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We outside ep 1

We outside ep 1

We OutsideWe Outside



We Outside. It's the first episode. Meet the guys and hear what they have to say about things from body augmentation to anime

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Oh my god. Here we go, bro. Oh my god. I'm not sure. Shit, we didn't even off on recording. We're full of effects. We got a hot pad. Hot pad. Hot pad. It would be nice if there were like two mics in. Yes. I can still hear myself right here. I can hear myself like this from here. That's what I'm saying. I would say mic just keep that shit turned up. That way you won't sound loud as fuck, bro. Sound good, yeah. Alright, man. We fuckin' live, bro. Yep. Yeah. But anyway, I like it. She came back, bro. She came back, bro. Look around. Fuck it, man. Give her a little intro one time, bro. Damn, I don't know the name. I forget. Yo, this is your boy, Al. Top it, man. Damn, bro. Big body. Tattoo extraordinaire. Tell the world what you do, bro. Right now, I'm exploring in the realm of music as an executive producer as I'm an artist of many, many long years. There you go, man. Well, this shit is cool, bro. I thought it was a cool idea. I definitely think the outside part is gonna be fuckin' different. It's a nice day. It's a fun day. Anything popping? Anything that y'all wanna shout out before we really get into? Something that you're working on? Yeah. Yeah, I'm working on a CD right now. But other than that, you know, I'm always creating and trying to keep up with new things. Financially, I think we're in an extensive time, so we're jumping on this game the way, the hustle, the money comes in. That's what I'm doing right now. Activating sources of income and overall. You can hear it. That shit just kicked up on you. Oh, gosh. Yes. I guess I'm in the process of starting a new career venture. So, you know, that's in the stages right now. We ain't gonna get too much into it just yet. And the kid, as for me, bro, I just got on that E-brush tattoo out in Carrollton, you know what I'm saying? Really honed in my life, man. Ever since my son got here, I'm like, bro, I really wanna own this shit, do this shit right. So, y'all check me out, bro. 126 Union Road. If you wanna get some ink, bro, that's where I'm at. But anyway, yeah, for sure, bro. And it's right around here. You got your own studio now. Yeah, I got my own room and shit. But it's E-brush. They got like a solid little business, three shops all together. This shit's nice. But let's get into it, man. One question I really wanted to ask y'all, just to pop it off. I was talking to this dude the other day, because he was like, bro, I only fuck with, you know, thick-ass women. I'm like, yeah, you know, do it for you. He's a skinny-ass nigga too, I wanna keep in mind. I don't like 115. You got a lot of opinions on what a nigga is. Fair enough, fair enough. And I'm happy you said it, bro, because he was like, if she don't got a BBL, I don't want it. I was like, nigga, what? That's overrated, I feel like, bro. I will say, though, his girl got one that looked good. She went the right route. She put a little weight on it and then did it, so that it kind of equaled out. But, you know, we all have seen the ant-leg. A lot of BBLs are proportionately, you know, dumb BBLs. Of course, you know, we got a lot of body fetishes and shit in the world, so I'm sure this is going all the way crazy. But bro was saying, he was saying, you know, that sexy to him, like a fit chick, even, that's too small. He was like, that's like a little boy body. Of course, I brought up, you know, a couple of examples like SZA before the BBL, like a little bit more fit, right? He was like, bro, she got a little boy body. I was like, yo, you're sick. And he was like, it's not even sexy. So, really, I wanted to see, like, obviously, I know, I know the senses in the group, you know what I'm saying? We boys, so I know ain't none of y'all really fucking with the whole BBL movement, especially the ones that ain't done the best. But, like, is it sexy? Is it a spectrum, you know what I'm saying? Can it be sex appeal across the board? BBL is it specifically? No, period. Like, women period, like, different body shapes. Because, like I said, he was like, is she too thin? That's a boy. He can't imagine. They're body shape for everybody. Yeah. So, like, it's not like, of course, you're talking about one person, and he just gave his opinion. His opinion, right. And, yeah, it's a lot of dudes that look at women in a way where they want their women to be super, I guess, appeal, lascivious, you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Like, they want their women to kind of, not just be attractive, but to look like she has good sex, you know what I'm saying? That's my thing. That's what I was getting at. So, my rebuttal to him is more about that. It's the confidence. It's the energy that you got. The outside can be the outside. So, and then I know, probably for some people, unpopular opinion, I think Cora LaRae is sexy as fuck, bro. You know what I'm saying? Not just, like, attraction-wise, I think she's sexy. Yeah, like, the attitude, the way she wears herself, like, that's another level of it, you know what I'm saying? Because, like, I said, you could look for that woman that looks like she's going to have good sex, and then she has terrible sex. Terrible. For sure. Do it too much. I feel like DBLs is like when lame niggas wear expensive clothes and think they're dressy. Like, you ain't dressy. You just got clothes on, you feel me? Yeah, you only got one piece of the pie, for real. You already got your clothes, but you gotta get a lot of jeans on today. It's the way you carry it in the street. But he was like, hell nah, bro. That's a little boy. I was like... Yeah, nah. Even with the fit girl movement, that's like a new, I think, like, another standard that's being kind of birthed inside the realm of sex appeal because, like, we've never been taught to associate sex appeal with health. And a lot of these women right now are coming with this new tip where you don't gotta get a BBL. You can kind of just work out. You know, have a natural kind of sex appeal about yourself. And then there's more men accepting that over the BBLs. In these third world countries, these women can't afford BBLs. They're just kind of looking how these women that want BBLs look. You know what I'm saying? Even in the spectrum of how you said the little boy body and shit, that's just like one... One of them. One of the archetypes. Yeah, but even in another country, that would look like a different standard. You know what I'm saying? It would be like, oh, no, she's gorgeous. