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19 May 2024 Service 1, Ps Erik

19 May 2024 Service 1, Ps Erik


19 May 2024 Service 1, Ps Erik


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The speaker is talking about the celebration of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They emphasize the importance of continuous praise and the presence of the Spirit in order to praise. They mention the power of the Holy Spirit and how it enables believers to move and change things. They also discuss the idea of being witnesses and testifying about what God has done. They mention Peter's boldness after receiving the Holy Spirit and the response of the people to his preaching. The speaker encourages repentance and turning towards God as evidence of the Holy Spirit's indwelling. You know what's amazing is we're celebrating Pentecost today and one of the signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was that the disciples, it says towards the end of Acts chapter number 2, God is calling somebody, somebody's alarm is going, towards the end of Acts chapter number 2, it would have been weird if it was my phone, it says that the disciples were filled with joy and continuously praising God together, eh? I mean what we've done in the last half an hour or so is the result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Come on, that's why our praise cannot be stopped. I tell you, it cannot be stopped. If you've lost that sense of His presence, please know, it's not that God ever leaves you, but if you've lost that sense of the presence of the Spirit of God, it's difficult to praise, eh? Difficult to praise. But if you sense His presence, if you're aware of God, praise is easy. It's one of the evidences of what we celebrate today, is that on that day there was a praise that erupted and it's never stopped for 2,024 years. And I feel like I don't want to stop what we're doing this morning, but I want to share one or two thoughts with you and then we're going to continue worshipping. Is that okay? Guys, can we go but not too far? I mean, Fizi, you've got a chair so you can just park right here. Can we just appreciate our worshipping? Come on. I mean, you guys were on fire this morning, man. Really. Have a seat, church. I want to share one or two thoughts with you and then we're going to just call them back and just continue. Yeah, let's have the lights on. Thanks, Ernest. Welcome to church this morning. Great Sunday to be in church. Do we have any first-time visitors here this morning? Just a raise of hands, anybody? Very welcome. Sir, it's so good to have you with us. Bless you. Thank you for being with us this morning. We just want to drop a card in your hand, free coffee. Love to get your details, connect with you, chat to you. The rest of you, welcome, fam. It's good to have you here. I don't want to take long this morning. I know I shouldn't say that, but I do want to just quickly share one or two thoughts with you and then we're just going to wait on him and see what he wants to do today. Is that all right? It's like 19 of you that's excited. Okay. Acts chapter number 1 verse 8. Can I quickly have that scripture? Jesus speaking. I mean, he's about to go. He's had three and a half years with the disciples. He showed them, taught them, loved them, walked with them, discipled them. And he says to them, guys, I'm going. It's to your benefit that I go. Have you ever thought about that? How crazy is that thought? Good to see you, Uncle Brian. How crazy is that thought? I mean, if Jesus, imagine Jesus was with us, like here in the flesh today, and he walks out and he says, guys, I'm going to go, but I'm going to send someone and it's going to be better for you that I go and he comes. I mean, I would be like, Jesus, who can be better than you? Just stay right here. And he knew for the church to grow, for the kingdom to advance, the expression of who he is cannot just be found in one man. Jesus in our midst, it's got to be found in every man. And he says, go to the upper room, free translation, Unempowered Church, Cape Town, in the upper room. Yes, Lord. And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will receive power. Sometimes in our charismatic experience, we see power as the manifestations of the Spirit that we've come to enjoy and love and see in church. People being touched by God and signs, wonders, miracles, it's part of the power. But that power, the word, is much more than just a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Somebody falling over when God comes upon them. It's much more than that. It's a moving ability. Yeah. You will receive power. What is power? Power is the ability to move something. I don't want to go into the science of it, but if you want to move something, you need power. Power is the ability to do something, says the dictionary. And we know that we're not human doings, we're human beings, but God has given us the ability through the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do something, to move something. I tell you that that's something that we, I mean, we're so focused on the evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism being speaking in tongues and some of those manifestations, which are all evidences of the Holy Spirit. The Bible makes it clear. But one of the evidences that we often lack, we don't lack it, we just lack the joy of celebrating it, is that the ability that you have been given to move stuff in your life, that you can face any obstacle, that you can stand in front of any mountain in your life, and God has actually given you the dunamis power to move it, to shift things, to change things. You don't need somebody to impart to you, just through the laying on of hands, that you have received something to move something in what you've been given, the indwelling dunamis power of the Holy Spirit. And I feel like that's what God is doing in His churches all across this world, is He's raising up people that actually believe, I carry