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2 June 2024 Service 1, Ps Reghardt

2 June 2024 Service 1, Ps Reghardt

Empower Church Somerset WestEmpower Church Somerset West



2 June 2024 Service 1, Ps Reghardt


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The speaker is emphasizing the importance of the joy of the Lord and feeling refreshed in the presence of God. They mention a healing conference and the different signs that believers can experience, including speaking in tongues. They then go on to explain the different types of tongues mentioned in the Bible, particularly focusing on tongues as a tool for sharing the gospel with unbelievers. They use the example of the disciples speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost and how it led to many people becoming believers. They also mention a story about missionaries speaking in tongues and being mistaken for speaking an ancient dialect of Hebrew. Oh man, can you say with me, the joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am free. Say with me, I am free. I am free. Amen. Amen. Let's just give Jesus one more round of praise and maybe He'll take your feet. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you. This is a special church. I'm not saying because I'm a pastor of Empowered Church, I'm saying this is a special church. The presence of the Lord is in this place. The joy of the Lord is in this place. Every time that I come here and when I leave again, I feel so refreshed. It feels like there's, I don't know what it is in the spirit, but there's like a, it's like a river of refreshing in the spirit. When I'm here, it's like, when I walk out here, I feel like, yeah, I feel like I have new life. I think before I leave today, we must let everybody standing in front, we must ask Monique to come and lay hands on us for some of that energy that she has. I think here in the Cape, in the Cape, it's too nice, in Pretoria, we are very tired of all the work that we do. Here, you guys rest and have a holiday all the time, it's the truth. I'm just, I'm just joking, but it's, Cape Town is the promised land I heard. So maybe someday I can enter the promised too. It is good to be in the house of God, it's very good to be with all of you. Thank you so much for being here this morning and being in the house of the Lord. It is a joy to be together with family and I send a lot of greetings and love from Pastor Eric and from Prophet Gilbert and Pastor Shannon. I think they will be here next week if I am not mistaken, but yeah, they just send lots of love and they are excited for this morning. They, Prophet Gilbert and Pastor Eric is in Durban this morning, they started with a healing conference last night and Prophet said it was glorious. So we will hear all of the testimonies when they get back, very excited for that. So this morning, I've got a very special word and if the Holy Spirit allows me, I'm going to put my teacher's cap on this morning because I want to teach you something. I want to let you walk out here feeling empowered, feeling like, listen, I can actually have something that I can apply to my life. Is that good with you? Okay, are you hungry for the word? Amen. So let's start in Mark chapter number 16. If you have your Bibles, you can go there, otherwise you can just check on the screen. Mark chapter number 16. We're going to read from verse 15 to verse 18. I don't know if the guys have a... there we go. Okay, Mark chapter number 16. 16, it just needs a 1. The Lord is good. Amen. Why don't you guys listen with an open heart this morning. Be ready to receive from the Lord and I know by the end of the service, depending on what the Holy Spirit wants to do, we're going to see a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You sound hungry, I like that. Let's go. Mark chapter number 16 from verse 15. All who believe and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs shall follow all of the apostles, pastors, and prophets. Are you reading the same Bible that I am reading? And these signs will follow those who believe. Do I have any believers in the house? Okay, that sounds good. So it says, and these signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons. Sometimes we feel like, listen, I'm not a pastor, I didn't go to deliverance school, I didn't watch a lot of TB Joshua videos, I'm not sure how to deliver people. The Bible says, in my name they will cast out devils. So you say to the devil, listen, in the name of Jesus, go. Because it says, these signs will follow those who believe. The problem is, when we cast out devils, we don't believe. We think like, no, this is a high-ranking demon, and this and that. And sometimes when you tell the demon to go, and it doesn't want to budge, then you start doubting yourself. It's like, oh yeah, I didn't pray this week, and this and that. No, no, the Bible says, these signs will follow those who believe. They will cast out devils. So sometimes you just have to stand your ground a little bit and say, listen, come out in Jesus' name. Okay, but then I don't want to stand still on that. It's just a side note, it's free information for this morning. In my name they will cast out devils. They will speak with new tongues. Say with me, new tongues. They will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Those are the signs that will follow the believers. Now, I want to stand still on one of those that we read. They will speak with new tongues. Tongues is often a little bit of a touchy subject when it comes to the body of Christ. You don't hear a lot