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Bizarre sex customs around the world

Bizarre sex customs around the world


Sex talk! This podcast is were we talk about all things sex! Fetish, alternative, strange, normal, weird, embarrassing, and much more! So strap in or strap one on and enjoy! We are not professionals or therapist just two dorks who like all types of sex and learning about all kinds of sex!!



Welcome sinners. Hi, welcome to Tammy and the Preacher podcast. I'm Tammy and I'm the Preacher. And on this podcast we're going to talk about all things sex. So strap in or strap one on and enjoy the show. Hello everybody and welcome to episode 15 of Tammy and the Preacher. Hi Preacher, how are you? I'm doing good. Well how was your week? Better than usual. But yeah. Well besides allergies but right you know that's something that only mother nature can control. Well I'm sure there's a feely out there for some sneezing motherfuckers. Yeah I haven't found it but I probably ought to look. Oh man so um as I understand and we talked about you have a subject that has a lot of things to go with it. Yeah. So I figured we can. Some might have a little discussion some might be like oh god roll your eyes and let's just scroll on. Right. So yeah I think that it would be best if we if we rolled with your subject just to. You didn't do your homework. No. That's fine. I did I did do my homework I just didn't. You get to carry me on your shoulders next week. Oh do I? I don't know. Okay. All righty well do you have a philia? Well let's see here's one I don't know how to pronounce this right. Agalmatophilia. Spell it. A-g-a-l-m-a-t-o-p-h-i-l-i-a. Agalmatophilia. You'll never guess what that one is. I what is it? That is arousal to statues. Oh lord why did that one statue come to mind? The naked guy with no arms and a big pecker? Well the one where the pecker was really small. Hey quit talking about my statue. That statue actually came to mind I can't really think of what it was. Wasn't that a Greek statue or something? Yeah I think it was a Greek statue and it's uh it's everybody goes and sees it so. Not me. Not me you know but it's a wonderful piece of art and everybody enjoys it but when you said that that statue came to mind. I was thinking the naked lady with a vase pouring water. Yeah that's a good one. That is a good one. I don't think it aroused me but it would intrigue me. So I wonder if Medusa was a algomotophiliac. Maybe. Because she turned them all to stone. Exactly and she seemed to enjoy doing so. If you had snakes for a hair day you probably would too. That is true I you know would probably have to have some kind of weird freaky shit going on. Now she was in was she in Greek mythology? I think Medusa was Greek mythology. I'm not a hundred percent sure. That would be a max question because he's all about those mythologies. I used to know but god that's been too many years ago. Man I realize that there is a lot more than just Greek and Roman mythologies. There's a lot more. There's a lot of mythologies and I was really quite surprised when I learned it. So there's probably mythologies around this town. Maybe and you might know of them. I've heard a few. Oh wait those are rumors. Oh right. We were so close. We're on the right track though. We are on the right track. We did get not necessarily emails but we did get some inquiries. Oh yeah. Everybody seemed to enjoy Max being the third co-host although if there were three I don't know if he would it would be a co-host. Sure there's a word for it but a lot of people enjoyed having him on the show probably because he just puts in his fucking two cents and doesn't ask permission. Yeah it worked. Yeah last episode was rough for me because of all of the in and out that was going on with Ralph. Well the microphones picked up a lot of extra noise. They did. I heard noises that normally we would make you never hear. Yeah exactly and we had to put me and Max on the same channel on two dynamic mics because I only have two condenser mics and then I have like all these studio dynamic mics just laying around. So we put him on one of those and those dynamic mics do not compress shit. They pick it all up. They pick it all up. There was a fly farted in the corner and we picked it up. Yeah I got that one out. Actually you got a lot out because it was noisy. Yeah and having a silent spectator in here I think that the next time we do that we're just going to have to barricade the studio door so they can't keep going in and out in and out. Yeah because it really was rough. It was rough so I again apologize to all of our viewers. I was trying to be quiet. No he was. Those microphones just pick it all up. They do. So I think that if we do have any like when we start interviewing people I'm going to have to do a little probably some quality control maybe get one of those they connect to your microphone stands and they're foam and they're round it just will block anything coming in. Like the newscasters use. Yeah so I'll probably get one of those. I can actually build one. It's not that hard. I kind of cardboard rolling around here and some styrofoam. I could build it and just have it. It might hide a little bit of their face. If you build it they will come. Yeah might hide a little bit of their face but hey we're going to be asking