dunamis power, not just preaching about it, not just my pastor that's got it, I have got it. I carry that ability, I carry that strength, I carry the ability to do something, to move something, to shape something. He says you will receive power, and for what will we receive power? Then He says something beautiful, let's go back to that scripture, it says you will receive power for the EC logo, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the outermost parts of the world, in Somerset West, in Cape Town, in the Western Cape, in South Africa, you will be my witnesses, you will be my witnesses. What's a witness? A witness is somebody that has seen something, and has the power to testify of it. Think of a witness, if you've seen a crime, we'll call in the witnesses, I have seen something, I need to testify about it, it's a sin, you've seen it, you've experienced something, you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and it will be so real in your life, you will be a testimony of what God is able to do, who He is, what He carries, what is placed in you, you will testify, you will be like a signpost that points people to Jesus. And we often place that in this bracket of what I am able to say, that we think the witness, the testifying, is a verbal thing only, and I want to show you something this morning, it says out of that moment the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples, in the upper room, Acts chapter number 2, tongues of fire, mighty rushing wind, what a moment that must have been, the people think these oaks are drunk, I mean they weren't, you know, sitting there softly praying in the spirit, I mean for you to think that early morning, oaks have had too much to drink, there was a commotion in that room, may we see more of a commotion in our churches, I want to liberate you and say in this church, please don't pray softly, you don't have to just carry the TV kind of worship, or, I mean, go all the way, be reckless and lift them all the way if you can. Okay, in this church there's an expression of freedom, a love, an adoration that should have no limits, and I'm not saying just shout for the sake of shouting, but be bold, be crazy in your worship. Okay, so that was there, then Peter, the same Peter that just denied Jesus a couple of days ago, he's filled with the Holy Spirit, and one of the evidences that you are filled with the Holy Spirit is boldness came upon him, see it's not just can I speak in tongues, it's have you become bold, because if you're still a timid Christian and you can't testify, witness of Jesus amongst friends and family, then have you truly received everything that God wants you to give, hey, this was bold, this was courageous, can you stand in front of your friends and your family and say, yes, oh, it's like it's really for the year, I just want to push something in your hand, I get the other type of spirit what I drink, it's not that kind of a spirit, hey, and Peter preaches the gospel message, first time that a man stands up and he preaches the gospel, and the people, the Bible says they are moved in such a way that they say, what shall we do now, not one or two, we're speaking about thousands of people, that's cut to the heart, and they say, what shall we do, and Peter says, repent ye and be baptized, I mean, we can speak at water baptism as a symbolic evidence, but what happened in their hearts is what the evidence of the baptism was testifying about, that they were moved in such a way that they were saying, I'm willing to lay myself down, now I want to follow Christ, there's something that I don't want anymore, and there's something that I desire that I've never had in my life before, there's a moving in their hearts that takes place, there's a repentance, there's a turning away, once again, is that one of the evidences that we celebrate in one another, can we see that in one another, you see, you can speak in tongues for seven hours at a prayer meeting, but if you've not turned your heart towards God, if you've not laid the old stuff down, I'm telling you now that you're missing the full indwelling power of the Holy Spirit in your life, I'm not impressed by how spiritual you sound, and neither is God, what impresses God is if something moves within us, and I'm willing to lay stuff down, pay a price, submit to whatever He wants me to, follow in obedience as He leads me, that's the thing that moves the heart to the Father, and the Bible says that men came to repentance, follow Jesus through the waters of baptism, and then something incredible happened, I touched on it in weeks past, we see certain things that was happening in the church, Acts 2 verse 42 to 47 gives us like a summary, one of the things they started devoting themselves to the Word of God, they became testifiers of the Word, not testifiers of what Uncle Phil said on the Phil show the other day, or Oprah Winfrey's revelation, or my pastor's opinion on this, or my wife's view on that, they became testifiers, witnesses to the Word of God, they started speaking about Jesus, He was the highest authority, He was the one that they witnessed, the Bible said that's all we want, if He did it, I'll do it, if He didn't do it, I'm not going to do it, we follow Jesus, Jesus, if your church has become more important than your God, you're missing the boat, it's about Jesus, if your work has become more important than your God, you're missing the boat, it's about Jesus, it's the Word living, indwelling in us, not just I know the Word, I can quote the Word, I am becoming the Word, I've known some people in my life that it's like when they speak, all they speak is scripture, I knew a man, old woman, back in the day, as he was praying, every sentence that he prayed was Word, it was scripture, one after the other, just he prayed in the Word, he taught the Word, literally, he would like, I would sometimes message him and say, hey, I'm done and he would reply something like, Paul's greeting to the Philippian churches, grace and peace