of pastors, although in our church we speak in tongues a lot, but you don't hear a lot of pastors and teachers that teach on tongues, because it's a bit of a confusing topic, especially if you read the Bible. There are some confusing scriptures in the Bible about tongues. Now, for instance, in Acts chapter number 2, the disciples speak in tongues, but they speak in human language. But then when we speak in tongues, it sounds like gibberish. It doesn't sound like a human language. But just a side note, 1 Corinthians 13 says, though I speak in tongues of men and of angels, so there's two. But then in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul says, listen, not all will speak in tongues. But then in 1 Corinthians 13 and 14, Paul says, listen, tongues is a sign for the unbeliever. But then just a little bit later in the chapter, he says, do not speak in tongues in the midst of unbelievers. It's a bit confusing, but I came here today to give you clarity and to teach you how to use your tongue as a weapon, as a tool. And this is why I'm putting my teacher hat on right now. Are you ready? Okay, so there are four different kinds of tongues in the Bible. Some may interpret it as three, because one of them are kind of one, but they're also different. But there are four different kinds of tongues in the Bible. And you'll see, two are for public use, and two are for private use. Although one of them kind of goes between public and private. Let's look at the first one. The first is called human tongues, or tongues to share the gospel with unbelievers. If you're taking notes, make a mental note of this. Human tongues, or tongues that share the gospel with unbelievers. So let's read 1 Corinthians 14, verse 22. Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to unbelievers. But prophesying is not for the unbeliever, but to those who believe. So what this scripture means is it says tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but for the unbelievers, but those that can prophesy is not for the unbelievers, but that's for the believer. That's what this scripture means. So it doesn't say that prophesying, when you prophesy you can only prophesy to believers. It means that the ability to prophesy is only for believers and not for unbelievers. Are you with me there? But it says tongues are for a sign to the unbeliever. Now where do we get that in the Bible? Go for me to Acts chapter number 2. How many of you remember a couple of weeks ago we celebrated the Feast of Pentecost? That was an amazing morning, I heard Posterior have said it was an amazing morning here in the cave. An outpouring of the Spirit. Now let's check what happened in the Feast of Pentecost. Acts chapter number 2. It says, I'm going to start reading it so then you guys can just catch it on the screen. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all together in one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled, say with me all filled, with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. That's important to take note of. And when the sound occurred, the multitude came together, and they were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying, Look, are these who speak to us not Galileans? And how is it that we hear them in our own language, in which we were born? So they're saying, These guys are Galileans, but we're hearing them speaking in Hebrew or Greek or whatever language was there represented. Now verse 11 says, Cretans and Arabs, we hear them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. Say with me, the wonderful works of God. Were these people that were listening to the disciples, unbelievers or believers? Now you're not sure. They were unbelievers, because they didn't believe in Jesus. They were Jews, but they did not have the revelation of the Christ. So they were unbelievers. So they were unbelievers, but now these guys came out, and they start speaking in a tongue, and they speak the language of the people that is there. And the people hear them in their own language, hear the gospel, and they become believers. The Bible says, actually, after that whole thing, that 3,000 men was added to the church on that day. It's amazing. So these guys went out, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak in other tongues. I heard a story the other day of a group of missionaries from Bethel Church that went to Israel to do some missionary work. And there was a stage where they didn't know exactly what to do, so they stopped at this well, and they just stopped to pray. And they were just praying in tongues because they wanted to get direction from the Holy Spirit, you know, what should we do? And a rabbi walked past, and he said to them, where did you learn that ancient dialect of Hebrew? And they said, no, we don't know, we're just talking in tongues. And he said, no, you are proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah. And apparently, there's a small, small, small percentage of Jewish people that can still speak that language. How powerful is that? I remember a pastor that I know, they went to England one day, and they were in a church there, and the church was praying. And they heard this man praying in Afrikaans, but they said it's a beautiful prayer, like this powerful prayer. And afterwards, they were so shocked, because they're in England, so they walked to this guy, and they're like, hey, hey, hey! And he's like, excuse me, what? And he was talking in Afrikaans, praying in tongues. Amazing. But normally, that tongue is for the unbeliever. It's a gift to get