Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
God that you would do to us what no man can do to us in hearing we will hear your voice in seeing we will see to your secrets in understanding you will quicken our mind we shall leave tonight rejoicing in Jesus name we pray and amen can we celebrate the father of this house thank you so much for being a blessing and for trusting to invite me to come I feel very honored to be invited to this great church and with us is our deputy in the state thank you sir for being here it's an amazing it's an amazing deputy chairman he is a Christian and it's good to work with him I can tell you we've had the best of our time and the first time and the second time will be better by the grace of God and we learnt a language in our first time it's called begging God so that you don't beg men and it became a slogan among all the schools that if you beg God you will not beg men men will be commanded to do you good because I think they are alone so it became a slogan and every time you meet any of the escort they say well I'm the only one and and Bishop Lucy has been begging God and has been showing so you must teach us the secrets praise God I will thank God for every Sunday where these are elders in our city I want to thank you sir for coming here Papa Mama nice to see you today again we're honored to see you yesterday do you have your Bible can we read together a few verses you cannot sit down until we are finished reading Acts of Apostles chapter 3 and I must thank my wife for making time to follow me here yeah she's a very busy woman I'm also asking God to make me busy like her one day but that she can come with me I thank God praise God all right Acts chapter 3 verse 1 to verse 7 and then verse 16 that will guide us today I shall read verse 1 we all read verse 2 and in that manner to verse 7 now we're ready make sure your voice is heard and if you are using your robot translation read to yourself alone only English people should read loud is that okay all right now Peter and John one up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour verse 2 and a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried one day late daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask arms of them that enter into the temple we see Peter and John about to go into the temple acts and arms and Peter fastening his eyes upon him what John said look on us and he gave heed onto them expecting to receive something of them then Peter said silver and gold are well known but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk verse 7 everybody and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength verse 16 and his name true faith in his name has made this man strong what you see and know yea the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all may you receive perfect soundness in the name of Jesus you may be seated few thoughts number one the hour of prayer must not fail around you prayerfulness generates divine presence prayerfulness makes you bold prayerfulness bring light into the darkness of life prayerfulness strengthens your persuasion in the word of God you have been written prayerfulness gives you assurance that God cannot lie prayerfulness makes you see beyond your natural sight and every time you are prayerful you start looking like the one you pray to did you hear me when Jesus prayed in matthew 17 the bible says his contenders were all altered he began to look like the God he was praying to and bible says his face began to shine his eyes were glittering his gray men changed physically because when you are consistently prayerful you start looking like the one you talk to daily you start thinking like the one you talk to daily you don't think like men think anymore you think like God think because you are prayerful and you will be godful did you hear me prayerfulness makes you godfulness so here was Peter and John going to the temple in the hour of prayer may your visit to church regularly may it be a bad season of prayer not a season of gossip as they were approaching the temple in the hour of prayer it suggests those hours have been rolling and they were going again for another season going again look never get tired praying if you have never been afraid before i have and the cure i had was to bow my knees to pray i felt so fearful i felt the devil has come so close by my wife okay so you can double check the story and i was in the hospital i came to greet another person who was sick and i saw the doctor nurses running up and down over this young man and finally the young man died and they have covered him in the hospital you know the way they do they have condoned the place and then thank you God help them and may God bless them so they cleaned up the place and then the mother fell on the ground in the open hospital she's a Yoruba woman Yoruba have some terrible languages they use if i'm a Yoruba man there are some languages i would delete she fell on the ground and shouted you know that kind of language that's a terrible statement she's and even other patients in the world now they are crying for this woman but i don't have we have just come to say thank you oh our face on mine only when you become something in life remember this ministry wherever you are come and look for this ministry and because what is those words never left me never left me and then we prayed with them and to tell you how poor they were i said i have to give them money to go imagine is a son of a noble that God used me to raise say so i said God why is it that it's only those who are struggling you send on my way and when they get it the miracle the healing i'm telling this i'm telling you i told God in prayer i said God my other colleagues are praying for me they are collecting the one i have and God said to me you are sowing to the future that a day is coming more than billion of money will come so keep sowing keep helping keep changing and keep giving them the little you have don't feel bad at all because that is how to have a last don't feel bad at all because that is how to have a lasting increase and some of you pastor knows what i'm saying there are times all those you are praying for are in pain like you are in pain when God answered them who knows what i'm talking about here stand up let's pray it in his name as make this man whole help in Jesus name did that man find help in the name of Jesus did the man met Jesus physically no he met two disciples of Jesus we do not have money but Jesus it is such as we have we give we give we give in the name of Jesus and that's the prayer i'm praying today i'm praying for you for help in the name of Jesus lift up your hands to heaven as a father in the name of Jesus i rise from my lap to find my cross