them crazy questions anyway so they might want to hide. Yeah so I might do that for the next time but just having Max in here you know was kind of fun. Yeah it was. And I think that we should you know have him on the show often because people seem to respond to it. So it was a good time. And if we get Candy in here maybe we can get her to open up and actually say something. Otherwise she might see her stare at us. Right heck I probably could put Candy and Max on the same mic as much as those mics. Yeah instead of splitting a whole another channel between you and somebody else. You'll hear the two bickering at each other. Oh it'd be great. So what is your subject today? Subject is unusual sex practices from around the globe. Okay yeah so this might really be interesting. Yeah some of these are very interesting and some of them are like really? Yeah. Okay so we'll start with Indonesia. They have sex with strangers on PON festival. P-O-N. A small village solo in Java is the place where this weird sexual ritual takes place. Two strangers meet during the festival and indulge in sexual intercourse. It doesn't matter if they are married to someone else. It is said that if the couple has sex seven times during this festival it will bring them good luck. And where is it that again? Indonesia. Indonesia. Might have to take a trip there. So they have this festival. Are they is the partners pre-arranged? No I guess it's if you just hook up. Don't matter married or not. Okay so interesting. That was a that one was very interesting I thought. Yeah that's that's strange. Yeah I could probably go and at least observe. And if you bang one out seven times you're gonna get a good luck. Like for the rest of the year. The rest of your life. It says just good luck. It says during this festival it will bring them good luck. You know those people in Indonesia are probably used to fucking multiple times in a in a night anyway or a day. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that sex is just running rampant. I'd like to imagine. Like hot and cold water over here. Yeah. I can't imagine fucking somebody seven times in one night. Well no I can imagine it. It doesn't say how long the festival lasts. So it could be a whole weekend thing. Okay and yeah we could that's doable. Yeah. I mean I'd like to go sightsee. You do that on Monday morning. Right. Well Monday afternoon because you wore out Monday morning. Yeah I wouldn't be able to walk. I thought that one was pretty good. All right. Here's one from Cambodia. Sex with multiple partners before finding the one. Says there's nothing wrong with dating and having sex with someone you have feelings for. Things may not work out. What's strange in this weird sexual practice in Cambodia by the Khuang tribe is that the parents build a love hut for their teenage daughters. They encourage them to spend every night with a different guy until they find someone fit to marry. Okay. That's a little unusual. That's a little yeah that's unusual. Here we try to lock them up so they don't do that. And tell them scary stories like hell if you if you give a blowjob you'll grow a mustache. Down there they build a room for them. Build them a love shack. Literally a love shack. There is a picture of it. Oh my god. It is a love shack. Down in Cambodia she's walking around going your Monday, your Tuesday, your Wednesday. Meet me at the love shack. Oh my god. That is odd as shit. Well just imagine if you're like the 35th guy in line and finally she picks you. It's like wow everybody in town knows what I got. Exactly. It could be worse. I mean I guess. I mean I wonder if there's a big safe sex practice that goes on in Cambodia. I don't know but you know Boner's going to be getting a passport. Oh yeah definitely. Oh yeah. Well see and here's the thing. These are little villages. Yeah. So how many men are just waiting for that birthday? I don't know. That one girl. They might be standing in line. She might have to go and point at them. They're just like open the hut that night. Okay let this one in. Oh my god. No wait. You're the one guy she turned down. Oh that would be bad. That would be bad. That would just. I'd be walking away with my head down slumped shoulders. That's a stab in the heart. Yeah. I mean you're ready to go. You open up the love shack door. She's like uh. Never mind. And you're like aww. Man shucks. That's my luck that's my luck right there. Okay. All right. You want to try another one? Let's go. Let's see. West Africa. The wife stealing festival. Oh Jesus. Yeah. There are many tribes all over the world and obviously they have different customs. The one weird sexual ritual followed by the Wudibi tribe in Niger West Africa. This ritual takes place in the Garowulf festival which is held each year. The men dress up and try to impress the wife of another man. If he is successful and the wife is impressed and chooses to spend her time with him then the husband cannot stop her from doing so. Polygamy is widely accepted in this tribe. This is quite normal for them. Oh my god. I guess that's another place I'll put on my to-go list. I don't know. I mean you think about it. These wives have been passed around multiple times. So what's new? You don't lose your wife. You lose your turn. You lose your turn. Oh my god. That is hilarious. Okay. Well I'm