information of Jesus to the unbeliever. Amen. Are you with me? Okay, the second one. We find in 1 Corinthians 12. And this is the gift of tongues. The gift of tongues. Let's read it. 1 Corinthians 12, from verse 10 to 11. To another, so here, Paul lists all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You know, the discerning of spirits, word of knowledge, all of that stuff. So we're just going to read from this thing. To another, the working of miracles. To another, prophecy. To another, discerning of spirits. To another, different kinds of tongues. Say with me, different kinds of tongues. To another, the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all of these things, distributing to each individually as He wills. It's in this chapter that Paul says, not all will speak in tongues. So this is a gift of tongues. It's a Holy Spirit gift. As is the one that we just read. But this one kind of overlaps into personal use as well. But I'm going to go into that right now. So what this means, this gift does, is we are now in a church setting. And we are praising and worshipping the Lord. The church that I grew up in was an Afrikaans church. But this gift operated in that church a lot. So I saw it a lot of times while I was growing up. We were sitting in a place like this. And now we're worshipping the Lord. And the Spirit of God is here. The presence of the Lord is here. Now, suddenly, Rion starts speaking in a tongue. It sounds like an angelic tongue or a heavenly language. It's not an earthly language. But I don't know if you've heard it before. You would know it sounds different than when somebody's praying in a tongue. But it still sounds the same. It's weird to explain. But he speaks. Normally there's volume to it. Because the person speaks, the Holy Spirit comes upon the person and they start giving a message in tongues. And now, suddenly, stands up and he says, The Lord says, you must pray more and seek My face because I will encounter you in the coming days. What does that mean? It's an interpretation of tongues. This is where Paul says that when somebody speaks in tongues, there must be an interpreter to interpret the Word. I'm trying to preach now, but Rion is now going on in this tongue and he's speaking and he's speaking and nobody is interpreting. It just disrupts the service there. There must be an interpreter. And sometimes the person that gives a tongue can also have the gift of interpretation to interpret the tongue. But this is something that we need to bring back into church. I think the reason why we don't do it is because we are a prophetic church. So prophecy is always in the church. But that is a form of prophecy. And what I like about it, it empowers the people. It's not the pastor that necessarily needs to pray in the tongue and give the interpretation. I've seen this gift many times. Sometimes it's a congregation member that gives a tongue, the pastor interprets. Sometimes it's the pastor that gives a tongue and another person interprets. But it's an awesome tool to build up the body because the Bible says it's for the edification of the body. It's a message from the Lord to the body. Okay, so you understand now what the difference is between the first one and the second one. The first one is tongues for an unbeliever. The second one is a gift of tongues, a gift of the Holy Spirit. Now, where this overlaps into your personal life, and this is something that you need to practice because this is a very powerful tool. How many of you have heard of the preacher Oral Roberts? Okay, there's a couple of you. He was a powerful man of God in the 90s, a very, very powerful man of God. And what he did is, I think he actually lived like around the 1960s, around there. But anyway, what he did is, the Bible says David went to the Lord and the Lord gave David the plans to build the temple. So Oral Roberts built a big university in America. It's still there today. It's a massive Christian university. So what he did is, he went to the Lord and what he would do is, he would walk in his room and pray. And then what he would do is, he would interpret his own tongue. And by that, he built the whole university. He designed all of the buildings, all of the funding, and everything came to him through him interpreting his own tongue. What I want you to realize is, interpretation of tongues is not translation of tongues. It is interpretation. What did I do right now? Did I say to Rion, he must come? He interpreted my signal to come. Thank you, Ralph. I just wanted you to stand up a little bit so that you can stretch your legs. That wasn't a translation of tongues, it was an interpretation of tongues. So when we pray in the Holy Spirit, what we can do is, you pray in your house, wherever you are. You say, Father, I thank you for the interpretation of this tongue. It doesn't help you pray for an hour and then you want to interpret the whole hour of what you prayed for. Just pray a sentence and then ask the Lord, Lord give me an interpretation of this tongue. And you will feel what you say. And it's something that you're going to practice. Maybe in the beginning it feels like, no, I'm confused, I don't know how this works. But practice it. All of the spiritual gifts need to be practiced if you want to function in it. When I wanted to function in the world of knowledge, I needed to practice it. So what I did is, maybe I told it in church before, but you know when you go to the garage or to the spa or checkers and you pay for something and then they put in your card and then it's always that awkward