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, in Rome in the 16th century, it would be like, I could worship that as a goddess or something. You know what I'm saying? And real quick, that's just what that nigga said. I don't think you got a little boy body. You do, you little booty. Anyway. So he was saying, like, Cora Ray's little boy. Bro, he said anybody that's not Nicki Minaj thick is just like... And mind you, like I said, Holmes is 115. So, like, yeah, you looking at it like, yo, you haven't been with a woman 200-plus pounds before you... You know what I'm saying? You don't know what that feels like. Or if you do, like, you know, it's like, hey, that's your thing, man. That's your thing? I wasn't knocking what he was saying. Maybe a BBW lover. You know what I'm saying? I just feel like on a long-haul basis, you taking that every single time. Bro, for years, that's a little too much, man. That's a fetish. It's a body part fetish. Yeah. It's like they want a certain part to be over-exaggerated versus another part. Like, you know your boy Mason, he like always talks about women with big titties, and then like he'll try to, like, come at you, like, you just automatically gonna agree with his assumption, and then he'll show you some shit and be like, hey, yo, that's like a body bump. He'll be a little out-of-pocket with this. A little out-of-pocket. You know what I'm saying? I had to ask somebody else. The way he was going hard, I was like, bro, I know I ain't tripping, but I was like, am I tripping, though? He just couldn't fathom the shit. To me, I think it's an energy, like I was saying. If you... But then again, there's a lot of... I ain't gonna hold you. Speaking of, like, dating apps and stuff like that, a lot of times, even big girls want skinny men. So it's... It probably even connects... There's probably some type of connection when it comes to things like that. So big girls maybe want skinny men and vice versa. I think it's got something to do with your childhood. It's a deeper conversation to be had type shit. That's true. You see a nigga where you be like, bro, your mama got big titties in. The realization is far ahead of you. He's like, oh, shit. What's your first interaction with... You know what I'm saying? What was that? The first girl you looked at was a fat ass. For me, it was the first time I ever seen a sex appeal type woman was finding my brother's King Magazine stash. It was like, now, that's the Mona Lisa for me. The woman shaped like this. You feel me? Why was Mona Lisa bad? I just said it. She's still like a famous person. You look up to that. Same thing with Halle Berry. Everybody loved Halle Berry when she came up. Now it's like fucking Sexy Red. There's a lot of young shorties right now. I ain't gonna lie. I'm starting to encounter them in my everyday life. I'm starting to realize y'all are people, too. Y'all are just people. I just think it's a shame that they gotta go that route, bro. You feel what I'm saying? It is in the moral conversation of everything, but the world's been immoral for so long. I can't call her out now. She was the first to do it. In her defense, I think Sexy Red is like that. Whereas other women, I think she wakes up like that. She's not faking something. She's been living like this for 15, 20 years. I think that's the only way that you make it up on some surface level shallow shit like that. It's because it's authentic. If somebody else that you know that's really not like that go off and start rapping like that, I don't think it would read the same to where she wouldn't even reach that level. Denzel said some shit about that shit where a white producer can only produce a white movie but a black producer would only be able to produce a black movie because it's like culture differences. You don't know the difference of a hot comb touching your hair and how that smells. You can recreate that scene or you can act like you can recreate that scene and it won't be as detailed and in-depth and as genuine as it actually felt. She's just being genuinely herself. I think it rubs most of us the wrong way because it reminds us of not just that time of our people but a certain type of our people. You know what I'm saying? I think a lot of that shit goes to there's a standard for black women and we didn't design the standard. You feel me? That's hard to digest but it's still there. It don't change the fact that that's the quote unquote rule but it's not like black women was like, hey what do we like? You know what I'm saying? But things change every day. People embrace shit differently. I don't think it should take anything away from their sex appeal and their attraction. If she was never that type of artist or that type of person, if she would have been Tyla Rouse, she would have been another chocolate sexy shorty that everybody's like now she's the new sex symbol of chocolate. We back. Either that or she would just fall into the crowd. She really stands out. Man, sexy red with red hair. Shit, Tyla don't stand out. She don't, in my opinion. That song is just very impactful. It's another archetype sex appeal. Your boy is not feeling Tyla. Real quick, let me ask. Get Tyla in your mind. Name another Tyla in the last five years is your limit. Name another Tyla. Just another pretty I'm going to say Danny Lake. But not even her. Chris Brown or another one. No, I'm not talking about her. The girl in here I had a thing with. That ain't a Chris Brown artist. You never signed her? I don't think he signed her. And not to take nothing from Tyla, but she's a little more talented. She can dance, she can sing, she can act and shit. It's just this kind of like pretty, petite girl. You know what I'm saying? You don't try to recreate Cassie or Maya. It's a position to fill, bro. I look at the industry that way. I've been trying to tell a lot of people that do music, you want to look at this shit as you go to a restaurant and you're trying to fill out for a line cook, a front hostess. You got to know where your skills lie and what position is there for you. Because you can waste a lot of time trying to fill a position that's just not your position. Where you could have been the best at the shit you should have been doing. We all know people like that. You steady trying to be the artist when you were the writer. You should have been the producer or something. It's off topic, but let me ask y'all this. What ever happened to O.G. Macco? I actually know what happened to O.G. Macco. He got a skin eating bacterial disease. Like leprosy? He got it in Ferguson. Said he was riding the train and he think he got a cut on his head or something and some water from the train station was dripping on his head. And you know all about the water in Ferguson. Where in Ferguson? Flint, I'm sorry. Damn son. That is not what I was expecting you to say. Yo, look it up. He actually spoke about this on a different interview. He basically sued the city and some shit. He was trying to get help. No, I'm sorry. I'm mistaken. He was trying to seek leave representation to a hospital because he went through their treatment and shit started getting worse. Chunks of his head was coming out. What? Yeah, yeah. He had all of that medical stuff going on. You know you're going to take a step back from a lot of stuff. Not just music. Damn son, check that shit out. Yeah. If I can, we'll put a little thing on there. Y'all can Google it y'all self. Yeah, and then he basically started getting some holistic doctors to look at his situation and he started getting better and shit. I used to fuck with that song bro. I found out he lived down the street from my mom's house. I was like yo, we grew up in the same neighborhood. Everybody grew up on the net. I don't know who that is. Did you get this? You was right. You was right. You was right. He had a nice little run. He was supposed to be another popcorn artist. If you read into his situation you can get to understand what really happened. Yeah, that's what we doing. It's like eye catching shit. This is crazy. It's like an agent special. It's crazy. I don't know why that shit was popping in my mind. I was listening to that song I was working out the other day and I was like damn, what happened to him? He was really talented. He had