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eat this fruit to wake up refreshed every morning

eat this fruit to wake up refreshed every morning


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Eating a fruit every night can help you wake up refreshed. There are genetic factors that determine whether you're a morning person or a night owl. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule can make you feel more energized. Creating a cool and dark sleeping environment can improve sleep quality. Limiting electronic device use before bed is important. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals before bed is also beneficial. Engaging in a sleep-inducing routine can help signal your brain to wind down. Using a light alarm clock that gradually wakes you up can be helpful. Eating an unripe banana before bed can alleviate muscle cramps and promote better sleep. Eat this fruit every night to wake up refreshed and new. Good morning gorgeous, or should I say good afternoon? Or maybe even good evening, let's face it. Some of us just cannot seem to shake off that sleepy feeling, no matter what time of the day it is. But don't worry, you're not alone. According to research, there are a whopping 15 genetic variants that influence our chronotype, whether we are an early bird who wake up refreshed and energized, or some night owl who prefer to burn the midnight oil. So if you sometimes struggle to even compose a coherent email before noon, fear not, we have consulted with sleep specialists that I know you personally, my friends, to bring you the best tips and tricks to help you awaken refreshed, recharged and ready to seize the day. Are you ready to start feeling energized and happy morning when you wake up? Let's get started. I will tell you that it's a fruit that will help you sleep like a baby and wake up like a champion, but you also need to do what I'm about to tell you every single day. First thing you need to do, wake up early. They say early bird gets the worm, but what if you are more of a night owl? Well, sorry to say, but research shows that your body actually benefits from a consistent early to bed and early to rise routine. Now, I know what you're thinking, but I just cannot function without my late night Netflix binges or my snooze button addiction. Well, my friend, I'm here to tell you that all hope is not lost. In fact, setting a consistent bedtime and wake up time can actually make you feel more refreshed and energized throughout the day. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started on becoming a morning person. Yes, it is possible. All right. So, to do that, we're going to create a dark and cool sleeping environment. Our body is naturally cooled down at night. Cooler temperatures can actually improve the quality of our sleep, so invest in a good set of breathable sheets and a fan and a mattress, maybe. An added bonus of a dark and cool sleeping environment, it actually helps your body produce more melatonin, which is the hormone that helps you fall asleep, that you have been popping probably already. Number three, I want you to limit the electric device before bed. I know. I know. This one is tough. Studies have found that the blue light emitted from our phones, tablets, and computers can actually disrupt our body's natural sleep-wake cycle, so try switching off your device at least an hour or two before bedtime to give your eyes and brain a break. And I want you to avoid caffeine, alcohol, heavy meals before bed. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is worth repeating. No caffeine, no alcohol, no heavy meals before bed. These can only disrupt your sleep, causing digestion, heartburn, other uncomfortable symptoms. Now, next, we're going to try a sleep-inducing routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath. Creating a pre-sleep routine can actually signal to our brains that it is time to wind down. Try reading a book that isn't too stimulating, like Save the Stephen King or some other stuff, but practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, taking a warm bath to help your body relax will help you. Consider using a wake-up, some light alarm clock that will sync with your sleep cycle so that you're not awoken from deep sleep like the crazy sound. Traditional alarm clocks, if they're blasting you out of your sleep, your REM sleep, I'll say no, thank you. Try a wake-up, light, nice clock, it's routine, it's not blasting your head off. These clocks use some light to gradually wake you up. There are actually some out there, mimicking a sunrise and syncing with your body's natural sleep-wake cycles, good stuff. Finally, let's keep it short, my miracle fruit. Given that I trust you, you will do everything I just said, look no further than the humble banana to achieve that goal. Not only is it a convenient and delicious snack, it also contains high levels of potassium and magnesium. These crucial minerals can alleviate nighttime muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, promoting deeper, more restful sleep. However, it is important to choose an unripe banana to avoid any potential blood sugar and insulin spikes that can actually leave you feeling tired in the morning. It's the same banana, ripe versus unripe, can make a big difference. Next time you're hitting the hay, peel yourself a green banana and wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. Until next time, stay happy, stay strong, and wake up feeling energized. Talk to you later.

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