ten seconds of silence and both of you just look to the machine for the transaction to go through. In that time I would ask the Lord, Lord give me information about this person standing in front of me. And then normally in the beginning I felt like nothing was happening, but I kept on, Lord give me information about this person. Now suddenly you get a thought. I just see, how it works with me is I see pictures in my mind. So if I tell you a red Ferrari, what happened right now. In all of your minds there is a picture of a red Ferrari. Okay, you get it. So it's almost the same. It's like imagination. So then I would get a picture of something. Like, for this instance this one lady, I stood in front of her and I, Lord give me information about this person. And I just saw two small boys. Just a picture of two small boys. Now it's my job to step out in faith. I don't know if I heard right or not. But I mean that person is not going to see me again, so I might as well just try. So then I would ask her, listen do you have children? And then she said yes. And I'm like okay cool, at least that's one step in the right direction. It's two boys right? Yes, how did you know? The Lord knows you. You said to me that your boys are going to be blessed. That opens up someone's heart to receive the gospel. So the same with interpretation of tongues. All of the spiritual gifts, you need to practice it. You need to ask the Lord, Lord help me. The Bible says desire spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy. Why? Why specific prophecy? Because prophecy opens up the hearts of unbelievers. If people know that God knows them, they will turn to the Lord very quickly. So you practice it. Practice interpretation of tongues. Are you ready for the last two? Number three. Tongues of intercession. We're going to read in Romans chapter number eight. Verse 26 and 27. Tongues of intercession. Say with me, tongues of intercession. Thank you Holy Spirit. Romans 8 verse 26. Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. Now he who searches the heart knows the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. So that scripture says we do not know what we should pray for. How do we not know what we should pray for? We do not know the future. Now I pray, Lord, give me a promotion at work. I ask you, please give me a promotion at work. But you don't know that the company is going to close in a month from now. I pray with limited understanding when we pray in our language. But when I pray in the Spirit, when I go into the spirit of intercession, my Spirit prays, the Holy Spirit. So God is praying to God and he knows all things. So then I pray, but do you know the reason why we don't always understand what we're praying? Because imagine this, now I'm going on my knees, Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus. If I could interpret or understand what I was saying. That they fire me from my company tomorrow. You would be like, no, no, no, I'm not going to pray this. God knows the future. And he prays. And God knows what's going on in everyone's lives. So we're not praying for ourselves just. We're praying for other people. So it says, and likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what we should pray for as well. But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. How many of you have prayed in tongues for a long time? Like let's say more than half an hour, an hour, two hours. How many of you have ever prayed for like an extended time in tongues? Now how many of you have experienced that somewhere in that praying, there's like a burden that comes to rest on your spirit. It feels like you're crying. You're not even saying words anymore. It's just like sounds. It feels like there's a burden that's gripping your spirit. It's like, erabra, kaserabra. Have you ever experienced that? It's like that heaviness on, not a bad heaviness, but it's like that burden that's on your spirit. Have you experienced that before? That is groanings that cannot be uttered. Your spirit groans, and you're praying the perfect will of the Lord. I can tell you two stories. I heard now recently of a girl that she was praying in the spirit, and she was groaning and crying. But while she was praying, she kind of felt like, she had just this impression that she's praying for an old man. She doesn't know what old man. She just had an impression, just a thought, like, yes, it feels like I'm praying for an old man. The day after, a friend phones her and says, listen, please pray for my dad. He just had a massive heart attack. But he survived, and he will be okay. Just pray for his strength. And she knew immediately the day before that she was praying for him, for his life to be spared. Let's bring this closer to home. The other day I was in the gym. I was exercising a little bit. And then suddenly I just felt like a burden to pray. Just suddenly. I was just sitting there and doing some weights and stuff. Suddenly I just felt like, wow, I need to pray. I don't know why, but I need to pray. I don't know what to pray for. I just feel like an urgency in my spirit to pray. So now I'm in the gym, among other people. You know how weird it is to pray in tongues if people don't know even what that is. It's very weird for people. So I walked kind of to the corner of the gym, and I just stood there, and I said, And I was praying, and I was praying. Eventually I felt the burden kind of lift. And then I'm like, okay, cool. I think, you know, whatever happened, happened. The day after, I'm at church in the morning, and my dad phones