be unto thee, I mean everything he said was the Word, he became the Word, I sat in his presence and it felt like I was reading my Bible after I spent time with him, he became the Word, they devoted themselves to the Word, we spoke about it, to fellowship, depth of relationship, they devoted themselves to prayer, not are we praying, have we got a prayer meeting, have you devoted yourself, have you become prayer, you see the evidences of the Holy Spirit, baptism in our lives, it's not something we do, it's something we become, I become prayer, I become the Word, I'm not sure which one of the mighty men of David, I forgot his name now, one of the mighty three, he fought in such a way that his sword stuck to his hand, have you ever read that scripture, go read it, I'll find the scripture and share it with the second service, he fought so fiercely that his hand grew one with his sword, such a beautiful symbolic picture of the Word, the Spirit in me becomes one with me, I don't quote the Word anymore and it's not a little prayer that I say, I am prayer, I am the Word, I am communion with God, you cannot be in my presence and not feel like you have met with God, I become me, right, it says they devoted themselves to many other things, the gathering of the saints, it's when church is not optional anymore, the fellowship of the believers is, it's unnegotiable with me, I have to be with people, we have to celebrate together, we have to strengthen one another, you see if everybody in Empowered Church Cape Town came to one service, all decide we're going to all go to church on Sunday, this church would already be too small, but we've made it optional, please I'm not here to pick you over the fingers, I'm just saying it becomes part of the evidence of who we are, I want to be with a gathering of saints, with the Body of Christ, it says there's many other things that happen, one of the things that we see is the Bible says there was a great joy amongst them, one of the evidences of the Holy Spirit is joy, it's one of the fruits as well, it's not happiness, happiness is what happens when you get a new car, a promotion, that's happiness, joy is something else, it's a fruit of the Spirit, it's something within, you see joy cannot be contained, you can stand in the midst of the craziest storm of your life and still say, for God is for me, who can be against me, you can still wake up and your heart is alive to God, you can still see the beauty in life, in the face of death, joy is something that the enemy has got no power over, unless we give it away, and you've got a choice to say no, it will be an evidence that I walk with God, can I just be honest with you friends, we can the whole service long, but if I'm a non-believer and I walk into a church where everybody looks like they've had lemon juice before they came, I don't want to be in that meeting, you can give me the Greek, the Hebrew, the Aramaic, I don't care what you give me, but if you can't carry joy, I won't be in your presence, I have become allergic to people that's not full of the joy, really and I'm saying this, I love all people and I'll spend time and invest in all people, but who I choose to spend my time with, are the ones that's filled with joy, I have become, I've reached a place in my life where the sour lemons is not what I want to spend my time with, I want to leave your presence, be like Jack lovey liver, God is good, yes it was a great steak, hey I don't want to, I don't want to be in people's presence, it just tells me about the government, the problems of this and that, no, once again I'm not saying that I won't invest in people like that, but if I choose where I'm going to pray on Friday night, it will be with the ones that carry joy, right, it's the evidence, it's not what we do, it's who we become, it's not a haha, it's okay, it is who you become, you cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit and not have joy, you cannot, how do I know that? Well Jesus was, the Bible says, for the joy set before Him, He went to the cross, may I submit you today that even though the scriptures are not there, that Jesus went to the cross like this, yes there were moments where He said, Father can this cup pass me by, on that cross He was crying out, of course we all have those moments, but yet the joy set before Him made Him climb on that cross, please note nobody put Him on that cross, He put Himself on that cross, for the joy set before Him, what was the joy? You were the joy, you were the joy, and it's when we put our eyes on eternal things, that joy cannot be taken from us, you see if you focus on your salary and you focus on the government and you focus on the weather, then you can easily become disappointed and heavy in life, but if we focus on eternal matters, you'll always have joy, you'll always have joy, optimistic, make me think of a joke that I heard a while back, what's the like the biggest kind of an optimist, a guy that falls from a 20-foot building and then just before he hits the floor he screams to the guys, I'm still okay, okay sorry bad joke for church, but have we got that joy, it was one of the evidences of the Holy Spirit back then, they were filled with joy, the Bible says that they started giving to one another, can I maybe just say this before we start, I want to invite you personally to come to church next Sunday, because next Sunday I'm going to be teaching about the blessing and the breakthrough in giving, I want to boldly say I'm going to preach a sermon next week Sunday about money that will change your life, I give you my absolute vow, I will never, I have never, I will never preach a message to try and twist your arm to give next week, but I'm going to reveal to you something out of the word that will forever change your life regarding giving, finances, breakthrough, the blessing of God, God wants you to be blessed, you might see blessing as a prosperity gospel, I'm telling you now God wants you to prosper, why do we say that, because He