a nice buzz. He had a good team. QC? Yeah. He was one of the first persons to win. Wow. QC had like a young blood. He was like the kind of anchor for that shit. Who else was it though? I know y'all had a part in that shit. I remember I was in basic training. I was in AIC. There was this white kid and this white kid I don't know why he goes to the army and he experiences these different personalities. The goofy white kid that's too grown to be acting I don't know why he acted this way. He bought this power speaker that had like digital lights and strobe lights and he was fucking playing No, he was playing Lil Yachty that came out in Minnesota. Yeah, you told me about it. He would just play that shit during the times where he was stuck in the dorm for like a reason. We would have to go to dorms for fire safety drills or dorm check for the weekend before we go out. We always got to clean up and have shit in a row. We would always have to be in the dorm as a team cleaning the shit up sometimes. Whenever that shit came on we knew he was going to do that shit. He was going to turn off the lights turn the fucking disco light on and start blasting his coal light in Minnesota and shit. The first time I heard Minnesota I was with my boy Dino over by Six Flags buying weed in that apartment and he played that shit and he was like, you got to hear my boy and his shit fired. I was like, this stinks this is fucking poop. But then he started playing and you know how songs can be infectious He was a little boy he was a grown ass man. He was jumping on the bed with his shirt off and shit screaming his pride shooting a bird at everybody and shit. What was that shit like because you just got smacked in a room full of strangers It's like high school. It's like when you go to homeroom and you know there's going to be you know being an introvert I'm always like to myself I don't want to fucking mix with inorganic playing content you know what I'm saying so I'm just like kind of observant and I'm watching people because I know there's moments where people are going to start showing who they really is and it's like a lot of weird characters and the setting is like a very stressful setting so y'all always going to be I guess searching for outlets to be entertained or you know relieve whatever stress you'll be going through so yeah it's going to be a lot of damn weirdos a lot of people that like focus on their shit not that's the funny shit when you see a person that's really on their shit and you can kind of you can sense that vibe you can tell they have no tolerance, they're not fucking around when you see that person interact with a motherfucker that's like bullshitting it's like jumping off the wall like a jumping jack it's always hilarious you know what's about to happen everybody's like watching them with discs like yo this nigga Charles you're looking like who's Charles? I just made somebody up Charles was going around smacking niggas it's just like always like I guess one experience was when we was in Holden we were in a bar we were getting ready to train we were holding each other we got to go through medical we got to get our supplies you're going to be in there for like 5 days but while you're there that's when you're kind of meeting everybody that you're probably going to get grouped with everything in the military is based on last names so if your last name is a certain letter you're probably going to be grouped with another motherfucker with that name they were like hella stewards then not necessarily stewards but yeah they were a couple stewards but it was a lot of fuckin different people you know what I'm saying so if you think about like the last name thing like your last name is Cooper and you're probably going to get grouped with somebody does that shit sound windy as fuck in the other room? yeah I was wondering how that was going to play out fuck it we outside we outside but you're probably going to be paired with somebody that's hispanic you know what I'm saying because there's a lot of cruises a lot of corteses but then there's a lot of regular people with two last names probably another Cooper but with that regard you might get paired with people from different ethnic groups people from different cultures people from different sides you might get paired with somebody from the U.S. type shit you can be in the military and not be from the U.S.? yeah for sure you can gain your citizenship by finishing the military so it's like hella hispanic we had to do that with another territory there might be gangbangers in there because there's people that's trying to get off their little little felony charges and shit one of the things they might have done was probably join the army it was definitely one dude that was like you know crippin and you let everybody know every chance you got that he was crippin he was talking about the army shit it's funny how your friends are still here it's crazy because the dude that I got paired with his name is Stiver and he was a white kid from Orange County, California he was like you know we never had no problems and shit like that but he had a lot of problems with other people one of the people was a dude named Chaney Chaney was a crip he got he was crippin oh this is a fucking this is a fucking comedy I thought my father was over here oh this is live? yeah this is live on Twitch right now oh yeah we outside we good with y'all this is like an hour ago so Chaney was on some shit like you know he looking to get a lick if he can you know how hood people is they don't give a fuck about bullshit you know so I was trying to tell Stiver to hold some of the shit down because he don't really know shit and certain people in here do some shit too and Chaney was one of them let alone there was other white people bullying him in my opinion could be bullied was like you know what I'm saying was trying to like fuck with him and shit because he was paired up with me they would hesitate he was my battle buddy and shit and one time he was like doing some shit like he was rapping some YG shit and everybody know YG is blood you know what I'm saying and he was doing some shit that I was like why is he doing that he was like putting up some hand signs he was playing a music video on YouTube Chaney is a prick but this Stiver kid Stiver is my battle buddy and he was doing some little blood shit yeah he was playing some YG shit and I was like ok you know some YG and then it kind of struck me when he started rapping the lyrics and then you know YG you be rapping instead of the lyrics and when he was repeating some of that shit I was like ayyyy kill the fuck out of me and I was like don't say that I gave you your badge then he started throwing up the hand signs and YG was throwing up I was like ok don't do that no more when he did it one time I was like don't do that no more then he did it again and Chaney walked in and I was like alright let that nigga put his hands up when you see Chaney come in he put his hands straight down Chaney was like who playing that shit I was like nigga you know what I'm saying everybody quiet now then Chaney slapped that shit off and started reminding niggas again that he's cribbing niggas know where he's from and all this shit I was like I told you nigga that's a good one you better stop playing I'm not like I won't say I'm the type of guy to go out looking for a problem we fighting now you know what I'm saying you not about to come turn my shit off granted this little