me. He's like, listen, we live on a plot, so a huge piece of plot, so there's always grass to cut and work to do. And my dad says to me, listen, they were cutting grass with this lawnmower. That thing is strong. It has a strong motor. So while they were cutting grass, my mom was working somewhere else on the plot, and a rock came out of the lawnmower, and it hit my mom right in the eye, but she was standing far. So it's a satanic attack. I mean, stuff like that doesn't happen. Her eye is just this big, and she's standing far from the lawnmower. And it hits her in the eye, and it ruptures her eye, basically. And they go to the hospital, and long story short, but when my dad said it, I knew in my spirit, that was what the burden was the day before. And then eventually, long story short, my mom has recovered, and she got an operation, and her eye is fine. But, I mean, she could have lost her eye completely. Intercession in the spirit. See how important it is to pray in tongues. Maybe one story more that I can tell you this before we go to the next one. This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in church. So I was still a young Christian. I just got saved. And I went to this conference that was held by this very well-known prophet. And they were prophesying, and there were devils being cast out. I just sat there with my eyes like this. I'm like, wow, okay. This is quite rough. And he said, listen, there's people here that need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You need to be able to pray in tongues. You need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I want you to come forward. So he's praying for people. They're getting filled. And then there's this one boy that comes to him. He's probably like 14 years old, if I have to guess. And he says to the church, he takes the mic, he says to the church, listen, I'm going to put my hands on this guy. The Holy Spirit is going to baptize him. He's going to start speaking in tongues, and I'm going to interpret what he prays. And now I'm sitting there, I'm like, I want to see this. So he puts his hand on the kid. He bursts out in tongues. You know, I don't know how many of you have seen people burst out in tongues. It's amazing to see. He burst out in tongues, and this pastor was interpreting what he was praying. He said, he prayed something like, I don't remember now, it was many years ago, but he prayed something like, Lord, in the name of Jesus, I break my mother out of the bondage of drugs. In the name of Jesus, I pray that Your fire encounters her. It was a fiery prayer. It's amazing. Deception. Number four. Tongues as a prayer language. So this two kind of interlaps with one another. So that's why I said in the beginning it might be three instead of four, but it's to your discretion. Tongues of intercession, and tongues as a prayer language. So it's kind of the same, but it's also not the same. With the one there comes that burden that rests on you. With this one is you just pray in tongues. 1 Corinthians 14 verse 2. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men. You see, this one is not for the unbelievers. Because the other one, they spoke to men. This one. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God. For no one understands Him. However, in the Spirit, He speaks mysteries. The word mysteries here is the Greek word mysterion, which means hidden things. Revelation. So as I'm praying in the Spirit, What is happening? I'm praying mysteries in the Spirit. And now, tomorrow, I'm driving in my car, or next week, and suddenly this revelation hits me out of the world that I've never seen before. And I think, where did this come from? Mysteries that gets revealed. The will of God sometimes is a mystery to us, then it gets revealed. If you're a businessman in this, in this building this morning, and you struggle, there's a complex problem that you need to solve in your business. Close the boardroom or your office door, and start walking up and down. What are you doing? Mysteries in the Spirit. Revelation gets revealed. And suddenly you have the solution to your problem. Because you're tapping into God's mind. The Bible says, when I pray in this tongue, my spirit prays. But my understanding is unfruitful. It says, for he who speaks in the tongue does not speak to men, but to God. For no one understands him. However, in the Spirit he speaks mysteries, hidden things, revelation. Powerful. How many of you feel like, now I need to stop praying in tongues more? OK. Praying in the Spirit is speaking to God directly, without interference of the enemy. If you read the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter number 10, Daniel stood there and he prayed and he asked the Lord, Lord, please come and help me. And 21 days after, the angel appeared to Daniel and he said, listen Daniel, from the first day that you prayed, God heard you. But I was sent to you with an answer, but the prince of Persia resisted me for 21 days, until the angel Michael came to help me. What is the prince of Persia? It's a principality in the air, demonic spirits in the air. It says for 21 days, the prince of Persia intercepted me or held me captive. But when I pray in the Spirit, Satan can't intercept my prayer, because he doesn't understand what I'm saying. The Bible says I'm speaking to God directly. It's important to pray in the Spirit. It's one of the most powerful tools that we as Christians have. Before I give you the five benefits of speaking in the Spirit, I want to just make a side note. Sidney, can you just hold this for