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Role of Mothers in The Family by Dcns Abiri 1

Role of Mothers in The Family by Dcns Abiri 1


Family Sunday Role of Mothers in the Family Dcns Bolape Abiri #Maritaatter

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Day and night he has been singing from the day he's born Every dear shout out, every call for praise That he's the Father he's born Father that's a confession to you this morning You are the Lord, you are the one that is speaking from the day and you are life forevermore Thank you for the salvation of our souls that we cannot quantify Thank you for taking us from donkeys and bringing us onto your throne Thank you for washing us by your word everyday Thank you for bringing light in our lives Thank you because of where you are taking us from And thank you because of where you are taking us to Father accept our thanks and change our ways The over we pray for ourselves this morning The over we pray some of us are mothers Some of us are mothers to be Some of us are grandmothers Father wherever we have wronged you Even in the prayers of our children We pray you will have mercy on us in the name of Jesus Father every sin that we do to be corrected Lord I pray you will open our eyes to it That we will not close our hearts to your word That your word will bring light Even unto us in the name of Jesus And those of us that are children Open our eyes to things that we need to be corrected So that at the end of the day when this video will be played We will not weep in our bloodshed Thank you Father because you will ask Lord Lord I resist my sins and Holy Spirit ask your way You know I don't know how to talk Lord help me to call God in the name of Jesus Give me your word Give me your word Give me your word Let me speak your mind Not of myself but of you and you alone in the name of Jesus Thank you righteous Father In Jesus name we pray Praise the Lord Praise the Lord I want to start this message with the hymn You know it started with prayer So it's not a wish Before we can get a Christian home We must pray for it And it involves labor It involves hard work It involves our strength even in it God give us Christian home It is not only It is only God that can give us Christian home Our wishing or planning it might not work No wonder the word of God said in Psalm 121 I will lift up my eyes to the hill from where cometh my head My head come from the Lord who makes heaven and earth Concerning this It is work By prayer And The Bible says with prayer And supplication We bring our request known unto God And I want to do some introduction And introduction I say Mothers are important in the home They are important in the family And mothers are important in the life of a child Praise the Lord You know how it will run Praise the Lord A mad woman You cannot just take her child She will run after you And will do everything possible To bring the child back Praise the Lord And I say A child can survive without a father I'm not saying that we don't need father I'm not saying that we don't need father Figo But supposing a father died early The child can still survive But if mothers died early It will take God To help the child To scale through All the growth of life You know there are a lot of things But thank God for Baba Jacob who was able to nurture Joseph In the fear of the Lord Joseph was able to stand Even while there were challenges While he was alone The mother died early While he was having the second child But he survived Hallelujah So the importance of a mother Can not be over-exercised Because it is all a child needs To achieve his desired strength And my mother used to say Mamala Abu The mother protects Mother covets Praise the Lord And mothers Majority of us Our Our mamas I mean our own mothers They are great grandmothers now We say How many of us have not heard it Praise the Lord I would have left you If not because of you You better do me work That was why I said it Praise the Lord They will tell us Which means children are All the state for There is no normal mother That will allow evil To overcome Or evil Or any evil To take advantage of their children No normal mother That's why Mothers will not leave All the time Praise the Lord Mother we protect Mother we cover Praise the Lord That is a correct mother You know they are correct mother And they are otherwise There are some mothers that they don't care Any mother who will allow his child To go and look for money When the child is very young Is not a correct mother Hallelujah Do we all agree Is not a correct mother And the song says again Caring Says care Care How can we accomplish this How do we become Such a mother That cares If we are not born again To be sincere with us That's why some mothers They go to extra miles To take power Because they want to preach They want to be important They want to be known They want to do this They want to do that But when we are born again Except the man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God And when we don't have the right perspective Perspective about God When we don't have encounter with God It will be difficult to be a correct mother Because we will still be Why it is not possible You don't know the kind of Home I am You don't know the kind of husband I married You don't know the kind of children That person will be giving excuses Why it will not be so But when you are giving your life to Christ Let's open our Bible to 1 John 1 Verse 1 and 2 And see what the account of John Verse 