says I want you to prosper in all things and be in health as your soul prospers, so next week I'm going to preach about money and it will, it will change your life, because it's not a principle, it's the heart of the Father that He wants you to catch, anyway so they understood something, I was just saying that, that's like a small bit of advertising for next week Sunday, come and if you need breakthrough in your finances, don't miss next Sunday, okay, so the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and one of the responses was they just wanted to give stuff away, you have just heard what I can give someone, hey they was like, Bible says that they started giving amongst one another and nobody had need, yes I've said this so many times in churches, can you imagine, nobody had need, if I ask you now whoever you've got a need, all of you will raise your hands, can you imagine how powerful that is, that nobody had need, might have been a want, I want to go to Maldives, but there wasn't a need, you needed nothing, because everything was supplied through the giving of the believer, hey, it's one of the Holy Spirit evidences, it's not something we do, it's not a principle, it's not because my pastor said I must, it's not because the Bible told me so, it's because something in me is happening and I can't stop myself from giving, hey, if you've never reached that place, you're missing out on, the Bible says it's more blessed to give than to receive, we also amen, but have we really understood the power of what that means, can you say as you sit here, no not now, can you truly say as you sit here, that it will be lackadaisical for you to give a million bucks away, than it would be for you to receive a million bucks now, hey, it's a good question, because some of you are like, yes a million bucks will solve a lot of things in my life right now, hey, it's more blessed to give than to receive, it's one of the evidences of the Holy Spirit back to them, really, I've seen people so stingy as they come and then God fills them, they meet Jesus, they have an encounter with Him, all of a sudden they just give stuff away, they become the biggest givers of everything, let's take Zacchaeus, the worst of the worst tax collector, a Jew stealing from his own people, I mean he was the scum of the earth, for real, study his life, he was the worst ever, like the most hated man in town most probably, he meets Jesus in a moment, in a moment, not after a week, in a moment, he says I want to give, his first response after meeting Jesus is everybody that I've stolen from, I want to give them back, not just what I've given, I'll give them back more, yes powerful, Holy Spirit back to them, the evidence of God in our midst, the power of giving, says there was a fear of the Lord that came upon them, not a I'm afraid of God, a fear, a reverence for God, we weren't walking around like God is my chummy, though he calls himself my friend, there was a reverence for God, I'm not sure if you've ever met God in such a way, that the fear of the Lord came upon you, I've had encounters with God, I remember the one night, I'm not sure if I told the story, we were praying, there was a season of our lives, where we prayed like every week in, week out, as often as what we could, if there was an open evening, we're there at our plot, where we live, sometimes we were four or five, sometimes we were 20, and we would pray right through the night, just pressing in for God, but I remember there was this one night, we were still praying, it was like an upper room moment, the next moment, the fear of the Lord, the presence, the weightiness of God came into that room, and it was so intense, I remember one of the guys, I'm not sure if you were listening or something, no you won't mind, his name was Willem, he falls down in the middle of the floor, and he screams out, not scream, but shouts out, but the fear of the Lord came so upon him, that he said, God please don't hurt me, and the reverence of God came in tears flowing, all of a sudden, we were in awe and wonder of what God was busy doing, the reverence of how big He is, how magnificent He is, flooded our hearts and our minds, you see, if you think God is just some buddha bheelke, you know, just God, then you've not met the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit yet, because if He comes upon you, He comes upon you in a way that you understand, God is so much bigger than me, God is so much, and the grace of God is way bigger than what you would ever imagine, but grace and truth always works together, they walk hand in hand, it's nothing like grace without the truth, and the truth is that God is God and you are not, that He is massive, and we love to quote the massiveness of God in response to what He can do for me, but I tell you now, it's the massiveness of God that makes me bow my knee before Him, and remind myself constantly, it's not about what God does for me, my response is God, what can I do for you? Yes, this gospel is a gospel message of a God that came in search of people, but as He found me, my desire should be, must be to find Him, and all of His glory, beauty, splendor, He's a holy God, and if we understand the fear of the Lord, the reverence of God, we'll understand the holiness, we'll understand that He's worthy, and we will live our lives in reverence towards Him, we'll carry something that will speak of the holiness of God in our lives, we'll stop entertaining the things that we know grieves the heart of the Father, if we stop dabbling with sin, we've not met God in all His splendor, you cannot be in the presence of a holy God and still negotiate with God, you cannot, you might have been in the presence of a church gathering, you might have been in the presence of God working in the midst of people, but if you've been in His presence, if you've entered the holies of holies yourself, there's something that you don't negotiate anymore, why is it that for centuries we're trying to convince people to stop