter And we've become so hardened by this world And we've become so We compare constantly Which kills It kills everything good I'll even put Myself there have been times There have been times where I've walked into places And because I have so much on my mind I didn't speak Oh yeah you're absent I didn't say anything I didn't That's another thing because we are so busy And we've got so much Pulling at us in so many directions And we have instant technology and all this stuff You know I did a tick tock the other day Or a few weeks ago And it was like we can FaceTime our friends in Europe And we can do this and that In all these different places But we can't be present In what's actually in our face Can't be present Isn't that true though That is 100% That's pathetic You're telling me we can FaceTime in Europe Yeah or wherever I can't even talk No We are we're tuned out And I do want to say before I forget That I'm not Poo-pooing prayer Getting To know the word any of that Because that is all going to sustain you And it's going to fortify you And it's going to build you up And it's going to create a greater relationship with God So don't get me wrong Those things are all great things But I don't want anybody thinking that they're Any lesser of a believer Or any less worthy Of having a ministry Because our worth does not come from us We can't do anything for our worth And we never will Our worth only comes from him And it only comes from the blood that was shed And the resurrection on the third day That is the only place our worth comes from So if you think you're worthy because of you You're not Did you hear the silence The silence said it right there I mean I'm saying Jesus You put it in context And thank you for saying that Like we encourage you to read your word We encourage you to pray We encourage you to Yeah get closer to him if you can If you have that time Don't find yourself too busy that you don't have that time to do it However do not If I can repeat what Shelby is saying Do not condemn yourself Because you're not praying like the person that You feel knows how to pray That's a religious spirit And those are the things that we don't like When we talk about religion That's the kind of stuff we're talking about The holier than thou Perspective You have to do this that and this Like someone else That's how humans work that's not how God works Come on Please please don't condemn yourself for that But do understand that you have In my Shelby voice You have a purpose I'm going to repeat her words You have a purpose You have a ministry You're less than Because you're not In man's eyes qualified To sit And speak to someone That just need an encouraging word That just need a hug You know what blesses me There's a lady that comes to Where we minister at Thank God Her name is Miss Georgie Every time I see her Every time I see her in that smile And you would not believe All the hell she have to go through Or have been through Or anything to that sort She still have a smile on her face She does and she is the sweetest soul Ministers to me Absolutely me too At the gym These people are not You know high up She reminds me every day You better not walk around here Feeling sorry for yourself You better not walk around here And feel like the woe is me Because And can I say Because you mentioned that Because I get stuck in this I'm going to be total 100 with everybody I think most of us do But I'm not going to say I don't Okay first world problems We need to stop living our lives Looking at our first world problems Because there are some Freaking that you're healthy Just that you have a roof over your head Just that you're sleeping in a warm bed Just that you can turn the heat on Or the air conditioner Just that you have a car with gas in it I mean there are so many things we take for granted And I am guilty 100% guilty But man if we could just focus on What we have And how we're blessed Instead of how we're cursed Or whatever you want to call it There's a lot going wrong in your face Especially when they're first world problems And not Really problems Thank God Thank you for saying that I think all of us fall into that To that slump We all fall prey to that Feeling We forget to just thank God Hey you know someone is in a wheelchair I'm walking I know Someone is fighting a battle That I can't even Wrap my head around You know And it might be in their own head Who knows Doesn't matter Thank you Someone just lost The love of their life Someone just lost everything they had And we're sitting here complaining Because My God That's ministry though As you said From Miss Georgie to The young man in the gym To just anyone It's a reminder Hypothetical Miss Betty It's a reminder God loves you He does More than you'll ever understand And everybody has that ministry Everybody can use a platform If you're not the person That stands face to face I talk about Shelby a lot She don't do a lot of phone calls However if you're not the person That stands face to face with people You have a platform If you're not on social media You can And it's just you behind your phone Or you behind your laptop You can encourage someone If you're waiting on 10,000 likes Hey it's not about that That's all that matters That's one person That's it And if you got one like