Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The morning show host, Warren, shares some hate mail from listeners. One person complains that the weather report is not given, while another wants less talking and more music. Lastly, a listener is upset that Warren made fun of their favorite song, but Warren apologizes and promises to play it for them. It is the morning show with Warren, hello there and good morning to you. My name is Warren, of course. And it is the end of the show, the saddest part of my day, and time for one last segment that we like to call the hate mail of the month. Now it's actually incredibly rare we actually get to do this segment because most people seem very happy with the show. It's actually fairly rare we get a complaint, maybe one or two per month on a bad month, maybe like three. It's got to be some sort of industry record, I got to put that on my LinkedIn profile somewhere. But like with anything, there's always going to be some big complainer out there who has some sort of issue with you. And today we're going to find out who those people are, what they have an issue with, and get to read some of their feedback. So I have a funny feeling I'm going to need my world's smallest violin music queued up. So let's get that going real quick as we read this letter from Cynthia. So Cynthia writes in, we need to talk about this morning show. It's just not the same anymore. The man you have on in the morning now never actually gives a weather report. I want to start my day knowing what the temperature is, the dew point is, the wind speed and the rainfall are. Instead I get pranked phone calls, stupid jokes, and segments that he clearly thinks are funny. Newsflash. They aren't. Cynthia. Sick burn. And why isn't there a newscast anymore? By the way Cynthia, just so you know, there is a dedicated newscast each and every hour. I promise I don't say a word while it's happening. That's how I know you're not an actual listener of the show because you don't know that. So I'm going to throw out your letter. I don't think your opinion here is actually valid. The second letter comes from Jack. Jack writes in, I like your show, but what's with all the talking? I want more music and less talking. Haven't you heard that talk is cheap? Jack, I have heard that actually and that's why I'm only going to charge you 25 cents for this broadcast. So lucky for you, you probably have that in pocket change. And our last letter of the day comes from M, just E-M. And they write in, I am so upset right now. You made fun of my favorite song yesterday and that is not okay. For all my life I've been a fan of the Chainsmokers and I love the song Closer. And then when Warren, in quotation marks, decides he's going to make fun of it, it makes me really upset. He even said he's going to stop playing it because it's driving him crazy. That is so mean. The Chainsmokers are billionaires. She means billionaires. They know what real music sounds like. Warren doesn't know what real music is. How dare you? How dare I? How dare you? You ruined my favorite song. M, I just want to say something right now. I want to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Closer is your favorite song. Maybe someday you can hear a different song and that can be your favorite song instead. But just for you, I'm going to play Closer by the Chainsmokers. I will see you tomorrow, okay?