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A Deep Dive into Jamstack_ Why It’s the Future of Web Development

A Deep Dive into Jamstack_ Why It’s the Future of Web Development

Stephen AndekianStephen Andekian



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JAMstack is a new approach to web development that addresses the limitations of traditional websites. It involves pre-building the entire website and serving it via Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for fast loading times. The front end and back end are decoupled, allowing developers to choose the best tools for each. Dynamic features are handled through APIs and client-side JavaScript. JAMstack offers better performance, scalability, and security, reducing the need for maintenance. All right, so we're diving into something today that I think a lot of folks in web development are talking about, JAMstack. Yeah. We're looking at this article, a deep dive into JAMstack. Why? It's the future of web development. Okay. It's from October 8th, 2024. And we're gonna unpack it a little bit, see if it lives up to the hype. Yeah. What do you think? Yeah, I think it's an interesting topic. It's definitely something that is getting a lot of buzz, and I think for good reason. It's challenging a lot of the traditional ways that we think about building websites. Yeah, it is. And I've dabbled in building websites myself, and I can't help but think back to those days of dial-up and FTP, just getting a simple image uploaded. Oh yeah. Felt like a monumental task. It did. Thankfully, things have evolved. For sure. But it does make you wonder, like what are the pain points that JAMstack is even trying to address? That's a great question. I think it's easy to get caught up in the niche, shiny technology, right? But this really emerged as a response to some real limitations with traditional web development. Okay. Limitations, like what are we talking about here? Well, let's take a common example, like WordPress, right? Okay. A lot of people use WordPress. Sure. One of the biggest challenges with WordPress is security. Okay. Relying on this complex ecosystem of plugins, themes, and the core software itself, right? And each one of those components can have vulnerabilities, especially if they're not kept up to date. It's like having a whole bunch of doors and windows in your house. Totally. And each one could be a potential entry point for, let's say, some unwanted guests. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And those guests are constantly probing for weaknesses, right? So it's like this never-ending battle to keep everything patched and secure. Right, and I imagine that even with the best security measures performance, that can be an issue. Oh, absolutely. With a traditional website, right? Yeah, yeah. Think about how a traditional website works. Every time someone visits your site, the server has to generate that page content dynamically. Right. Often it's fetching information from a database, you know? Yeah. It's a very resource-intensive process, and it can lead to slow loading times, especially if you have a lot of traffic. Especially today. Yeah. Nobody has patience for that. No, nobody. If a website doesn't load like that, you're gone. It's the kiss of death for any website. That's brutal. And even worse, if your site can't handle a sudden surge in traffic, you could be looking at downtime. Oh, yeah. And that is a big no-no for any business or content creator. Right, and then on top of all of that, you have the maintenance, right? Right. It's like that leaky faucet. Oh, I know. It never seems to get completely fixed. It never ends, yeah. Always something to patch, to optimize, to update. Always something, yeah. Traditional websites require so much upkeep. Right. Just to make sure that they're running smoothly, that they're secure, and all that maintenance takes time. And it takes resources. It takes away from the time you could be spending, you know, actually creating content or growing your business. Totally. Okay, so we've laid out the pain points, right? Security risks. Yeah. Performance bottlenecks. Scalability headaches. Yeah. The ever-present burden of maintenance. Sounds like a recipe for a developer's migraine. It really does. But that's where, from what I understand, Jamstack kind of struts in. That's right. And it promises this, like, more elegant solution. Yeah, and to understand why it's causing such a stir, we really need to break down what makes Jamstack different. Okay, I'm ready to have my mind blown. Give me the Jamstack lowdown. What are we talking about? Okay, so instead of dynamically generating content every time someone visits your site, Jamstack advocates for pre-building your entire website. Pre-building, so you're saying, like, you have a finished product ready to go from the get-go. Exactly. Think of it like printing a book. Okay. Once it's printed, every copy is identical and it's ready to be distributed. Okay, that makes sense for something that's static, like, you know, it doesn't seem to change on the website. Right. But what about things that need to change? Right. What about, like, updated content or user interactions, that sort of thing? How do you handle that? That's where it gets interesting. So, Jamstack leverages what we call CDNs. Okay. Content Delivery Networks. Content Delivery Networks, got it. Yeah, you can think of them like a network of servers that are distributed around the world. Okay. And each one holds a copy of your pre-built website. So when somebody visits my site, they're