white kid but like I said I came in that base observing shit I'm one of them niggas I'm just here to do my little shit I ain't here for no damn high school shit half of y'all niggas just left high school so I understand like that's the energy so I can tell Cypher just left high school he's just some dumb kid Chaney a grown ass man just lived his life had his trouble and trying to get his shit straight but he really does like hey he's my family I'm going to rep my family type shit I know a lot of people like that too but you know what I'm saying puts you in the military I feel like that shit kind of negates everything when they find out you still banging you get kicked out it's not like you can still bang and be in the military why do you even want to you not making no money I don't understand you asking the wrong one but I just know a lot of them you know what I'm saying it can get sticky in the situation in the military because there's a lot of time where you're to yourself and like I'm trying to tell them if I'm not with you and dude just beat you up and it's your word versus his nigga let me fight back I guess it's just hard for me to think you still this stuff you know what I'm saying I would assume the same thing all y'all been through basic training so I would assume y'all somewhat on the same level yeah of course you would assume that but everybody gets through basic training in different ways some of you are going to be physically fine some of you are not some of you are here to get a little bit better some of y'all can just cakewalk this shit you know what I'm saying when you notice somebody like buddy I'm giving you warning because I don't want to fight him I'm your battle buddy I got your back bro but in some fights I'm not trying I'm trying to get my shit done and mind my business I don't want to fight this nigga cause you know gang banging type niggas don't try to hold a grudge it's like on sight anytime I don't want none of them problems I'm just probably trying to tell my boy can I put him on some street game like bro just hold shit down bro we got the A.I. team I finally found Cyber again cause like I said we gonna match back up with last names even in the dorms and shit so we matched back up and he on the same floor as me and they tried to put me on some shit like Cyber selling perks where he getting the perks from? I don't know if he got injured or something so he started selling perks and shit like that on Facebook so a couple weeks ago Cyber come and let me know that he got robbed somebody robbed him for his money that he was selling the perks for two weeks later I see Cyber flexing the whole little shit on his not Cyber, Chaney Chaney was flexing his money on his shit and bragging and telling niggas that he robbed that nigga he sure wasn't he sure wasn't Cyber was trying to talk shit about how Chaney a bum and he a bum ass nigga only bum niggas do shit he do cause like I said Cyber he don't need to sell no perks he's a rich ass kid he was trying to tell me that when we got there for graduation his dad came and tried to offer to buy me an iPad and a laptop and shit I don't want none of this shit nigga they tried to take us to god damn fancy ass restaurants I'm like bro I don't want none I know we never gonna see each other again I know that's how basic training is you know what I'm saying you about to get in this environment where you feel like you're about to make this brotherhood for life type shit nigga the people that you're about to be with or the people you're gonna work with that's who you're gonna be with for 8-9 years type shit on a quick other note I only thought about it cause like you said with the fighting shit if the tables could be level so take the Cyber kid the Chaining kid or whatever Cyber much smaller but like if you could enhance some shit about your body physically do you think you would do it or do you think you more adapt to just I'm gonna keep training and try my best I mean when it comes to what type of hand fight like a brawl I mean well shit just enhancements period I was reading the other day about the Neuralink y'all heard about that shit Elon Musk shit so it's basically like a chip that they plant in the brain shit like that if you're given the option would you upgrade a part of your body I'll upgrade parts of my body that would in turn give me full access to other parts of my potential you know what I'm saying just like go all out cyborg myself but I would do certain shit that's like you know I could my aptitude would put me on par with like a Navy SEAL type shit like you know what I'm saying I could swim 11k lungs would be a smart thing to go in lungs and heart bionic just my joints like my ankles and shit maybe hamstrings carbon fiber muscle tissue oh my god that's some stiff shit if it's elastic carbon like you know what I'm saying it's indestructible but it's actually fucking strong as fuck I don't know I'm thinking about like battle angel Alita oh yeah the guy that had the holes in his own body or like being soaked in the shells I wouldn't go full out I would probably do like a couple 2-3 things you know what I'm saying you open up more percentage of your brain I probably wouldn't do shit like my brain so you wouldn't get a neural link a neural link is kind of hella like crazy so right now the whole idea is that it would help cure paralysis so people whose legs can't work the neural link will send that signal that it's supposed to and they can walk again or blinded same shit like that right but it's like then the nigga can hijack a nigga because the potential for it is that you don't need cell phones anymore because the neural link will be your cell phone now everything will just be like embedded into you and you can just get this chip and it'll be like $1000 or $2000 now that shit would be like a fucking car loan so you'd probably have to lease that remember that movie Repo Man when they were coming and taking shit back imagine they come and take the shit back I think they would make that shit hella affordable because they're really trying to usher away when you consider how much a phone costs $1000 is not just no ok yeah it's in my pocket but at the same time it's very doable, everybody has a phone I think they would make that shit affordable even when you get that you put a down payment on it and then you pay the rest of it over time with your bill payment that's how it's going to be even if it does go to a neural link or something like that because even if the insurance pays a portion and then you gotta pay the little ass type shit they're getting a nice chunk if they're going to do this they're not going to do this shit by themselves like the companies might pay for it but I think they'll make that shit hella affordable or they'll make it affordable now and then in the back end once they got enough people start jacking up the price because now it's like trending and everybody's a part of the network and now the demand is there and you're out and you're like a part of the rebel movement and you don't know what's going on and we need one to hack into the system you might end up being the one you're the only one without the neural link you're free bro the matrix and the terminator are the same story how? so the author the woman that came up with the story line she actually hold on she actually the creator of the matrix and the terminator is the same person and she broke down that the story lines are the same story but in different times