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Trulymethisisme podcast

Trulymethisisme podcast




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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude and saying a prayer for forgiveness. They discuss the importance of forgiving oneself and one's childhood experiences in order to heal and grow. They mention a song they like and encourage listeners to check it out. They emphasize the need to break generational cycles and face fears in order to find true peace and happiness. The speaker shares a personal story of forgiving someone who caused them pain as a child. They conclude by encouraging listeners to forgive those who have hurt them and to see their intentions. Welcome back guys this is truly me from truly me this is me podcast I am back and I'm glad you guys are here with me listening to today today I just want to take a second to start off right so I'm gonna take a minute and say a prayer so to whomever you believe in whatever you believe in higher spirits higher powers that have helped you got thus far so I just want to take a minute to acknowledge them and I have a prayer and the prayer is about forgiveness so today I guess I want to talk about forgiveness and forgiving yourself and forgiving that childhood that kid from your childhood that you were so to start with the prayer is from the book with a young love prayers for awakening to the grace of inner communion and the prayer is a prayer for self-forgiveness blessed and divine Holy Spirit please hear my words and shower me with grace I now call upon you Holy Spirit for the presence of your mercy and your love I ask that my guardians angels guides in all spirits of lights around me take these words that I speak into the bottom to the bosom of your love transforming them into something beautiful in my life that I can use to serve God in the world in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be unacceptable in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be not good enough in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be a problem to others in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be a burden to others in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be bad in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be unlovable in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be no good in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to have something wrong with me in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be wrong in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be a victim in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to have no value in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be unwanted in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself not to fit in my family I release all those burdens and in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to always need to prove my worth in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be unworthy and in cooperation with spirit I now forgive myself for judging myself to be anything less than a beloved child of God through the power and grace of self forgiveness I now acknowledge and declare myself to be a whole holy perfect and complete and so it is amen so thank you guys for that that was good I hope that you can work on forgiving yourself because again that's where healing is you have to forgive yourself in order to heal and a part of that is learning to love yourself and part of that learning to love yourself it's going back to your childhood and forgiving yourself for whatever it is that you're holding on to be it that you're holding on to you should have spoke up for yourself when someone did something inappropriate to you or said something inappropriate to you be it when someone asked you a question you were scared and you was nervous and you didn't tell the truth be it just you wish you could have said something to a family member you wish you could have spoken up about whatever situation something that happened in school something happened on the playground whatever it is you have to forgive yourself so you can move forward and you can heal you can grow so with that being said I am actually going to play a song that I like and it's called Kingdoms Affirmation and it's by Nico I love the song and I hope that you guys can check it out and let me know what you think so here we go my haters won't always be nameless, give them no clout, I give them no powers creators look different, they ancient, sooner than later I will be ours I keep an eye out for the numbers, I stay in context, synchronization to infinity, even beyond it, I am uncommon, no destination a lot of things I am above, and there are a lot of things that are above me do not come for the people I love, cause then I get scary, then I get ugly, yeah ain't no problem, the number equation present, noted, observation I'm not new here, reborn creation come and find me, standing location ain't no problem, the number equation present, noted, observation I'm not new here, reborn creation come and find me, standing location take all day and time, you'll never be my kind don't give it all, never mind it, I know they may mind it don't take it all, it's fine, it's true that I think I'm trying yes I do, don't mind it, it's so much more than I wanted I don't think I'll ever change it, it's real, I'll reclaim it so what you're trying to say, don't get too far that way it could've been self-inflicted, they know it's a life of danger time doesn't pay the price, so just let it go I will be one of the greatest, that is a vow, and that is a promise that is a promise always wanted to be famous, just bein' real, yeah, just bein' honest I will be one of the greatest, that is a vow, and that is a promise always wanted to be famous, just bein' real, yeah, just bein' honest just bein' honest just bein' honest I am one of the greatest, and so are you so you have to remember your worth and living your truth so let's get back to what I was saying about forgiving yourself and forgiving that child, that inner child that you still carry with you so you can heal I think I know, of course, it's easier said than done however, anything that's worth having you have to put effort to you have to put intention behind it if it's worth having, you have to nurse it nurture it, to develop it to heal from scars and traumas that we carry and that we're passin' on to our children and they're passin' on to their children someone has to break that cycle, and I'm callin' on you you have the strength, you have the power and you have the support I am here God is always there and together we can come together in unity and heal the world one person at a time one step at a time, one moment at a time as long as we're making steps in the right direction so in the direction of healing, in the direction of eliminating these generational curses in the direction of thinking for ourselves and spending time with ourselves I feel like we spend so much time running away from ourselves I'm guilty of that myself so we spend so much time running away from ourselves and that's where the answers are so it's like we run away from ourselves because we don't want to deal with the situation, we don't want to think about it right now we don't want to talk about it right now because it hurts, it's confusing and other reasons however, we have to face those fears in order to conquer them in order to grow, in order to progress and succeed and win which is the ultimate goal, is to win it's not just about winning money or materialistic things like that, it's about finding true peace learning who you are accepting who you are, and loving every bit of who you are that's true peace that's true love, that's true happiness everything else will fall into play everything else will fall into play and a part of forgiving you have to forgive those people who helped cause those pains and triumphs in your life I know myself a situation that I had been holding on to for many years and I really didn't realize to the extent I guess one time there was a situation, like I was a younger kid maybe like, I don't know between 8 and 10 maybe, I don't know, somewhere maybe between 8 and 12 we were in between houses I don't remember exactly what the situation