guessing you know it doesn't take a whole lot to impress them because you know it's a tribe. Sounds like in the middle of nowhere. It kind of you got to be able to craft some beads. Oh okay. So you know there's something sexy about that. Hey we're used to tossing beads here. Yeah. Why not? Just a little different kind of beads. The wives stealing festival. Yeah. They dress in beads and then you know toss a necklace of bones. Yeah. I guess the wives come back to them the way it didn't really say anything else. But well I would assume so. I mean she comes back with a smile on her face. And a tot full of splooge. Oh yeah. Well hey it's Africa. Yeah. Why not? Okay. Now this one is this one kind of is bothersome. This is something that happens by accident in America. Children watching their parents have sex. It's probably the most scarring image if you accidentally walk in your parents having sex. But in Marquesas Island is a common practice for parents to have intercourse in front of their children. The main reason the houses are very small on this island so it's calm for children to sleep with their parents. And it's okay for them to watch them getting intimate. No. That's just one of those creepy things. Yeah. I would not enjoy watching my parents have sex. I mean I caught them once and then heard them once and that was enough for me. Yeah. They would lock us downstairs and they went upstairs. Yeah. I mean and you get to a certain age you know what your parents are doing. I'm not going to go and watch. No. That's not the voyeurism I want. It's different when they're in a crib and they can't talk. They don't know what's going on and they still have a bottle. Well we know what you and Candy were doing when your kids were babies. No. You had them off the side of the room. They was there but like I said they was too young. That was before. They were still retaining knowledge preacher. Yeah. This I don't even know these people. It's the Inis Big is the name of this I guess it's a tribe. Where? It says it doesn't say where. I-N-I-S-B-E-A-G. They make love while keeping their underpants on. Couples believe that doing this keeps the passion alive among the couple. This is done by them because they are a bit sexually repressed. Okay scratch wherever that place is I just scratch that off of my to go. So wait a minute this tribe practice is dry on me. Yeah pretty much. Just pulling the panties to the side you know and okay that can kind of scratch a little bit sometimes so that doesn't sound fun. Why just take them off? They're sexually repressed. What does that even mean? They're scared to look at each other I guess. That's the only thing I can figure. I mean I prefer. If you're gonna put your dick in it then you might as well look at it. Exactly that's why I think maybe they don't have razors there. Well I can't imagine any types of tribes you know from across the globe that practice in pussy shaving or ball shaving so. True. So just look at it. That's what I would think. It's it's like one of those angels want to hold their head down there going look at it. It doesn't really say if that's a tribe it doesn't say where it's at. That's just odd. It just says these people so maybe they're a tribe and they've got all kinds of critters running around in there and they don't want to look at the critters running around in the bush. Oh no see now you just went way left on that. Way uh-uh. Yeah well that's not as gross as you know candy for saying that Max is about let her off the air again. So we've been getting a little disgusting. So she did say that she had a she had a topic she wanted to talk about but then she forgot what it was. I was like candy you really need to dirtytalktv at gmail.com. Pops up just email. Just email with Ed. I won't even. Or text Tammy. Yeah text me you got my number. Okay then there is the Chattisgarh India no emotional attachment sex. People might think of India as a very reserved nation but the Uriya tribe of Chattisgarh is quite liberated when it comes to sex. Young men and women practice premarital sex during gotul I guess how you pronounce it g-o-t-u-l and are refrained from being emotionally attached. They can have as many partners as they want to avoid pregnancy girls drink an herbal potion. See I got that mixed up with Indonesia because it's India that are like real like sex people. Yeah they're the ones that started the Kama Sutra. Yes that's what I'm trying to say. So I got that mixed up with so that's what I was saying sex is probably running rampant. That's where I'm at. India. Yeah. Yeah I could you know I could totally see so many crazy things happening there in India and it not being because I don't think they really are uptight about sex. No they're not. And I really think that only and this is just me thinking this that only the United States is uptight about sex. They're I think the most. And it's like you I mean you go over overseas you know to Europe and there's all kinds of stuff that you can actually see on just normal TV programming. Right. So I think it's just us that go to the buddy duddies. Everybody's wearing a speedo or a thong bikini and yeah these people might be 80 years old and they don't care. They don't care. So yeah I really do I think it's just the United States that's so uptight about sex and I just don't know why. It's