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The Spark (Jada Stone)

The Spark (Jada Stone)

Vocal VignetteVocal Vignette



We discuss one of our faves coming out Wrestlemania weekend in Philly. Jada Stone immediately jumped off the page for us and we couldn't stop raving about her. Tune into what we had to say about this definite star in the making.

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The Vocal Vignette podcast discusses the rising star, Jada Stone, who impressed them with her presence and athleticism in the wrestling industry. At only 20 or 21 years old, she has already gained recognition and respect from top wrestlers. Her confidence and daring moves make her stand out, and her passion for wrestling is evident. She is predicted to become a significant force in the industry. Welcome to the Vocal Vignette podcast. We are back. We are doing a double shift tonight. Our early episode we definitely did your boy Chuck Taylor. So this episode we wanted to cover someone we saw in Philly when we were there for WrestleMania weekend and that is the Spark Jada Stone and she literally is a true spark. Just so young, so lively, just ready to get at it in the industry. Yeah, she was fun to see. She was very fun to see WrestleMania weekend. Yeah, Jada is I believe only 20 or 21 years old and she immediately impressed me with a lot of different things. I think the biggest thing first of all is like she has great presence and that's not easy to have on any level, age or profession or anything. So the fact that you know she came out, it wasn't as apparent for the GCW show because I feel like the space that they got to work. She was in a six-woman scramble so she didn't have as much room but she was on one-on-one with a Zadaia Steele I believe it was at the SVW show the day after and she had very good presence, took the man, she spoke a bit on the mic, you know she called her spots, she did what she had to do and that's not easy to do at any age but 20 years old. It's incredible stuff. Yeah, she was working during Mania weekend like I definitely saw like in her stories on Instagram and stuff like she's doing quite quite a few matches. We saw her twice luckily like I remember we went to the, shout out to Suparts Vintage Wrestling in Philadelphia but we, I remember like we just wanted to go. I didn't, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know the lineup. I just was like let me, let's go. It was a free show. Yeah, they're really wrestling outside in the middle of South Street so it was perfect and then I was pleasantly surprised like oh yeah we saw her, we literally saw her last night. So it was nice to see her again. Bring it. She's so athletic. She's so athletic. She's a, she's like a pocket rocket like Ellie Ann Frazier like pocket rocket type like and the spark like really makes sense like it makes sense for her personality and on top of that her, how she's in the ring. She really does have explosive movements in the ring and you know you can rely, you're that young, rely, do all the flips you can and do all that. She has her corkscrew that she does. Yeah. Which is really great but she's really, like she's, I know she's training and she's come, she's come far very quickly because she's only been wrestling for what two years, two and a half years? I think according to Cage Match I was seeing her earliest work was in like 2022 and that's incredible to see because first of all you're working three times in three days maybe a week and like that's unreal and like you keep talking about her age, her age but it's not just her age it's also the experience level like you know she's so new to the business and she's immediately like on the level and people are trusting her obviously. She's with a lot of people who've been in the business for a minute. I mean think about like you say she's been wrestling this short amount of time and to be even sort of in, in, in the cycle of Mania Weekend period. Yeah just to even get in that area. There's so many people obviously that they want, they want to be there, they want to wrestle wherever they are wrestling, whatever indies are going on and she's already, she's already there. Yeah and it's such a massive platform and we were looking through her Instagram and she has immediately gotten face time with like some of the biggest people in the business. Right. Who we just talked about on our Bull McConnell episode. Naomi, Bayley, Mercedes. These are people who are at the very pinnacle of North American women's wrestling and they not only recognize Jada but they have a lot of respect for her. Well Jada is a super fan of Mercedes and Bayley. They see her. Yeah they see her but that isn't like she really like that's one thing I do like about her like she really put herself out there like this. She's like fuck it. It's my passion. I'm gonna do this. I want to do this um and that's admirable like to be that young and just be like and especially like just a young black girl. It's like fuck it. I'm gonna go for it but this is essentially what we have now obviously for some and maybe Naomi but for a lot of people Mercedes opened that door but for a lot of black girls like Mercedes really like it kicked that door open to let have them come in and obviously when you have Bianca and Jade and now you just see the influx of young black girls who are like I want to wrestle too like I want to be there too so it looks it looks great um and she's she's definitely going to be a large a large footnote in this industry as she gets more reps and gets more time but she's just in TNA. Yes she just had that match with Ash Vialigans formerly known as Dana Brooke and I love the way that they did a presentation because she came out there she had her entrance she hit her spots on cam and like she looked like she was really like ready. Yeah she looks it's different now too because I feel like with so many sports now um the younger generation there's just more things to watch so like you can get more when you're younger you know what I mean it's like it for instance like basketball now like you have all these trainings that you can watch like at 11 12 years old so by the time you're 14 years old you have all these moves that like if this were 15 years ago like you'd probably be learning at like 20 years old or some shit or just as you're going into the NBA like there's so much knowledge beforehand like think of any like recovery like taking care of your body I think of people who are just doing all these like because Jada is a high flyer she gets up there she moves quick like think of all like the information that there is now on how to have longevity and like and like recovery and your body and stuff like that so it's all a benefit to her. She gets incredible lift really really incredible the way she comes off the