was, but I know we were split, like some of us were staying with one auntie and some other ones were staying with another auntie so my two older sisters were staying with one aunt and then my younger sister and my two brothers that are both younger than I we were staying with another aunt and with their aunt there was two cousins that were staying over there as well and this auntie, she's like the mean auntie, you know like as a kid, growing up and she was just mean, always had this stern face I don't know, kind of felt cold or what not, and this one particular time we were over there we were living there, but the kids we had to stay in the basement so we're in the basement playing, you know, so it's three girls and three boys, cause my two brothers and my little cousin, he's a boy and his sister, my little cousin, she's a girl, and me and my little sister anywho, she came down there she told us, well she yelled down the stairs, told us stop singing, and what not mind you, we're kids, we don't have much to do, there was no toys or anything down there and we're locked in the basement, okay, so the girls stopped singing the boys continued, but she came down there and she whooped every last girl with a backbreaker, one of those big wrestling belts, if you don't know what a backbreaker is, I'm talking about one of those big wide wrestling belts, it's leather and whatever she whooped us with that, and I held on to that for many years, I did not like her for that reason because I knew I did not do anything wrong so I didn't understand why we got whooped with that thing and we didn't get touched so I actually think that she was sexist too, she liked boys mind you, she had two male sons, two boys of her own, no girls, just boys she's a little biased, however, until I had kids many years later, when I had my first child actually, and then, you know, I used to go visit her to check on her when I went down to Milwaukee or whatnot and I began to forgive her, you know, I began to see her as an adult and see more of her intentions, I suppose, you know, the actions wasn't right, but her intentions were good, she meant well so I was able to forgive her, thank God because she's passed now, so rest in heaven rest in peace, and I'm glad that I was able to forgive her while she was still here on this earth because that helps me to move forward in my life and we were able to build a relationship, it's funny because she used to call my baby Bumble Buzzard, so every time she saw her, where my Bumble Buzzard at? so it was just funny, I'm not gonna tell y'all which child that was, but, anywho I'm glad I was able to forgive her for that, there are some other situations in my life and people that I'm still working on forgiving me for myself, I am working on forgiving myself for not speaking up sooner when my uncle was doing inappropriate things along with other people I'm not gonna name so it took me a lot to realize that things were not my fault, they were not in my control, at the end of the day I was a child, and these people that harmed me they knew better so I hold them responsible, not me, it wasn't my fault I didn't do anything wrong so I'm no longer going to hold on to that guilt as if I did I'm releasing that even without an apology, because I would never get an apology from those people I don't know if some of them even think about it, or remember it, because it probably happens so frequently in their lives, dealing with other people and what not however, when my mom did find out about said situation things were handled and that person, I want to forgive, I have a hard time forgiving that person, because they are still in denial and with that, I believe that they're still involved in that activity so it's hard for me to believe that I believe people can change, yes however, a part of changing is accountability and if you can't be accountable for your actions you can't own up to it, and say hey I did this, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the pain and the trauma, and the triumph that has caused you to this day, I can't take it back but I apologize and if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't but I'll only accept that if it was real and genuine however I'm still working on it, I'm working on forgiveness for me not for him but them, I forgave them even without apology the worst, I think again, is my uncle because he's still in denial, and I believe that's still going on unfortunately unfortunately he has other kids around him I choose not to be around him and my children but I believe that this stuff is still happening however, I'm not there to witness it I'm not there to speak up and say something however, other people are there, and I encourage you to speak up, to say something because these little kids, they don't have the voice they don't have the courage to stand up for what's right to stand up for how they feel, if they feel uncomfortable if they feel scared or nervous confused, they don't have that so it's up to us to give them the words to give them that support, that guidance, that unconditional love and acceptance let them know that regardless to what, regardless to anything we got you, we're gonna be there we're gonna love you, we're gonna help you through this we will grow together, we will heal together a lot of people think this world is about me, me, me, me, me I, I, I, I, I, it's about self but it's not I believe everybody's purpose in this world is to learn to love yourself, and to love your neighbor as yourself, so the purpose in this world is to love unconditionally wholeheartedly love yourself, love your children love your neighbors, love your neighbor's children we are all here and we're in this together so let's work together to heal together you know, so many different things that we people go through that we just don't talk about including healing, suffering growing, expanding, learning it's just so much and just I'm just lost for words sometimes, you know forgiveness is letting go forgiveness is reclaiming yourself and your life reclaiming who you are and who you want to be and striving towards that forgiveness is freedom forgiveness is freedom for you from you, it's the best gift it's forgiveness even things that were not your fault it's okay to forgive yourself for those things as I was saying, things that are not in your control it's okay you were a child you didn't have a choice but to intimidate children into doing what they want to do and that's not growth guess what you're teaching them, you're teaching them to intimidate the next person it may be a kid, or maybe when they get older it may be another grown up, we don't know because other situations and circumstances in your life help mold that and reflect that so you just you just have to give yourself that gift of freedom of forgiveness and of self love and with that being said I just want you to remember that like the sun you can rise again and again and again dust yourself off move forward and try again life is about transition and change if you fall on your face, if you change your mind and if you need to make a comeback again and again and again just stand back up, dust yourself off and do it you can, you got this release the idea that you're messed up release the idea that you messed up release the idea that you're not worthy, or you're not good enough, you're not pretty enough you're not handsome enough, you're not wealthy enough you're not whole enough release those negative ideas of yourself, those negative thoughts that hold you back and realize that you are perfect you are perfect in God's eyes He handcrafted you so release the idea that you messed up if things aren't perfect stop waiting to be ready, make new choices and decisions and again, remember still I rise and with that being said, we're going to take another song break and see what you guys think of this, I like this song so hopefully it comes out right turn the rain, turn the rain on the thunder tell the storm I'm new I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue love forgive me, I've been running, running blind in truth I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular painted white, black, blue I'm a wild, come and watch, I'm a regular I'm a wild

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