not like it's a big deal. It's been beat into it from the beginning of the country. Yeah. The Quakers. They didn't like nothing. It doesn't make any sense though because sex is a healthy part of life and even two people having some form of intimacy even though it's not physical sex just some form of togetherness and intimacy is actually really good for somebody's mental health. Yeah. And Dr. Ruth used to say you're supposed to have sex I can't remember how many times a day or week before you know it'll make you healthier. I believe that. I really do. If you're not doing it with somebody then do it with yourself. Yeah. I mean because I think the whole idea for between Dr. Ruth might have been you know just the orgasm and the release. Yeah. So yeah I hate I just don't understand why we're so uptight about sex you know and you got countries like India that are just like oh yeah let's go. Just walk around the corner. Just don't do it in the middle of the street. They might even care about the middle of the street. Well I would hope that there's some sort of privacy aspect to it but you'd think if you're not having non-committal you know emotionally connected sex yeah bang one out in the middle of the road who cares. Who cares. Don't block traffic. Yeah just you know stay off the cobblestones. Especially in India then people drive like nuts. Oh yeah oh god yeah I can't see anybody getting. Yeah you're not doing the middle street there. No imagine roadhead in India. You might get your dick bit off on accident. Yeah and then there's uh here's from Colombia. I'm gonna say this wrong too. Guar Guarheo tribe of Colombia holds a ceremonial dance where people dance. Consider falling in love here saying holds the literal meaning. If a woman is able to make a man trip then they must have sex with each other. What? Yeah they have sounds like they have a ceremonial dance and if a woman can make a man trip and fall they have to have sex. That'd be awesome except for you're you're the female so it wouldn't work for you because you're clumsy you'd trip and fall. But I could take a mother****er down with me. There you go. I mean my two left feet will get in the way and then boom. And I'm that way too. I would trip and fall on my own. Guess what I'd be having the same sex I usually have. That is just um that's interesting right there. I can't even imagine the dance. The it would be kind of cool to observe some of this stuff and see how it actually pans out. Yeah and the photographer in me would like to go and take some pictures. I'll carry the equipment. Yeah you will. Who else is going to carry it for sure? You need to know what role you play in my life. I'm a pack mule. In Haiti they have a sexual dance. People gather near the waterfall and get naked. After getting naked they take a bath together and do a sexual dance. People believe that in doing so will make the goddess of love happy and she gives her blessings to the married life. So that's not really. That's not bad. Yeah they just got there and they just got their little thing. Yeah they just basically sponge each other off and hope they appease the goddess. Well there's nothing wrong with cleanliness. I'd rather have one just washed. Yeah exactly. Especially in Haiti. And this says New England and I looked and I could not find it's not I know it's not in America. It's not Boston. I'm pretty sure. Wicked style coming. We usually see people go into lengths to have sex but in New England couples do everything else except penetrative sex. That might be Boston. They sleep together and are fully clothed fully or partially and try to get to know each other during this period. The only strength that you can have can't do anything sexual to each other but cannot you can do anything to stimulate each other but you cannot do the main thing. So you can flick a bean and and do a little tug. Right. So somebody out there in New England's giving each other the double dutch runner. And they obviously they'll probably be good at it by the time it's all said and done. Okay and this is just a short period of time right? Yeah that's what it says. That's just that is strange to me. I mean it doesn't even say this during a festival or anything. So it's just a four-place. I looked that up and I cannot remember where that was at and I'm thinking that was it was over the pond somewhere. They called it New England but I know it was New England. Yeah there's no way. Yeah this one this one kind of caught me off guard. Ruhle, Austria armpit flavored apples. Oh no. The first line is you might think this is gross. But in Ruhle, Austria it is an age-old tradition. Young girls do a traditional dance while keeping sliced apples in their armpits. After the dance she offers the apple to the man of her choice and he eats the apple. This means that the man is open to loving her and all her body parts. Okay look your significant other that you're choosing to spend the rest of your life with is gonna love you even through your funky time. Yeah. No that's not happening. Yeah I'm not much of an armpit person. Oh well okay look yeah there's and you know Ophelia and a fetish and all that. Austria is a European nation and European women on a general note a lot of them do not shave their armpits. So not only is it an armpit tradition but it's a tradition that's been around