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EP01 | Beyond The Brink | Debut! Worldwide Events Inspiring Massive Change | 03/01/23

EP01 | Beyond The Brink | Debut! Worldwide Events Inspiring Massive Change | 03/01/23




EP01 | Beyond The Brink | Debut! Worldwide Events Inspiring Massive Change | 03/01/23 This is the first episode of our new show Beyond The Brink. Beyond The Brink hosts share worldwide events that are occurring that is leading people to their "brink", and creating massive change in their communities. https://vidabroadcastnetwork.com/ Follow us on Twitter @vidabroadcast Follow us on Facebook @vidabroadcast

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Beyond the Brink is a program where hosts Christy and Melissa discuss global events that are bringing people to the brink. They talk about the importance of being aware of what's happening in the world and provide solutions. They mention their partner, Swan Bitcoin, and encourage listeners to set up a Bitcoin savings plan. They also discuss the public-private partnership hierarchy and the influence of organizations like the Bank of International Settlements. They highlight the need for people to educate themselves and not rely solely on mainstream news. Good afternoon and welcome to our first episode of Beyond the Brink. This is a program where we talk about things worldwide that are bringing people to the brink. My name is Christy. And my name is Melissa. It's great to have you here for our very first episode here on the VEDA Broadcast Network. Speaking of the VEDA Broadcast Network, you can find this recorded show at the Programming tab at VEDABroadcastNetwork.com. And follow us on Twitter at VEDABroadcast on Twitter, that's at VEDABroadcast on Twitter. And now we have a message from one of our affiliate partners. Beyond the Brink is partnered with Swan Bitcoin. We chose Swan Bitcoin because it's easy and inexpensive and the best form of financial production if you're hit with a disaster. It's perfect for both new and experienced Bitcoiners. Set up a Bitcoin savings plan and never miss out on those dips. Get a free book, Inventing Bitcoin, the technology behind the first truly scarce and decentralized money. And get $10 of Bitcoin when you use our affiliate link at VEDABroadcastNetwork.com forward slash BEYOND. That's VEDABroadcastNetwork.com forward slash BEYOND. Well now that we're past all the particulars, you know, this show is really how this came about is that Melissa and I have been talking for a long time and there's so many things that have been going on in the world. And we just came to the conclusion that we're on the brink of something big happening. Whether it's something big happening in our life, something big happening in the world. There's world events that have been going on for over the last three years. They're incredible. And there's so much that we can talk about that we wanted to bring the show to you and see if we can encapsulate some of the things that have been going on and maybe provide some solutions as well. At least we have a forum for which we can talk and dialogue with each other about these things. Wouldn't you say, Melissa, it's just, it's incredible what's been happening out there. It is incredible. And there's a lot of folks that don't even really realize what's going on. They feel like something is wrong. They can sense it, but they're not quite aware of exactly what it is. And so hopefully this show will bring some folks into the fold and educate them a little bit on what's going on. And like you said, provide them some solutions for, you know, getting out of some of these circumstances that are coming our way or already are here. So I'm really excited to be having this show and I look forward to future episodes for sure. Oh, and by the way, if there are some things going on in your part of the world, we want to hear about it. But we have a list of things that have, that we were just able to do a brain dump basically and just whipped off a list of items. And it's ironic. Earlier today I was talking with a friend who is a financial planner and he was asking me what I think is going on. And I was hinting to the fact that we're doing this show today. I didn't really come out and say, you know, it's a show called Beyond the Brink, but I had said, you know, I think the world is kind of at the breaking point. We're reaching the precipice. And he goes, well, how do you think, how do you think that is? And so you and I had talked about the public-private partnership, the world organizational chart, if you will, the hierarchical chart where, and he had no idea what that was. And here is somebody who is advising people on financial matters. It's not to say that he's missing the mark here, but he found it very fascinating when I told him what we think is the top of the pyramid, at least based on the research that we didn't come up with on our own. This is research done by others. We just happened to find the research. And I mentioned it was the Bank of International Settlements, and he was like, really? I go, yeah, they're calling all the shots. He found that fascinating and he wanted a copy of the diagram. So there you go. It's like what you're saying. People do have a sense of what's going on, but they may not have the information that we're going to be talking about. Well, and you know, the other thing is, you're speaking about that gentleman who's a financial planner. Imagine folks like that with the power of having that knowledge. Because, you know, I've been in accounting, I'm around a lot of professionals, and I guarantee you most of them don't know what we're talking about. They're not noticing it. And, you know, these are