This audio, titled "Oils Door", begins with the distinct creaking of a door, conjuring an image of an old, worn-out entrance. The groaning hinges suggest a door that has seen better days, perhaps a forgotten doorway in a neglected house. There is a slight echo, indicating a large, possibly vacant space on the other side. Then, there is a shift in the audio - a soft, slick sound, like the smooth pouring of a liquid. This is the sound of oil being applied, a clear effort to lubricate the rusty, complaining hinges. The audio creates a vivid picture of care and maintenance, a desire to restore functionality and ease to the struggling door. Soon after the oiling, the door is put to the test. The moment of truth arrives with the sound of the door closing. The audio paints a picture of a door being shut with a certain degree of force, but this time, there is a notable lack of the earlier creaking.