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wwe 2k25

wwe 2k25

Thunderbolt Jackson



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The person is discussing their wishlist for the WWE 2K25 game. They want new animations for wrestlers, including realistic injuries affecting their movements. They also suggest adding new match types like inferno, buried alive, triple cage, and three stages of hell. They want the game to have a subtitle of "Create Your Own Story" and bring back features like create a story and create a finisher. They propose giving each wrestler four slots for alternate attires and creating their own music for entrance themes. They also mention their prediction for the showcase mode featuring CM Punk's career. They request the removal of the slingshot tech from the game. make WWE 2K25 or my wishlist for WWE 2K25, whatever you would like to call it. For me I'm just calling it my concept because there are a ton of things that I have to talk about and things I want to be added or updated into the game so let's get right into it. First off let's talk about new animations for the wrestlers and I don't mean like animations for like finishers or rehearsals and all that that would be nice but I'm thinking more like if the wrestlers hurt very bad they you know won't be able to run won't be able to like swing their arms uh their head hurts there will be mostly like robbing at it every time you had a head move um unable to get up to pretty much climb a ladder all so on and so forth um so pretty much mostly for like that stuff but say you want to hit like you're you're in like an intense match in WWE 2K25 and you both of your wrestlers the wrestlers that you've chosen say CM Punk versus Seth Rollins both have injured legs injured arms and injured heads they are unable to they are able to hit their finishers but they will go down instantly from hitting them because of their legs like like portray this like real wrestling where um if Seth Rollins for example hits a curb stomp immediately grabs his leg trying to relieve the pressure off it that would actually be a nice little detail added in there with like oh yes I want to do that because it's a simulation game I would like to be like that more realistic but pretty much update animations adding some new rehearsals adding some uh new finishers but yeah new match types I would like to see for the game um the new match types are the inferno match which who doesn't like an inferno match like fire and there will also be it would also be added to the at the animations for the last match type I'm going to say here um okay so we got inferno buried alive because we already got the casting match why not get a buried alive in there with the actual like pile of sand from the first game I've ever played with that match type was Smackdown vs Raw 2008 and that was my first wrestling game I ever played but I used to play that match I think constantly it would be nice to have that match return in wwe 2k25 just it's like hey look it's back um but yeah buried alive um the next the next the third match is a match I think was only in one game I don't know if you guys know please let me know in the comments I'll probably do research and type it in in the video um the the triple ks the wcw triple ks match which just think of all the oh my god moments you can head off that like chokeslam one opponent through the top zone and they just go down to the ring like that that would be pretty cool um the last match type is actually going to be the three stages of hell match where pretty much you know how three stages of hell works I'm guessing if you don't I'll explain pretty much one match so pretty much the first match pretty much it goes first match one person wins second match if the other person wins it goes on to the third match and you can choose any type of stipulation so like first match will be extreme rules second match will be a deal cage and the third match if necessary will be an ambulance match but um yeah pretty much that's how it works but I want it to work I want it in so that way we could do those things but there will there would have to be like match types you can only use for the third and final stage and that would be ambulance caskets buried alive and no infernal stage a ladder match and triple cage I think because that's a really big thing and or hell and cell so pretty much those five I want to say five I don't know all the bits and posts um yeah those are pretty much the new match types I want to see added to the game and pretty much all that stuff let's move on to the next part of the video the next part will pretty much be the subtitle of the game and creation the subtitle of the game which is probably the the main icon for the uh video is create your own story which new creation mode will obviously be create a story honestly it's like a fan favorite mode people want it back and okay think about all the like the respect you'll get by adding that back come on it's only for for people who are very creative and you could probably do like a competition every month to see who has the best storyline uh the next one is obviously a return create a finisher because the amount of videos I have seen of people actually like mashing clubs together of finishers being created is absolutely insane and I've literally left a comment on one of the videos saying I hope they bring it back and that's what inspired me to make this video I just really want to see create a finisher return because I have so many crazy ideas for finishers like gts 2.0 which is literally just farmhouse carry but it turns into the code breaker pretty much the gts 2.0 uh die jacks updated finisher where a gts mixed in with the upside down gts I don't remember the name of it so yeah um updated to uh so we all know the create a wrestler where you can create a wrestler or create a new attire for a superstar I'm mostly going to go into creating the attire for a superstar but make it to where every superstar has their own free slots or four slots so that way it's not taking up space and create a superstar because I for me and from 2019 to 2004 I have never made an alternate attire for a wrestler because I like creating wrestlers myself and I find it stressful the way there's like only a hundred slots for custom wrestlers and the pretty much the wrestlers themselves don't have separate slots so I'm suggesting you make it to where every every wrestler has four slots each and they can all be pretty much like all like creative like for those wrestlers exactly so they won't take up any custom superstars they could be a part of a thing called create a new attire which pretty much means you take a wrestler that like CM