1 Verse 2 Verse 3 Verse 4 Verse 5 Verse 6 Verse 7 Verse 8 Verse 9 Verse 10 Verse 11 Verse 12 Verse 13 Verse 14 The word of life For the life was manifested And we have seen it And bear witness and show unto you The eternal life Which was with the Father And was manifested Unto us Praise the Lord Hallelujah When you have encounter Christ When you have an encounter With Jesus Christ Your orientation change What needs to bother you What you think It is so You might not be able to cope with this God will help you Because what is important in your life Is that you want God To be honored in the life of these children You want your home To be an example You want to be crowned As a quest As honor guest Even in your home And the only way why you will be honored At the end of the day In our life Is to do it the way Jesus expects you and I To do it Outside of that Praise the Lord Hallelujah Praise the Lord It is not only a prayer It is our determination Praise the Lord More than that We relate with Him You know We know what to do We do it right We not compare His home with another person And I want us to open to Proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 Please I would not want us to read from New King James or King James We can read from another version This is King James Proverbs 14 verse 1 Was talking about the woman Because before you can have The children Then you must have a home Do we have another version Apart from New King James Please read for me Wisdom built a house But fully with her own hands There is none The wise woman built her own house But with her own hands The foolish one Feared it down So who am I Who are you Are you a wise woman Or a foolish one I remember many years there was a lady that I brought to the attention of her mother in the Lord To counsel concerning her marriage She said Because I don't think There is the correct person What is important Is your home, your husband and your children Number one you are the first wife And already second one Is already there So what you need to do is to start your clan So that these children that you have Will do well in life Praise the Lord But to be asking someone who has never Experienced it Is out of it Praise the Lord Because if I know that It is not right The person we are talking The person in charge The person involved Is my in-law I don't have mouth To talk to her The only thing I can do is to Praise and to counsel Praise the Lord Anything outside prayer and counselling Go to the witchcraft Praise the Lord And today It is a star story It is a star story It is a star story A foolish woman Will scatter her house Because she will be believing that She has been cheated, she has been neglected She is on her own And her husband is not paying attention to her She needed something She needed another thing Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord And one thing That will help us as a believer As someone that is Regenerated Is that what do you want What is your expectation Concerning your children What is your expectation What are you looking on to Do you want your children to be Like yourself or to be better than you Praise the Lord Praise the Lord If we really want our children to be better than us Then we will forget Any pain Praise the Lord We will forget any pain And those children Will be our focus Our mothers, our grandmothers That told us that they knew the reason Why they waited They could not explain to us They might not be able to Explain to us They waited They waited So and then they don't know much about the scripture Because all the scripture is in your head If it is in our head And it is not in our heart You have missed this You have missed this What is important is that Do what you know about the scripture That is how people will know that indeed you are a believer But if you are just Coping up and Coping up From Genesis to Revelation Without Working with What we have heard We are not better than non-believers You know recently something happened That this man That I am talking about I don't want to mention but They are far away from the gospel But this man is in sin Hello Hello Far away from the gospel But this man is an angel So if If a religion Will work upon Their members To be good To have good behaviour And Jesus The church will go What Jesus has done in our life Could not Make us Could not make us to be dead to sin Then there is something wrong With our salvation There is something wrong with our salvation We need to go back Go back And ask God to help us More than we need to conduct ourselves What is your God's calling If you are going to be a mother That will show your children the way Then We must work upon ourselves You know the day There was a day I was at Our former church And somebody was analyzing Colossians I said Forgive I said this person does not know What this person has done That is why he is saying something like this I was just talking and talking And I raised up my hand I said Amen Thank God for our Father in the Lord Today he was talking about forgiveness And he said Sometimes people can Deliberate to offend you They know what is wrong Or They are not even aware That somebody Already offended Praise the Lord So there are two ways to life People can be deliberate to Offend you So that they want you to Miss it Because they know you carry glory It is because we have glory That is why the devil is Fighting Every time To make sure That glory Like Jesus said What are we going to do with the food Let me eat the food I am hungry And