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Final Project Phase Two - Lit

Final Project Phase Two - Lit




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The podcast aims to explore why Christians are good to others. It includes an interview with Father Matt, who discusses how faith gives a new perspective on life and can lead to happiness. Religion plays a significant role by providing a sense of origin, destiny, and guidance. Goodness is found in people through the presence of God. Religion also helps individuals find purpose and meaning in life. Ethics exist naturally, but love for enemies requires revelation. Ethics alone can only go so far; true happiness and moral guidance come from religious teachings. The purpose of my podcast is to show why Christians are good to the people they meet in this podcast there will be background music My person that I chose to interview with my priest father Matt the different segments in this Podcast will be my interview and secondary sources now. We will hear my interview with father Matt How is a person who has faith in their life different from someone who doesn't have faith in their life Well, I guess it would give you a new perspective of death A height and a breath supernatural vision Okay, how can Christianity lead to happiness? Well, because we're aiming for ultimate bliss and that can already begin here by grace Okay, how can religion play a big role in someone's life? Well, it gives us our sense of origin where we come from our destiny, where are we going? And how we're going to get there. It's like a map for our life What do you think? Why do you think there are religious people showing business? Say it again Why do you think there are religious people showing showcasing business? well, because Well, how does religion show good in the people? Well, only God is good. So the extent that we find our Lord in people then there's goodness there Okay, how can religion lead to happiness? Well, because we're aiming for ultimate bliss and that can already begin here by grace Okay, how can religion play a big role in someone's life? Well, only God is good. So the extent that we find our Lord in people then there's goodness there Okay, do you think people are born with good ethics or do they have to produce good ethics? That's a great question And I would say yes and yes What we say is that we're born in original sin so we have a tendency to not choose our human flourishing But yet, we're not totally corrupted so we can be heroes and heroines of our own story But then when grace is added, persons become saints Okay, what kind of role does religion play in a person's life to make them happy? Well, I think we mentioned that how it gives them purpose, direction, essence of meaning When we're in love, we don't need a lot of things to be happy but we need hearts that are in love Okay, why do people believe in showing other people the good in life? Maybe it's what we were saying earlier that when you receive some good news, you want to share it with someone I've worked with a lot of couples and they get engaged and want to tell everybody So when we know goodness, we want to share that and that's attractive Okay, how does one's religion show them how to be good to one another? Well, I guess it would depend upon the religion Okay, and then how are religion and good ethics similar? That's a really good question I mean, ethics purely on a natural level exist But to love one's enemy, that you can't know just by nature So you need a revelation to know that that's what we ought to do to receive and love our enemies I think ethics can take you far but revelation and the ethics and the morals of that for happiness, that has to be revealed, I think

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