The audio begins with the bustling sound of car engines revving, tires squealing, and horns honking, creating an atmosphere of a busy city street. The sounds then transition to a more ominous tone, capturing the essence of the title "Trepidation of Automobiles." The eerie echo of an engine's roar, the intimidating screech of brakes, and the startling blare of a car horn are all enhanced and edited to evoke a sense of dread and fear associated with automobiles. This fear is further amplified by the use of suspenseful background music and the occasional silence that contrasts sharply with the cacophony of car sounds. The audio also incorporates the sound of heavy breathing and a rapid heartbeat, creating a palpable sense of anxiety and fear. The piece ends with the fading echo of a car's exhaust, leaving the listener with an unsettling feeling of apprehension.