immediately he finished The boy collected That was just by the way So because we have glory Because the devil knows That your children is going to be The president of Nigeria The devil knows that your children is going to Be an important personality And he will make sure Women that he send you out of That home so that you will not be there When they are celebrating your children So what will you do You will strive To make sure you are around Praise the Lord You will do everything possible To make sure you are there You know when you are talking about Foolish women Some of us We go to the extent of Discussing our children Discussing our Other with our children I am not concerned With insults Whatever your man has done When you say Come and see what your daddy did to you What do you want to do What do you want to do What do you want that child to do For the daddy Praise the Lord What would you want Our children to do For our daddy It's gossip And God said he hates Sistine Gossip is part of it Then a man That sow Seed of discord Among brethren So When we are discussing About our spouse To our children We believe to our children They will respect them They will respect them Praise the Lord The Lord will help us In Jesus name So mothers need to Conduct themselves worthy Of our calling So that We can enjoy these children In Jesus name We can enjoy You know what helped me Was I read in the scripture In the book of Proverbs It said Let open to it Proverbs 29 What I'm Actually looking for Proverbs 15 What I'm actually looking for is that A wife Proverbs 15 Verse 17 So there's a scripture that I'm looking for It said a wise son Bring honor to the father It said and a foolish one Is a pain to the mother Is a pain to the mother 19 Thank you my sister 1920 Ok A wise son You know there's a song Normally sing when our daughters Are getting married I lie And I prayed one prayer I have three kids All my kids It is their father that will know about their spouse before me I prayed it too If we meet with death I don't want to know death first And God answered my prayer The first one The second one Even the third one So when God sees our acts He will make the life of our children to honor us Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord You know sometimes There are mothers That give money To their husbands And the children will not know Are you listening? Are you hearing me? The children will not know If you have exposed your husband That he doesn't have money Are you listening? Praise the Lord Are you listening? Because when the children grow up They will know you And they might not like you They will not like you So do everything possible To make sure you give them Proper treatment The Lord will help us in Jesus name And I want to talk on some Bad example of parenting Before we go to Good examples We have Proverbs 22 6 The Bible says train up a child In the way they should grow That when they grow up They will not depart from it The number one thing I want to talk about parenting Neglect of communication We don't discuss with our children We don't discuss with our children Discuss with them Talk with them Know what is in their mind Tell them what is in your mind Praise the Lord Please be your Children's friend And Enjoy them now that they are around When it comes If it comes to a time there is only two of you That will be in the house Praise the Lord That's what we are We are battling with now Because only two of us And When they Anybody who says he wants to Praise the Lord It's true Don't be too quiet Talk to your children Discuss with them Another thing I want to say When we don't have family When we don't pray with them Or pray for them You know this aspect of prayer Is very important You know Very very important I don't want example But I am just saying that When we don't have family And you are expecting Oh! Oh! If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray If you don't teach a child to pray Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Ah! Pray with them Pray with them Pray for them I remember the scripture I used to Psalm 144 And Psalm 140 Lord lead my children from the hand of sin Whose mouth speak vanity And their hand are ready to shed the innocent blood Lead my daughter They will not invite evil They will not walk out of iniquity They will not Praise thy Lord You know sometimes when we do this And it's activity is not forthcoming There was a time I said People that send their children abroad They are already sending money to them We are the ones giving them money I don't know that I have to wait I don't know that I have to wait Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Because if it's not immediately it goes Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord We have not taught them to do Yahweh We have not taught them to see one Baba All we have taught them is the word of God And prayer And so they will wait for their time And the Lord will help us In Jesus name Prayer is very important We cannot say go and pray When you have not taught them How to pray, pray with them Pray with them It's not five minute prayer Like my Zika in the church we say Praise God Praise God for the devil And Satan Satan go away You know you are praised Praise thy Lord And parents Bad parents Parents that are not happy when their children are being corrected Maybe your husband Some of us when our husband corrects our children They say I don't mind anymore When our uncles And aunties Neighbors and teachers But some of us it's the other