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You're listening to Joe Radio Live, positive and motivational content just for you. Do enjoy and share. Joe Radio Live is a community where you'll find lots of helpful info to positively impact our listeners. You can help by sharing Joe Radio Live daily with at least one person. Good day, good day, good day, welcome to another Joe Radio Podcast Network program, formerly Joe Radio Live. If you are a full-time listener, we are so, so glad to have you. Special welcome to you, and of course, special welcome to all of our listeners. We thank you for your listenership, blessings to each and every one of you, thank you for taking the time out to tune in, thank you for your love and your support. All right, so we're going to get into it, let's start off with a word of prayer, Lord. We thank you, we give you all the praise, the honor, and the glory. We hallow your name, Lord Father, thank you for yesterday, thank you for today, thank you for what you're going to do today, thank you for your protection, your divine guidance, Lord Father. I pray for every listener that you would touch them, Lord Father, that you would do something awesome in their lives, even as they listen to our program, that something that they hear in the program, whether it's a message, whether it's a song, a testimony, something, Lord would impact their lives in a major, major positive way, and be a fruit, all right, meet them at the point of their needs, Lord, grant them the desires of their heart according to your will, in Jesus' name, amen. So how are you all doing? Always glad to be back in your company, let us know where you're listening from, get interactive via our contact information, remember you can call or WhatsApp us at 1-868-787-8285, that's 1-868-787-8285, you can also email us at jomedianetworkpt.gmail.com, all right, we're going to get into our hit descriptor for this program, and we're going to come back on the other side, don't go anywhere people, it's True Radio Podcast Network, let's go. Today's Bible verse is from the book of Psalms, written by King David, Psalm chapter 94, verse 18 through 19, If I say, My foot slips, your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul. This Bible verse is a powerful reminder that speaks to the power of God's love and compassion. David is expressing his own doubts and fears, but he ultimately finds comfort in the knowledge that God is always there for him. He says, When I said, My foot is slipping, your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. This verse reminds us that no matter how difficult things may seem, God is always there to catch us when we fall. on today's verse. This Bible verse is also a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. When we feel like we are slipping, we can always turn to God for help. He will always be there to support us and lift us up. If you are feeling down today, I encourage you to read Psalm chapter 94, verse 18 through 19. Let these verses fill you with hope and peace. God is with you, and he will never leave you. These words also remind us that God's love is unfailing. No matter what we do, God will always love us and be there for us. Let's pray. Dear God, I come to you today feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. I feel like I am slipping, and I don't know how to keep going. But I know that you are always there for me, and I trust in your unfailing love. But I know that you are always there for me. Even when I feel like I am all alone, your love is unfailing, and your grace is sufficient. I pray that you would help me to trust in your love and compassion. I pray that you would give me the strength to keep going. Even when things are tough, I pray that you would help me to find hope in the midst of despair. I pray that you would remind me that you are still in control, and that you have a good plan for my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. All right. Beautiful, beautiful stuff there. That was your Hittier Scripture for this program. I trust that you would have enjoyed that. So, today's topic is from nothing to something. Yes, people, from nothing to something. And we have a lot to talk about. I'm going to share something with you, and then we're going to come back on the other side to get into the nitty-gritty of the matter. All right? I trust that you would have brought on somebody. Bring somebody in. Bring somebody in. When they come in, remember to continue to listen, like, and share. Let's go to this audio right about now. At the age of eight years, my father was a polygamist. He had a lot of women. So, we moved from the stepmother to the other. And at the age of eight years old, my stepmother said she went to church, and they told her that because of her stepdaughter, she's unable to give birth. So, she dropped me out of the house at the age of eight. I went to stay at the Roman Catholic Church, cleaning the church. And at the age of ten, the Roman father then raped me. I left the church with blood, crying with no help. And as I walked outside, a woman selling on the street saw me crying and took me in. The woman was living in the market place. It's a market in Ghana, community one. It's a market. No house there, nothing. And I would help the woman sell every day, and I would sleep in the market place. I became a kayayo. If you know who a kayayo is, I dropped from class six. I didn't go to school again. No help. As I was carrying things for people to eat, the woman's son, who was living with her, also raped me at age thirteen. I ended up at the nightclub at thirteen. I had to go and buy weed and crack for the prostitutes. They would send me to go and buy the crack, but something just withhold me from interesting it. But I would do that. At age fourteen, I would sometimes sell myself to sleep with men. I didn't know my mom till seventeen. My dad never looked for me. And I started basing guys upon guys. And one of the guys at the age of sixteen I met went to Royal House Chapel on thirty-first December and took me. We were going to go to the nightclub. He took me to church first. And as the man of God was preaching about rapture in heaven, I gave my life to Christ. I was the only one who went forward. And Reverend Sanfrancisco looked at me and said, you will be a star. And a testimony that many will look up to. I started preaching in the church hall and buses. I would preach from Carnation to Santa Maria to Santa Maria and to Awoshi. And I would get there and they would give me money to beat. While I was preaching, a lady met me in the bus and said, don't you go to school? I said, no. I don't have any education background. Don't you work? I said, no. I am the marketing director for jeans. I preached. And she said, in my company, they are looking for a salesperson. But because you are able to influence people for Christ, I will take you there. Long story short, she took me there. I was hired as a sales representative at BNC Motors where they sell Chrysler, a jeep. Whilst I was selling there, I collided with American Embassy Portugal. I stabbed him. Stole their car to him. Two months later, he came back. He said, lady, because of your service, I want you to come and visit my country. American Embassy gave me a free diplomatic visa. I came to America with no education. But I entered into DeVry