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cover of LOVING GOD


Wistler Charles



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The main idea of this information is about loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind. It emphasizes that this is the most important commandment for Christians. The speaker encourages spending time with God through prayer, Bible reading, and obedience. They also mention that loving God sets the stage for all other aspects of Christian living, including loving others. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to share this message with others and to remember that loving God is a privilege, not a burden. hey everyone welcome back today's topic is loving God with all you've got understanding in Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 today's verse is a foundational truth for all Christians Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 where Jesus lays out the greatest commandment let's grab a metaphorical shovel and dig into this one I've always remember a handy guideline for unlocking the Bible treasures scripture talks to scripture let the Bible itself be our teacher our context he is the meaning of a voice flows from the book it's in and the surrounding script text clarity over novelty we're not searching for hidden messages today Oh just a prayer in this one literal first fruitive second taking and face by and this is a good reason otherwise all right with that in mind let's look at Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 Jesus said unto him thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind here's to break down my friends the greatest commandment Jesus makes it clear loving God is the most important thing and the second point is whole hearted devotion this isn't just about saying the right word it's about complete commitment with every aspect of our beings our emotions our will and our intellect now some things to consider what does it look like to love God you know what it involves obedience gratitude worship and a desire to please you know love is a journey not a destination our love for God grows as we spend time with him in prayer study and obedience the foundation for everything else my friend loving God sets the stage for all other Christian living including loving others so how do we put this into practice today the first thing you want to do is make time for God schedule daily prayer and Bible reading to nurture your relationship with him the second thing that you want to do is live a life that reflects your love obey God's commandments and strive to live in a way that honors him the third thing that you want to do my brothers and sisters is seeking with all your heart let your love for God be the driving force in everything you do and remember loving God isn't a burden it's a privilege by drawing close to him we experience his love peace and purpose for our lives so let's open our hearts to his love and allow it to transform us be blessed and share this word today with a neighbor a friend or stranger and if you can even with a foe God bless and see you next time on our podcast

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