so John Connor is Neo's father and the reason that the Terminators are being sent back to kill John Connor so that he didn't ever give birth to Neo and Neo is supposed to be the prophesied son that's going to take down the machine that's the prophecy that they said that they think is John Connor in Terminator but it's not, it's his son and then you realize that in the same story line when you go through Terminator the humans are still kind of alive and the machines haven't taken over yet and then realizing in the matrix the machines completely took over and the humans are all living underground and shit I ain't gonna lie bro, I've never watched Terminator me neither, I never really got into it either the Terminator is literally about this woman, well it starts off as this woman trying to tell everybody that this crazy robot's trying to kill her and we out of time bro, you got a reminder you feel inspired? Sarah Connor is like a mom and she's gonna give birth to what they think is the prophesied child that's gonna take down the machines and basically the machines send a Terminator back in time to kill this woman and she basically goes on this crazy ass fucking battle throughout the city fighting off this machine and getting doctors and all type of shit involved they defeat the machine and basically they find out that they're gonna keep sending these machines throughout time to try to eliminate her or prevent her son or her lineage from being born because they're trying to eventually kill Neo is it immoral for her not to just kill herself? not necessarily because when Neo dies then that's like the end of all well not so much from what you're talking about, I'm just saying I think it's immoral because that means that's like that would be the end of all this slaughter the end of humanity because now the person that's gonna be prophesied to be born the lineage is gone without her I mean and that's if all the theory like you're saying but I'm talking about strictly for the Terminator like I said I've never seen it but you're telling me that she knows that the storyline is that her son is gonna be prophesied to end them in the future yeah so she knows that they assume that her son is gonna be the one that defeats the machines in the future so she's trying to survive so she can give birth to her son and even after she gives birth to her son the next Terminator is about how she gives him up for adoption and he's being raised by his foster parents and that's the one where all the sorcery niggas come back and be like basically protecting him from that silver police officer guy, you know what I'm saying and he's riding on a motorcycle and you know what I'm saying, John Connor is like this little teenage brat on a moped and he's like up to no good in the town ripping off arcades and shit like that and then he basically gets him and almost kills him and then they go on while he's chasing trying to survive and he ends up killing him again and then it's like on some they told him like yeah you're gonna be the leader of the resistance in the future you're gonna be alive type shit to basically defeat Skynet Skynet is like the Tesla the fucking Elon Musk company, the Skynet you know what I'm saying, and then they basically are gonna take over like everything and you know everything is gonna have a Skynet chip in it in the future and then eventually the machine is gonna... hey yo, hey yo you know what I'm saying, and then like in the future the humans are also like the in this modern Terminator movie the humans are like the more modern day one is like the taking a step into the present and how the machines are like ravaging the earth and humans are like being hunted and shit like that and there's like a whole resistance they're living underground and fighting back that's like a little little tip to let you know that that's like the beginning of how the Matrix civilization started they're already living underground in that Terminator movie and then if you're above ground you're just being hunted by these drones and shit flying all around, i.e. those little flying little shits that are in Matrix like the little funny bros yeah, so it's like now instead of searching for them above ground they just start searching for them underground they're living in these pockets of shit underground but you know that would let you know that the story is bigger than John Connor because John Connor ended up being a Terminator they killed the original John Connor and they infected him with some little nanites and shit like that and he was being controlled by Skynet so that's how you realize it's not about John Connor it's about John Connor giving birth to Neo and that's how they broke Neo out, that's how they the one and shit, they were searching for the one you know what I'm saying? all this crazy shit yeah, I'm gonna watch that shit too when's the first one came out? the 80's this is a good movie for that time what's the best movie of all time? shit, all the time that's crazy it gotta be something that's connected to some real shit for me it can't just be some theatrical it can't be some sci-fi shit I'm about to say that shit it can't be some bullshit I'm about to tell you the production cost, does that matter? whatever standards you gotta do to culminate into one best movie ever I would say this is my top 5 top 5, alright the Avatar series the Aliens you can bunch them all up here the Matrix ok the Terminator really? I gotta watch this shit then what's that, 4? you got 4 Fast and the Furious up until Fast and Furious like after Fast Fast and Furious 6 I would say 5 it was done after 5 Fast and Furious is when they started doing the impossible type shit like John Connor Toretto and Brian that storyline coming back to LA going back to being at VIH and Dom coming home and breaking his little run from the police trying to figure out what happened to Letty that was like the last real this is a Fast and Furious story that was 4 right? yeah Raga and shit you know what I'm saying that was like the last we gonna keep this just about far and some local type shit it grew into some border crossing type shit but that can happen in LA and California so I could have believed that but like Fast 5 we're breaking into banks it got a little wild I felt it was feisty enough cause everything after that got super I felt like that was the beginning of the downfall cause like Fast and Furious 6 was like on some Mr. Nobody we got this unbelievable budget well Mr. Nobody wasn't there it was The Rock The Rock gave them this crazy budget they started chasing Owen Shaw and shit you know what I'm saying we got tanks on highways we got collector cars we driving collector cars in a high speed chain like come on bro hit em real quick Fast 5 together movie Fast 5 I would say the Harry Potter series there we go I was like how we skip the potters that shit was magical as fuck I remember I remember bro I wanted to go there I would say the transformers like after the dark moon is when it starts to get shaped like dark moon whatever um I would say yeah yeah uh I kind of like the Mission Impossible I definitely like that that's another one unpopular opinion I've never seen that shit I saw the very first one they get better after like the third one that's when it starts to kind of like the graphics kick up to like the story line I'll check it out alright um I think I want to get a little serious not too much sci-fi I mean I like the for some reason the blind side kind