Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
There was no getting around the problem. They were lost. He was an evil man, a lying, deceiving, manipulative man. I am not pleased with your choices. They were a disappointment to me. After months of observing your actions with me and others, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are my enemy, Christy. The dreams, the hopes, the ideals, the very promise of good ideas transformed into reality. Attribute, attribute, combat, combat, conduct, conduct, conflict, conflict, contest, contest, contract, contract, contrast, contrast, decrease, decrease, escort, escort, impact, impact, increase, increase, insult, insult, intrigue, intrigue, object, object, permit, permit, present, present, proceed, proceed, progress, progress, project, project, rebel, rebel, refill, refill, refund, refund, reject, reject, repeat, repeat, subject, subject, survey, suspect, suspect. Richard has one significant attribute to offer his prospective employer. Richard will attribute his hiring by the company to making a good first impression. My friend is a highly decorated combat veteran. My friend has no hat... Oh, fuck. Oh, boy.