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Robots video oral summary

Robots video oral summary


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The video discusses the growth of AI and its impact on the retail marketing sector. While receiving campaign offers and emails from bots has been common, the presence of live robots in retail stores can provide customers with accurate product information and improve efficiency. However, it is important to maintain a balance between robot and human interaction, as many customers still prefer the expertise and assistance of humans. Overall, integrating robots in marketing can be beneficial as long as human assurance and expertise are still valued. I thought the video was really interesting to watch, especially with the growth of AI in today's time. But I do believe that robots in the retail marketing sector are quite intriguing because we've had bots send us campaigning offers and e-mails for quite a few years now. However, having a live robot present to interact with customers can be refreshing and interesting because customers can ask about product information and be assured that they will get the accurate information. This makes the interaction way more efficient. However, I do believe that it is important to balance this technology as many customers still prefer personal human expertise and assistance. As long as it is balanced, I think it can be a fun way to help marketing in the retail world, but also be sure that there is still humans around to give that assurance after the personal expertise that they have seen over the years based on their experiences and knowledge, obviously.

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