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Dhawal and Mandeep

Dhawal and Mandeep

Sidh Prajapati



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Mandeep is a proud associate of Quora Invest, a unique property investment company. Quora focuses on investment properties that provide positive yields, making it easier to hold onto those investments. Depreciation is an important aspect of property investing, as it allows for tax deductions. The depreciation is higher for brand new properties compared to existing ones, resulting in a greater tax refund. These are just two tips discussed, and more educational videos will be provided. Mandeep, how are you today? Yeah, good. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Good. Thank you. So, Mandeep looks after our accounting and taxation, so proud and also proud associate of Quora Invest. So, Mandeep, tell us about Quora Invest, how we are different to other companies. So, hello everyone, this is Mandeep from Ninefolds Accounting and Tax. I help lots and lots of property investors help achieve their investment goals by trying to maximize their tax position. And part of my journey, I have come across Quora Investment Group and I am proud to say that I am associated with them because I have realized that Quora's approach towards property investing is very, very unique and it is one of a kind. I will further elaborate what I mean when I say it is unique. So Quora has the team at Quora and everyone are very much property enthusiasts. They have been helping the clients for over a decade to achieve their property goals. They focus on investment properties which gives positive yields, which as we know in the current interest in our environment, it becomes very, very easy to hold those investments if the property is returning you positive cash flow. So not only it helps you to grow and add more investments down the track, it is not hurting your pocket while you are holding it. So that is one thing I find that Quora is very different to a lot of other property strategists in the market. Thank you. A bit of a tip over here for which kind of property we should be buying as an investment. Thank you very much. I was just touching based on the depreciation as to claiming of depreciation and the tax benefit between an established property or a brand new property. Could you throw some light on that? Yes, sure. So depreciation is a great tool. Everyone who is into property investing should really consider and focus on this aspect as depreciation will help put some money back in your pocket. Depreciation is a non-cash expense. So you are not actually spending money to get that deduction unlike a lot of other expenses. So the depreciation is particularly high on the new build, which is what Quora specializes in. So when the property is brand new, the depreciation you get over the life of it is going to be a lot higher than the existing build. So this in result means that you are not effectively spending money. It is not a cash outflow, but it results back into a greater tax refund when you prepare your tax return. Okay, fantastic. I think today we have got only two tips, but I think those are amazing and I am going to take lots and lots of videos providing more education on this one. So thank you very much, Mandeep. I really appreciate your time today. No problem. Thank you. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Bye. Wonderful.

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