way around Especially our dear teacher I remember When our first daughter told me After daddy did it He said He said He said Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord That's what the word of God says And In the olden days The only person that has one child Others Praise thy Lord When you misbehave When you misbehave It's not only your mother Grandmother we say Everybody we just put their mouth And then You cannot even blink your eyes Praise thy Lord The Lord will help us In Jesus name Some of us teachers When teachers scold our children We go to school and fight It's not right Some of us We will go to the school and report our children What the teachers Teachers were not aware that your children did it You go to school Yesterday I came to pick these children They told me They went somewhere Praise thy Lord The child We know there is no hiding place But when a child Believes that he can hide Under us Then we are misies We are not a role model We are not showing example We don't want to wear the crown at the end of the day And I pray we will have crown They will give us crown In Jesus name And not insisting on what is right No we don't insist Parents like that They are permitted parents And Discipline must be intentional Discipline must be intentional Praise thy Lord Like Take for instance you want somebody to sweep this place And he is sweeping You can't be sweeping with me and wear your shoes You remove your shoes Praise thy Lord Though I didn't invite People here for My birthday in the church My daughters too to say That this woman you are looking at Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord Praise thy Lord No No Please All these things They are signals And I pray in Jesus name God bless you And even in dresses Thank God nobody is like that In this church Because Our parents are listening Ah Ah Ah When somebody will bring A child to school Ah there were knickers Ah Consider those things They will come with knickers In the morning Thank God for this They said Stay outside And I was talking to somebody The way you dress And the worst Part of it was that I went out and I was Coming in and students from Some schools I don't want to mention the schools Said And they were saying Ah Because she was very Tall And the boys were coming behind her They were school children And they said Ah look at her physique She had them And she said mummy They are not from our school Maybe you see their uniform For me I can't use my mouth to tell her Because I know I won't use that Praise the Lord I'm a poor woman Poor woman That cannot be me What were wearing Clothes to cover the kidneys To expose Praise the Lord And you know when Children were nice He said mummy Tell the girls to sit well We sit down and do like this We are not school Do you understand what I'm saying He said some of Their clothes are transparent They are beautiful Then there was no time He said Because I think he had Admission And these are the things Some boys will be going through You have a boy in the house You have a girl in the house When you are not dressing well You are exposing yourself And the girls are exposing themselves You are giving ignorance to that boy Somebody came from outside And we were asking them Who has had Sex before And come and see Terrible things that these children were doing It came to a time I said What you do Because I have to invite some of their parents It is so bad That somebody is in SSU The boy is in primary 2 And he thought his brother Should be having And he said How can you do that So the Lord will help Everyone of us Amen And Not bringing them to church Because Thank God for my daughter My daughter that I saw this morning I didn't hear you You know when She might be able to explain to us And my daughter there She might be able to tell us Their experience in the university If they don't know the truth Here Before they enter the university I think someone knows Did you hear what I said I think someone knows If they don't know the truth Now That they are with us We want them to know the truth You know Catch them young As Christians are catching them So the devil too is catching them God has interest in your life God has interest in my life And the devil too has interest in my life So please mothers Mothers We will not be this parents This kind of parents In Jesus name And then be sure I want to start the example I want to start the example I want to start the example Of good parenting Number one Be sure of their salvation Be sure of their salvation They must be saved You know When the first three You know Thank God God helped us The last two They were twins When they wake up I am telling God I am grateful for waking me up How can you just wake up like drugs Without saying anything Praise the Lord Their salvation We must be sure that they are saved If they are not saved There is trouble There is fire on the mountain Because There are a lot of things All the children we see If we have twenty children together They might be attending fellowship Some of them are called They are into one Sacred cause or the other But when our children are saved You know There is going to be a mark That God the Father told Moses To put at the entrance of the door post Of their house So if you don't even see them They can't do them any harm So the Lord will help us In Jesus name It is very important That we make sure That they are saved You can even buy Books for them Like there is a book They call battle for the young It will be needful Especially those