The audio titled "Closed Book" initiates in the serene ambiance of Universidad Europea in Madrid. It begins with the soft rustle of turning pages, painting a vivid soundscape of a bustling library in the heart of the university. The recorded sound subtly encapsulates the essence of a typical day in this academic hub, bustling with students engrossed in their books, eager to delve into realms of knowledge. The audio, carefully curated with an undertone of tranquility, imitates the rhythm of a closed book, with its secrets waiting to be unveiled. The symbolic representation of a 'closed book' resonates with the innate mystery and allure of acquiring knowledge, a process as fascinating as uncovering a book's secrets. As the audio progresses, it incorporates the distant murmur of students discussing their subjects, their voices a soft echo that adds to the library's vibrant soundscape. The soundtrack encapsulates the essence of a dynamic educational environment, beautifully intertwined w