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Suprise Your Responsible

Suprise Your Responsible

Sweet Millionaire FormulaSweet Millionaire Formula



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The speaker is expressing gratitude to the listeners for their support and highlighting the importance of investing in order to achieve financial stability and generational wealth. They mention their e-book on investing and how it breaks down the concepts and strategies for readers. They emphasize that everyone can invest, even with small amounts of money, and that it's important to start early rather than waiting. The speaker also mentions the impact of inflation and the need to be knowledgeable about different investment options. They talk about the changing workforce and the importance of being literate in financial information. They express excitement about their company's resources and courses that help people make smart investment decisions and create wealth. How are you doing today? Welcome back to another episode of Sweetener Formula. It is such a beautiful day, guys, and I'm so glad that you guys are here and tuned in to another episode. I truly don't take it for granted that you're here, guys. Out of all of my listeners and all the people that comment and continue to give Sweetener Formula the space in your homes, the space in your minds, the space in your finances, I truly appreciate it, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Guys, the reason that I'm here is because I just had a conversation. I'm going to be honest with y'all. I had a conversation with a Master's student. She's in her Master's program, and we were talking the other day, and she was just like, because I was letting her know, like, you know, I'm dropping my e-book called Where to Invest Your Money, and I want people to know what it means to invest your money and what it means to have investments in stocks and your IRAs, 401Ks, and how you are able to gain the momentum to build generational wealth, because generational wealth in itself is such a broad term, but when you break generational wealth down, all it's saying is financial freedom, financial independence, financial stability, having stocks, having municipal bonds, having CD bonds, and having IRA accounts, 401Ks that are tailored to your specific situation. Everybody's situation is different, okay? But what I do know is that everybody is not going to have a pension in SSI to look forward to, okay? So do not sit here and think that you can just continue to ignore the fact that you have a responsibility that's indebted into you, into your family, into your livelihood, to invest into your long-term self, long-term life, and because one day you're 35, the next you're 55, the next you're 75, and when you get to 75, it's not going to be on your family's responsibility. If you spent 30 to 40, 50 years working, then it's not on your family to be able to take care of you after the age of 55, 65, when you're ready to retire or call yourself retiring. It's not going to be on your family. It's not going to be their responsibility to take care of you. So it's best that you use the tools and courses and resources that we have here at Sweet Millionaire Formula to prepare you and to push you into progress of saving, push you into progress of getting your mindset ready. If you do or don't want to be a millionaire, that's up to you, but at the same time, it doesn't stop the fact that you're going to get older, and it doesn't stop the fact that you need the knowledge now to prepare for the impact that's going to come when you are no longer having a one income. When you don't have one, if you're only living right now for one income, that's already detrimental, especially with inflation and things being double the price, triple the price. Like I went into the store, and Lay's chips are $6 for air. So those chips that were once $2.49, $3.49 are now $5.99. That alone, I'm putting all my money into stocks, put my refund in stocks, put my savings into stocks, put all of my money in index funds and stocks, and put my money into CD bonds just in case the government takes the 2008 recession. I need to have liquid cash funds that are going to allow me to be able to pull cash out of my account when I need cash and keep my money in a stock market even though it may be a bull market. You want to make sure that you have your stocks and have your understanding in place of what a bull market, what a bear market is so that you don't get nervous and start pulling your stocks out, selling your stocks too early or too fast before you allow the market to build itself back up again. That's why the economy is moving in such a robust speed right now. It's because we're rebuilding from a pandemic that happened two years ago. So there is no slowing down on people being able to generate high-yield income. So I just want you to be a part of that, and I want you to, even if you're working a regular job, we have courses on swing leaner formulas that show you how to invest your money on your regular job and to make it in multiple streams of income. We're showing you the exact formulas, and we're giving you the exact information that takes you step-by-step on how to invest into these places. I believe – oh, that's what I was saying. Okay. I had a conversation. I'm so excited, guys. I love giving you all knowledge. I love putting you all on game, and that's why Swing Leaner Formula is such an impactful company. We're not just about showing that we're an impactful company. We're about doing the work. We're about having a conversation, and the community around us that continues to pour into each other, that is so phenomenal because there's people from different states, different countries, that are able to pour into each other and continue to build wealth, have a conversation, gain the knowledge, and make the execution on taking yourself from a mess to a monument of stature when now and later. So I'm just super excited, guys, and that's why I come here, and that's why I show up for my company. That's why I continue to make sure that we have the resources that we need, and we continue to evolve and add the courses that we need that you are asking for. Your pain points are important to us because we need to make sure that we're evolving the information so that it accommodates your needs. You don't have to be scared about investing anymore. You don't have to be scared about stocks. What we do here is we break the courses down step by step so that you're able to take the courses that you're paced, and that's one of the beautiful things about Swing Leaner Formula is that we also have webinars and e-books that kind of pack the information