Punk for example and you can change their hair you can change their beard you can change the look of them to be more like younger or older and um that will be saved into that wrestler's character slot and I can already probably hear some of you watching but Jackson how will that work for creating an entrance because wrestlers have it this is where this feature comes in each wrestler has their own slot but also the slots have their own entrance so say you go to create an entrance click on CM Punk you can choose what attire which entrance goes with so like if you choose if you make a younger punk click on CM Punk a there'll be two versions of punk then the pretty much the default one or the creation one which is basically a younger version of punk and then you can go okay I want to customize that I want to make it more of his 2008 theme and pretty much just create like your own entrance and then save it and that way you have two entrances saved under one character also another please I don't even know what I'm saying please bring back all past characters being put behind one character please because I don't want to have 40 versions of John Cena in one match in like the game because I feel like the only reason this game has over 200 wrestlers is because it's all just older versions of wrestlers um the next thing um this one's obviously a big thing I've been thinking for a long time now create create music so pretty much you all know the entrance scenes where it's all like generic and all that and literally have like 50 guys or guys or women guys or gals who come out with the same pretty much same music so pretty much create a music it's pretty much you'll get like a bass you get like a riff of a guitar you get all this stuff and you just make your own so you become the musician that makes the wrestlers theme song which I think is a would pretty much improve on like okay I don't want to come out to this entrance anymore I want to make my own so you can actually customize your explicitly own music to the game just all those things uh I'm going to go into more depth about later probably in like a later video or something if this does well um yeah so that's all the new creation things I would like to say obviously updates uh to all the other things like uh new attires for pre-wrestler new arena parts new entrances new this and that next one my showcase prediction and I'm just going to say this now 2k get rid of the clean shot tech please I was trying to stream 2k24 and I literally got my first I think my first ever copyright strike because of the live action footage I can I can't stream it so get rid of the slingshot tech it was great for 2k22 so we've been tiring 2k24 and then no it was good in 2k22 we said it was like oh yeah this is a new thing 2k23 got a little tiresome 2k24 literally just no one streamed it because of the slingshot tech because of the network that owns wwe's uh library now you're copyrighted because you're showing actual footage get rid of the slingshot tech and bring back the pretty much the animations that you pretty much are good at creating for the showcase mode because you do my rise which is literally just full of your animations and I feel like you can do like that for showcase mode again but um okay you skip ignoring that part um the showcase should be about CM Punk and his career with wwe uh from his debut match in wcw all the way up to his return at survivor series to his first match at the world well I guess his first match is probably going to happen at summer slam that's uh just probably if he's cleared in time that probably yeah um yeah so pretty much just make the showcase mode about punk and his career from his debut match to winning the wwe title which obviously is going to be very controversial because of a certain someone that's in that match um I think they can like copy around them or probably do the mike tyson thing and just remove him because of they don't have the likeness for him so just replace him with like a generic ceo or something um yeah um that's pretty much my showcase for that um updates to universe mode which i'm going to say just either update it or remove it and add all the stuff from that to gm mode which i'm going to talk about later because honestly if you're gm mode because it actually has the draft which most people want to return in the future installment because the draft is a thing again and it would be nice to like oh okay i want that restaurant i just feel like they should either cut out universe mode because it's been the exact same thing every year and it's been broken so just remove it and put all the focus into gm mode or just whatever i don't know um what they're going to do because i'm not a big corporation um yeah so those are pretty much if if i was working on gm mode or not gm mode at universe mode those are the things i would like to say or probably happened because universe mode is broken um updates to gm mode which is obviously the biggest thing it's perfect in 2k24 but i feel like it can be better this is why i came up with a little concept called exclusive match types for certain pay-per-views i'm still working on it i think it's just like exclusive pay-per-view match types where pretty much they okay so there's obviously 25 weeks but make that a bit longer and add in the royal rumble elimination chamber and they have survivor series but add in the exclusive match types for those like if the royal rumble appears you then have access to the royal rumble match so you can actually have like 15 of your superstars versus 15 of the other brand superstars and pretty much see who wins or you can control one um elimination chamber same thing you get to choose the elimination chamber map and uh the last one is is um survivor series where you where you can choose war game which i'll say that would just be cool like i feel like that would be an instance like obviously there's a rating but if you choose those match types you get an instant five-star rating because they're exclusive to those pay-per-views it's only fair yeah um yeah those would be good um what was i gonna say could be added uh i didn't oh yeah um i didn't create an arena for that mode so that way like oh instead of us being like raw smackdown wcw or any versions of the next page or all that we actually get to customize our own arena and place it in there and also customize the belt for the brand but you can also do that for other brands so like say like the tag team titles were updated in the the wwe tag team titles for both raw and smackdown were updated recently they could probably be like the wwe championship could probably be updated like later on this year to the winged eagle and you create it