that are Teenagers For them to use The Lord will help us In Jesus name Give your children Time To read the Bible And explain it to them Give them time Give them time When I learned it from my mother And the Lord That Each day I should take Each day for each child So each day, Monday is for this Tuesday is for this, Wednesday is for this Thursday is for this, Friday is for this And each of the day we pray together Asking them questions What are the things that I do You don't like They tell me And I am asked Told me that I will write it down And I will now tell them These are the things you do That I don't like Then we are going to pray about it So following week when we are talking together Any changes Mommy, yes And that What they discuss with me I will not discuss with them Praise the Lord If not, they will not trust me again The Lord will help us In Jesus name Encourage our children To study well Encourage them To be better than you Praise the Lord Encourage Let's encourage our children to be better than us Somebody was telling Many years back I was thinking about And the man called my attention He said I said why sir He said because Some of you because you are very successful So where do you want Your children to start So If you are a professor Husband is an engineer Wife is a professor The children is Allah is equal to you And the children should be better than us Amen They should be better than us Because if they are not better than us They will tell everything that we have Everything that we have But if they are better than us We will be thinking What we have built is just like a chicken Praise the Lord What we have built is just like a So We must encourage them in their education There is a word of God that says You have to show yourself approved A work man That need not to be ashamed And the scripture that we ask our children I want children to write it down Psalm 1 1 to 6 Because we told our children then to learn it by heart Me Papa I know it They said it is the man that does not work in the council of your God Does this with the scoffers Does that with the sinner Because the light is in the Lord In the Lord he meditate day and night So he be like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water And whatever he does But the ungodly are not so They are like chaff Our children will not be chaff Let them study it So they will be careful Ungodly people Unfriendly people People that are not working right And they will run away from such In the name of Jesus Then Psalm 15 Then Psalm 1 19 9 to 10 We all know it by heart These are the scriptures That we have there And I wrote something Please love your children Let your children Let them be saved in your hands What do I mean When they come to you And they tell you about what they are going through And you don't expose them You will hear more Praise the Lord There is no confidence Don't tell your confidence About your children Nobody Praise the Lord And if I want to talk To anybody about my children I will take permission from them Can I tell And if they say no Yes I do it Praise the Lord And when you are talking about children Even we, we still do parenting My grandchildren When I was travelling I make sure that all the What we use for quiet time I took it alone And we sat together Now that we are in Christ We are doing the Believers class together One is already in university Like that, like that, like that Praise the Lord Please Parenting Because we could read from the Bible What Grandma Louis and Eunice did For Timothy So parenting is for life Motherhood Motherhood is for life Praise the Lord It's for life Like you know When this ministry Started I remembered There was a book that Baba brought To teach us and he was talking About the ark And he was talking about The ark, he said in the ark Snail was there Snake was there Lion was there And a lot of animals were there That if The children of Noah Think that That they are smelling And they are just messing around everywhere And they will want to go out of the ark What will happen to them? Let Let Let your children Let them stay in Christ That is Sometimes they can Make mistakes Praise the Lord And that should not be the end of the road Because they make mistakes The very day I saw somebody I saw one of my daughters Daughter's bag And I saw a girl Proposing to her to be her partner Let it be anything They were in secondary school there I said Please you may leave And apparently that girl The mother is a pastor The father is a pastor I said how did you and We say mummy Because me Because me I will check their bags I check their bags I check their wardrobe Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Hello How are you there And I bring the bag and I will open And I will not shout The very day I saw Boyfriend's letter I didn't shout I just said tell that boy You are only this year So you don't need him now Tell him to go Not to come to our house again Tell him If I tell him It will be trouble And I knew what I will do No more staying at home When we are doing Bible study in the church Sometimes prayer meeting we go together Bible study we go together It's because I thought that we will be reading our books That's why I said Stay at home and be reading No we go together We will finish Our service does not go beyond one hour One and a half hour When I am in the church And that helped me But if I have shouted And the day she was just talking to me I said what did I do I said even when you see That we are wrong With love you correct us