University. Listen, I dropped out from class 6 and I completed my university degree. I skipped dentistry. I skipped exercise. I came to University of DeVry. I completed. I got married. I brought the woman to my house and the woman took over my marriage. And I became homeless. I ended up on the streets of America sleeping under the roof there and took the whole bottle of paracetamol. That was paracetamol. And I should die. The government took my children from me. The nanny took over my house. She's the stepmother of my family now. They took my kids. I was back on the streets again in 2017. I was back on the streets again in 2017. But I took the medicine and told them only you will let me die. Why should I struggle like this? It's not my fault that I came to become a wealthy. I was there. And I collided with another CEO. He looked at me and said what do you do? I said I don't have anything. I only have a bachelor's degree. He said I'm hiring you as an auditor. I didn't have any background in auditing. They hired me as IT auditor. Long story short today I own my own big home. I can buy anything I want to buy. I work for the US government. I am an IT manager. Listen to me. I can buy anything I want to buy. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. I can buy anything I want to buy. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. It's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It's not of him that we love or of him that run it. But it's just a load that's so expensive. Why am I sharing this? It is not impossible. Nothing is impossible with God. You can make it. You will make it. Exercise your faith. Exercise your faith. And before I continue, I always like to encourage people those who don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I always like to encourage you and invite you to do so. If you would like to accept Jesus Christ into your life and experience out of this world changes. Beyond your wildest imagination. God can do so much in your life. You might look at your life as nothing right now. It might look like nothing is working for you right now. You might be feeling stuck. You might be feeling like you're just going around in circles. I can tell you, God can move you forward. God can propel you into greatness. There is so much that he has placed on the inside of you. So if you want to accept Jesus Christ right now, it's very easy. All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe, believe, believe in Jesus Christ. And just give your heart to him. Just say, Lord Jesus, I come to you as a sinner. I repent of all of my sins. I ask of your mercy and your forgiveness. Come into my life. Change me. I am yours from this day forth. In Jesus name. Quick, simple and to the point. If you said that prayer genuinely meant it from your heart, welcome to the body of Christ. All you have to do is believe. All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe, live the life, live for Jesus. Live for Jesus every single day. Despite the challenges that come, Jesus is greater than any challenge, than any mountain, than any obstacle that may come our way. And so to you right now who are going through, wherever you may be, you may be at home, you may be on the streets, you may be in a cafe or something or in a shelter, wherever you are listening to this right now, Jesus can change your life if you let him, if you allow him to work and do some awesome things in your life. Just as how he did it for this lady, he can do it for you. Do not lose hope, do not give up, do not throw in the towel. This lady did not do that. Even when she spoke about taking the paracetamol, God would not allow her to die because there is so much potential in each and every one of us. There is so much that God has placed on the inside of every single human being and it is up to us to tap in, tap into God, tap into God and find out. As we find out more about him, we find out more about ourselves, we learn more about him, we learn more about ourselves and we recognize what God has placed on the inside of us, the talents and the abilities. I am telling you, there is so much more to your life than the challenges and the trials that you are going through right now. Everything that you are going through right now is not just for you, it's so that you can in turn help somebody else. It's so that you can relate to somebody else's hurt and pain and be able to tell them what God did for you, how he brought you through, how he brought you out and you can in turn help that person to go through and come out of their situation and replicate the same thing with somebody else. It's like a domino effect. Don't think that you are going to die in this situation. Don't think that you will never come out of your situation. God can bring you from nothing to something. You may not feel special. You may not feel loved. God can turn mess into a masterpiece. You are right. You are in the right place for God to do something awesome in your life. All you have to do is believe. Call on the name of Jesus and believe. Lord, help me. Lord, help me. If you don't know what to pray, just say that. Lord, help me. God looks at the heart and I am telling you, God will come in. Jesus will come in and he will do what you never thought was possible. Look at what God did for this lady. Look at everything that she went through and he brought her out. He brought her out. You will come out shining like a diamond, purified as gold when God is finished with you. I want to encourage you today. Whatever it is you are going through, no matter how hard, no matter how life-threatening it may be, I pray that God will come through for you. I pray that you will exercise your faith and call on the name of Jesus. Call on the name of Jesus and watch God blow your mind. Watch God blow your mind. Introduce you to people you never thought you would meet. Take you places you never thought you would go. Do things in the name of Jesus that you never thought, that you never even knew you were able to do. Things that God has placed on the inside of you and it's just for it to come out for you to recognize what you have and put it to work. Put it to work. If you don't put a seed in the ground, it will not become a plant and then become a tree and then be a fruit. You have to hit the dirt. You have to hit the dirt. Life is not a bed of roses. Things will come. Disappointments will come. But this is all part of the process. Don't let it. If you get knocked down and you will get knocked down, it is part of life. Do not stay down. Get back up. Giving up is not an option. Whoever you are listening to this right now, giving up is not an option. You can do it. You will do it in the name of Jesus. I pray that your faith in Jesus Christ will be increased daily in the name of Jesus and whatever is holding you back. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that right now it has to let you go. It has to let you go. The devil has to let you go in the name of Jesus. I break the powers of darkness coming up against you in the name of Jesus. I pray God's divine protection upon your life in Jesus name. I pray that yokes and strongholds be broken in Jesus name right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. Right now. And God as I always tell you. Don't just exist but be a blessing.

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