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You are Loyal to Disloyal Family

You are Loyal to Disloyal Family


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The speaker addresses the audience as "beautiful people" and discusses how God reveals secrets to his servants, the prophets. They encourage viewers to like, share, and comment so they can know their thoughts. The main message is that there is someone in the audience's family who is disloyal to them spiritually and has been working against their success. This person has taken their destiny and given it to a younger family member, causing the audience to struggle in life while the other person excels. The speaker urges the audience to confront this person in the spirit and fight back through prayer. They warn that the disloyal family member may try to contact them to weaken their power. Hello, beautiful people, children of the Most High God. I hope everybody is doing well on this evening. Tonight I have a big, big word for someone from the Lord. It is my belief, and God has proved Himself, that He intends to use this medium to really bring out some great and mighty things, secret things. You know, in God's Word, in Amos 3, 7, it's written, Surely the Lord will do nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants, the prophets. And God has been whispering some secret things, not just to me, but to His people whose ears are tuned in to His frequency. God is saying some things in this season. Before I continue, I want to encourage us to please like, share, and make your comments in the comment box, so that we can know what you're thinking, we know your thoughts, and together we can flow with what God is doing. So this evening I believe that what God is trying to say, God wants to say, is going to be very heavy for someone. It's going to be very, very heavy for someone. Because when God revealed this to me, it was heavy for me. It was heavy for me because of the context. It was very heavy for me because of the context. There are people in our lives who are disloyal. There are many people in our lives who are disloyal to us. Some of them are family, and they are disloyal to you, even though you are related by blood. Now there are levels to this type of disloyalty. Sometimes the disloyalty might just be financial. Some family members will steal from you. They will cheat you. They will lie against you. They will backstab you. They will try to sabotage you. Some family members that you stood with them in the day of your trouble, they will turn around and pay you back with evil. Now all those things are bad. Those people who are disloyal in spiritual things, and that's today's subject. God is saying to someone who is listening to me right now, There is a family member, your family member, who is so disloyal to you in the spirit that they have been working hard against your listing. This is probably someone who gave you life. I said earlier, this is going to be a hard, hard word for someone. Because you know, God said, you know you have been aware for some time because you also have the ability to see things. You operate in the prophetic you too. You see things. But when it comes to you, when it comes to your family, when it comes to those secrets that God has been telling you about your life, about your family, it's almost impossible for you to accept this truth. And your delay in accepting the truth and protecting yourself is putting you in danger. God is saying, you are loyal to disloyalty. There are people in your family, in your bloodline. There is someone who is waging a war against you in the spirit. And that person may be someone who gave you life, who brought you into this world. But they have now joined themselves together with idols. Like God said in his word, Benjamin has joined himself together with idols who left him alone. When your family, your blood joins themselves together with idols, with the kingdom of darkness, you don't be loyal to them. You do what the Bible says. You let them alone. Because they will take you out. You know, you know who these people are. In particular, this one person who has been trying for so long, almost since you were a teenager. They have been working against your listing. Let me tell you what happened. And the Lord is leading me to let you know this. And I pray God that whoever this word is for, because this is a heavy word. This is an urgent word. And for you, this person, and I believe it's a woman, whom God is trying to draw your attention to realize that you are in serious danger. I believe and I pray God to open up your understanding and open up your heart so that you will be able to see. Because one of the things that they have done to you by enchantment is to cover your understanding. To cover your discernment so that you are not able to appreciate your situation and then you can't fight. God is saying that what they've done is they have taken your destiny. When you were a teenager, around the age of 17 or 18 years, they took your destiny, your star, and gave your greatness to a younger sibling or a younger member of the family. They took your ladder. Your ladder, I'm saying this by revelation. Your ladder is the symbol of your listing, of your progress through life. Every stage, every step of life should take you higher. So the ladder of your life, when you were around the age of 17 and 18 years, your ladder was taken from you in the spirit by this person who gave you life. And they traded that ladder and gave it to another child or another person who is younger than you. This is because they wanted that other person to use your greatness, your ladder, your listing, your success. They wanted them to use all of that on them in their old age. The result of this is that through life you have struggled. You have struggled with everything. Every stage in your life you have struggled. Many stages you will find that you have to repeat classes. You will find that it took many years for you to accomplish, to get a diploma. It took many years for you to accomplish what people in your age range were able to do. You always experienced failure at the end of breakthrough. You always had trouble rising through the different levels