And We We refuse To go The other way Because of your love Praise the lord Ah That woman that prayed for me That loved me What will I do I will That was Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord It started with my mind These things that our parents know how to do They didn't learn it from heaven Practice makes perfect If you don't want to know, you don't want to know But if you want to know, it will be better for you Because you don't know your bus stop You don't know where you are going Even if you are the wife of the governor or the president And you don't know how to do anything You become a nuisance They will not like you Praise the lord Praise the lord I have a house here I have a house here But she will not do it the way I want I take the water from her and I do it I will do it It is myself and my husband and our bed that we eat Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the lord Unless she doesn't want you in the kitchen Praise the lord Don't go and do You are going to do a Mugo You go there and then you do like this Please Be a role model That your daughter in law Will appreciate you When are you coming? You know when our son was to get When they had their first child He just Not my mother And when she had the second one The same thing happens Because me I will not sit down Praise the lord And that doesn't reduce me Amen That doesn't reduce me It only adds To me Praise the lord So I plead with us by the mercy of god That If we want to be honoured Later in our life If we want the life of these children To honour us Let us play our role Purposefully Purposefully Because the end result Is we show There was a time In our neighbourhood that I detected Something that A lot of things were just Happening and I said Me I have three girls I started praying The evil that is going in this neighbourhood Will not affect my girls In the name of jesus And one of the persons Because all our children are boys That was informing the children He said Thank you So prayer Prayer When you see something in the neighbourhood You don't like Not until it comes to your home Before you pray it off You start to pray it off Pray it off When you see some pattern And instead of you To pray it off And I want to say Children Please Do not ignore Household Either boys or girls Don't ignore them And I want to leave off with this A preserved Childhood Is better than a repaired Adulthood When somebody is trained a child Is a child A child It is difficult to train an adult Because an adult Has already formed an habit That will be difficult to change But when somebody is a child It will be easy for that child To listen And do Make correction Because It might be hard The Lord will help Every one of us in Jesus name I want us to pray I want us to make sure There is any aspect We notice In the life of our children Or in our own life I want us to plead with God That He should have mercy on us You know That He should forgive us Some of us will tell our children I want us to tell God Lord have mercy on me Lord have mercy on me Lord have mercy on me Lord have mercy on me Whenever I have wronged these children In the way I have been training them Thinking that I am putting them on the right pattern I pray that Lord you will have mercy on me Lord I pray you will have mercy on me Lord I pray you will have mercy on me Lord I pray you will have mercy on me Lord I pray you will have mercy on me Lord I pray you will have mercy on me In the name of the Lord Jesus Lord I pray you will have mercy on me In the name of Jesus I want us to pray Lord make me a correct mother Make me a correct mother Make me a correct mother Make me a correct mother That my children will be proud of later in life And mother Sunday last week One of my children wrote to me Mamma Disciplinaria I said thank you Make me a correct mother Make me a correct mother That I will not become a problem to my children My grandchildren In the name of Jesus I want us to pretend my children to God That any area Where we have sown a seed A bad seed in their life I want us to pray We uproot the seed We uproot the seed We uproot the seed We uproot the seed We uproot the seed We uproot the seed I want us to pray I want us to pray that God Help my life Help us to God And children I want you to pray That when mummy is talking You think that mummy is too much And she is the only one there Daddy is not saying anything Daddy can be quiet It doesn't mean that daddy is not talking I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God I want us to talk to God Jehovah we hand ourselves over to you There is a reason why you came to us And you came to deliver us So that we will be an example In everything we do Baba, whatever the devil has thrown into our life In the life of our children In the life of this generation That will not make us to raise our head up among others Today we oppose them in the name of Jesus Father we plead with you That father you will help us You will help our children Father they will desire life And they will desire to follow God No matter how difficult it looks When they are with their peers In the name of Jesus And in the name of Jesus Let them not have anything to do with them Thank you father because of you Let's say this in the name of Jesus Baba, that when we are growing old Let our life showcase Jesus That these children that we labor on They will decorate us In the name of Jesus Thank you righteous Father In Jesus mighty name we pray

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