very intelligent people. But a lot of times we kind of compartmentalize the information that's given to us, and we just stay in that little box that we've been put into. And having the knowledge of looking outside and finding, you know, wow, there's a lot more things going on than what I'm led to believe that's going on. So, yeah, that's really cool that he was listening to you, and you would think, I mean, people pay money for him to tell them what to do with their money. So, that's incredible. Yeah, he just found that fascinating that because, well, you know, I made the comment that I believe that there is a world-leading global group of elitists who are basically calling the shots. These are unelected officials who are making policy that our elected officials are enforcing in our countries. And he goes, that's absolutely mind boggling. I go, wow, hey, it's not up to us. Go to their websites. They're completely open about it. It's not hiding anything. Not at all. Not at all. The ironic thing is the World Economic Forum and their Davos videos, they have been putting those out publicly for years. And I will go and listen to them because I want to know what they're talking about. I want to know what these elitists, and they genuinely believe that they are the smartest people in the room, and they are going to solve all the world's problems because they have money or whatever. But it's incredible that there's not that many views on it. When you think about the millions and millions of people in the world, this is getting a couple thousand views. And actually, it's gotten in the last couple of years, it's gotten more views than it ever has before. And, you know, that's where we say, you know, we're coming into this Great Awakening. You know, in the beginning, it was the Great Awakening, and then you've got the people that are woke. And, you know, I think the more, what do I want to say, the more people start waking up, the more they start looking for different types of information. And when they do see something coming right from the horse's mouth, like a Davos video, then, you know, someone like the financial planner, he is going to say, wow, Christie might be on to something. And then you say, well, not only that, here, read this, you know, they just put this out. And the other thing is, is that all of this is in the news also. They report it, but they don't report it. Okay. They put their own spin on it. They put their own spin on it. But I come across articles, what I've noticed happening is, they'll put out articles. And they'll be from months and months or years ago. We didn't find out about it when they put them out, when they, quote unquote, publish But then all of a sudden now, here they are coming out. And I'm not quite sure what the reasoning for that is, or if, I don't really know. But the fact of the matter is, there are articles, they do tell you what their plans are. And if you pay attention, not only can you protect yourself, you can also maybe not be financially wrecked for the crazy stuff that's coming or that's already here. We're actually already in the middle of the storm. You know, I was like, the storm's coming. No, we're in the storm right now. Oh, yeah, we definitely are. And the point you were making about the World Economic Forum, great point, because you're right. There's few viewers when you look at 8 billion people in the world, right, in the World Economic Forum. Nobody knows about them. But do you have enough interest to go pay attention to what they're saying? So if you go on there, and you find that maybe there's a couple thousand views, that's a very, very small percentage of people. And these people, these global leaders, they call themselves, they've made themselves global leaders, feel as though we're not able to make decisions for ourselves, that they are so enlightened, that only they can make decisions that are, that are best for us. And that is where we have some big problems. And we're going to share some solutions with you. You know, I got to thinking, do you think that maybe we ought to just outline what the private partnership, private public partnership hierarchy looks like? Oh, yeah, that would be great. Shall we? I think that's a great idea. Do you remember what it is? I'm going to pounce the ball to you on that one. I did want to say one thing. Anybody, if any of you listening to this, to this broadcast, just go take a look at some of the World Economic Forum videos. And when you hear them speak in the way that they talk, right, I guarantee you, you're probably going to get a little bit offended by some rich person thinking that they know what's right for you and your family. So it's very important that everybody kind of go take a listen to that to those videos. Oh, yeah, it will get you to the point to where you might just get to the brink, which is why we're here. So this is five layers. So the public-private partnership pyramid, if you will, is that at the very top, you have the policy makers. And these are organizations like the Bank of International Settlements, which, in our opinion, anything having to do with financial matters, every country, everything is financial matters, that is at the top, is the Bank of International Settlements. What happens in the world starts there. That is the keystone. It is the keystone. And there's some players that are on that pyramid level. The next level are the policy distributors. And those would be like the World Banks, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Club of Rome. There's about 20 organizations there. Then this is the part that the financial planner was very surprised to hear about, is the policy enforcers are really our elected