sinning, man, if you meet with Him, if you stand in the presence of that incredible massive God, you don't want to sin, maybe you must stop preaching sermons about stop sinning and just point people to Jesus, that's what I'm preaching this morning, let your life become a signpost, a witness, a testifier, that points people to the holiness of God, that people come in your presence, I've had this many a times, people, hey hello, how are you, my name's Jericho, okay like what do you do, and then sometimes I feel like I don't even want to tell you, because people become religious, I'm a pastor, and that's after he's now sweated like 50 tons, and I hate that, because I want people to be real, to be honest, God loves that as well, but it's happened many times in my life, that people come into my presence, and before I tell them, I'm a pastor, please it's not about me, some of you can testify the same things, you would walk into a meeting, it's like the atmosphere will shift, all of a sudden people will be like, they've been throwing F-bombs for the last half an hour, but then they stop all of a sudden, you know what a F-bomb is, I once preached the sermon, and I titled the sermon, the F-word, it was double the attendance that we normally had in church, two story, yeah to the evening service, like double the attendance, everybody was there, and I spoke on forgiveness, so you with me, that not that we become bible bashers and religious, but just our lives, the way we live, just points people to Jesus, that you don't have to teach your kids, the right and the wrong, in you they see life and death, they see a dad and a mom, whose lives points to the holiness, the reverence, the fear of the Lord, you know, it says that there was an incredible love for the loss, that the disciples had, and God was adding to their number day, right, evidence in our life, that the loss becomes important, and I don't think as a church, I'm talking about global, we're there yet, because I mean, if we call a worship night, we'll have most of the congregation there, if we call an outreach, we'll have some of the congregation, I'm not saying this to condemn anybody, I'm just saying that's the reality, if you've had an encounter, if the Holy Spirit has been poured out on your life, there's a desire to see lost people being saved, there's a desire for that, there's a desire to see people coming home, I'm closing, we have received power, the Bible says, it gives the Spirit of God without measure, that means how much I'm willing and able to carry, hangs on my side, I give the measure, think with me, if he says he gives the Spirit without measure, then why do some of us carry a greater measure than others, it's because I hold the measure, and if I'm giving Jesus this, then you'll feel it, I want to give Him more than this, I want to give Him this, that God fill my life with so much of your presence, so much of your Spirit, that joy is everywhere, fear of God is visible, and the generosity of God flows from my life, everything we read about in Acts, the boldness, the surrender, everything, it's not something I do, I don't need a sermon to remind me, that's what we're going to do in the week, it's who I become, it's who I am, it's who you are, just look at me this morning, it's who you are, woe unto me if I preach a message this morning, come in for a landing and say, now let's go and do it, no, it's who you are, you carry that Spirit already, you carry that, inside of you is the seal of the Holy Spirit, and all I need to do is just say, I give you everything, last thought, I don't know, I missed that, one of the evidences that we see towards the end of Acts chapter number 2 is that signs, wonders and miracles were done by the Apostles, it's not something I do, it's who I become, I'm not sure you said it, I think, well, one of the great men of God said, miracles is the easiest part of what I do, because I don't do it, I'm just the vessel, choice is something you do, you're just the vessel, generosity is not what you do, it's the vessel, you become something, God working through a man, here's what I want you to catch, some of you sitting here, you desire signs, wonders and miracles, it's what you live for, it's what you want to see, some of you, you carry joy, unspeakable, some of you, God has graced you to be generous in giving, and I'm not saying that some of us should do some and the others should do the others, but there's some of us that carry a greater measure of the one than the other, every one of those evidences of the Holy Spirit baptism is seen through the Body of Christ, and I felt like as I read it again this week, it's like God was saying, can you imagine how easy people will find Jesus, witnesses, signposts, testifiers, if we all stand up in what we carry, and I feel like God in this day wants to breathe on people again, hey, I wonder if the disciples when they were sitting there in the upper room, I wonder what was the first sound that they heard when He was coming, what was the first sound that they heard when He was coming, one moment they're still sitting, praying in their understanding, God we wait, we wait, and then maybe they heard who come on let it breathe again this morning close your eyes let it breathe you Lord Holy Spirit won't you forgive us God for where we have lacked in the waiting we repent God where we've become uncomfortable in the stillness you ask the disciples to do one thing and that's to wait Jesus forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God forgive us if we're not waiting enough God May every single person in this church receive power to wait again the tenacity the courage the boldness the courage to wait to wait until you come Lord for those that desire breakthrough in whatever area of their life the joy the miracle that they will wait until it comes Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow upon us again in this morning Lord Holy Spirit come and blow 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