of life to reach where you should be. And your contemporaries have gone very far ahead of you. Because the ladder through which you should have gone through life to rise was taken from you and given to a younger person. Now that younger person in your family has done everything earlier than they should have. They got married earlier than they should have. Maybe they got married as a teenager. They had children earlier than they should have. They had children as a teenager. They built houses. They are succeeding and they are still young. You know why? Because they gave the star of an older person to a younger person. So that this younger person now did everything that an older person would do at a young age. They were rising with your ladder. And you have been stagnant. You have been stagnant. Your life has been grounded. Your life will be grounded. Because the ladder with which you were to rise from the ground up has been given to another. And it's someone who has spiritual authority over your destiny. A parent is the one who has done this to you. Now what God is saying to you is this. And this is the important bit. Everything I'm saying is, like I said, heavy, great stuff. This is how you are going to wage a war. You must arise now. And look them eye to eye, not in the natural, but in the spirit. Because that parent, you still must honor that parent in the natural. Because the Bible says we must honor our mother, our father. So you can't go up to them and fight them in the natural. But in the spirit, you must arise now and wage that war. Because the reason why this has been going on for so long is because of your loyalty to this person. You have been loyal to someone who is disloyal to you in the spirit. You know them because God has revealed them to you time and time again. But you are so committed that you are afraid to do what you should do, which is fight. And they know this. They know you. They know your heart. They know your commitment. They know that you won't fight them like they fight you. And that's why they've been able to get away with what they're doing, because they know that you are committed to them, but they are not committed to you. They are disloyal to you, and you are loyal to them. And they know this. But no more. No more. Let me tell you the scripture that God wants you to keep in mind. This is from the book of 2 Kings chapter 19 from verse 32. 2 Kings 19, we are in verse 32. The Bible says, Thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria, says the Lord. For I will defend this city to save it for my own name's sake and for my servant David's sake. Jerusalem delivered. This is God's word to you. God wants you to rise up. God wants you to send back the king of Assyria. This person who has authority over you, God wants you to arise in the place of prayer and wage a war against them. You need to fight that person who has authority over you in the spirit, because the weapon of your warfare, they are not carnal. That's why you can't face them in the natural, because then you'll be dishonoring God. Because that's your parent, or maybe that's someone who is older than you. You can't fight them in the natural, but your weapons are mighty through God, through the word of God, to pull down any stronghold that they have been waging against you to block you and to keep you down. So God wants you to wage a war. God wants to defend your city, defend your life, but you must arise. You must arise and fight back. You must fight back. In the spirit, fight back. Pray, wake up in the midnight hour, and pray against that person or persons with authority over your life, who have been waging a war against your life since you were very young, who have been grounding your destiny, and in the natural, they smile at you, but in the realm of the spirit, they are grounding your life using diabolical powers of witchcraft and sorcery. Fight them. Now let me also tell you what's going to happen when you begin to fight them. You start fighting them every seven days. Fast if you can, but pray every midnight for seven days, you must. When you begin to do this, this is what will happen. They are going to contact you. They are going to reach out to you. Some of them, maybe you haven't spoken to them in many months, maybe even years, because maybe you've been running away from them, because maybe you have an idea. When you begin to wage a war in the spirit, and you pray every midnight for seven days, they will contact you. Why? Why? They are trying to dilute your power in the place of prayer. They are trying to water down your servancy, because they know that you are loyal. They know that you are compassionate to them. They know that you are loyal towards them, and so when they reach out to you, they are trying to appeal to your emotional side, because they know you know. You see them in the realm of the spirit, they see you too. They are looking at you as you are looking at them. So when you begin to stand up in the spirit, things are going to begin to happen in the spirit, things that didn't happen before. Their enchantments are going to begin to fail, and they are going to know that now you are no longer loyal in the spirit, you are now rising up and you are fighting them. They will reach out to you in the natural. They will ask to speak to you on the phone. They will ask to do a video call. Don't do it. Don't reach out to them, because what they are trying to do is they are trying to water down your power, using your emotional side, because once you speak to them, once you talk to them, you are going to feel compassionate. You are not going to want to fire back to them what they have been doing to you. Amen? All right, everyone. I hope and I pray that that woman, or maybe even a man, whom God has sent this word, I pray that you believe and I pray that you take this very seriously and you rise up and begin to do what you need to do to win, to get to the place of deliverance, the place of power. All right? Thanks for listening, and I love you very much. Don't forget, please, like, subscribe, and make your comments so that we know that we are on the same page. All right? Love you. Bye.

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