of gets to me I respect it y'all gonna find my list a little interesting um my fifth one man um damn I don't know about many people know about this one but the bridge of terabithia or some shit like that oh hell yeah I wouldn't consider that top five though it's like yeah it's more iconic for me the thousand will carry the thousand will carry for sure that's my five I would say in no particular order I got an order in my head but I ain't trying to cause no controversy top five Forrest Gump is my mother fucking favorite Forrest Gump Chris Nolan Batman so the three or Christian Bale Batman I should say I still feel like we haven't seen the best Batman movie you don't think the one with the Joker I like the newest one that's the best one out of all of them no not the new one that's still the best Batman movie but I still get to have feel like we got the best I feel like we haven't really got that rated R Batman movie it's just not grimy enough I guess I wanna see like Batman in today's put Batman on power type shit you know what I'm saying Caden and Batman in the alleyway okay Batman I gotta throw Harry Potter that was definitely in my shit Spirited Away bro why did I not think about that bro Spirited Away why did I not think about that bro that's a classic I'll never let up on that except for nigga Oink any time it was a field trip and you was the kid that didn't go niggas was watching Remember the Titans bro strong side oh my strong side it killed me dude that shit was definitely good yeah man I love the simplicity bro I try to live my life like that to a degree where like when shit gets too heavy and I'm trying to figure everything out that boy Forza was figuring shit out he was at the army camp by accident yeah I guess you signed up for this or no he got recruited but he didn't give a fuck he didn't have no plans he was the fastest motherfucker in the city on football even that he was fast because it made sense it wasn't like he wanted to be the fastest motherfucker he was like bro she told me to run not even that I'm getting beat up because she told me to run in this moment now I'm running sure I got a plan for life but like when shit gets too heavy I'm like man fuck it what would Forza do bro and I just start looking around and follow the wind bro just go with the flow I'm like I'm kind of ready for that if the vibe is right you doing the right thing the energy is going to let you know where you supposed to be everything is going to start lining up shit is going to start happening good start to flow for you but it's really just you being in the right place where you meant to be where your purpose is and I feel like the universe is divine if you get out of the way and shut your mouth it will carry you it will literally take you where you need to be perfect example is being out here just stop trying to do this and do that and then we found this house on an acre and a quarter it's a little fucking stream back there you feel me it's just when you get out of the way but anyway I was just wondering what y'all top 5 was I wish I thought about it I'm surprised I didn't saw no anime movies in there man that's what when you said that I was like oh shit I watch a lot of anime we can run it back to top animes top animes oh see nah but if it's top animes if we go to top animes you gotta name one and I know it's controversial and I know that's hard I'm disputing for you ok you go Mike that one for real you have to sit on that one jeez that one is crazy for me it gotta be one piece why because I'm actually it's the longest anime I ever kept up with I have never kept up with any other anime as long and I was a part of this I was a part of the naruto shonen I was a part of that I was a kid when it came out I read the manga first when it wasn't on tv I still have the first manga I got you know that's how I found out about one piece through the manga I found out about one piece, bleach and all that shit through the shonen jump manga it was because of naruto I got it but naruto was I guess when it turned into boruto it wasn't as impactful as it was for me no more by then I was already following one piece facebook I was watching one piece as it was airing in dub for a while for a couple hours and then when they started doing the subs I was like bro I gotta watch all of it they had a lot of it already backlogged until I got caught up ever since I got caught up I've been watching it weekend to weekend one piece got a special spot in my heart as I was learning to tattoo I just need background noise so I let one piece do the background noise I got sucked into that shit I watched all of it I remember you was watching that shit I could never start that shit tell them I've been watching one piece forever how old are you now? 30 it started to sink in but that's not my top one for me it would be attack on titan I'm popular I do not fuck with that shit you gotta get into it I watched all of it I have not watched the last two movies it's that deep for me the reason why I would say that it touched on a lot of things going on in today's life politically spiritual conversations society conversations deception espionage brainwashing all kinds of shit it's more so I just found out the map of attack on titan is actually the map we have now but it's upside down the island they're on is supposed to be madagascar it was supposed to be a real thing where jews actually go there they were supposed to put jews inside of madagascar that's why I like it so much it's got a lot of things going on for now you can even say that it steps on what black people went through too so I think attack on titan also even when I first watched it I didn't watch it for the message I would say I watched it for the animation the fighting scenes that's what kept me at first but then I just fell off but yeah re-watching it and actually listening to what they were going through the first episode it gets you these kids are talking about what is really going on the first episode is so crazy it's talking about how all the adults are going on all the adults are actually bro bro for them three kids to realize there needs to be a change and this is not ok and all the adults are like you're stupid for thinking this way literally now these three kids grown ass adults and they realize why are you kids trying to change shit and it's like the length that they're going through and the maturity and the growing up you have to go through to even get to the position to make the small changes they're making they're realizing maybe I was a little too harsh on the adults in the past the loss that they're going through the pain that they're going through I do fuck with shit that got a deeper meaning especially when it comes to anime shit can't be so straight forward top 10 in character development top 5 I would say easily shit for me honorable mention and I know a lot of people be like Hunter x Hunter was my favorite I fuck with the simplicity of it I fuck with the different powers and shit like that and just how they develop people I think they got the best art the best up and downs ever I fuck with other shows where for example One Piece the central core is there the whole time no matter what they're going for they're trying to get stronger it's like Karateka art the exams art and they don't necessarily fit together I fuck with that but I gotta say Naruto bro only because you grew up with them I say that's the best character development I fuck with Naruto Naruto is on my top 5 