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cover of What's the Deal
What's the Deal

What's the Deal


The audio titled "What's the Deal" sets off a vibrant journey into the world of 1970s' electric funk and disco. The track is a nostalgic trip, electrified by the sharp twangs and rhythmic strums of an expressive guitar. The soundscape is heavily influenced by the disco beats popular in Washington during the era, blending seamlessly with the raw energy of funk. The pulsating rhythm and compelling guitar riffs are the heart of the track, creating an atmosphere that transports you straight into the heart of a bustling 1970s' disco club. The audio encapsulates the spirit of the time, immersing you in an era where music was not just heard but felt, making you want to move and groove with the rhythm. This electrifying combination of disco and funk creates an infectious energy that is sure to invigorate your senses.

Sound Effectselectricwadiscoguitar1970sfunk

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