sort of the closest copy, making it super fast to load. You got it, exactly. Okay. And what this does is it significantly reduces the strain on your main server. Right. And it ensures that your content is delivered like crazy fast. Right, because it's closer to them geographically. Exactly, regardless of where they are. Okay. Okay, that's impressive, but it sounds like we're just scratching the surface here. We are, yeah. That whole pre-building CDN combination, it's really just the foundation. Okay. To really understand the full potential of Jamstack, we need to talk about how it handles dynamic features. Okay, because, let's be real, most websites today, they need some level of dynamic functionality. Absolutely. You can't just have a static website. Right. It's not really how the web works anymore. And that's where the Jamstack philosophy comes in. Philosophy, we're getting all philosophical now. Well, it's less about abstract thinking. Okay. And more about a different approach to web development. What Jamstack encourages us to do is to decouple or to separate the front end of our website from the back end logic. Okay, unpack that a little bit for me. What do we mean when we say front end and back end in this context? So the front end is basically what the user sees and interacts with. Okay. So the layout, the design, the interactive elements. Gotcha. The back end, on the other hand, that's all the behind the scenes machinery that handles stuff like data storage. Okay. User authentication, you know, complex calculations, all that good stuff. Gotcha. So with Jamstack, you're saying we can have these two parts working together. Yeah. But not necessarily in the same way as a traditional website. Exactly. With Jamstack, the front end is no longer like tightly coupled to a specific back end system. Okay. It gives developers the freedom to choose the best tools for the job. Right. Whether that's a particular programming language or content management system or even a third party service. So it's more modular in that way. Exactly, much more modular. Okay, I'm starting to see how this all fits together. Yeah. I'm still curious about those dynamic features that we talked about, right? Right. How does Jamstack handle something like, let's say, you know, a contact form where user input needs to be processed? Yeah, so that's where APIs and client-side JavaScript really come into play. Okay. So let's say someone fills out a contact form on your Jamstack site, right? Instead of sending that data to your server to be processed. Yeah. You would use an API to connect your form to a third party service that's specifically designed to handle form submission. Okay, so instead of my server doing all the heavy lifting. Right. It's delegating that task to an expert service that can do it more efficiently. You got it. You're basically outsourcing that functionality to a service that specializes in it, yeah. That makes sense. And there's a lot of great services out there that do this, like. We're not done. Netlify Forms or FormSpray are great examples. And so they'll, they receive the form data. Right. They'll process it. They can even like send you an email notification. Oh. And without putting any extra load on your main server. Okay, and what about JavaScript? Where does that fit into all this? So JavaScript comes in on the front end. Okay. And it's what really makes your website interactive and responsive. Okay. It can handle things like validating user input in real time. It can dynamically update content without needing a full page reload. It can even do things like create animations and transitions to just like enhance that user experience. So if I'm understanding this correctly, Jamstack gives us kind of the best of both worlds. Yeah. We get the speed and security benefits of a pre-built website, but we don't have to sacrifice dynamic functionality. You got it. It's about leveraging the right tools for the right job. Right. And by decoupling that front end and back end, Jamstack allows for way more flexibility. Makes sense. Better scalability, better maintainability. It's great. Okay, let's bring this back to those pain points that we discussed earlier. Okay. How does this Jamstack approach actually address those challenges? Let's start with performance. Okay. Since Jamstack sites are pre-built and served via CDN, Right. Users are essentially getting a super fast, streamlined delivery of your content. Right. It's like having a copy of your website waiting for them on a server, like just around the corner from them. Right. Where they are in the world. So say goodbye to those frustrating loading screens. Exactly. Hello to happy visitors. Exactly, yeah. Happy visitors and because there's less strain on your main server, Right. It's less prone to crashes, even if you get like a sudden influx of traffic. Which addresses the scalability issue. Right, exactly. And with fewer moving parts on the server side, there's a smaller attack surface for malicious actors to target, right? Right. Making Jamstack sites inherently more secure. Makes sense. So less maintenance. Yes. Better security. Yep. Lightning fast performance. That's a pretty compelling trifecta. It really is. But I have to ask, with all these advantages, are there any limitations to the Jamstack approach? That's a good question. What kind of projects are like best suited for Jamstack? Yes. And are there any situations where it might not be the ideal solution? Yeah, those are great questions. And I think it's important to approach Jamstack with like a balanced