officials. They're in the middle of the pyramid. They're not at the top. They're not making the policies. They're getting their rules from the, or they're, you're going to say your game plan, if you will, from something else. And then they bring it into their countries. So that would be our government. We know the rest. You were speaking about that. That is the policy propagandists. Yeah. The news organizations, which they may have been speaking truth about something years ago, but they reworked it, gave it a different twist on things today. Gaslighting us, in other words. And then they're going back and having to retrace themselves just on some things that are coming to light right now in the news. And then the bottom layer, that's us. It's the policy subjects. Yes. We're the subjects. Plebs, if you will. Yeah. That's not to be offensive, but we're on the bottom rung. We're the widest, we're the base layer of the pyramid. And that's how they feel about us. And what a lot of folks don't realize either is that many of these politicians that are in our quote unquote government, they were raised up in these organizations. I think it was, was it Klaus Schwab? Is he the person that did the young leaders? I can't remember what year that was that he formed it, but it was really early on. And a lot of our leaders have come up through that. And so they're basically training them from very young ages. They go after our kids in these universities. And actually, they've done so well that they've infiltrated it at every level, at every institution that we have. And they finally trickled down into our elementary schools even now. So you get these mindsets and it's only a few decades and wow, you've changed the population for, in my opinion, not for the better. So right. Because they have some examples. Yeah. Maybe Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister. Vladimir Putin. Yes, he did. Just to step back, you can find these people in the quote unquote yearbook in the World Economic Forum. Some people have been removed. Vladimir Putin was removed. But if you can go to the Wave App machine, you will find that information there. Let's see. Who else? Gabby from Hawaii, our former representative. However, the last name just escaped me. But I think what her name is too. It will come to me like tomorrow. Same here. Yeah. She was one of the graduates. She's also stepped back and said, hey, these people are going too far. Just crazy. The Prime Minister from New Zealand, who just recently resigned. Basically, I'm having a nervous breakdown. Oh my gosh. There are thousands of people. The gentleman that wears the eye cover. Oh, yes. The Texas representative. Doesn't matter what side of politics you're on. They're all on the same team. And you know, out of fairness to these people, when they were young and invited to be part of this leadership institute, it was probably something that they thought was quite an honor to be a part of. And they didn't know that they were being indoctrinated in some sort of way. And Gabby, Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi Gabbard, yes. Okay. People like Tulsi, who served in the military. She was a staunch Democrat, but she was one of those Blue Dog Democrats. Okay. Very constitutional, where she stepped back and she's just, no, no, no, no. What they're doing there is wrong. So it's interesting. And I can say we have been infiltrated. And we can do something about it. Because the nice thing is, is that there's more of us than there are of them. Yeah. And that's what shows like this is about is to get information. Let's go through the list of things. There's just a number of things that we thought of that kind of brought all of this to light. It's not like this just started. No. Plans for this great reset has been going on for a number of years. And I think it got started, got accelerated around the 2008 mark. It was starting before that, because this new world order thing has been going on since the George H.W. Bush years, since the 90s, I believe. Yep. A long time, but it's they've been moving in very slow methodical steps. But some things were happening around when we had the Great Recession, the worldwide Great Recession. And some things were getting accelerated then. There are other things tied to this, like Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2035. There's so many different agenda programs. And I believe that these quote, unquote, world leaders were beginning to see that they were falling behind on some very important plans. So just a few years ago, one of our famous internet inventors, Bill Gates, was involved in a war game simulation to do with a world pandemic. Is that Event 201? I believe it was, yes. I think so. Yeah, I thought that's what it was. And then what was it about six months later? We had a pandemic. What a coinkydink. That we all know what that one was. Yeah. You know what? If you tell anybody, they'll call you a conspiracy theorist. If you've mentioned that, until they go and look and say, oh, yeah, there actually was that simulation. That's right. It sure is very close to what we've experienced. And they're doing new ones right now as well. And that's what's a bit startling. We had this pandemic, and it came about on us probably beginning very late 2019. But we didn't feel the effects of it until early 2020. And it was supposed to be 14 days to slow the spread. And we weren't going to shut down airports and stop people from traveling. And next thing you know, the airports are shut down. And we're beyond 14 days to slow the spread. We're going to go to six weeks. Oh, maybe we should wear masks, but masks don't work. But no, we're going to wear masks. And one thing led