me, but I give this to you. I bless you with it. Why didn't you say, I'm not worthy of this. You didn't say that because it's a gift that I gave you. You didn't have to deserve the gift. It's just I gave it to you out of my own discretion. Keep that. We're going to use it later. Why did I use that illustration? Sometimes people want to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they want to speak in tongues. But they think firstly, they don't deserve it. No, I didn't pray this week. I didn't read my Bible this week. I don't know. But the Bible says in Luke 6, no, Matthew 7, it says that if your earthly fathers who are evil now to give good gifts to your children, how much more will their Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask you? So it's a gift. You don't have to deserve it. You are worthy to receive it. So that's something that we're going to pray for a little bit later. It's a gift. One other side note that I want to say. I don't know why Christians believe this, but many Christians, I see them in church. I grew up in church, so I know. People would stand in the service and then, I don't know, they would do weird things. They would stand in the service and then... It's like, why do you do that? The Holy Spirit is not going to possess you and then suddenly now He's going to take control of your mouth and you're going to start speaking in tongues. No, it's by your will. I'm speaking to you now in English. I speak in tongues. It's by my will. I speak in Afrikaans, English tongues, just how I want to. But the Holy Spirit is not going to possess me every single time that I need to speak in tongues. I don't know, Christians have this idea that they have to wait for something to happen to them. And then they do weird things. In Pretoria, we have a lot of those. I don't know, it's weird. But what I want to say is it's by your will. You don't have to get filled with the Holy Spirit. People pray for you. The Bible says it comes while they're laying on of hands. And then after that, when the Holy Spirit fills you, it's by your will that you speak. So you can decide how much you want to pray in the Spirit or not. Okay, let's quickly look at five benefits of speaking in tongues. We're going to go through them quite quickly, so if you want to make notes. I didn't give the scriptures to the people there at the back, so write them down. Number one, praying in tongues builds your faith. Jude 1.20 But you, beloved, building yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit. So if you feel like you don't have enough faith, pray in the Spirit. And you are building yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in the Spirit. Number two, tongues edifies you. When you as a Christian feel down and you feel depressed and you feel sad and you feel like, oh, you know, life is too hard for me, don't go to the wine bottle. Don't go to sleep with that person. Don't go back into sin to make yourself feel better. Pray in the Spirit. Edify yourself. Build yourself up. I've got this weird picture now, but even if you don't feel like you want to go and exercise, which you know is healthy for you, now you feel lazy. Build yourself up by praying in the Holy Spirit. There's nothing there. I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but you feel like weak and you don't feel like you have any faith and just life is hard and stuff happens and then you go into your prayer room and you start praying. And then when you walk out of that prayer room you feel like a lion. You feel like, yeah, I've got strength. I get lust for deliverance. Praying in the Spirit edifies you. It builds you up. Number three. Praying in the Spirit disrupts the plan of the enemy. Ephesians 6 verse 17 to 18. This is where Paul lists the spiritual armor. He says, And take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Praying always with all prayer. Say with me, all prayer. And supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to the end with all perseverance and supplication for the saints. Now what Paul did is, Paul sat in prison and there was a Roman god on the outside of prison and he had a full armor on. He had the helmet, the breastplate, the shoes, the sword, the shield, he had all of that. And he started writing. God had started giving a revelation, spiritual revelation out of the armor pieces that he saw. So he said, Okay, the helmet is to protect the head. That is the helmet of salvation. If you want to protect your mind, then put on the helmet of salvation. By the way, the helmet of salvation is not something that you physically put on in the morning. It is a lifestyle that you live. Okay, so, but one thing that Paul didn't write about that is historically accurate is a lance or a spear that they had, the Roman soldiers. So he says, put on the full armor of God. Not the half armor of God, the full armor. So historically, the Roman soldiers had all of that that Paul wrote about, but then he had a spear or a lance. What they would do with this spear is when they went to battle, as the enemy was still far off, they would throw the spear and kill the enemies far away. But Paul actually wrote about the lance, he just didn't mention the specific lance. Listen to this, Ephesians 6. Take up the helmet, observation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Praying always, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful. That is the lance of prayer. So praying in the Spirit disrupts the plans of the enemy before he even attacks you. You kill him afar off, you throw spears at him while you pray in the Spirit. Sometimes, you know, you feel like you're walking through life and you feel like, yes, I mean, life has not been so bad so far. It feels like, you know, I haven't been attacked or anything. Maybe it's because you've been praying in the Spirit. The Lord is protecting you. The Lord is disrupting the plans of the enemy while you are praying. Then the last one. Two more. Number four is praying in the Spirit means praying in line with God's perfect will. We already said that in the book of Romans. Now the last one. Praying in tongues makes you more aware of the Spirit realm. 