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Tom Brady is praised for his calm and kind demeanor in interviews, while other players, particularly those with darker skin, are treated differently by the mainstream media. The speaker suggests that the media's treatment of Tom Brady is biased and unfair. They also imply that the New England Patriots cheated and that the media covers up their actions. The speaker defends Antonio Brown and criticizes the media's portrayal of him. They argue that Tom Brady's success is not solely due to his football skills, but also because of media favoritism. The speaker concludes by questioning the media's double standards and suggesting that the media tries to create a narrative that Tom Brady's success is solely his own, while downplaying the contributions of other players. The truth about Tom Brady, he's a nice guy, Mr. Congeniality, Mr. Charming, Mr. Politician, he knows how to talk to people, he knows how to gather friends, probably enemies, he's the ideal celebrity. When he's interviewed, he's got this seemingly calm demeanor, you just can't shake him, you can't rattle him, he's always almost monotone, just like the Patriot Way from where he came as a football player. If you didn't know what went on on the football field, you'd think the guy has no temper whatsoever, I mean he's the ideal mask, that's what I term a guy who knows how to hide stuff, but it is part of his personality, he's certainly even-tempered and absolutely kind in the press room. You can't fake something like that, you're either good at it or you're not, you're able to do it, or you can't. He's the best at it, he's got to be the best picture of what it's like to be the perfect man in the press room, it's the way you should be. You'd think that if you caught him five seconds after a football game, he'd sound just like that, of course, those people in mainstream media never do that to Tom Brady, so you'll never know. By the way, what I just said, keep that in mind. Nobody in mainstream media ever goes to Tom Brady five seconds after he came on the football field, especially if he lost the game. That's not the same with certain other players. Certain other players in mainstream media go on the field practically with seconds left on the clock to interview some player, more like someone who has a skin tone, a skin tone, that is, of Antonio Brown. And if they're having to deal with something frustrating, they'll capture him at that moment and then, of course, use it against him later. But that would never happen to Tom Brady. Mainstream media would never, ever allow themselves to do that to Tom Brady, ever. So, all you're ever going to see with Tom Brady is the perfect demeanor. And mainstream media will make sure that it'll stay that way. They'll always be gracious with him. They'll laugh along with him. They'll be congenial with him so that the image can continue for us all to see. Not so with anybody that looks like Antonio Brown. Antonio Brown. I'm getting a little bit excited here because, I mean, you know it's true. With Antonio Brown, no one's going to wait. No one's going to give him a chance to calm down if things on the field weren't so great. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen with Serena. It's not going to happen with Naomi Osaka. But it will happen with Aaron Rodgers. No one's ever going to jump on Aaron Rodgers before the clock runs to zero, or just after. We all know all of this is true so far. There is no disputing it. No, there is no disputing it. So when people start calling Antonio Brown and others like him names, they're disparaging because of the way they handled the interview, which happened two seconds after they got off the field. While they wait an appropriate amount of time for the Tom Brady's and the Aaron Rodgers, and everybody says, these are the great guys, this is how you do an interview, and the fans say that the Antonio Browns need to watch the Aaron Rodgers of the world. We all know this is true. You can't dispute that either. So... Tom Brady is a man that knows how to throw the football. And that's not enough to win. You have to do more than just throw the football. He retired recently. He has more hardware than anyone in the NFL. It's quite near impossible to achieve that much gold in such a brutal sport. It's hard not to say that everyone else must be really mediocre in comparison. But the sport is brutal. It's hard not to say that everyone else must be really mediocre in comparison. But the sport is brutal. If you're honest, there must be a little something-something that Tom Brady had going for him. Because these other people can't be mediocre. Not... Joe Montana, Is it because Joe has four and Brady has seven that Montana must be mediocre? I don't think so. Terry Bradshaw, who doesn't get as much props as Joe Montana for some reason, Terry Bradshaw, who doesn't get as much props as Joe Montana for some reason, After all, Terry Bradshaw started it. But he does have the Fox television show, so... Most times, with the NBA players, the media likes to stir up stuff so that fans will say, There's only one GOAT and that's Michael Jordan because he has six and LeBron has only four. So what must that mean about the NFL? If Tom Brady has seven and Joe Montana has only four, why has it got to be different? Two different sports, is that what you're going to say? You know what I'm getting at here? Of course it's not two different sports. None of us are willing to try any of the sports if we're not good at them. And you can really get hurt in any of them, if you're not good at them. We should not diminish one sport in favor of another. But the NFL, I mean, it's brutal. You live to hurt and to smash into somebody. How much more painful it must be to try to reach seven trophies. But that, in itself, wouldn't be enough. Like I said, Tom Brady is a great guy. But when he played in New England and when he played in Tampa, for the first and most part of the season, he was a great guy. For the most part of the season, it was like night and day. All the years he was in New England, it was like you couldn't touch him. But as soon as he left for Tampa, for the most part of that first season, it was like he was unrecognizable. Unrecognizable. How does a person get from that great to that terrible? Especially with a great defensive front and a good offensive line. How does that happen? If you say you know what I'm getting at, you're right. Deal with it. The mainstream media is run by the patriarchy and they're not going to allow you to say that that was a cheating organization officially. Even though they insist that you say Barry Bonds is a cheater. So, we all know what the patriarchy is then. You can't decide in one sport cheating is fundamental and in another sport it's detrimental. You can't do that. And it's just very suspicious that the sport where it's fundamental, Tom Brady, has white skin and where it's detrimental, he has black skin. And where it's detrimental, Barry Bonds has white skin. And where it's detrimental, Barry Bonds has dark skin. Deal with it, folks. Deal with it. They cheated in New England. That's the only explanation and you saw it. The arrogance of the owners to have people get rid of tapes in everyone's