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Tessa Unger



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A preceptor is a nurse who supervises and guides students in their clinical practice. They collaborate with instructors, provide feedback on the student's progress, and determine if they are ready for practice. The preceptor has responsibilities such as giving feedback, teaching, being a role model, facilitating introductions and resolving issues, and promoting critical thinking. A preceptor is a nurse who oversees the student in clinical practice and ensures that they can practice in accordance to nursing standards. Nursing schools depend on experienced practicing nurses to establish relationships with their students who also produce learning experiences that can help them become ready for practice. The preceptor collaborates with the instructor and provides feedback on the student's practice and progress. Furthermore, it is the perception of the preceptor that plays an important role in helping to determine if the student is ready for practice after the final clinical rotation. The nurse preceptor has many responsibilities. First, the preceptor is responsible for providing feedback. Feedback is given on the student's professional and clinical performance, how they maintain accountability and meet nursing standards for their practice. Next, the preceptor is a teacher who is always seeking out learning opportunities for the student. In these learning opportunities, the preceptor is supportive, encouraging, assessing and helping the student to establish goals. Third, the preceptor is a role model. As a role model, the preceptor models the behavior that is acceptable for practice and the student will likely imitate it. Next, the preceptor takes on the role of the facilitator. The preceptor facilitates introductions to the interdisciplinary team, helps to resolve issues if they occur, and seeks out useful clinical experiences. Finally, the preceptor is a clinical leader. A clinical leader enables a student to utilize judgment and critical thinking in the practice setting.

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