for a long time. European women on a general note a lot of them do not shave their armpits. So not only is it an armpit it's a hairy armpit. Hold that out. You think you're gonna pick the hair off of it before you eat it? I would hope so. Or you just go right in. I mean we talk about the forbidden fruit right now. Yeah that's better than having it in a butt crack. No that's disgusting. No people stop with your weirdness. We have so many listeners in Austria maybe they could email us and tell us about this. Dirtytalktv at gmail.com and let's talk about your... Apple armpit apple. Yeah your armpit. I can't. Next. You ready for the next one already? Yeah I can't. Okay this one this actually turned me off. I was going to go swimming in the Nile one day. No. Yeah right. But this one said told me no. Egypt is surely a land of many unusual practices which adds a mysterious element to this country. The Nile is the longest river in the world and I guess we have found the answer to why it is so. As we all know the rainfall in Egypt is scarce and the Nile is the main source of irrigation. Egyptians believed that the Nile was formed when God Atum ejaculated after masturbation. People of ancient Egypt used to believe that jerking off in the river will make sure there's always enough water in the river for a good crop cultivation. Which is why the guy is fishing. Nope they ain't fishing. But they all got a pole in their hand. Yeah. Holy shit. That's why the ocean is so salty. Oh god. The Mediterranean has got a lot of salt in it. Yeah it does. And you just ruined me on the bed. I just I saw that one I was like oh golly. I wonder if that practice is still. I don't know. It might be. I'm sure it is by a few anyway. Traditionalists. Or just horny boys. Jack it off in the Nile. Yeah. Can't deny the Nile. Hey Billy you're 13 now. Come a man go jack off in the Nile. Go jack off in the river. Oh my god. You ain't a man unless you do it. I don't know if I want any of you to fish to come out of there either. I don't. That is just too much. That one was one I found that one hilarious. But I guess that's why it's so far to land right there. Okay. Go with that. Okay. Mangie. Mangie. I don't know how to pronounce it. M-A-G-E. You can't pronounce any of these. No I can't. Old women sleep with much younger women. Much younger men. Hey I might be able to go there. Okay. So. Okay. Mangie. I'll just call it that. It's the oldest island in the Pacific and has a weird sexual custom. This is an age old custom where young boys around age 13 or years are supposed to have sex with an older woman. This is done to make sure the boys know how to make a woman happy and well. Knows how to pleasure points to please their partners. I guess you know. Didn't Max have an older woman to begin with? Yeah he did. Well see maybe he's a little older. Yeah he did. Well see maybe he's from that island. Maybe so. He was 16 when he. Oh they say 13. Oh yeah. He well he lost his virginity I think a woman who was like 40 or some shit. 35, 40 when he was 16. And for a long time he preferred older women. Yeah. And we have a lot of friends who do. They really like their milfs. Some of them like their gilts. Hey you know what there there is a lot of truth that an older woman can really teach you. They can teach you a thing or two. You know when you're a teenage boy you don't really know. No. You've seen a picture or two. So if you're between the ages of 18 and 25 you know hit me up. Dirtytalktp.gmail.com. I am the older woman who would teach you shit. Ancient Greece. I don't know if I want to even read this one. It's sexual practices between young boy and older men. So just I'm just going to skip that one. That was actually quite it was very custom back then especially in ancient Greece. It was a thing. A lot of art depicts it still to this day. So yeah it was it was quite a thing. There's a picture of some of the art right there on the screen of it. Yeah. It's a very famous art at that. It was a very popular thing. It was a very practiced custom in ancient Greece for older men and young boys to learn together. Yeah that's a that's a screwed up as a meth heads checkbook. Sorry to all our meth heads out there. He needs hate mail. Dirtytalktp.gmail.com. In Nepal brothers share a wife. Wait stop. Did you say something correctly? Yeah I know that. Okay. It was on Indiana Jones. Oh okay. I think it was on Raiders of the Lost Ark actually the first one. Polygamy is well heard of and was practiced by earlier rulers and in Islam but polyandry is not so common. And actually I did bring that up in an earlier podcast. Nepal polyandry. Yeah you did. But that was that place was the exception to this strange sexual practice. And it's common in a tribe which resides in the Himalayan region of Nepal where brothers share a wife. I'm guessing there's a lot more men to women there. This would be my just guess. Would you share a wife with your brother? I don't know if I had a brother. Probably not because if I had a brother I probably wouldn't get along with him. I wouldn't share a husband with my sister. You would too. No. No. I'm just thinking of both of them. No. Because I mean they'd be around all the time. Yeah that's true. Yeah. I don't know if I could handle that. I like my solitude. I can agree with that. Yeah. Okay. In your list of