face. The arrogance of the mainstream media to cover up their shenanigans like that. Whereas they're sniffing out with their dogs when someone with dark skin does something not so great. Or they make it up. That's the way it is today. Barry Bonds never admitted to anything. Someone likes to say he took the cream and the clear. So what? Cream what? Clear what? He did not say steroids. And the proof? What proof? A book that was written? What does that have to do with the American justice system? What has that to do with due process? Nothing. Nothing. It's Jim Crow. Oh someone just turned the radio off. Folks. It's not Tom Brady's fault that the mainstream media throws so much sunshine up his skirt. There's nothing he can do about it. He likes to be friends with people of all races. But the mainstream media insists on lifting up the unkempt, the mediocre. Those who didn't any who didn't win any rings yet. And they all happen to be white skin. But they can win a bunch of rings and be dark skin and still be disparaged. And you wouldn't mean patriots cheated. Dealt with sex trafficking and other things like that. It's clear. There's no denying it. Whereas a black player is accused of something sexual. There is no seeing it actually. There's no proof of it. There's just he said she said. There's no owner throwing stuff away in front of our faces. There's just Jim Crow treatment. There's deep faking videos with someone having sex when it's clearly not the truth. There's deep faking videos with someone having sex when it's clearly not the truth. Tom Brady can throw the ball. Tom Brady can throw the ball. But for the most part in that first year in Tampa Bay it was hard to look at. And then you could feel the coach consternating and hemming and hawing and I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. And then you see him walking achingly to the phone wishing he didn't have to picking it up and saying Antonio Brown get over here please. We need you. Or maybe he didn't say please I have a feeling he didn't but I don't think Antonio Brown is that much of a walkover. I think he wants a little bit of respect. I think the guys did please. I think they had a back and forth. And I think he got a little bit of money. Maybe more than a little but he deserved it because as soon as he stepped on that field it was like someone turned the lights on and then they had that trophy. And this was at the last this was at 11-59-99-99-99-99 9-9-9-9-9 One more 9 and there would be no turning back. And that's why Arians had no choice. But he regretted every minute that he had to go and resort to doing that. But you know what agenda the mainstream media came up with? Tom did it in New England Tom did it in Tampa Bay. And they try so hard never to mention Antonio Brown's name. And when they were forced to they just try to refer back to some antics they have no proof of from 10,000 years ago. And one time cops tried to come to his residence but they didn't really have anything to come there for. And they decided to turn around and go away. They tried to find an explanation for that because that's embarrassing. So Tom Brady you know deep inside even though he wasn't saying anything had to try one more year. He wanted to do it without Antonio Brown. There was alleged back and forth between the two of course no one knows but the media sure did stir it up anyway. And it made up stuff like how Antonio must have felt about Tom Brady's wife. How he threw him under the bus supposedly for inviting him to his residence. Stuff we have no proof of but you know they're trying to stir up trouble for Antonio Brown. Folks if you want a proof proof that there is slavery in the past against blacks racism anti-black only in this era where people are trying to prove that it's not true because how can you tell so many years ago what happened? They're trying to say hey there are people of other colors who had power and ruled and had slaves people who are black of course people saying that have no proof. All we know about is what's going on in the United States of America the most powerful nation on earth as they say. If you want to know how history is for those who try to use space and time as an excuse just look at today folks because lepers don't change their spots. Whatever is going on today went on way way back and in crueler form the color of the majority except for one of the NFL owners is white and the one that isn't is white-skinned anyway they ain't gonna let anybody dark-skinned come in there. Folks if you want proof look at all the faces of the owners in the major league baseball and for the most part in of all sports the NBA except for just one. If you want proof just look at today anyone who tries to use time against you just look at today because if they're in a place where they're comfortable they're not going to change their spots they're not going to change if they're comfortable they're not going to be moved from there they're not going to want to be removed from that spot and they've managed to get away from it all those years and so they're there today in executive positions and the excuse they use today is you don't know what it was like back then but the fact is they're there today so that's how it was back then no one moved them so why would they move that means that's how it was back then members don't change their spots so don't let anybody play the 500 years ago card on you trying to tell you you don't know what history was back then it had to be different somebody of another color was actually having a slave no if that were the case then that would be happening right now in the United States there would be black guys on the field that's not what's happening it's white guys stepping on black guys don't have the guts to listen it's the truth it's the truth Tom Brady is a great but he's not a goat he only has one legitimate ring six illegitimate ones not his fault he's not the boss of but he was in the organization and if it weren't for the mainstream media we'd be okay with it I mean it'd still be cheating but we have some we consider him a great great quarterback anyway is capable of doing it why did it happen back then anyway the way it did when he could win here in Tampa Bay yes he would have to give it to the team including Antonio Brown but do you know what the real culprit is it's the mainstream media because they hyped him up so greatly and they disparaged Antonio Brown so morbidly it's easy to get mad at Tom Brady but instead we'll just be mad at the mainstream media and just say it like it is Tom Brady Tom Brady is great but not a goat a goat's win fair and square like Jordan did like LeBron did like Peyton Manning did and Eli Manning did Joe Montana did Steve Young did and the greatest quarterback of all time right out of the box Patrick Mahomes three Super Bowls five AFC Championships one victory Super Bowl trophy so far in less than five years no one's ever done that it certainly makes it up for Jim Marcus Russell it's like it's in the air that usually is the case it's in the air things even out more proof though of there only being anti-black racism is that there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is there is 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