rope yeah like really leverages her weight incredibly the next thing about too and and I like the way you said it is like when we were at like NXT Brooklyn it was during the black and gold era of NXT and that was when women's wrestling on the North American level was becoming more available on TV so well that's the yeah that's the uh Sasha and Bailey main event so so then when you look forward now like it is absolutely true that people like Jada are now like the really biggest benefactors of that change and availability is because now there's such a deep well of um inspirations and contemporary pieces of wrestling that are women-centric or are women-focused that that people like her can draw from now um for you as a women's wrestling fan and as a woman when you see a talent like Jada what stands out like as far as her traits that I feel like that you feel or maybe that I would miss as a male fan that like you see a standout point something that we need to hone in on and appreciate I mean right now it's just her confidence like that's so high like her confidence is real like from what we saw during Mania weekend I maybe that's because she was just happy to be there thrilled but whatever may be super super confident seemed really comfortable and then it it translates to how you do your moves and like I said she's a high flyer and she's so young so it's like you know what I mean and as you like progress like it's not these are the first times like she's in um this in front of this many people so she she just has an incredible presence and the confidence so right there all of right there is great and then I just think her moves and the she's daring with the willingness to do corkscrew and all that stuff like I think she's she's definitely gonna add more to her package like that's the thing too that I'm excited about yeah like there's so much to add because she's dynamic and her size benefits her because she she's a dynamic she is like sort of a Roxanne Perez type build she was trying to do a lot of different stuff she did punches she did kicks she died corner stuff top rope right she did inside top to outside she's everywhere yeah yeah she really is she and and that that's promising and I really just love the entire energy she had around so much stuff she was doing because it really was apparent like she you know she understood her place on the card she was like this is me it's about me it's about getting all my shit in putting on a good match um honestly like you see people whether it's AW or WWE like it's weird because you I feel like when you see people debut there's a lot of common circumstance you just get to see somebody like work their shit out you know very sincerely I had never heard of Jada before we got into Philly you know we bought the tickets to GCW and then we started going for our weekend and then we were at the show when we saw her I was like oh shit like there's a couple people in this that match because um Keanu James was in it too and I really like her yeah Keanu James is awesome yeah and I was like yeah these girls are fucking working like they're working um and then we saw Jada the next day and then we see uh Jada on Bayley's shirt and I'm like wow like you immediate you you there is so much to appreciate they are all at once I mean she's she's a star like she is a star like to have to be put on like this so quick in the game by someone like Bayley but then like I said earlier getting attention for Mania weekend already like you are a star like she's she's gonna be one that we're gonna have to in about three months it's shit not even three if that in a year like if she would she we're gonna have to reckon with her like she's she's a problem in the making a good problem she's a good problem yeah yeah but she's like she's a problem in the making and the talent it just it just oozes out of her and then she has the passion for it like wrestling is not no bullshit to her she's in it I I was saying this when we were looking at um you know Annabelle had shared some matches of hers with me and I was like trying to figure it out and I was like you know it's weird because like you you see people on indies all the time and there's no real circumstance or pomp or whatever you know sometimes go to the bigger shows like when we're going to House of Glory we'll be like mid-angle right so we'll catch certain threads of stuff but when we were looking at their title match wrestling stuff and they are shooting angles on those shows and like every segment she's in it was weird because without even knowing what's happening in the segment like she is helping dictate the pace of the segment and it's like you know I don't know what's happening inherently in the content but I can tell she's important to it and that's it's not easy to do it's not easy to do and just to have that just be that aware of that young you know what I mean it's so weird like it sounds weird I'm about to say but like when you're watching like Tough Enough or even like NXT like we're watching yeah we're watching NXT in the background like NXT and it's just like seeing like if you were to drop her in there right now yeah no I think she would do well on the generation of NXT she'd do very well she would immediately be able to faction up and like get in line with stuff get segments right she could keep up that's what's really great about her and I feel like it's so emboldened when you get good like it stands out immediately like she can just believably be on the mic like just get on it I know yeah she really can um I think right now it's just a process of growing and seeing what you can do and then working in front of bigger crowds because obviously bigger crowds is different type of psychology different type of ways you want to hit your moves and do your moves and pacing and all that stuff so really it's just more of her just getting all that under her belt and then once but once she does that it's on I mean she's automatic right now to me so like fuck it just throw her you know put it put her in Toronto and money in the bank yeah you just do that um but I think it's it's so wonderful seeing uh someone so happy um to be chasing their dreams and clearly in love with it because I feel like so much of wrestling now and the commentary it's just all so annoying and it's just people just don't obviously the wrestlers love it and because they do it and they put their bodies through beating um but it's just something with her at least it's like because she's so new and it's so it's like I haven't seen someone like on the indies that new and that's coming into the game and it's you know it's like she's a fetus and it's like oh my god like it's so it's so cute and it's before that like she's obviously in the in industry but before like you know you can tell she has the bug though