strange sexual practices across the world is there anything with some lesbians? I mean I'm feeling a little left out here. All of our lesbians are feeling left out. No I haven't seen any that I can recall. But in New Guinea the Sambian tribe they drink semen. Like just drinking from a cup? Let's see New Guinea is a sex club. I mean I'm a swallower. I am but I just had this whole image of like you know a whole glass of semen. Like bartender. I'm parched. I don't know if I need the refill. Just go dip it out of the Nile. Oh God. Oh God I needed that laugh. What you drinking there? Shaken not stirred. Oh yeah. Yeah the Sambian tribe in New Guinea has a bizarre practice where the boys are separated from their mothers or any other female figure and taken to the elder males who are physically strong. Then the torture begins where their noses are pierced. This is done to remove any poison influence of women and then they are made to form oral sex on the older men and drink their semen. So no it's not on the rocks. It's not out of the Nile. You told me to run the whole thing for me man. We're going to go back to my idea. My idea is better. Just go get a drink out of the Nile. Yeah go just dip it on the Nile for me and put it on some ice. Throw in some strawberries. You want it flavored up a little bit. I just want a kumquat cocktail please. Oh God. Oh that is hilarious. Well these are quite interesting. They really are. Some of them are a little. They're a little out there. They are a little out there. Are these like all ancient practices? No some of these I think they're current. Yeah. Okay yeah. It said you know in ancient Greece or ancient Egypt but a lot of these kind of sound like they still go on in villages and stuff. I almost would like to know. Curiosity. Curiosity. Oh it has. It's got me. Yeah well you can pay for a temporary marriage in Iran. While Muslim practices some of the strict laws regarding sexual intercourse and relationships between men and women. However in Iran a young couple can request a temporary marriage. They can pay for a short ceremony which includes a written contract that states the time for which they will be married. Once done they can live like husband and wife and can judge each other. Okay hold the phone. If you want a piece of ass and you're under those strict laws of their religion you can't just go out and fuck somebody. It sounds like you have to pay the government like the bunny ranch was in Vegas where the government ran the... Basically you're hooking yourselves out in a sense. Yeah that's what it sounded like to me. So hey let's get married for two weeks. Yeah. You know I'll take you to pound town and then we'll part ways. That is ludicrous and asinine at the same time. Yeah. Fuck no. Now it makes me wonder how many times motherfuckers have actually been married. Well over there they could have many wives so I don't know. Well I mean you think about it. Somebody a hundred years from now is going to be searching their ancestral family tree. DNA genealogy yeah. And then they're going to have to look through all these marriage records and be like oh well you know great grandpa Abdul was married 17 times and they were all short marriages. What the fuck. Yeah it doesn't really say is that a 30 day contract or what. Yeah it's just my god. Okay here's one the rainbow kiss I will not describe that one. That is oh if you want to read it you can. No I'm good. Yeah. I'm good. You don't want to read it. I'll look it up later. Yeah of course and there's the pearl necklace. Shrimping talked about that. Yes we did. Snowballing. You know what that one is. Well for our listeners. Yeah. We have one that's Lola she will ask so go ahead and explain the damn thing. That's where the woman performs palatio when he ejaculates she keeps in her mouth and kisses him. Yes. During which they swap the back and forth until one person swallows it. What's that other country again where you're getting a cold glass. That was Guinea or something. Yeah. Yeah trust me if we if we would have left snowballing out there I would have gotten a text that would have just been random from Lola that would have said what's snowballing and then I would have to remember what the hell is she talking about like why would you ask about snowballing. So yeah. There's felting which you've already touched on that one. I have. Yes. Yes I have. And stealthing. Let's see. Every woman out there needs to watch out for this a sex trend that is catching up. Stealthing is the technique where a man removes the condom during the act without notifying the woman and then comes inside of her. Dirty pool. Yeah that is. That's dirty pool. Yeah. But I guess that's becoming a thing now. Why? This is kind of off the around the globe but this is some unusual things that people do. Most men run from the scare of getting a woman pregnant. Why would you take the chance just so you can I mean is there really something. OK you're a dude. Let's just let's just stop and talk about this for a second because I hear men and I've heard men talk about it forever. Is there something a feeling just something about ejaculating inside a woman's vagina. Yes. What? I don't know. I just feel so good. OK as opposed to wearing a condom. Yeah. Why? Well just condoms. They're uncomfortable. I don't like them. They kill sensations. I