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A Runaway child is not always a bad one!

A Runaway child is not always a bad one!

Vani Ram



Dig dig dig your memories, curate and make it positive. Unpleasant incidents aren't always negative, they teach you a lot of lessons.

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The speaker recalls a time when their mother yelled at them and they felt dejected. They decided to go to a friend's house for a sleepover and had a great time. They describe the village where their friend lived and the experiences they had there. Their father found them and took them home. The next day, everything was normal. The speaker shares this story to emphasize the importance of curating their own story positively. They believe that even a runaway child can be successful in life if they have a positive outlook and use their experiences to shape their character. Don't come home. Go somewhere. Don't come back home. Mom yelled and she was quite rude. The little girl was dejected and she headed to school. During her travel on the local bus, during her school assembly and even during her break time, the only thing that she could hear was her mother's voice. She was forced to take a decision about this matter and this sad little girl was me. I was in my fifth grade. Are you all interested to know what was the decision I made? During my lunch, I sat near my friend Uma Devi and I whispered in her ear, hey Uma, you know what? My mom allowed me to come to your home for a sleepover. My friend was overjoyed and this happened in the year 1993 where there were no phones to check between the parents. In the evening after school, we both took a local bus to my friend's house. We arrived at her house, the stop. We walked for almost 10 minutes to reach her home and this village where she was living was serviced only by two buses. One is a government bus, another is a private bus. To get to her house, we had to walk. As I said earlier, 10 minutes we had to walk from the bus stop and we literally couldn't see any house close to our house. I was neither happy or sad, neither anxious or bold. I had a kind of mixed feeling when I reached her residence but I must tell you, I had a terrific time. I wore her clothes, her traditional village's blouse and a flowery skirt. We spent time with goats, cows and green farms and I must tell you, she had a biogas set up in their house and biogas is their fuel for cooking. She led me to the plant where it was really stinky and I can't even describe you guys how stinky it was but that I remember till now. We enjoyed the evening. I felt okay the entire time but around dusk, fear started to grow in my gut. We both went to bed. Since we were really exhausted, I assumed my parents would locate me and after some research, my dad found her residence through the bus conductor who dropped the bus in her stop. My dad reached in the midnight. He woke me up and he drove me home on a motorbike and the next day, friends, would you like to take any guess what happened to me? Nothing happened. It was just another typical school day. I woke up, I got ready and I went to school. So, why did I tell this story to you guys? Is it to judge my mother's behavior or how bad I felt and is that to convey the traumatic experience I had? No, no, no. It's all about the importance of how I curate my story positively. A runaway child can still be successful in life. How positively my parents handled this case and a very important factor, I identified my character from this curated story or memory and I identified my character to be a strong-willed child, a bold and a curious child and this is the advantage of using the information to our need which is very useful to us. As I told you before, our experiences can shape our future and our character. Thank you for hearing the story. Have a good day and curate your memories into a good shape positively. Thank you.

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