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Shubhan and Alaka

Shubhan and Alaka

Sidh Prajapati



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The transcription is about the CRM team at Koala Invest focusing on providing a seamless journey for clients during the building process. They communicate with builders and finance teams to ensure smooth progress and provide regular updates to clients. The marketing team aims to make clients aware of investment opportunities and also collaborates with the Koala Conservation to adopt koalas for clients when a property is handed over. The unique initiative sets Koala Invest apart from other property investment groups. The game is so hard, go for it. Am I starting? Yeah, so who's the host? It's already synced, you don't need to clap. Hi guys, I'm Siobhan, so I work with the CRM team in Koala. So we really want to focus on basically building a seamless journey for the client, during the whole building stage, from the start when they sign the contract to the end when they have handover. So to do this, we're really in communication with everyone during this period, the builders, anyone relating to the finance for the building of the house and everything. And this basically ensures that the client can smoothly reach handover. This ensures that the client can smoothly reach the handover stage without having any issues or anything. PC stage goes smooth as well and everything. So during this process, we really also provide updates to the clients on a regular basis. Not only does the builder do that, but we also keep in touch with them, so they constantly know what's going on. Marketing-wise, they're aware and they're aware of what stage the house is on. And if they need any other updates, they can easily contact us. And this is applicable to basically, it doesn't matter which state the house is being built in, if it's Queensland, Western Australia, they can still easily get updates and know where their property is at. So this kind of relates to the marketing as well. We'll turn our hand over to Alka here, who looks at the marketing. Hey, hi. Thank you, Suman. Thank you. So I'm the marketing head for Quala. And my job is to basically make Quala look good. Not really, but see, Quala believes in collaborating with its client. And my job is to make that collaboration happen. Happen beyond where the relations, beyond or before starting the relationship, and beyond the relationship when it ends. So we believe that a happy client is happy Quala. So let's say, let's take a scenario, okay? What is happening in the war in Australia? Where is the pocket rocket suburbs? Where are these things coming from? Where is the information? What is happening with the inflation? There's so many things. So at Quala, we believe that this information should be passed to the clients, to be passed to the audience, so they are aware. And this is where marketing comes into picture. So we are making aware of all the people in this Australia. Those who are looking into property investment, to be aware and be an informed decision maker. And this is where my part comes. And then when somebody joins us in the journey of being a client, and once the journey is over, we also believe that the happiness that they have found should be the other people. And we take testimonials, and we have associate profiles. We are very engaged with them. And we also do a lot of team engagement, like as you can see now. And yeah, that's basically what. And we have started a new initiative. It's not a new initiative. Quala Invest is born. The birth of Quala Invest comes from Quala, the love of Quala for us. We have recently joined Port Macquarie Hospital, and we want to promote it. And we are there helping qualas to survive when there is any endanger come to them, because they are already endangered animals. So like bushfire comes. There is so many things that happens to them. So any happy client that we have, we donate certain amount to Quala to conserve them. And that's what is Quala for us. Yes, so Quala Foundation is to add on that basically. So every time basically a property is handed over, we contact the Quala Foundation and adopt a quala for the client. So the certificate is under the client's name. So the certificate is under the client's name, and they really appreciate our work as well, part of that. So just being a part of Quala does not mean that you are buying a property. You are also helping some qualas, cute qualas. Yes, for sure. That's really cool, yes. Because it brings another element to the kind of property, yes. It's pretty cool, yes. And they have like different names, the qualas and everything. You can kind of pick a name when you adopt the qualas. Yes. You started? Yes, I started. Hey guys, so my name is Siobhan. I work at Quala Invest. So I work with the CRM side of things. So basically you really want to focus on making it a smooth client experience, a seamless journey for the client from the start to the point where they sign the contracts to the end, handover, get the keys and everything. So to do this, really we're in communication with everyone on our end, the builders, anyone in finance, everyone that takes part of this whole building process basically. And we simply give this information to the client for them to easily understand and, you know, a way they can. So we give this information to the client in a simple way they can easily understand, you know, providing a seamless journey for them basically. So this is basically, you know, we provide updates and if they have any inquiries, they can easily e-mail us or call us over the phone, talk with anyone, you know, easily call me over the phone or speak to our director easily as well. And basically, you know, even the builder sends updates, but I'll cut that out. Yes, we really make it an easy journey for the client. And so this would basically work no matter, you know, what state the property is being built in, you know, Queensland, WA, NSW, South Australia. We still are in touch with everyone all over Australia so we can easily communicate with them and, you know, reply back to the clients easily. So using all this information, you know, we really mark, we really want to brand Koala, Koala Invest, and we really, we'll retake that. So using all this, and we really, you know, market all this with Koala Invest, which Alka helps us out with. So I'll give it over to Alka to have a chat maybe. Hey, thanks everyone. Hi, I'm Alka from Marketing Care of Koala Invest. So first the basic thing of marketing is being aware, okay. So and Amit's reason for Koala Invest is very, very, he's very passionate about it. And my job is to make the audience aware of his reason of capital growth, rental yield, how to build portfolio, how to build the belt, all these things. While we are making aware of all these things, we also have another part which Koala Invest is very passionate. It's about koalas. We have recently gotten the association with Koala Conservation, and we have, we do a lot of things with that. We help koalas, and the most endangered animal in Australia right now. But before handing over to Subhan to say more details about koala, what we are doing with Koala Conservation, I would like to tell you a very clear dialogue. Like, subscribe, and follow us on all social media. Yeah, we can do that. Okay, sure. Yeah, so we work, we're really lucky, you know, really lucky to have a partnership with the Koala Conservation basically. So these guys, you know, help out koalas, you know. So what we do is, for every property that's handed over, we adopt a koala with them. And, you know, this really brings a new element into a kind of property, and I think makes us unique from other property investment groups because not only are we, you know, just simply just handing over the property, we're also adopting a koala, yeah. And you get to name the koala. You get to name the koala. It's pretty cool, actually, yeah. With that note, we'd like to end, but do follow us, okay? Koala Invest.

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