to another to another. People were not able to go to work. Just ridiculous things. You couldn't buy seeds in the grocery store. They actually blocked the aisle. Because why? Why do you need to buy seeds right now? Right. And, you know, we're going to tell you that you can't. And what else is being rationed? Toilet paper. Toilet paper. Paper towels. We were making runs on Costco just to go. And they would limit out. They'd say you only can buy one. Yeah. And you'd get to Costco early. And because you knew a truckload was coming in, and you're waiting for them to bring their pallets out. And there are people just standing around waiting. And the workers are sitting there saying, we're working on this. The paper towels are like in the back part of the trailer. We're trying to get to it. And it's just it was crazy times. Yeah. It's crazy. And they were counting how many people were going into the store. Yes. Oh, my gosh. They were. They were. Not only were they doing that. I was convinced they were testing technology. Okay. Oh, yes. I wasn't one that stayed home. I kind of was a rebel. And I went out. And I went to the casino. I did it. I'm going to tell the truth. And I'll tell you a couple of different ones, because we would go way up to this one casino out in the boonies. And that one was actually using like this camera. Well, no, they didn't say it was a camera. They said it was a scanner to take your temperature. And every time we would do it, coming in and out, I'd say that thing is taking our picture. And I was told, no, no, it's not taking your picture. Well, one day we went to the hotel to register. And I said to the gal, I go, how many pictures does this thing take every day? And she's like, oh, man, it takes a lot. And I'm like, I told you it's taking pictures. And then the other one was like a body scanner. So you'd walk through and it was like, I think it was mapping like the heat on your body or whatever. But you know what? Funny thing is they're both gone now. They don't use them anymore. What does that mean? That means that those that probably was not their equipment. They were testing it for someone. Oh, I wonder who that was. And they got a lot of data. Now, why did they have to map your face? So those temperature scanners, you had to have your face just. Now, if they wanted to just scan your forehead, it would be really easy to beam, put a little like laser beam. You know how I knew it would be fine. But no, you know how I knew it was taking me taking a picture is because when I would go up to it and they made you wear a mask. And that was one thing I will say I did. I did wear a mask to go into the casino. But I it wouldn't take it wouldn't take my temperature until I pulled my mask down. I'm like, well, why do I got to pull my mask down to get my that doesn't make no sense. You know, because they're taking it here. But you know, how many people didn't question any of that stuff? But, you know, we were scared to death. True, true. Yeah, there was this possibility. Some people had had an inkling that it might be a bioweapon. Yes. And that wasn't confirmed, but it could have been. And then this wet market thing. But nonetheless, I think a lot of people realize it was something that was not man made. It wasn't just done in nature. And that was very startling. And especially when they said how it would affect the elderly. The elderly were scared to death and they're still scared to death. They are. I was scared. When you have vulnerable people in your family, you're you're afraid. I was so afraid that I might get those who are vulnerable in my family sick. I felt like I would have a very good chance of fighting whatever I caught. But we didn't have the facts that it was 99.999% chance you're going to recover without any problem. And then maybe elderly might be 97.999%. Well, the the initial phase of that, you know, like you said, you might not have even known about Event 201 or any of those other things that you just mentioned. But once you once you learned about that, then you said, oh, hey, something's going on here. Right. And basically what they did is they took a situation and they manipulated the folks. And I mean, we're talking about we're beyond the brink. We're at the precipice. Right. And we're we're heading in or we're in the middle of actually a financial disaster way worse than 2007, 2008, 2009. Oh, definitely. And if you go back and look at that time frame, while everybody else was losing their homes and their jobs and businesses and cars and, you know, it was it was terrible for a lot of people. Innovation and technology was booming. And so the folks that are in the know that were in the know, they were making investments. I mean, the iPhone was invented in 2007. And and, you know, then you had Facebook and all these technologies coming up and made people millionaires and billionaires, you know, 10 times over. And, you know, we are there now with everything is changing. And so we've got the we've got the two sides because we've got a bunch of people that are waking up like us that are trying to to to help others kind of recognize what's going on and show them, you know, what they can do to protect themselves. But we also have an incredible opportunity because although they were manipulating us and, you know, something was just to, you know, show who the boss was. I also think in the background, they've been testing all these new technologies, like I mentioned about the, you know, the thermal stuff and and also, you know, kind of corralling us into this new digital age. And so, yeah, I mean, boy, this show is going to be packed full. This series is going to be packed full of stuff. There's just there's not going to be a shortage of things to speak about. Not at all. They just keep having it come along. And it's there's plenty. There's just too much to choose from. There really is. Well, having said that, we're going to step away and take a quick break. We'll be back in just about a minute. And this is Beyond the Brink on KVBN. We'll be back in a minute. Well, welcome back to Beyond the Brink. My name is Christy. And I'm Melissa. Yeah, there you go. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to speak over you. Before we went to the break, we were talking about just the calamities of this pandemic that we went through. And we're going to be sharing a little bit more from what our recollections were over the last couple of years that are leading things, people leading activities to push people to their brink, to the precipice. And really, what's most important is when you get led to the brink, when you reach your precipice, is what are you going to do? Are you going to make change? Or are you going to sit back and just close your eyes? Are you going to complain about it? And this is not passing judgment on anybody, because this is an awful lot. It's so scary. We have never gone through this in our lifetime. I'm a baby boomer. I grew up having a little bit of suspicion of what was going on in our government, but overall trusting of the government and never really thought that they would be participating in a release of a virus, a bioweapon on its own people like this, or to even have been spied upon. I knew spying was going on, but not within the various organizations that we do know were specifically involved in some of our social media networks, shadowbanning a particular type of speech. One that did not fit the narrative that they wanted us to hear. And we've heard about Project Mockingbird and MKUltra and all of that. And it's sad to know that that is true and that every government on the face of the earth has been involved in some heinous things. It's disgusting. And here we are. We're at the brink. Yeah, so, gosh, we were then we got forced vaccinations. I mean, we got to a point once those vaccines were released to the public, it was you need to be vaccinated. You needed to have a vaccine passport. If you weren't vaccinated, maybe you couldn't work or you had to be tested a couple of times a day. I mean, it's just craziness. You had no, what about asymptomatic spread? I mean, you had no symptoms, but you spread it. Right. Yeah, the whole thing, the whole past couple of years has been, well, thankfully, they've gone by very quickly for me. I don't know for other people, but for myself, time has flown by. Yeah. I mean, the whole warp speed thing, I feel like it really has been. It was warp speed. And then I go, well, I'm getting older. So maybe as you get older, the life goes by quicker anyway. But yeah, there's been so many things that have happened over the past several years where I've come into this, the things that I loved, I've always been a really big music person. I was a movie buff. I was somebody that I could throw out a line and I'd say, what's that from? And I'd get some people. And I started really listening to what some of these messages were. And I'm like, oh, gosh, I don't really want that in my life. And so a blessing to me to cut that stuff out has given me more time to really look into things. And I've taught myself how to research. And I'll go squirreling off on a subject. And that's why I'm so glad to meet you and some of these other folks, because there's so much information out there. And never before has so much information been at our fingertips. And we were always told initially, when it comes to the internet, it's like, oh, don't look at Wikipedia. Or if it's on the internet, it's got to be true. Ha, ha, ha. They like laugh. Yeah, or go talk to Dr. Google. Yeah, exactly. But I will say, if you know what you're looking for, and you start cross-referencing, it's all there. You can find it. Or you can find somebody that can show you where it's at. And the more I dug and started making these connections, you know, like you mentioned, you know, the Bushes and the politicians in the past. And boy, I was just, I was crushed. I was a Bush supporter. Not the old man Bush, but the son Bush. Yeah, George W. I thought, oh, you know, they're always making fun of him. And I'm like, wow, this has just been a mess. All these things, all these people. And so I- All these people are connected in some sort of way. They really are. And once you start connecting those dots, it becomes a bit overwhelming because you're like, holy smokes. Even Trump. Even Trump. All of them. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing that the other thing in the past several years, I am a united, not divided person. I want us to be united because united we are strong, divided we are weak. And the more united we are and the more encouraging we are of one another and we can bring our vibration up and we're encouraging each other to learn, the stronger that we become. It's a threat to them as well. It really is. And, you know, they want to distract us. They want us divided. And if you look at it, it doesn't matter if you're a Republican or a Democrat. It doesn't matter what religion you are. It doesn't matter what your race is. It does not matter. We are all people. We're all, you know, and I believe in God. We're all sons and daughters of God. Other people have different opinions, but we're all one with the earth. Let's put it that way. And they want us divided and they do everything to try to make that happen. And once you realize that we have more in common than we have differences, it's a magical thing. It's a beautiful thing. And so, you