perspective, right? It's not a magic bullet, it's not a silver bullet, right? It offers significant advantages, but it's not the answer to every single problem. So when is Jamstack the right tool for the job? Yeah. And when might you want to consider other approaches? It's kind of like, you know, it seems like it'd be particularly well-suited for websites where content doesn't change very often. Right. Like, you know, like a marketing site. Right, or portfolio. Yeah, online portfolio, something like that. Right. But what about more complex projects? Like what about e-commerce platforms or news sites? Right. Things that require constant updates. Right, right, where it's changing all the time. How do you marry those two things? Right, and that's where I think Jamstack's flexibility really shines. Okay. Because Jamstack isn't about using like a specific set of technologies. Right. It's more of a philosophy or an architectural approach, right? Okay. So even for dynamic websites, like that require frequent updates or user-generated content. Right. You can still leverage those core principles of Jamstack to build something that's, you know, secure and scalable and high-performing. Okay, so how does that work in practice? Like how would you handle, like let's say like a news site that has like, you know, constantly changing headlines and articles and things like that? So imagine this, you have a team of editors. Right. They're all working on articles. Right. In a content management system, a CMS. Okay. Now traditionally, the CMS would be tightly coupled to the front end of the website, right? Meaning every time an editor hits publish, the server has to regenerate that entire page. With Jamstack, you can use what's called a headless CMS. Headless CMS. Okay, now you're freaking me out a little bit. What does that mean? It's not as scary as it sounds. Okay. A headless CMS just means that it's separated from the website's presentation layer. So it's separated from the head. Oh, okay, okay. Right, so instead of like directly publishing to the website, a headless CMS provides content through APIs. Okay. Which are basically just, you know, messengers that let different systems talk to each other. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. Right. The editors can do their thing. Right. In the CMS. Yep. And when they're ready to publish an article, it's like the API automatically updates the website content. Exactly. Without needing a full rebuild. You got it. And because that website content is pre-billed and served via CDNs, you still get all those speed and security benefits of Jamstack. Right, right. Even with dynamic content. Having your cake and eating it too, that's amazing. So if I'm hearing you correctly, then Jamstack isn't limited to like, you know, simple, static websites. It's actually a very versatile approach. It can be, yeah. It can be adapted to a wide range of projects. You can use it for big, complex projects, for sure. Even ones with really complex functionality. Yeah, it's definitely capable of that. That's really cool. And I think that's probably why it's gaining so much traction in the web development world. It is. Because it seems like a very future-proof approach. Yeah, sure. Like you can create websites now that are not only fast and secure and scalable, but they're also highly customizable. Yeah. And maintainable, which I'm sure developers love. Oh yeah, for sure. Makes our lives a lot easier. Well, our source article boldly claims that Jamstack is the future of web development. It does, yeah. And while none of us can predict the future. Right. It certainly seems like Jamstack is well-positioned. I think so. To play a significant role. Yeah. In shaping the web of tomorrow. I agree. I think it aligns really well with where things are headed. Yeah. This whole emphasis on performance and security and scalability, that's huge. Right. And I think it really aligns with what users are demanding from the modern web. And I think that flexible API-driven approach that just gives developers so much power. Totally. To build websites that can really adapt to those evolving needs and technologies. Yeah, so for all you listeners out there, whether you're a seasoned developer or you're just starting to kind of explore the world of web development. Right. Jamstack is something that's worth adding to your radar. For sure. It might just be the key to unlocking your next big web project. It could be, yeah. I think the most important takeaway here, at least for me, is that Jamstack really encourages us to think differently about how we build websites. Yeah, it does. You know, it's about choosing the right tools for the job. For sure. It's about really prioritizing that user experience. Yes. And embracing this more secure and sustainable approach to web development, which I think is, you know. It's better for everybody, yeah. It's good for all of us. So. Sure. This has been an incredibly insightful deep dive into the world of Jamstack. It has. I've learned a lot. Yeah, me too. I always learn a lot from these. It's really amazing to see how this field of web development just continues to evolve. Always changing, yeah. It's always pushing the boundaries. Sure. Of what's possible. But that's all the time we have for today. Okay. As always, thank you to you, our resident expert, for guiding us through this fascinating topic. To our listeners, keep those questions coming. Yes. And we'll keep diving deep into the topics that matter to you. Sounds good. Until next time.

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