get it. Well they get thinner and thinner every year. I don't know. I haven't bought one in 30 years on this. We should just challenge ourselves to buy the thinnest condom and use it just for test purposes because I mean come on you and I have both been married for a very long time. I haven't used a condom in a long time. I never liked the way they felt on my end. Right. They were bulky and weird and I didn't like it. Yeah. But I've heard men just go on and on and on. Oh there's nothing like it. I would have to. Coming in a woman. Well I'm not going to do that. I would have to get the special kind because candy would break out in a rash otherwise. Okay. The latex. Oh she's allergic to latex. Okay. Well you can get them latex free. Yeah. So I'd have to find those. You better listen to this episode first because if you come home with a condom she's going to have a fucking fit. I'll set them on the counter and she'll be like what the hell is this? Sorry honey I forgot to leave them in my truck. World War III breaks out right? Yes it does and when we see the mushroom cloud out west we will know she's found an unexplained condom. A whole box of them. I'm not saying buy a whole box. Let's not waste money unless we're going to pass them out to some of the young kids around here and be like here Brock this is the expectation of the fucks. We should because the last condom I remember was sometime in the 90s. Yeah it was yeah probably yeah. And it was what? You know. Regular old Trojan ribbed I think is what we bought. A couple inches thick. Yeah. It was quite. And I didn't even know they had condoms with ticklers on the end of them until you. Yeah well like I said those came out of the vending machine in the kick stop. Right so I mean but men so really what is it about coming in a woman? Hey to all our male listeners I want your opinion too. You know the fucking email address dirtytalktvgmail.com but seriously what is it? It's the slick feeling after you're done. The slick. Yeah. But usually when you guys are done you're done. You're not messing around up in there. Sometimes. You're not are you sloshing? Oh used to. Used to now it's not that's not my that's my problem not hers. Okay otherwise she'd be ready for rounds. So yeah I just just was wondering. Yeah. Maybe I'll ask Max one day what's the big deal but there's also those guys that don't that want to like come in a woman's face or on her stomach or on her tits or whatever and I get that whole aspect of it but some men are just like oh no I don't want to wear a condom because it feels so much better when you come inside and I'm like. But it does. Does it? Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I figured you'd do that by now. Well of course I did but it's just one of those things where you're talking about a trend where guys are you know yanking off the fucking condom and it's like okay. Well they also eat Tide Pods so I mean. That is true. That's how you expect. But the whole point of the condom is for safety. Yeah. You know. There are. And you need protection. Yeah. Diseases are around. Pregnancy is real. Especially an unwanted one. Come the fuck on. Why are you ripping it off? Yeah. Maybe have a conversation with your partner. Yeah. But I'm assuming this might be one night stand situation. I'm guessing probably so. Yeah. Dude I would. They brag to this buddy oh I knocked that chick up she don't even know my name. Shit like that. See. And people do that. I know. Guys are assholes. They really are. They are. I agree. But okay. Well. See. Lesbians don't have this problem. It's so much easier. I mean there are safe sex practices you know with lesbians but it's just so much easier. I imagine. It just it really is. When y'all are done it's lickety split and you're gone. Yeah exactly. Lickety split. Yeah. Maybe I ought to pack their shit. I don't know. I mean I've had a lot of one night stands with women and you know they and I feel horrible about it and I'm admitting this but they'll try to they'll try to text me the next day and I'll totally ghost them. Yeah I could see that. I mean you sit there watching me ghost one. This bitch would not leave me alone. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I thought she put a tracker on her on your car. There was some unusual person circling the block for a while. She she didn't know what town I lived in. And that's why we thought maybe she GPS tracked your vehicle. Yeah and it was just it was quite scary because she ended up being the sister that I did not know about to an ex-girlfriend of mine. Keeping it in the family. So yeah there was that and then she got like all hooked on me and I'm like dude first off any time I have any kind of extramarital fun with a woman they know right off the bat I am married. Right. That I am under an agreement and that there's nothing else going to be between us. And usually I. Have fun. Yeah. See you later. Usually I find these women on you know certain dating sites that are they're kind of looking for the same thing. I've actually been with other women who are also married and have kind of the same similar agreements that we have. I mean there's more than one or two people in the world like that. I mean there's a lot. There's a lot. A lot of the women. People seem so surprised. That's why I say that. Well you know we