know, I just feel I feel incredibly blessed to have learned about these things. It encourages me to go and push myself to learn even more. And I'm really hoping that this show, Beyond the Brink, it will inspire others to do the same thing. You know, no questions are stupid. You know what I mean? There's no such thing as a stupid question, I should say. And the more questions you ask, the more questions you have. It's just about awareness. If we can get just one person to maybe sit there and say, you know, that's plausible. What they're saying is that, you know, a Melissa lady, she's saying something that really resonates with me. Maybe I'll go ahead and take a look at that. One of the things that when you were talking about focusing more on what's going on in the world, you know, like you, I enjoyed a good movie, going out, walking, you know, just being kind of active, just living the life. And I found that I got away from watching any kind of mainstream news, which I had gotten away from. Fortunately, I felt like this was not okay to be watching them for a few years now, but got completely away from it and got more into newsletters and looking on the internet for answers rather than having it all come to me through whatever network wanted me to see what they wanted or show me what they wanted me to see. A lot of great new citizen journalists out there. Oh, there certainly are. The independent investigative journalists are by far the best and they're under, they're self-funded in many cases. They're just tremendous writers and excellent researchers and their information is correct. I wanted to say something about Donald Trump. I don't want to give the impression that I believe that he is nefarious. I think that he is one of those people that has mixed with the elite group of people because of his status, but he also realized who they were because when you look at his life history, even though he mixed in that crowd, that wasn't the crowd that he resonated with. Exactly. But I do believe he understood what they were up to and where this was headed. And it has created this good versus evil, if you will. It's not left versus right. It is some pretty sick people against people that just want to live their lives who are sitting here and saying, you know what, I've got to stand up now because I've got children, I've got grandchildren who need me to stand up for them because they have no idea. Many of our children have already been indoctrinated. A lot of the history that they should have learned, they've never learned. And if they learn any bit of the history that we've learned and a lot of the history we learned, we found was whitewashed as well. They're really at a disadvantage so that they need our help right now. They really do. We have to get involved in our local communities. People are trying to come up with solutions and I'm finding, I don't know, are you finding this where you are that local communities are coming together and saying, you know what, we have to get out of this global economy and start taking care of our own. How are we going to do that? Yeah, yeah. And you have little groups popping up. You might hear it called the parallel economy, the public square. There are new supply chains or shopping chains that are competing against the Amazon, although Amazon is tough to beat. But there are new ones that are coming out that don't have the mentality at the corporate level like an Amazon does. And Amazon will, on their server side, censor people. They will, well, look, they knocked down Parler, didn't they? Yeah, yeah, yeah, they sure did. These parallel economy movements are happening all over and they start locally. Yep. It's incredible. We've got one starting here in our little community. What about you? I'm sure there is. I know, I mean, I live near a university and so they always kind of have their own, you know, like the farmer's market where they're growing and they're trying to sell their things. But I found, you know, there's lots of farmers that are selling direct. I was buying my blueberries and strawberries and things like that. And it was great. It's a little bit more expensive, but I am willing to spend the extra money. And then what else I've noticed is when we live in the city, I'm seeing more community gardens pop up around. And I mean, that's pretty cool. We don't have one right in my neighborhood, but I'm seeing more and more people trying to grow their own food. You know, these in the indoor garden type things and buying, like we say, buying directly from your farmers. And, yeah, the other thing that I see is when I go to the grocery store now, I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but I can tell a difference in the store. I'm seeing more non-GMO, no antibiotic type meats and things. I'm seeing things are packaged differently. I'm seeing portion sizes are smaller. Which, OK, we talk about it because, oh, the economy is really bad and stuff. And so they're trying to condense the product a little bit or reduce it a little bit so they can still make profit. I think part of that is true, but I think the other part of it is, especially if you live in America, which we are in America, our food has been pumped full of crap. And it's been allowed. And, you know, I mean, we can get down the rabbit hole with the food processing plants and all of those things getting, you know, torn out, burned up and whatever. And my speculation on that is... Isn't that a coinkydink? It is a coinkydink. But, you know, I mean, that's a whole other show. It is. I can't wait to talk about that. I think we're going to do a whole show on that. Yeah, yeah, we are because... But in any event, I guess what I'm saying is, I'm noticing