and you want to add it to gm mode for like the raw or smackdown brand you can do that you can it could be like a promo segment where you click on it and there's a promo segment called change belts where pretty much you pretty much come out to the ring this is gonna be another thing i want to say is actual promos being cut in gm mode or universe just because i thought was a great feature of 2k19 sad that they removed it but i hope they bring it back for 2k25 um they they also would have to do another thing where like they do like the um reveal of the new belt that's like the animation like your investor comes into the ring holding their belt and then they're like they say something like i've been holding this belt for so long but i'm getting tired of this design i'm giving you a new belt puts it to the side and then reveals the new belt design which you have created yourself zoom in and yeah that's pretty much that um what other things was i going to say about gm mode um um yeah i think that was all i was gonna say about gm mode all right um if anything pops up again in my head i will obviously add it to the end of the video two more things left um first of all updates and fixes to my faction honestly they've added in the card market i recommend take that and get rid of the whole self-gamble like the whole like random card selection thing because honestly that's been kind of annoying and they've been costing way too much now because for me i don't spend money on these games because honestly i just see the game and i buy it for what it is i don't spend money on like transaction or resources i grind i literally grind like a few hours to get the money to get the not the money the my faction point to buy the cards packs and end up getting nothing so i recommend it either getting rid of the card packs entirely or making it to where the card pack actually means you get those cards because you have no idea how many of the i think it's the um i'm just gonna say it's the extreme pack i got i've got other packs in that pack like i got superstar one cards even though that's a pack i've opened it is annoying and i'm starting to get fed up uh with it um persona cards uh needs to be massively fixed instead of it being like oh uh you have to collect all these other cards to get it just have it be on the shop like okay uh the persona card for cm punk or three macintyre is available the older version of three the younger version of three actually is available for purchase for say twenty thousand twenty thousand my faction points which i see is a fair price because oh my god you have no idea how much the cards are for people that know that no you know how expensive the cards are separately you can literally buy the card packs for cheaper than buying the card itself um but yeah just just make the cards cheaper and add a more persona card and get rid of the whole oh you need this card to get this wrestler or these cards to get that wrestler just yeah just that's pretty much it um yeah i think that was all for my faction let's go into the last thing i think you guys will be very interested in this so yeah the last thing will be make the arena free roam or slightly open world and what i mean by slightly open world um actually hold on oh this could actually tie into my rise too so yeah so my rise for example you're playing my rise they've obviously been doing the um select players that play us so on and so forth i think they should bring back free roam to that game where say something like uh wrestling empire would get to roam around the stadium and go to the go outside of the arena go on to an airplane and all that to pretty much like oh make it more free roam all right that's all i'm saying like you can go up you can literally show up to the stadium before the matches start before the card before the show starts and you can roam around the entirety of the arena literally up to like the nosebleed section you can run down to like the stars run down jump over the barricades run in the rain for a few seconds run backstage all that stuff all in one continuous thing so there is so there are no loading screens because that kind of ruins my immersion with the wrestling thing it's like if you're going backstage it's not seamless like you can't just like walk backstage and open the go to grill position like you have to load in and then you're just in a i want to say cargo dock and parking lot and um for me i would like it to be more like okay you go backstage you're in the grill position from wwe 2k19 with the was pretty much the same layout as 2k19 but with that being added in as like a separate section of the obviously backstage from wwe 2k23 and 4 also add in the ability to leave the arena and fight outside like smackdown shut your mouth because honestly i want to explore more on these games i just feel like that would make it a lot more interesting it's just having the ability to go out of the ring and pretty much explore and talk to people talk to the wrestlers and all that i feel like it would be nice to have that in creator wrestler or even create a story in create a story you can have an option where it's like okay i want a free room i want to have this character over there that character over there all these characters around here it would improve the game just think about it you can't see it but i'm tapping my head right now like think about it um yeah so pretty much make it a slight open world and we actually get to see the ring getting built and that would be the timer that would be telling you okay the car starts in around 20 minutes you have 20 minutes to do side missions and all that stuff while the ring's getting built and the steps getting set up it's probably like too ambitious but it's something i really want to see in the wwe game so uh yeah i think that's it i think that's all i had to talk about um yeah um if you've sat a lot if you've sat for this long watching this it's probably going to be like gameplay of wwe 2k24 and i'll probably add in wee bits in here to pretty much signify something i probably won't because honestly i don't have the don't even know what game to put in and i want to get this game i want to get this video out very quickly but if you sat for this thank you for watching the whole video and um i'll be sure to do another one if this gets more than five likes i'll probably if this gets more than five likes i'll probably go into my concept for a transformers game so yeah um i'll thank everyone for who said they'll watch the full 27 minutes 30 minutes i'm just gonna say 30 minutes and um i'll see you in the next video bye everyone and uh remember to stay positive

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