At least you reached that one person But think before we didn't even know what likes were Back in the day Back in the day Now it's all about them I know But did they used to matter? Nope Were we aware of them? Nope I think when you're younger you do But now that we're our age you don't care anymore No I don't care right now I don't care if you like me That comes with maturity Yeah We're getting more mature every day let me tell you Oh you don't like me? Okay get in line Wow But everyone As Shelby said I've said it Everyone has a purpose No you don't have to be Reverend, Doctor, Deacon, Apostle, Bishop What's some other ones? All of them Minister, Pastor, Preacher You don't have to be that You can minister You can minister You better get out there and do it Boom now she said it Now you know Mama Shelby said it Mama Good Lord Mama Shelby said it Get up Get up off your butt Get out there do it Be an encouragement to somebody Go into Dollar General today and say Hey I just want to tell everybody hello Yes Do it And then when you leave and if you don't get a hello Try it again next week And be thankful that the Shelves are stocked We have an abundance of things to choose from I don't know Something Go out and wave at your neighbor I don't know about that I'm talking to Shelby now Wave at your neighbor You never know what they're going through Just say hello We don't know what people are going through I get it I'm guilty of it We also need to check ourselves when we get our panties in a wad about that too Because you don't know what someone's going through I don't know if I ever wore panties Okay Joanie I don't know Your commando I don't know Don't die over there Oh this lady This lady here Commando This has made a joke I'm dead Oh my god Don't get your panties in a wad Or whatever it is I don't know Commando Commando is none I know what it is I'm not that stupid How are you going to get your commando in a wad I don't know Oh my god That's hilarious Anyways let's go back to the fact that You don't know what people are walking through in their daily life And so therefore don't get your Attitude Jacked up Because they didn't respond the way you thought they should Oh thank you Thank you so much If they don't respond the way that you think That they respond Hey don't trip Keep it moving Keep it moving But yet be present in the moment How do you do that That's another one How do you do that Keep trying Don't give up Don't quit Not in this day and age That ain't allowed You can't listen to us and quit Are you kidding me We'll come find you Y'all listening We'll come find you You cannot quit It's not allowed Amen So thank you for listening to Word of Mouth Wait I gotta say something You know I said I had to say something Yes Okay With what's going on in the world With Israel I'm just gonna say Because it's been concerning me That even believers are like Well Israel wasn't a country Until 1940 whatever Israel has been around For 2,000 years It is a place It is a people It's God's people Yes But it's an actual place And it always has been So stop trying to convince people That it just became a place recently Because it didn't I actually want to know the people that are saying that Because that's crazy Well there's a lot of them saying it It's really biblical Yeah From day one Right I had three scriptures popping up real quick Well that's even a discussion Right Because we don't You know the Bible's not fact That's why But anyways can I just tell you that Israel's been around For a long time It's been around for a long long time Over 2,000 years It's gonna be around for a long time Thank you And there's gonna be turmoil there For a long time But it's just biblical But I'm tired of hearing That Israel hasn't been a country Excuse me Wrong answer Try again It's a country Please understand And it has been From the get go I really want to know I want to look at I could show you all kinds of videos Okay Amen Anyways I can get off my soapbox now Let me step down Amen We love you We want you to have a blessed day And I'm saying it with a smile because that's fact Yes and she is smiling Eventually you'll see her smiling Eventually There's a plant in front of me Why not bring several You will see her smiling Saying how much she loves you all Can we get a nice little religious saying Can we cue up A little bit of the music Before we go out Now again we do not own Copyrights to this But we want to cue up this song And really let you all know Which one am I cueing up Actually I was going to say The one yet But if you want to cue up anything None of these songs Do we have copyrights over So whatever she plays It's going to be a snipplet A snipplet? What's a snipplet? You made a new word A snippet Not a snipplet Snippet Snippet Not snipplet Okay we'll go back to yet But we love you And we're going to give you a little snippet There you go Love you all Love you God Don't leave me here alone I know I need to grow And I'm trying Don't leave me here alone Keep trying I know I've come so far But got so far to go And with these brand new scars Broken hearted hearts I really know If there's a reason And if I'll ever see it But I want to believe So don't give up on me Love you God Love you God Love you

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