we have a very bubble in this area. So yeah once you get out of the bubble you'll realize oh. Look there's a bunch of me. You can drive 50 miles into the metropolis. I almost yeah. No shit. All kinds of different things go on there. I actually prefer women that have kind of the same similar agreements that I do. Because you know they're not going to be hanging on and wanting a relationship. Yeah. It's going to be what it is and it's over with. They know the business. They know the game. Yeah. Hey let's have fun. Let's have fun. We're going to enjoy each other's company and then. You know. You're going to. Five years from now maybe again. You never know. Maybe you never know. You know some people try to not hit it and quit it. They try to hit it and call it every fucking day. It just doesn't work for me. But that chick that fucking basically stalked me. It was one of those. If they're married that's not a problem. Chances are really good that's not going to happen. Yeah. Yeah. This chick I did not meet her on a site. We she ended up working at a local restaurant that I went into a couple times. She asked for my number. I have a I have a Google number. I give these ladies. You may know my real number. So I have a a burner number. Yeah. And I gave it to her. And just like every NBA player. Exactly. And she she texted me some nudes. And I was like oh yeah. So I met up with her at her house a couple days later. Realized who the fuck she was. And it was quite the experience. I I thought I was going to have to actually lose my burner number. Because she just. That's bad. She just got blown the phone up. Yeah. It was not good. And yeah there were some strange vehicles that kept driving around. So hopefully she didn't learn where I was. But she could have because. She talked to her sister. Yeah her sister kind of always kept tabs on me. Yeah. And apparently her sister was pissed at her for fucking me. Oh well. You started a family feud. It is what it is. But yeah I mean I I enjoy my extra fun time that I have. And I haven't had any in a while. I need to start hooking myself back up. It's been a while. It has been a while. I got a couple of prospects. But you know. No I don't. I do have a couple of prospects. One I kind of see her all the time. She works in the town I sometimes work in. Uh huh. So. Just a quick chop quick stop chick. No. No. You mean 7-11 girl. No yeah she. Yeah. I saw those pictures. Yeah I I need to hit her back up too. I'll carry the camera equipment again. And I I actually haven't pursued anything with her. Yet. It's just. Okay. There's something about her that's a little off. Me and Max would be fighting over who gets to carry the cameras in. But there is. There's something about her that is a little off. That makes me weary. Uh huh. Like I think she lives in a very sketchy neighborhood. Yeah. She doesn't want neutral ground. She wants me to come to her place. That's yeah that's. And it just I'm uncomfortable with that because I don't know her. I could understand that. I like the neutral grounds kind of thing. Yeah. Where we pick a place. Yeah. And I have gone to people's houses before. But it's always been people I got got to know a little bit. Right. It is what it is. And I knew what the what the score was. Yeah exactly. So yeah. But yeah there's one that um I do see often. And she has made some advances. And I haven't said no. I just smile and well and she knows my situation. Left that door cracked open just a little bit. Yeah. I mean she texted me today. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean she's been texting me off and on for a few weeks now. But and she texted me today and I'm like well you know Fridays aren't good for me. Friday's a busy evening. Yeah. But I did swing by her place of work and seen her. So. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean I have to buy things there. Gotcha. I go in there quite often to buy the same stuff. Yeah. And she knows my full name. Because I'm a loyalty member. Can't run from this one. Yeah. She might just say bring home the prize. Maybe. I don't know. She's got a she's a cute as shit. And she's actually when I say girl she's my age. And she's got a really awesome fat ass. Part of me wants to go face deep in that ass. But it is what it is. Just be Nike. Just do it. Just do it. Do it. Well our hour is up. That went fast. It did go fast. It did. We do appreciate all of our inquiries. And I appreciate all of the emails that you guys send. I want you to please share this. Share it. Tag me in it. Whatever you want to do. Just share the damn thing. Email us then. Message me. Let's you know let's let's get this thing to you know go bigger than what it is. Yeah let us know if we're doing good or bad. Yeah we want to know. Feedback is good. And even if it's constructive criticism. Yes exactly. Even if it's criticism we want to hear about it. Don't be mean but we want to hear about it. Tell us what we could do better. Exactly. Make it more entertaining. So guys remember dirtytalktp at gmail.com. Hit me up on Facebook. Tammy Preacher. The page you can like is Tammy and the Preacher. So just keep rocking out. Keep having a great time. And I hope you had a fabulous Taboo Tuesday. And remember if the sex isn't fun you're not doing it right.

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