list who winning in a fight? wait wait wait let me keep my top 5 One Piece Naruto Toriko Toriko which is about this dude it's like a world of food gourmet food I remember that that shit was nice Toriko was my shit Hunter x Hunter is definitely my shit but the Fate series Fate series oh with the 8 Karateka shit that shit was cool as fuck Fate series is about the Holy Grail the Holy Grail Wars and their summoning oh this is a separate show I thought y'all was talking about art no I'm talking about One Piece Naruto and what did I say Hunter x Hunter Toriko and then the Fate series but the Fate series not all of them but the first couple of them like Shisou Kira the the orphan kid the orphan kid you talking about the dude that had his own powers I think that's the second one that's the second one the first one the girl that's in the second one she's a kid in the first one they keep getting reincarnated but it's like the second one was dope for me the whole time when I was discovering the Fate series I was like so the masters don't fight and then his foster dad fought I was like yo your dad was fighting these motherfuckers son you need to fight these motherfuckers towards the end sure enough he was like yo I'm going to get a feel of myself and I'm going to fight myself that's crazy legendary heroes like Gilgamesh and Hercules all of them Arthur you might see Merlin all type of legendary heroes I think I remember you was watching that but I was probably doing some shit and it was just in the room they summon different classes so it's caster warrior assassin knight mage archer you know what I'm saying you basically represent a different hero and when you win the gorilla pairs itself to you and you can wish for a wish but there's always a drawback after the wish whatever the wish is the drawback is going to be on some genius shit like it's always an underlying it's dope but it's crazy back story to a lot of the characters is dope but top 5 Fate series in that order too yeah hunter x hunter was definitely holding it down what you got bro shit for me number 1 would be attack on titans then after that I'm going over so black clover for sure for me black clover black clover is my shit it's dope I know you don't like it like that like I said the battle themes a lot more dramatic than the African design but it's still cool I mean of course Vinland Saga ah nigga I was like why y'all don't say Vinland Saga that shit nice bro so that's the 3 and it's not fair to put it but I'm going to put JJK why it's not fair it just came out and they already up here they already in a conversation why not we talking about anime that had years that's why I didn't say Vinland Saga it just popped out so I'm going with season 1 season 1 has been out for a bit it's been out but that's like saying that Seth Meyers and Reggie Miller be done Bleach would have been bro I don't watch Bleach but I know bro I see some clips that shit hard and I agree Bleach got certified but overall that shit is not that good it's all over the place I did see one roast that was valid as fuck the explanation of my battle power and how my powers work to my opponent every time I fight an opponent is just I don't even understand what that means they literally have these breakdowns of their power to their opponent before the fight and every single character does this every single antagonist will do the breakdown and this is what I'm doing to you and you can't stop me and then 2 minutes later they figure it out and win I'm going to give my thoughts but first you finish and then I'll give my thoughts but I want to know the very worst anime you've ever seen damn now I'm going to pick up what you said the fifth one would be Hunter x Hunter and the reason why I would say that is because in the beginning you would think Gon has this humanity Kii Lua doesn't and towards the end it's vice versa and that's what I love Kii Lua is trying to bring him back he's losing and shit I love it for what it is bro really was going through it Gon was really going through it he was really squelching that shit so that's why I'm like that's what I'm saying I hope he gets his ninja powers back that's going to be the next adventure on how to get his ninja powers back I'm hearing that he's going to the next Karateka school what? I didn't even know they were bringing that shit back he do have a drop off in the storyline after this shit after the little agency shit that he was doing with his bodyguard I didn't even know they were bringing it back I'm happy to hear that he's supposed to be going to that island that everybody after Netero died it became legal to actually go there it became legal or no one is actually going to stop him to go because Netero is really the person to say y'all can't go to that island it's that dangerous even if you go in the hunter x hunter universe they wouldn't even survive on that island so that's supposed to be the next arc is it chimera and island? no even the chimeras can't even survive on this island I'm trying to figure out who's going after Nemeru who? the king he's dead how'd he die? I think he like off himself or something so um bro he did that flower bomb but he survived that no he died bro that bomb is supposed to kill anybody and everything so even though he did survive he didn't die he falls in love with the girl he says humanity is real bro I'm telling you I remember I watched that fight bro Netero versus I watched that fight Neteru you're right I know exactly what you're talking about but literally remember the ladies Gungi or whatever and the ladies was watching them play Gungi to their last battle to their last fight you can literally see on his eyes cover up her eyes literally she starts tearing up because they died so they died playing that game literally in the game this is when she was playing Gungi are you saying like the damage he took from that battle was like not enough to come back from that bomb literally killed everything because it leaves like a deadly cell in you so if you survive that bomb you're still going to die he died by poison that was poison by Netero which was the bomb and it was contagious so Gungi died too and she didn't even care she was going to die anyway and she loved it alright top 5 Naruto, Monster X Monster Vinland Saga I don't even care I don't even care next Parasite Parasite they jib me on another season I love a short anime I love a short anime don't jib me on the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story the rest of the story I fuck with One Piece a lot I'm not like other niggas because I also feel like they stretch it out for way too long the thing is there's a secret to One Piece that a lot of people don't know about the storyline is written only in the manga the TV series is for entertainment so there's a lot of stuff in there that don't stretch out yeah a lot of killers a lot of episodes the secret is you have to read it if you just want to get all that shit out of the way and stick to the storyline in timeline they release it all at the same time but the manga is already like a bunch of episodes ahead of the actual TV show I might get into that but that's my shit in that order I was told my shit in that order I was told my shit in that order I fuck with the art form I fuck with different aspects but anyway all that shit the very worst one that you've ever fucking seen that's gonna be a hard one the worst worst shit that you've ever seen like the first episode like yeah this ain't it if