like the same way we love the business like I can't imagine how much she loves the business yeah because you know it's one thing to be where we are but then when you get to that level where like you're just going for it and you know like where we're staying like we're seeing the type of people she's with um via her instagram but also just the caliber of the people she's also working with during these shows that we saw she's on television now she's raising her profile we've you know cagematch.com such a great resource for everybody who loves wrestling I'm looking at her 2024 18 matches so far this year 17 promotions good the right the depth that you have to achieve to have a lineup like that and it's it's it's the biggest in the business nwa and new japan gcw tna I mean it's everybody but you know wwe and aw but I'm sure that she's very much on those people's radar I mean she's I'm sure Bailey was like yeah you know I know Bailey's hand yeah I'm saying come on she's she's it's not very she's on the radar yeah she's she is on the radar she put herself on the map and she's like in in a year or so she's she's going to be signed somewhere yeah like she's going to be signed somewhere and we're going to see her way more consistently on a television show somewhere um that being said though and you asked me this the last couple episodes you did but I should ask you this knowing what you know about the space now and what you know about jada who would you like to see her wrestle that's like out there right now after because I think she has a she still has growth I I what I would like to see when she gets all that done I would like to see her uh on a more heel side too like if she can if she can establish a mean streak because right now you know it's all flips and all that stuff but I'd like to see if there could be a more cerebral element you know a little a little more mean streak type to her so that's one thing like later later on I'd love to see but matches right now I feel like the obvious ones are obviously Mercedes and Bailey just because those are her heroes you know what though she's she's still green compared to this person but I'd love to see her in EO EO Sky even though she's still green but that'd be a good her heel would be real like it's a nice her and Kyrie would be very good I don't know about that that'd be that'd be an odd pacing that'd be an odd pace like I think her it's fast though they're both fast but I think her and EO Kyrie's Kyrie's a little fast but EO is quick yeah EO is quick and more fluid that's true more fluid like her and yeah I don't I'm not sure her and her styles with Kyrie was I mean they would make it find a way to make it work I don't think I think it would be a real like firecracker yeah yeah her a lot of shit her her EO I I would like to see her and Shayna just to see if she could bring a different type of game like that'd be interesting like to see like a little a little Mac game to see if we can get that going yeah um I'd like to that'd be interesting um overall let's see let me try to get on the AEW side just to I would say just while you're thinking somebody that I think she would do well with was Alexa I think her and Alexa would have a real yeah like that would be like a hot survivor series like in the middle of a five-on-five they just have three minutes where they just like put that shit on that'd be good I would say her it'd be evenly matched but I think her in like a sky blue yeah whoa like that'd be that'd be they do a lot of like in the middle of the ring flips yeah they're they're they're even I feel like they're evenly yoked a little bit in terms of yeah you know getting obviously Sky is on AEW but like you know just getting more reps and all that stuff I feel like that that'd be good yeah Sky is still in that phase I think Jada with how it's more of a testament to how much Jada has obviously taken the steps right where she's on the level of people like Sky Blue who even as young as they are they're on TV right where Jada's right right behind so I think that'd right right behind so I think that'd be nice and then who else on the AEW dev side like I want someone who's like I guess in Mercedes would obviously she'd go for that but I think Sky would be great like yeah but I think that's I'm not sure I don't know I don't know about that one um I would like to see like even her with Willow would be nice. Willow would be a good match. Willow can move. Willow's just been on fire yeah she can go she can go and then do all that but her and Chris would be not bad either. Chris has power. I mean Willow has power too but like um but yeah I think I would like to see like obviously her Mercedes but her and Sky Blue I feel like that's that's that would be really good I like that's an evenly yoked the the I contend though Jada Stone versus Alexa Bliss would yeah that'd be great that that'd be awesome um yeah but that was we're just admiring Jada Stone I think she's incredible and I cannot wait to see what she does in the business um I'm a fan of hers I'm definitely gonna see if I can get any merch get anything of hers and support her sparks they definitely the spark um and I'm just excited to see her journey within this wrestling industry so you know hopefully she listens to this and just know that vocal vignette we are behind you we support you we definitely love you um we you know you you are definitely one who came top of mind after Mania Weekend we're like oh my god like yeah we were talking about you so much I showed Annabelle that photo of um Bailey and Cody standing in the hallway with you on Bailey's shirt multiple times she was like I saw it already you show this I can't believe it I can't believe we saw her but no I mean listen uh congratulations on your success if Jada is watching and in general what an inspiration to young wrestlers everywhere that you can make an impact yeah you can make an impact and as quick as you want if you go get it what she is doing um literally anything is possible and she's she's done that very very quickly so I cannot wait to I can really cannot wait to see where she goes oh my god this guy is so bright for her um so yeah that is our episode on Jada Stone uh obviously we referenced Mania Weekend a lot so our next episode we're gonna talk to you about our experience in Philly uh this was Zach's first WrestleMania first yeah in Philadelphia of all places so it was fun um so we'll give you a recap we'll obviously share some videos of you know what we saw we might we're gonna show Jada because I definitely have a few clips of her um yeah and thank you guys for listening and we appreciate um the listener so far and we can't wait to just give you more of what we love about wrestling who we love and why we love all right bye

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