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cover of Joe Biden's 'Look Fat' Comment - Audio File 078082.mp3
Joe Biden's 'Look Fat' Comment - Audio File 078082.mp3

Joe Biden's 'Look Fat' Comment - Audio File 078082.mp3


This audio file begins with the distinctive voice of Joe Biden, a notable political figure, engaging in a conversation. His voice is strong, authoritative yet imbued with a touch of friendliness. The sound effects in the background hint at a public gathering or event, likely a campaign rally or town hall meeting. In the course of his speech, Biden makes a controversial comment where he refers to someone indirectly as 'fat.' His tone is firm and assertive, suggesting a possible heated exchange or debate. The comment is brief and it's sandwiched between his other statements, making it a standout moment in the audio. The crowd's reaction can be heard in the background, indicating a mixed response to his comment. The audio concludes with Biden continuing his speech, his voice remaining steady amidst the reactions his comment elicited.

Sound Effectsjoe bidenvoicesfx

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