give me a new season a season of joy a sudden action my spotless do this for me oh God in the name of Jesus coming again to pray in the name of Jesus i receive help in the name of Jesus i receive help in the name of Jesus i receive help in the name of Jesus begin to talk to God every hour you need help begin to mention to God i receive help in this area in this area in the name of Jesus all that your servant has for me tonight is in the name of Jesus i receive help if that help in the name of Jesus can change the location of this man laying from the womb now it's my turn i receive help in the name of Jesus i receive help in Jesus name we pray now on a very serious note if anyone is in this meeting i will say Lord Jesus i need an urgent intervention i need your help in the name of Jesus if it is very urgent for you please come to this altar and as you are coming you are making your declaration i receive help in the name of Jesus i receive help begin to mention the help that you need be very specific i receive help in this area in the name of Jesus Lord i have come to your altar i receive help in this area in the name of Jesus i receive help in this area in the name of Jesus say Lord you hear my voice today i receive help in this area in the name of Jesus oh God this is what the doctor says oh God this is my medical report i receive the help of God in the name of Jesus oh Lord i need help this man that has followed us from birth this man is martyr followed him from birth until he was 40 years every street inheritance every wrong thing troubling my life every setback around my life i receive help i receive help in the name of Jesus i rise from you oh God i rise from you oh God hear my voice tonight oh God hear my voice tonight i receive help i receive help is there a loss of memory that you have forgotten things you said to me my mind will be sound my memory will be sound in the name of Jesus is there a sickness you have been managing for a long time talk to God now in the name of Jesus i have great expectations i receive your help i receive your help i receive your help i receive your help are you troubled over your child begin to talk to God Lord i receive help for this my child i receive help for that my child let there be divine settlement Lord let there be help for my children begin to talk to God it could be financial it could be spiritual begin to talk to God Lord i receive your help Lord i receive your help hear my voice today you have this lame man he was lame from the womb you helped him you helped him you changed his story when they came to look for him to carry him home he was in the temple he was dancing full of life oh God change my position tonight change my location tonight change me from that pitiable condition to a blessed position Lord help me help me with every way you can help a man i am that man in dear need of your help arise for my help oh God arise for my help oh God thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father i receive help i receive help i receive help let me help let me help oh God i am at my lowest point help me help me help me oh God i receive help in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray Father i bow my knees on behalf of everyone at this altar tonight and i say oh God hear our voices tonight we receive mighty help mighty help mighty help mighty help the Bible says i am the Lord help him mightily while the next person we receive mighty help every matter you arrest before God tonight receive help receive help receive help receive help receive help receive help receive help in the name of Jesus does one know your location your location of shame and pain they will come and they will not find you there but cause you i receive help in the name of Jesus thank you Father build on this convention more and more do more greater things let the sick under the sun of my voice be healed now let our prayers be heard now let there be mighty help in the name of Jesus thank you Father in Jesus name we pray and Amen so return to your seat rejoicing giving him praise because he has wiped away our tears and our joy is full praise the Lord how many pastors wives are here did you notice my wife came to answer the altar call it's one of the big lessons working with God many many years ago in our marriage my wife used to have a particular sickness that was troubling her and every time i am praying preaching and healing for people she will not come out she will say it's my husband when we get home he will pray for me and she was very sincere and when we get home she will say my husband i heard those testimonies i said let's pray and genuinely i will pray with her and she was asking me genuinely let me not disturb you since i am your wife when we get home he will pray with me and she never got healed until one day God said to her anytime your husband is speaking for me the moment you see him as your husband you have lost God because he speaks for me he is not speaking as a husband he is speaking as a man of God and if you respond to anything you say that you need and you answer the altar i will do it the next time she follow me to go and pray and make an altar call for that particular sickness that she used to have she was number one to come to the altar i was shocked i looked at her there is a way me and my wife can talk even if you are looking at us face to face you won't know how to talk anymore are you hearing me so i looked at her and she said you are talking for God now stop that thing and then we prayed with other people and her and that was the end of that sickness till today she came out today but i just felt i should use that to caution pastor's wives you got what i am saying pastor's wife once your husband stands for God honor him God bless you i must thank Babae Jaopo that is where i used to call him is that ok Bible says treat elderly people as fathers it is only for official reasons when i say reverend Jaopo you know him two of them are near me there Babae Olawoye and Babae Jaopo and they have been very kind to me so did you get a copy of this flyer this is a special invitation for you to attend the 34th annual leadership conference 34 years of hosting ministers of God please plan to come registration is free feeding is free as the law provides and we are having people delegates coming from 26 nations from America some people coming from the US from different parts of Europe from the United Kingdom and of course from Canada from different countries in Africa and of course across this country so plan to be there i was very encouraged 20 bishops in the country called me and said to me 20 bishops are coming from their college to Nigeria to come and attend this years leadership conference they will be coming for the first time 20