some changes at my grocery store. And the things that they're selling. And I'm also noticing the demand. The produce and things are much... It's much fresher. Right. And so, I mean, we're switching over. But again, that's a whole other show for that. Oh, yeah. Well, and I live in kind of a rural area. We're in like a valley. We have city life, but there's a lot of rural around us. And a couple hours from the next largest city. Either way, north or south of us. So kind of a unique area. We have many ranchers out here. Cattle ranchers, pig farmers, that type of thing. And we do go and buy our raw milk from a dairy farmer. And we've had an opportunity to have some conversations with him. And he's enlightened us to what's happening. And these small farmers and ranchers are getting squeezed out by the mega agricultural sector. So that would be the feedlots. That would be the large vegetable producers, chicken farmers, you name it. Large ones. When you look at... You had mentioned how some of the food processing plants had burned down. Some of them were, I believe, was Tyson. You had one of the organic vegetable, the lettuce being earthbound, I believe it was. Earthbound, I think, yeah. In Southern California. Huge chicken plants. And they're affecting our food supply. The avian flu. I wonder how that happened. How many pigs had to be killed because there weren't enough butchers to butcher. The pigs when we were going through the pandemic. And it's just... I think it was all a plan to wipe out our food supply. So coming back to the local farmer, he was telling us what is going to be happening. Is that he wanted to add butter to his distribution. And the other dairy manufacturers who are much bigger than him didn't want that. So they were squeezing him. And so what the only thing he's able to do is to expand his milk distribution, which means he has to buy more trucks, drive farther, find more drivers, rather than adding to his product supply. So he's getting squeezed. He almost went out of business. And then what happened is that the local folks started hearing about this and realized he was the only dairy farmer still around in our area. So now we're buying from him and we're learning what's happening. And he's told us that Big Agra wants to add the mRNA vaccines to the cattle, to the pigs. They want to put it in our vegetables because people don't want to take those vaccines. They're going to give them to us one way or another. So it's another reason why you want to get comfortable with your local rancher, your local farmer. Best way to do that is to go to the farmer's market and get to know them. Question. So is he able to sell butter then? Nope. Even to you guys, he can't sell butter. He has no way to manufacture it. He was getting squeezed so much. He wasn't able to add the equipment to be able to make butter. He can't even separate the cream from the milk to sell cream. Wow. Yeah. But the milk is fantastic. Wow. Absolutely fantastic. And he drives about 200 square miles or has drivers to distribute his milk products in the local stores. We have small grocery chains such as Holiday Markets. Very small grocery chain that takes his milk. You know, it wasn't that long ago. I remember I was not a household that benefited from this. But back when I was little, there were still people getting milk deliveries. Oh, yeah. And man, what a wonderful thing. The glass bottles. Oh, I remember that. Love it. Absolutely love it. It was the Berkeley Farms man who used to come to our house. We love that. So the other thing was that, oh, elections. Now, 2020 also brought in a very interesting time with our elections. Unlike anything that we've ever had before. The question of, is it possible that we had votes inserted in the machines electronically from another country? We know about the ballot harvesting. There's so much that we know about these elections. And there's so much that's coming out that how could that election even have been a fair election? We've already had our next election. I know. And this is happening in other countries. We just had that happen in Brazil. They had almost a similar thing as what happened here in 2020. This is no coincidence that this is happening. It seems like it's a formula that's been working and they're doing this around the world. Yep. Yeah, I agree. It's just unreal. That's another thing, Christy. I actually paid attention during that whole 2020 election and all that. I got involved and really paid attention to how the votes are counted and at the legislative level and just discovering what a mess it really, truly is. I mean, we just weren't paying attention. Some of it's by no fault of our own because we just weren't aware. But once you know, it's your duty not to just pretend that you don't know. Maybe some folks can't run for office or maybe they're not going to get out there in the forefront of things. But just by having a conversation with somebody or just by asking a question, it helps the cause of spreading awareness and helping us to get a handle on this stuff. And so while, again, the past several years have been really sad and crazy and we're on the brink, we're beyond the brink, though, it's really, I look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel and we're going to emerge a greater people for it. So yeah, just incredible what's been going on. So we've got about a little less than seven minutes left in the show for today. Now, I was just wondering, what actions have you taken yourself? I know that you've been beyond the brink as well. And what have you done? And I just want to share that it is frightening to stand up and do things that are not in your nature to do. And it's not to do things