1 Corinthians 14 verse 14. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. So Paul says, when I pray in the Spirit, when I pray in tongues, my spirit man prays, but my mind is unfruitful. That's why when you pray in tongues, your mind can go, you know, it takes this wild, now suddenly I'm not in the Cape anymore. I'm there in Johannesburg and then I'm in Durban. Your mind just wanders. I have to remember to phone that guy. I have to remember to send this email. Your mind just goes. Because the Bible says your mind is unfruitful. But your spirit man is praying. Where do you get attacked by the enemy? In your mind. So sometimes we walk in a life that is not designed by the Lord because we're so stuck in our mind. And our spirit man never exercises. But when you pray in the Spirit, the Bible says your spirit prays. That your mind is unfruitful. I've seen in my own life, I'll tell you another story. A couple of friends of mine, we were like five, six people, many years ago, and I was still a young Christian, but we were praying, we were seeking the Lord. We were in a very small room, very, very small room, as big as this stage. And we were just up and down one evening and we were praying and praying and praying, praying in the Spirit. And in the beginning, it's hard to pray in the Spirit, that first couple of minutes because your mind is fighting you. That's why I said your mind is wandering, wandering, wandering. And you feel like, ah, my knees are sore and now I need to go to the bathroom, you know, all of that. Your flesh, your flesh is resisting you because your flesh is not in control anymore. Your spirit is in control now. So, but we were praying and praying and eventually, I think we were about to cough in. Suddenly, it's like my mind started to become quiet. That voice, we started to become quiet because now my spirit man is edified. And we were praying and praying and praying and then I heard my tongues. Suddenly I heard myself praying in tongues and I heard my tongues sounded aggressive. It's weird. It just, it changed and it sounded aggressive. It sounded like I was fighting somebody. I was just kept on praying, praying, praying. My eyes were closed and we were walking up and down, praying, praying. Suddenly, in my mind's eye, I saw, like witches and satanists astral projecting over the building where we were or in the area. And I could see them in this way. It's weird, like my eyes were closed. It's not like I physically saw them. In my mind's eye, in my, let's call it my imagination, I saw them. And I knew I'm engaged in spiritual warfare because my spirit man became strong and sensitive and my mind, your flesh became silent. So that's where, in that place, you start seeing angels. In that place, you start discerning the voice of God. In that place, you see spiritual mysteries because you have entered the realm of the spirit. Can you feel the presence of the Lord here? Thank you, Lord Jesus. Right there we are. Just close your eyes for a second. If you can, just sit there and I'm just under your breath. Pray in tongues. We worship you. We worship you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. As you're sitting like this, is there anyone in the building this morning that has not been baptized by the Holy Spirit? And if you can't, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, if you can't hear me, You guys can just close your eyes, lift your hands. Thank you Lord Jesus. As your eyes are closed, I want you to listen to me. I'm going to lay hands on you, and God is not going to take control of your mouth and start moving your mouth himself. That's your work to do. So as I lay hands on you, I want you, the first sound or word that you feel in your heart, in faith, just say it out. Just speak it out in faith, and as you speak it out in your own will, then the Holy Spirit will add the rest. Okay, you got that? Just in faith, as I lay hands on you, the first sound or word that you hear in your heart, just in faith, speak it out, even if it feels like you're making it up. As soon as you speak it out, the Holy Spirit will help you and give you the rest. Okay, church, can we pray? Worship team, can we maybe have a song? Thank you Lord Jesus. Okay, all of you here in front, I want you to take a deep breath. And out. And another one. This is not a heavy thing, it's a joyous thing. Yes. Okay, you don't have to figure out how it's going to work, the Holy Spirit will help you. All that you need to do is, in faith, whatever you hear in your heart, speak it out, okay? Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. From the top of the head to the soles of the feet, I thank you for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I thank you for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Father, thank you for the baptism of your Spirit. In Jesus' mighty name, shearabobosie. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. 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