in so that you're able to take the information, go and sign up for the site, sign up for the investment, sign up for the stock screens, that you're able to digest the information, and that you're able to come into our private community, and those same information that you may have questions on, we're going over it weekly. We're on weekly calls. We're making sure that we are knowledgeable about where our finances stand, where they want to be, and making sure that we have assets in different portfolios that lead up to success and wealth at the end of the day. Okay? So that's what we're all about here, guys. Yeah, I had a conversation with a master student, and she was letting me know, like, I was telling her about my e-book that's coming out, Where to Invest Your Money. And so in this e-book, it's super important that you, even as a college student, even as a master student, you know, that you have a broader idea of what it means to have an asset, how does an asset benefit you, and how does the term generational wealth make an actual impact, what is the reality of generational wealth for a 24-year-old master student who is living at home, who is working a part-time job, who is not knowledgeable at all. She was letting me know, like, before you even had this conversation with me, I would always hear people talk about stocks, but once I opened up your e-book and started reading your e-book, it made it plain to me. It made me understand where I should invest my money, how much I could invest, and how different accounts and different systems are set up so that I'm able to maximize the return on my money. Now, before I even sign off to get her job and graduate, she's able to use the e-book to basically have a general understanding and have it made plain to her. Instead of people just talking about generational wealth, we were able to talk about how when you look at stores and you go to shop in different places, how the people that work in the stores are people who are usually now in their 50s. You don't see Gen X working stores. Teenagers in the mall, you don't see that anymore. You see foreigners. You see older adults. You see things of that nature, but you're not going to see people who can make money on TikTok and Instagram and YouTube. They are no longer working the fast food jobs at McDonald's and Chick-fil-A, and you're going to see people who are, again, foreigners who are older, especially in Walmarts and the supermarkets and things like that. You're not seeing 10, 15 years ago, the malls, the shoe stores and all that were people young, hip, in their 20s, 22, 23. Now you're seeing the dads, the grandfathers working the shoe stores. So I was letting her know that she would have to – what I was letting her know basically is that she needs to be literate on information. She was saying nobody even talks about stocks, and when people talk about stocks, it's so broad to her that it doesn't really make sense. That's why this e-book is important. She was just super thankful that my e-book was breaking things down to her and showing her what it really looks like to be able to invest in companies that basically have her best interest at heart. Even though she doesn't have thousands or millions of dollars, she can still invest with her minimum $500, $100. I just think that that is what's important about investing in general, is that you don't have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars, but you can use the money that you have, and you can make smart decisions because you need to know where to invest your money now instead of waiting 50 years and being like, oh, I should have invested 25 years ago. It doesn't make sense. That's why People Uniform offers these courses. That's why we're giving the knowledge, and that's why we're a company today because we know that the knowledge that people have is more prone for them to be able to execute and make an impact in their lives to create generational wealth for their families in the long run. I'm just super excited that you guys are taking heed to the information you guys have been buying, the courses you've been buying, the e-books. You guys are looking for more products, and I'm just super excited that you guys are continuing to stick with us. I just want to make sure that you understand that it's not going to just happen overnight. The success that you're looking for, it has to first be learned. If we're never taught how to be successful, we're never taught what generational wealth looks like, you can't beat yourself up, but you also can't ignore the fact that you're responsible for your livelihood. You're responsible for your retirement. You're responsible for even how your children are able to use your name. They shouldn't just be using your name for a Perkins loan in college, okay? Your children shouldn't even need your name in college. If your students are going to have to take out a loan in your name, then they may want to take a step back, work a job for a few years, build themselves up some credit, then go back to school because you don't want to go into debt, let your children go into debt using your name. You don't want to go into debt for your children using your name because you need your own name. It's very imperative. I just wanted to let you guys also know that the student loans that are going to be on your credit are going to be on there forever until you pay them off. I just believe that if you can prevent yourself from having to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to send your students to school, then it's better to, if you know that your child is in arts, send them to art school, send them to a trade, send them to schools that are going to be beneficial for what their personality type is. Don't send your kids to school to a $50,000 a year school and you know that your children are not capable of keeping up with that coursework, you know? So, yeah, I wanted to let you guys know in today's episode that Breaking Down Generational Wealth, we have a new e-book coming out called Where to Invest Your Money, and I highly suggest you guys get this e-book. It's going to sell out. It's going to be a game changer, and there's no reason for you guys to continue to ignore the call on your life and the fact that you have to instill values, financial literacy capability into your family lineage now versus waiting for it later, okay? All right, guys, that's today's episode. I'm going to let you guys leave comments and comment on this video. If you have any questions you want to ask, we'll put them in the comments and we'll see them, and we'll address them in the next episode. Thank you, guys. Have a great day.

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