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Nothing to say, yet
In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the tragedy of the main character is influenced by his ambition, the prophecy of the three witches, and the manipulation of his wife, Lady Macbeth. Macbeth's downfall begins when he believes the witches' prophecy and becomes consumed by paranoia and guilt. Lady Macbeth pushes him to commit regicide and challenges his masculinity. The psychological state of Macbeth plays a significant role in the unfolding tragedy. The witches symbolize darkness and tap into Macbeth's dark impulses. Ultimately, Macbeth is unable to resist their manipulation, leading to his demise. In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, we explore a whole wide range of emotions, traits of each character and learn lots about them, of their ambition, power and moral corruption which leads into the tragedy, from the start when Duncan rewards Macbeth the Anne of Cawdorl. What has lost noble Macbeth had won, and the thing that we will be talking about is who did he believe is the influencer of the tragedy in Macbeth. Macbeth, a noble and highly valued man in Shakespeare's story and a person I think he dug his own hole in his ambition to become king in the end killed him and destroyed his life because of the prophecy from the three witches, which Macbeth believes in and thinks he needs his prophecies to happen. A person who is only responsible for his actions and in the end he let his thoughts take over and forget his morals and beliefs and as he is the noble of Scotland which he has a high reputation. The downfall of Macbeth started when the three witches told him the prophecy at the start of the play which led Macbeth into a rapid spiral into madness, paranoia and extreme guilt. Macbeth has some major character flaws which led into the tragedy of Macbeth. Firstly, when the first prophecy came true, two truths are told as happy prologues to the swell acts of the imperial theme is what Macbeth said and the thought of him even becoming king of Scotland made him to the current king of Scotland, King Duncan at his house party which Macbeth thought was a good idea to murder him and then blame it on the king's servants. Another person which you could argue was the influencer of the tragedy of Macbeth was Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth. She was always whispering into his ear that he could become king and she could become king if they just made the first step in killing the king which also was Macbeth's cousin. I personally think that Lady Macbeth had a massive impact into Macbeth's madness and his experience due to him seeing things and imagining things. She persuaded Macbeth into killing King Duncan at the side where Macbeth got the news. He said, if chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my servant. By saying that he wasn't man enough and he didn't have the courage like a noble he once used to be and she used gender to push him into killing King Duncan. In the play Macbeth said that you will turn a blind eye to his thoughts. Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at his hands, yet let that be which the eye fears when it is done to see. You can tell that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are not doing the roles that each gender is supposed to do for the men and women. She said to Macbeth, when you durst to it, then you are a man. And when you be more than what you were, you be so much more than a man. He was supposed to be a man and have the courage to become king but he was either of those. Then Lady Macbeth also wasn't fulfilling her role because she had the authority over Macbeth and she also couldn't have kids and that was her purpose to have kids. After the killing of King Duncan, the king's son Malcolm fled to the country and went to England because he thought that the killer would be after him because he is a rightful heir to the throne. Then Macbeth remembered that Banquo, his best friend had also a chance of becoming in charge of the throne as the three witches said in their prophecies. So Macbeth got some to go kill Banquo and his son. After this Macbeth's mental health declined and Lady Macbeth's ambition grew too great for her to deal with. She couldn't cope and ended up killing herself before Macbeth went into battle. In Act 5 Scene 1, Lady Macbeth started to sleepwalk because she had been affected by the killing of the king. She slept walked and she started washing her hands to get rid of the blood but the only thing she was getting rid of was her guilt and she was feeling and this led into the breakdown of Lady Macbeth's character. The tragedy of Macbeth wasn't Macbeth's fault but it also was Lady Macbeth's and the three witches which led Macbeth into his ambition was set place in Macbeth's head. The prophecy which was talked about in the play set the trigger for Macbeth to make his decision to kill King Duncan. The three witches manipulated him in a way so that his weakness and manhood could get exposed and they said, all hail Macbeth who will be king in the future. Straight to get his attention. Another one of Macbeth's characteristics is that he has a lot of desire to fulfil the prophecy in which he goes to extreme lengths as the witches are one of the supernatural powers in the play and they play a big role in which leaves a supernatural sense in the play and foreshadows a dark and eerie feeling for the rest of the play. It also leaves an uncertain and mysterious feeling for what will happen when the prophecy is set in his head. The whole tragedy of Macbeth could have actually been a reflection of what was going on in Macbeth's psychological state. The only thing that the three witches and Lady Macbeth could have done was manifest those inner demons to come through from Macbeth and haunt him until his death. The inner demons only reflected darkness within his soul, morals and values of Macbeth. Macbeth said that for them the gracious Duncan I have murdered put raccoons in my vessels of peace. The three witches really tapped into the really dark and ambitious part of Macbeth which you couldn't expect from a noble. The witches symbolised a darkness in the play and the dark impulses that Macbeth has to deal with. The confusion messed with his mind and the guilt caught up with him before he did the killing of King Duncan. At the start of the play Banquo and Macbeth saw the witches and started to talk to them. Banquo set Macbeth aside and said to him, he doesn't think that we should trust what they are saying and he said he has a bad feeling about what they are saying and he said that they are instruments of darkness and that what they are telling us is half the truth. But Macbeth said that they are saying two truths and they were Macbeth's primary call to action. He was still not strong enough and fell into their pressure and after he fell into their pressure he said, oh, full of scorpions in my mind, dear wife and noble man, he should display the courage and stand up for what is wrong. But he got manipulated and got sidetracked on what is right and led astray. From this you can tell that Macbeth wasn't strong enough to handle the manipulation from the three witches.