aggressively or to be harmful to anybody, but to stand up for yourself and for your family and know your rights and to exercise your rights and stand up for them. I have personally run into where I'm challenged on that all the time. Are you finding that as well? Yeah, it was challenging for me at my job because, you know, you have to have the vaccine or we're not going to let you have any kind of exemption or whatever or you're going to lose your job. And I have many family and friends that were in the same situation. Some were very upset at being forced to do something that they were against, they didn't want to do. I actually stood up for myself. I personally have had bad reactions to certain vaccines, and I was not going to do that no matter what. I knew what my body can handle and what it can't handle. And so I was faced with the possibility of losing a job that I love, but I stood up for myself. And once I did that, it was so empowering. I felt so good because I thought, you know what, it's not going to be the end of the world. I will be OK, but I will also have the knowledge and like the integrity, I guess, for myself that I trusted me. And then I did my very best to think of ways to keep myself healthy. You know, I've been making this garlic and lemon drink. I drink three weeks on and take a week off. And I'm making a natural citrus drink with grapefruit and oranges and that and trying to teach others how to do that. And then, you know, just really, I just I've been I feel like I've been fighting back by educating myself. And so even though I, you know, I'm not somebody that is running for office or anything like that, I feel like the more that I can educate myself and the more questions that I can ask, the better off I am. And hopefully I can help make a difference in some way. If I inspire one person to question something or look up something or challenge me, if you hear me say something and you're like, oh, that that that chick's crazy or whatever, you know, if I inspire you're crazy. I know. But if I inspire one person just to look something up for themselves, I will be happy. Even if even if they say, oh, you're wrong. You know, that's fine. But so that's where that's what I've been doing. That's awesome. You know, what about you? Well, kind of the same thing. And I started with the personal stand. Once I finally came around to the notion that I always thought we had a bio weapon. I didn't think it was purposeful. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So once I realized that that was it, then it was challenging the doctors because the doctors were on board, too. I mean, the organizations that they went through school learning to trust that they were the de facto experts like the CDC and all of that. They had never really cheated the doctors. And now the doctors are sitting there going, wait, the CDC said so. And you're challenging the doctor and the doctor's treating you like you haven't been to medical school. So what do you know? It's in the science. And so all of a sudden you're being dismissed. And so I went down that rabbit hole and started realizing that there are certain things that these mandates were doing to violate our rights. And I just decided that I'm going to have to take a stand. I couldn't stand wearing the masks anymore. They were making me sick. I would offer to wear a shield. And there were places that were telling me that, nope, that we're not going to deny you service as long as you wear our mask. And I've gotten to the point where I'm not doing that anymore. And I did the research. And anytime they tell me that it's in the science and it came from the state or the CDC, I asked them to cite it, show me what it is that they are referencing, and I will show them their same documentation from the state that does not match up to what they're trying to tell me. I will show them, here's the exception. I fit into the accepted rules. Yeah, and you know, and you don't have to be mad at me about it. You're just like, hey, here's my thing, you know? Yeah, I have certain rights too. I don't need to tell you what that exception or exemption is. But I do fall under a different set of rules that are outside of the rules that you're citing because you're not citing all of the rules. Right? So that's been very difficult. And there's times when I haven't been able to get the medical treatment that I should be getting. And I just look at it like, this is the war that we're in. I'm going to defend my rights, even if it may end up affecting my health, because I think the message that I'm sending to those who might be left behind, maybe by not getting some medical care or diagnostic treatment or something like that, may stunt my life. I want to have that message left behind that I fought for my children and my grandchild. Amen. Because that's more important. The good news is, and this is for a whole other show also. We're coming to the end. We're going to have to wrap it up. But the good news is, is that there are doctors that are out there fighting for a different way to practice medicine, you know? And so we'll hit that topic, because there is hope for that, that are going to be working outside of the system. Well said. Well, we're here at the end of the show. And boy, does an hour go by quick. Thank you so much for joining us today. We know that you have other choices. And you chose to listen to us today. And we really appreciate it. And until next time, on Beyond the Brink, we'll bring you some other information that hopefully you'll want to listen to. Follow us on Twitter, at Vida Broadcast. That's at Vida Broadcast on Twitter. And we'll see you next time.

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