it happened that quick it was some gay shit no I did not I told you about it I'm not a homophobe I'm not a homophobe or nothing like that but it was just such a random ass anime just in general I just feel like the writers threw the gay shit in there I felt like he was ripping off cyberpunk what is this show? I don't even know what it's called I know exactly what you're talking about literally their first episode was like two guys running on some type of I think some horse thingy or whatever a carriage or whatever they were running on that shit and they were getting chased and then all of a sudden before you started before you started seeing that running they had like a scene where the bullets go slow mo and them niggas embrace each other and start kissing and shooting back at the same time nah it was on some like it was something like that but it literally even before that even happened you see some slight things like bro hold on nah this can't be it so when that happened it still came out of nowhere because like bro the body gestures and the way they're drawing the way they're moving it's like yo this hella sus it's like yo this is some bizarre shit like the way these ass niggas moving and then they hit the shit and then like you know what I'm saying they go into like this little I don't know like the cargo split between two cops and they get shot at these niggas just fucking bend buddy over bend buddy over and shit listen deep in his eye he got the other gun he busts it back into police and he just goes kissing buddy and I'm talking about dudes look like Hulk Hogan like one dude look like Hulk Hogan and then the other he like a cyborg oh shit I need to one punch man in there ok one punch man I'm saying I'm putting it on my top five my bad but yeah dudes just fucking kiss Hulk Hogan but the dude that kiss Hulk Hogan look like a damn cyborg it was weird as shit I was like yo that was the fuck I told him I told him about it I didn't even say check that shit out I didn't even say check that shit out I told him about it I was like bro I just watch this shit like this and then literally he told me bro I think I just the same shit you talking about and I was like bro yeah he won't come back telling me bro I don't know what you be on bro I don't know what you be on I ain't even put you on to that who the clown nigga from up there he's so good he's so good yeah he was like I want to taste you I was like alright next episode I get what's going on he's so good I don't know he's a damn clown for sure but at the same time his skill set and shit is cool they just added that sus ass shit and it's not the overall show I think he just I think he just he's a pedophile more than the pedophilia and the pervert he has a thirst for real power it's a thirst for power it's a desire to see human interact the way he want it was an episode where he's at the tower where he takes off his spider tattoo where the girl is analyzing his personality type she's like breaking down and he just gets kicked off of seeing people go through certain human emotions like anxiety and depression niggas manipulating it from behind the scenes like he gets joy from it worst one for me that I actually had to turn this shit off not so much because of anything I just think it was a stupid ass fucking show and it's really two of them Devilman, Crybaby if you ever seen it I was like what the fuck is this I got to the end and the whole time I was like what the fuck I gotta take mine back Devilman, Crybaby and Beastars if y'all ever watched that shit Beastars is hella weird it had potential but I was like yo what is this who is this for both of them was just like the coolest shit I've ever seen and for the production quality to be so strong on Beastars I was like y'all really dropped the ball y'all could've done something with this shit so fine I gotta say it don't piss some people off just for me when you just said Devilman, Crybaby I just remembered the experience of watching it animated and I gave it the whole 100% try because niggas was trying to tell me how great it was damn I don't think I ever seen this it's too much watch it but it's too much don't listen to him it's too much it's the worst thing I've sat through it ain't that bad look at his face it's bad but I don't know it's too much that's not something you put on with your grandma in the room I wouldn't say that's the worst thing I've ever seen you can watch it with your mom even if it's a little crazy as long as you're watching it with your girl don't put that shit on hold on it's called Berserker I had the nerve to fucking revamp this shit and remaster it and put it back out again I think it was you're talking about a certain arc I know exactly what you're talking about it's a little bit I don't know it's a lot going on it's a lot happening I'm mad I sat through that and then the next season came out I'm like nah I'm not watching it anymore I'm saying is it just satanic it's not just satanic it has an arc where it's satanic but at the beginning you think he's just a strong ass part you really think you're watching an underdog story for a while like on some Vinland Saga that shit goes left nah for real that shit goes all the way left I wanted it to not really be like it when you try to follow it through and see it through and you realize this is where it's just going to be even the next season he's just how they left Buddy this is just where this is this is what we're watching where are you in it I'm actually on the new season fucking walking around not being able to sleep with the curse he got one arm and shit screw it bro this nigga don't sleep bro with screw it bro it's like any man worst it can't even be the worst nightmare I don't wish it on nobody I wouldn't even wish it on my enemies I wish you to die before I wish this on you I will tell you my popular opinion I don't fuck with My Hero I think it's drawn out I fuck with My Hero I don't fuck with it as like top 10 not top 10 for sure it's alright but the way people kind of boost that shit I'm like it's not there I feel like it's for the kids it's for the kids and to be put in the category with all these other great shows I'm kind of like dial it back but anyway we're going to find a little closing point because this shit is running for an hour we got some editing to do this shit was fucking cool drop the IG where they can find it I don't know how to change my Instagram tag name but it's AlexHoney1061874 there ain't nothing wrong with that be yourself my guy if y'all want to tag me check out brandedo that's brandedo and if you want to just see what I got going on it's bigbody.dev anyway bro we outside it's getting a little chilly y'all see over the course of this that the sun has been going down the sun is getting real low big fella so I'm going to call it man y'all check us out next week peace I don't know if I took them headphones off I feel like I'm back to the real world but now that berserker shit I gotta see y'all who did you say devilman crybaby I thought about berserker I was like devilman crybaby is not as pretty it's worse devilman crybaby is like on a scale of 1 to 10 compared to berserker that's like a 3 which one? devilman crybaby compared to berserker I think devilman crybaby is worse than berserker what? yes bro you got aliens fucking each other no bro these are monsters why do you need to be fucking like that bro it wasn't that like for me you said hit what

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